
How do we actually stop feminism?

Day by day, it gets stronger, and it has no real opposition. It makes young males want to opt out of society, and makes life very hard for them. Meanwhile, women benefit from feminism and chivalry, and western society is constantly putting them on a pedestal while it's shitting on the men, especially the young men.

Why does feminism keep getting stronger, and why does nobody try to actually stop it?


What opposition does it have? A bunch of guys on the Internet that get memed into oblivion?


Come on guys, please don't sage my fucking thread. I thought we could have a genuine discussion here and at least try to come up with some solutions.

Feminism is cancer, treat it as such. Slap the bitch and tell her to shut up when men are talking. If she rebels, kill her. As for the manginas or other white knights, if they attempt anything, kill them on the spot.

What are you talking about? The establishment props up feminism. It's dying amongst the populace. The fact that they're shoving it in our faces now more than ever, yet receiving more negative feedback than they have in decades is proof that feminism will be dead soon. They can only prop it up for so long.

Let it expand to the point that no one can tolerate it any further. They tend to be their own red pill. One thing's for certain, they waste a lot of money on non problems and can never be satisfied. If people haven't woken up to it, they must shortly because soon they will have no choice once the well runs dry.

Haha! When's the last time you interacted socially with a real person?

Fuck off woman hater.

Feminism is a self-destructive movement that was artificially being boosted to keep going, it's on life support right now and will soon die.

That's where were at. The balloon is at max capacity and about to burst. We're seeing the death throes of feminism before our eyes, not an expression of their power and influence. They get nothing but hate. It's not a subject worth stressing over. The beast is done. And it wasn't even killed with facts and logic, it was killed with snide comments and an appeal to humor. The upcoming generation is going to hate feminism long before they get to college to be indoctrinated to love it. They won't be walking in ignorant. Their lives revolve around the internet, and the internet is ours.

Don't you have a fat ugly blue-haired bitch to pine over?

Yes, praise kek for he does not approve of such vermin in his realm.

Approximately an hour ago, when I disfigured that bitch from HR for life after she got a fit over the existence of urinals in the mens room.

But I still see a lot of cunt feminists and white knight faggots on the Internet. And western society has no doubt been affected by how it favors women over men. It shouldn't be like that. We still have a lot of work to do.

No, it's not as bad as 2013/2014, when feminist sluts dominated the Internet, but the job is not finished yet, and we cannot allow more young men to slip through the cracks just so we can put sluts on a pedestal. Enough.

Get out of this thread, female.

gas the kikes

I've always argued that the best way to fight it is to mock it. It's a machine that's fueled by the public's innocent intentions.


I'd state in disbelief, "No one is that stupid," but I live in a world where I saw someone putting engine coolant in their oil because someone on the internet said is was to winterize a car. I know people are that stupid, and THEY'RE the ones that actively breed in the western world.

You don't need to worry about them O.P., they have a reproductive rate of almost 0. They won't make it after 2020something.

Become friends with women, and spread influence in your family and social circle. Actively ostracize nonfollowers but make it clear they will be accepted if their views change.

Do what I did with my wife. Convince her that staying home with the kids and not having to worry about politics is a huge privilege and status symbol.

Of course it requires that the women you choose aren't already semi-moronic whores to begin with but other than that, it's pretty easy. Every time she mentions her friends' problems, point out how lucky she is to not have to work, or worry about getting child support off a loser ex, or have to go on a diet after living off fast food for a month straight because she's working too much.

Feminism started as a simple institutional misandry. It naturally bred misogyny. Now you're dealing with the result : men who won't take anything from a female. Society is now changing to a real patriarchy before your very incredulous eyes, chivalry and other male curtesy towards women having been eradicated by feminism.
The pendulum is starting to move back, violently, and there's nothing you can do against this natural reaction mechanism.

It happens when we say fuck what the west has become and dominate the fuck out of the women who subscribe to the jew's bullshit.

Humor is more effective at combating ideology than you might think. Subversive even. Mock it; subtly, overtly, whatever. Be smooth about it and don't be a sperg. Wife traditional women.

Making a joke out of radical feminism and womyn's rights to normies is alot easier than you think.

But traditionalists still expect males to worship and serve women, as if modern western women deserve it. Fuck no. Men do not want to submit to sluts and whores that mistreat them just because society told them to do it. So, there needs to be some degree of separation between men and women while this all gets sorted out.

How? Nobody answers me when I ask this.

