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Are we STILL doing this?

Fake tweet.

found the trumpcuck

Are you going to do this for the whole 7 years?


I'll take that as a yes


Holy shit, that went quickly, I though that they kight have trudged along with shit ratings at least for a little while.

Careful what you say boy. Us russian hackers are gonna hack you real good.




What a fucking asshole. Maybe if you hadn't spent the last few weeks bitching about the show it could have gotten somewhere? I swear to God, this man lacks even a scrap of common decency. What the fuck is he thinking?

I wouldn't be surprised if he hates Arnie because he has a Mexican wife either…Remember his hatred for the "Mexican" judge? This is a man that is completely ruled by his bigotry.

Bigots rule!


I may be a NEET skinny-fat bigot, but at least I ain't that limey fatass.

I'm sure he feels the same way about you, you piece of shit.


Not an argument.

No, but this sure is.





Is that you Louis?

She's not his wife, that was the whole point of the controversy

Is that mike from RLM?

is there a way to double spoiler? if not it needs to be invented and implemented for degenerate shit like this

It was pretty mediocre tbh. I tried watching an episode last year and there wasn't nearly as much Trump as you would expect.

Dont worry, he'll be dead soon

What was it?

You're a Pence fan I see.

WHEN (not if) trump gets impeached Hillary will assume.

That's not how it works user.

the people elected hillary.

illegal votes don't count

yes they do, their people too.

Can he not?


But Holla Forums hates Trump, why do you keep directing his supporters there?

Who would you hire to replace them, Holla Forums? And what would their tagline be? Me personally I'd go with Mike Rowe, he'd say something related to dirt and how the apprentice being fired is worth less than it.

That's awfully harsh, especially considering Arnie's mostly an average yes man at worst, but then again it may be less of a personnal vendetta against Arnold, and more of his policy's and overall ambivalent political attitude.

He has been a very limpdicked politician who got constantly cucked as the governor of Callifornia, all his proposals shut down and instead he was forced to push leftist faggotry against his own will, remember that time he was undignified by violence in videogames and movies, even though he was the pioneer and living embodiment of the action movie genre.

What I think is that Arnie is an overall nice guy who sincerely cares for his fans and wants to remain a heroic figure in the eyes of the public, however this is also why he's such a giant fuckup, he tries to please everyone which is impossible. He ends up listening to the loudest who are the leftists most commonly, and changes his mind whenever it's convenient, first he was anti-trump, then when it's not cool to bash on him all the sudden he's pro-trump, he loves guns and gloats over the tank he owns, yet openly supports gun control and whatnot; he's a flip-flop, he's the most america loving immigrant in the one hand and the most robotic globalist puppet on his monkey suit.

Although both of them share the fact they have huge egos the difference is Arnie is a tool who compromises at the slightest sign of trouble and has no personal endgoals on his political life other than doing what he's told, he's a small fry in a big pan. Trump on the other hand is an enterpriser, the big boss, isn't scared of opposing the MSM or having a huge opposition and doesn't waver until he accomplishes what he set out to do.

Add to that the fact that Arnold never admits he messed up unless forced to do so and ended up killing Trump's decade old celebrity show no less, not to mention all the shit he's said about Trump in the past.

This is the part where "antisemitic, literally Hitler, but pro-jew and Israel, Russian puppet, but warmonger trying to start WW3 against Russia, anti-China madman, but is helping the Chinese economy out" Trump comes into play.
Also, pee pee haha I said he got peed on.
Did I miss any other contradictions? I don't really follow politics outside of the retarded shitposting I see on Holla Forums, and since it's all about Trump and we can never stop hearing about him because wah wah wah wah wah fuck you people I'm sick of politics I want 2015 Holla Forums back you fucking cunts.

But not American people…