We COULD discredit feminism with memes the same way atheists got their asses kicked with the fedora meme. But how exactly should we do it? How do we meme them into oblivion?That's the question, and nobody seems to know the answer.

how you treat any baseless theory.

question feminist terminology, concepts and definitions, and it all falls apart.

realize feminism is effectively gynocentric cynicism, founded on egalitarian rejection of biology, fueled by an inferiority complex, and driven by a sexually perverse persecution complex.

It is vital that all-male schools make a come back, including both male students and professors. No female allowed, no exception, period. Females destroy everything they touch.

It was a long way up (nearly a century), and it'll be a long way down (not nearly as long though). Feminism won't pass to the next generation too well, and it'll be even worse for the next after that. Thing are changing for the better, because they've made things so bad. Third wave feminists are middle-aged and beyond now. They're looked at as loud, crazy bitches. Fourth wave feminists are a laughing stock. Note how the image of feminists has gotten worse and worse. Now is little Tiffany going to want to be a feminist when it carries such a bad reputation, and she'll be shunned and mocked at school? No, only the most extreme cases, like the bitch who was molested her entire childhood by her uncle. Feminism will become more and more extreme as its image gets worse and worse, because only the lowest filth in society are going to be drawn to it. These are its death throes.

I almost went to one when I was in Philly. Father Judge. Apparently a good school. I moved and did internet school. Bad idea. The education was a joke and it didn't prepare me socially for life one bit.

That opposition is called "reality".

Feminism is in one word: unrealistic.

Its either men finally have enough when women are given so much gibs for their work it's unbelievable


Females are actually pushed into the workforce and military to the extent of men life the females in the draft and realize the fact that they fucked up. They'll never admit it, sure, but they'll happily go back to housework instead of real work.

The inherent laziness of women and their willingness to let a man do everything for them will undo them. End of story.

Saging for shit thread. Fuck you OP.

Feminism won't pass the next generation because feminists are killing the next generation while still the mother's womb.
Speaking of which, sex bots and artificial wombs will make feminists feel extremely insecure, as it will take from them the only selling point they still can have to justify their uninterrupted interference with mens' lives.

It has already been done. Feminazi. They're already memed as man hating, crazed, psychotic freaks. They can't even spread their stupid ideology without first having to go on the defensive now with "not all feminists!" Then they recite their little dictionary definitions. It's hilarious. Feminism has become an internet joke.

Think about the amount of chads now stuck with alimony.

They thought they were the hot thing for getting the females in highschool, now they are the ones in torture chamber with real feminists who want to show "we can beat the males if we try". Of course for such types humiliating a chad is extra points

That said, the problem remains.
I don't know how to deal with this. On chans, any negative reaction on females is attacked. We have some Feminism on Holla Forums itself, admit it or not.


Any man victim of divorce-rape should refuse to give one red cent to the ex-wife. When prisons are full of non-cooperating ex-husbands, the system will implode.

This right here will fix a lot.

Problem is, we are biologically made to be slaves to females, in a way or another.

Female at home while we are hunting, at the mines, or at war.
Feminists know this, but are exploiting this to the extreme.
So chads now paying alimony will pay their alimonay, part of their genes command them such.




i dug a ditch for captain save-a-bitch



Feminism is already in the decline. The number of women who support the feministas gets smaller by the year.

Good work.

You failed to grasp it.
Quite a deal, female stays at home and we risk our lives in risky jobs. The sooner you accept the "slave-ish" nature we might have to females, the less risk you have to end up as one. There are puns around this, manginas, white knights, cucks, friend zoned, but slave is too much to the male pride.

I mean there is this thing called "adventure" that prevents us from seeing this as slavery. But from female perspective, it was for 6000+ years. Why do you think female "emanicipation" is so modern? Their lack of testosterone and different body type makes them see the world differently.

What you say is as valid as saying that women will naturally be submissive to men. That is, without the toxic influence of feminism. Conversely, Red Pill philosophy will free men from their slavery towards women.
Men historically and otherwise are the one who create technology, in a response to external hurdles. This time, the hurdle is the poisoning of an entire generation of females which threatens the entire species of extinction through systematic abortion and male slavery. The response, artificial wombs, is the expected solution to this hurdle. And it is coming from male engineers, of course. Feminists are trying to prevent this inevitable outcome by preventing boys from having a proper scientific education. They are already failing at that as well.
The generation of men who will have survive feminism will be a nightmare for any feminist. Women will truly become useless, powerless beings.


Feminist was created by Rockefeller NGOs. To drive women into the work force, to drive wages down and so that they could be exploited for labor. Also to destroy the family and to divide and conquer women against men.

When women stop being stupid or the oligarchs stop owning/controlling the media and education system, the feminism will end.

You are only fighting one head of the hydra.

That's not being a slave, that's being in charge.

You're literally a genuine cuckold, holy fuck.

Exactly. This is what I meant in "men have tendency to be slave to females". The ones who resist all this feminist propaganda and charm ones will be the hardest to chain down, if possible at all.

On the slave to holy vagina thing, it's true, but with more "soft words", like beta, asperger, friendzone, spaghetti, no gf, virgin, list goes on. Simply slave is too raw to digest for some.


Are you a feminist or something? I'm saying females got brainwashed enough to dump quite a good deal.

OP here. You are absolutely correct. Modern women are taking advantage of the male inclination to protect and worship women. It's sickening.

Traditionalists are also a problem in all this, since they don't realize it's not the 1950s anymore, and they think men should serve and worship women despite there being absolutely no reason to treat women with respect right now in western culture.

Feminism, Faggotry, Nigger Crime, race mixing, and all symptoms.

You know what the problem is.


To elaborate,
1 - male glory and achievments come with hard work, not with "privilege"
2- male risky endevours require male body testosterone, insurance companies know this
3- I was literally defending traditional marriage setting was a good deal for woman and you call me a cuckold twice? Be less impulsive.

Exactly. Simply in more traditional times said tendencies paid off and there was a deal to balance benefits to both sexes, while providing and creating a new generation, physically (lots of kids).

This no longer works. It's hard to admit, but it doesn't. No matter how much one is called cuckold for not joining worshiping Holy Vagina, Truth won't change.

Males at the endgame of this feminist raid will be the game deciders of relationship dynamics worldwide.

Either way, a huge army of cat ladies will be incoming.

No you were saying 'men are enslaved' by women you cuckold.

The idealistic delusions are only supported by an excessively rich society.
A saying from my youth, every conservative is a liberal who got a kick in the rear.
They might not fight for us, but the crash will stop them from fighting us.

I recommend reading the Foundation series by Asimov, psychohistory is a fascinating nascent field that statisticians are touching upon now.

In modern setting, they absolutely are. That's why Feminism is dying, more and more people realize feminism is a plot to get as much alimony bucks as possible.

What's cuckold about this?

i'd like to think feminism ends with sjw cannibalism

Again, only if you're a cuck who puts up with it.

Well, seems we still have feminists on Holla Forums as I suspected.

Bless OP for understanding my words that were too cryptic for the feminist.

Look it's obvious you're a butt blasted female by now. This is Holla Forums, no we are not going to "gurrl power" sorry.

As much as I hate what has happened to MineCraft and I haven't played it in years, it's great to see that he's not a pozzed cuck despite where he lives and the industry he worked in.

To stop feminism we have to stop USA.

Please China bomb USA with biological weapons.

Rate my memes.

Not enough. Many non jewish feminists are thankful to the people in that list due to their monthly gibsmedat.
It hurts but it's true.

What I'm concerned with isn't the cultural rejection of the most extreme expressions of feminism, but with the undoing of all the laws made now and in the future in it's name.

Women in combat roles ring any bells? And that was recently. We got women infesting our police and fire departments. The definition of rape and domestic violence is being ever expanded to allow the laws to reach further into our lives. You men are being expelled from colleges for having drunk sex. White men are being pushed out of classrooms to meet female (and foreigner) seat quotas. Divorce laws destroy the lives of men, leaving in near poverty and their children taken away from them.

You think this would be possible without collaboration of cunt-slaves?

You're obviously not from around here. Please lurk for at least a year before posting.

It's weaker than it's ever been and only getting worse. The public has become the opposition, in fact.

What you're actually observing is the final death rattles of feminism after decades, and I mean DECADES of slow, underhanded, careful infiltration.

Through nepotism, abuse of sexual harassment and HR policies, and various other tactics, Feminists were able to establish little echo chamber fortresses in the media and various chunks of the tech industry, and it looked bad right up until the public started taking notice.

Call GamerGate a bunch of dumb tripleniggers for all the PR shit and e-celeb drama (they deserve it), but because of them, the public became acutely aware of an ideologically-driven culture war that had been in the works for a long time.

So what happens when the public is aware? Feminists get desperate. They try to force their agenda. They go "rape shopping" like Rolling Stone, or they start to push this idea that Islam is the most feminist religion. The dogpile on celebrities for microaggressions and they toss millions of dollars in the shitter for moronic ad campaigns that drive people away.

What we're going to see in the coming months is a total collapse of feminism as a driving force in business and media. One by one, we're seeing feminist CEOs going bankrupt. Feminist politicians being voted out. Feminist celebrities and television personalities drifting into obscurity.. and most importantly of all. We're seeing feminists journalists completely discrediting themselves until the only places they can work are fringe sites that barely scrape together a couple thousand views per week.

We saw Feminism at its pinnacle power and now we are watching its painful and much deserved fall.

This "dying movement" fucked white birthrates for the last decades.

Fuck off you non-sequiter bot spammer.


kill yourself nigger.

you can come talk when cunts stop voting for democrats and faggots like Trudeau.

Ratify the equal rights amendment. Because men deserve alimony in perpetuity if there exwives earned more than them. I'll bet you those sexist anti male laws would be repealed over night if they cut both ways.

being this new

How fucking new are you faggot?

Feminism is stronger than ever. The "conservative" cuckold caucus of Canada marched in the pride parade for the first time in history.

Feminism has just morphed into SJWism. Its the same fucking crows.

Conservative and "MRA" speakers get shut down in universities. As much as I don't give a fuck about MRA manginas, they shouldn't be shut down.

Kill yourself nigger.

I think what people need to realise is that the blue haired unshaven freaks who talk about oppression are part of the extreme of feminism.
They're hardly the issue.
If they are the extreme then the moderate is not wanting kids or family.

And that's the worst and most dangerous thing. You see it all the time on tv and movies and its become the general opinion of the public.

Kids suck, omg more then 3 kids that's lyk soon many
Omg 1 kid I can't do that what about my career.
Why the he'll would you want a kids anyway the world is over populated.
"Kids are soooo expensive" they say whilst texting on their 5th iPhone with a smashed screen

The reason why it's so easy for sand nigs to take over is because they're so attached to their religion.
Muslims don't buy frivolous shit.
They don't waste their money on iPhone and brand clothes. Their money feeds their large family and that's it.

No they are very much the issue. They hog attention. MSM gives them extensive coverage.

They bully and cow university administration into making FUCKING SAFE SPACES WITH FUCKING PUPPIES.

They act like dykes and cunts and shut down people and organizations they disagree with. False rape accusation is still not a crime. The duke lacrosse whore isn't in prison.

Mattress grill got a fucking award.

95% of women agree with this shit implicitly, because vagina. Women will agree with anything that will give them more privileges.

Go ask women at work (you're not a faggot NEET are you) if they believe in 77cents on the dollar, and if all workplaces should be mandated to pay women as much as he men, regardless of job responsibilities.

HOW fucked do things have to get before you admit feminism won? The west is totally pozzed out.

Yeah I know what you're saying and I agree they are shit.

But what I mean is that normal people see these feminists make period blood paintings and all that and they think it's gross, sometimes even get put off it enough to reject third wave feminism.

But what I mean is if that's the extreme, then low birth rates and rejection of traditional family is the norm.
And pretty much ALL females these days (even the ones who would say they are anti-feminist) are guilty of it.

Feminism is losing ground, not gaining it, user.

The natural progression of feminists is to essentially starve themselves out. They drive most of the guys worth being with away and end up single mothers and crazy cat ladies. Some might settle for those guys out of cat lady or single mother desperation but most guys in their age group will actually be able to get women 10-20 years younger them.

So… feminism will essentially starve itself into cannibalism and then absence.

You are part of a multitude of people that have insisted to me that feminism is losing ground, yet you offer NO evidence, just your repeated insistence.

Feminism is not losing ground at all. This thread is full of deluded idiots.

all true.

but here's the problem; what about the incubation apparatus for feminism? specifically, how will we take back the universities and academic realms where this bullshit is perpetuated and passed on?

as long as the universities go untouched, they'll hide behind the "diversity of ideas" schtick and just wait for a new generation. what you described is definitely happening, but it's treating the wound site without removing the source of the infection.

we need a way to get academia back. or at least burn it to the ground and wipe all of these marxist-sourced ideas out.

You’re a deluded idiot. Fucking pay attention to the world, in all its hedonistic wonder.

If feminism wasn't losing ground, they wouldn't have to completely lose their mind because people didn't like a movie.

That they are losing their minds over it and making such a concerted effort to force the movie shows that they are grasping at straws. Oddly enough… Ghostbusters will be feminism's tipping point.

A silly piece of pop culture that would have been celebrated had it been any good will be the high water mark for feminism's grasp on 21st century society.

I made this thread, and that's not a proper reply. Instead of being like everyone else and insisting to me that feminism is weakened and almost extinct, how about you prove it?

But it goes beyond Ghostbusters. The very fact that the narrative in western society firmly belongs to women is proof that feminists still have the control. I know Holla Forums's Holla Forums likes to deny this, but still. Feminism has made slut culture normal, it has decimated traditional values, and yet traditionalists still blame men for everything and women don't have to face one iota of responsibility for anything they've done.

I still fap to Nina Hartley, even if she's an old jew.

Why are you bumping this shit thread

This plague "feminism" is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

Nigger, get out of your basement, I've been in contact with many women who hated feminism as much as you see it here. The vocal schizos you see on twitter aren't representative of the opinion of real people, unlike what the Jew media and college activist groups makes it seem to be.

Everything is fine Goy, no need to discuss it! It's going away, trust me!

Trannies. The hormone-filled basket-case neurotics are literally the shitlord's godsend. They have totally smashed the purple haired walruses' semantic games beyond belief.

Actually I'm Agender. Check your privilege before you make such hurtful assumptions.

But how do you not know James Joyce and Thomas Carlyle identified as male?!!! They lived in patriarchial societies where people of ambiguous gender identity could not speak out. Actually, the evidence suggests these authors were transfolk and must not be erased from our inclusive curriculum. That you would suggest this makes you a horrible human being - do I have to report you for transphobia?

Try it, seriously, they'll go white as a sheet.

This. "Fourth wave feminism" was a terrible joke by the kikes which ended up turning massively against them and driving many people to the far-right. SJW is now a common term of abuse even among gommies. Nobody likes them, and frankly nobody cares; when you have ISIS, the South China sea, near war with Russia and looming martial law - who the fuck gives a fuck about some purse-lipped whale bellowing about how she must be accepted and adored as a blubbery abomination?

As for solving it: votes for women don't matter when nobody can vote.

Have you ever heard about radical islam?

This is what happens when stupid right wingers believe the stem meme and don't apply to humanities. Your greediness betrays you.

Humanities has nothing to do with it. It's politics, those with power over media have political power. Getting a degree in some cunt shit will not let you change anything.

Might as well have put Liz fucking Mair on the list too, with all this POZ

Erode it's already cracked foundations with more delusional ideas; kikes retain control of mainstream feminism because it is a soft behavior limitter, basically encourage as much degeneracy as possible until even betas and chads are disgusted. Show the average empowered woman that she will one day be the car lady she dreads, or that she will be some childless and bitchy middle management hag at the price of believing that work and career alone will make you happy.

Too many people are bit lax on this issue. Yes, feminism is dying, we have done a great job at discrediting modern feminists. However, a lot of people would simply prefer a return to the start of this century, when the feminists weren't nearly as vocal.

This is the problem we have to solve. The whole "only the third wave is bad" meme. We need to show, through facts or just confident statements, that all waves of feminism are destructive to men, children, society as a whole and even women, the people it is meant to be helping.

You're pulling that out of your fucking ass.

The White Feather campaign proved that feminism was evil right from the start.

You can't.All women are feminists, any who say that they aren't are lying even more than women normally lie.

Stop acting like there's a solution to the womyn problem.

Ashes and Echoes no more

(Checked. Waste of Dubs!)


Feminism isn't dying. It's growing. Women are all feminists and the ones who say they aren't are lying!

The incubation apparatus is having a vagina. You will never get Academia back. It's too gone and the inteliglessia would DIE rather than ever let you dispute the one human family.

All women are feminists. The ones who say they aren't are lying.

Bullshit. Quit lying.

If it has a vagina, it's a feminist. End of story. Nothing more to say. They're all like that, they're all whores and they're all liars. Nobody will ever love you, deal with it.

Because they are. Somebody's a shill because they want you to think you can still keep women in line without the cops beating you to death.

(((Psychohistory))) (((Statisticians)))

How about, NO?!

There will never be a cease in their fighting us. The war will go on until there is nothing left.

Also, (((Assimov))) is a Kike!

You will never have either of those things. Why did you post that?

Nigger please, I said no such thing. I merely said it is losing ground and not gaining it. There's still a ways to go before it implodes on itself, but we are at that tipping point of which the insanity of the modern feminist is too much for the vast majority of normalfags. It's jumped the shark, and it will die a very loud, obnoxious, painful death in the coming years.

As far as women not having to face one iota of responsibility, why should they? Women are little more than adult children. They think and act on instinct and emotion, not rationale and reason. Women have been duped by Feminism and have suffered greatly for it. Men have suffered more, yes, but then again blame falls on the shoulders of men for allowing such poisonous ideologies creep into their culture and subvert it.

Men must be vigilant in society as they are the sheepdogs who protect the more vulnerable members of the flock, the women and children. They must recognize insurgency and snuff it out before it can take root. This martial nature of western culture has been largely forgotten as we've grown comfortable and complacent due to our technology and industry over the last few hundred years. This is why such things as Marxism and Feminism and other parasitic kike drivel have been allowed to take hold.

Pic related.

Hey there, FBI!

You can't. They sage your thread because you're a shit.

Kebab doesn't count. Feminists are lying to themselves and saying Islam is feminist. You're retarded.

All women are feminists, the ones who say they're not are lying to you!

Too bad your Starship Troopers fantasy will NEVER happen. No woman will ever walk backwards, and if you try to give her the D and you're not Chad, you will get arrested, you will go on trial, and you will be found guilty. End of Discussion. There is no other outcome possible and if you say there is you're lying.

All women are sluts. Women cannot be controlled or led. They resist at every turn and if you try to push your luck you end up in jail.

Hello Chaim. Based on your reply I am certain you looked at the image, saw Starship Troopers, read the TL;DR and proceeded to type out that abomination of half-kike demoralization shill half-MGTOW faggot bullshit. Gas yourself.

Whatever, cuck.

It's true and you know it. Women are ruined and you know it! Everything has always been shit and YOU KNOW IT!

There never was any hope.

MGTOW will be right until all the laws are changed and women don't have rights. But you'd never think of that because you're too thirsty.

Ashes and Echoes no more

Truly, the only thing that demoralizes me anymore is women. They're fucking whores, every last one.

Kike, please stop. You're being way too obvious here. Just move on and chalk this up as a loss. Whatever they are paying you is far too much.

Do Chris dorner style memes celebrating female-targeting serial killers

As soon as I saw it was ashes and echos guy, to the oven he went. That faggot has been posting around here for awhile. I think he has turbo autism or something.

by oven, I mean ID hide. I really wish I could literally oven him

Whatever. I'm not getting paid for this, I do this because this is just how I post when this topic comes up. If you saw me in any other thread, you'd never know.

Whatever. You'll never know who I am. Where I live or anything else. Even if you did, you couldn't really bring yourself to care enough to do anything about me.

And I post the No More part at the end, since I've come under a bit of recovery. The only thing that pushes my Schizophrenia button is the womyn issue.

So, naturally, I'd shitpost up a thread about feminism.

All women are whores.

Isis and every non-US nation's with being "progressive and tolerant" will be their undoing, just wait you pleb

By attacking every woman on the internet!


Go back to tumblr

You do exactly what Yuri Bezmenov said. To reverse the degeneracy, you just reverse what caused it in the first place. For us, we could start with repealing anti-discrimination law.

I talked to a few women hue hue hue

Im literally Adonis "Chad" Thundercock. "Real" women aren't that bad goy, you should just learn some game, buy my ebook only 9.oo. I teach you how to talk to women…

I'd rather watch paint dry than talk to women. Go eat some shit.

wat? she's the one who shits on Trump.

Rape them and make them your property

expose them as
1) hateful harpies
2) they want to force women into a certain behaviour. as far as Im concerned, a 'modern women' is one who has agency and makes her own choices, whatever those may be

Mass execution of white knights would be nice. One can dream.

You're referring to the white women sex strike against White Genocide, O.P.

The issue is quite obvious. White women have stereotyped, correctly, that white men are sick and self-hating, white anti-white traitors. Not wanting to be attached to someone likely to be against her because of her race, white woman has gone on strike against such intimate attachment. White fertility, marriage and family suffer as white women go on sex strike against White Genocide, using the power that they know how to wield best.

What's wrong with these chicks?
Liz Mair can't go in the right because is a cancerous waste and can't go in the leftie either because the idea is put ugly and unfuggable whores.