Her ass is forever scarred just like my heart

this girl ruined my life. we were a happy couple but then she started down the ugly road of drugs including hot shots in her ass. some other alcoholic girl got her hooked on it. then there were the drugs and driving. she illegally bought and sold adderall as well as using them. she bought and sold so many different drugs. the list is endless. our happy home quickly became a drug haven. then she left me for an alcoholic and drunk driver.

what is a hot shot in an ass?

You take boiling water at 205F, mix with a freshly made expresso, a shot of your choice vodka, and give it to someone as an enema.

looks like this

webm or it didn't happen?

Get a spellchecker, fam.

Lets see if this works :)

Take two

what is she injecting

I have no fucking clue what that red shit she is doing intramuscularly. Intramuscular injection (IM) is not a common way to do any popular drug, not impossible, but not common at all. Heroin and meth are usually mainlined and are never red. The only drug that is usually IM'ed is ketamine and it is clear, and I have done lots of it. The only thing I can think of is bitch was dumb enough to hit a blood vessel and draw blood inside, but its very hard to do when injecting into buttocks.

Original video has her getting alot of help from a fatass off camera But hey no harm in asking her whats up 9046541756… also have some more tits

how do you know her

See OP story above

Hey buddy why dont you tell me where she's at. I'll rape her for you and post a vid. She's a druggie so i doubt she would put up a lot of resistance

Is it weird if I think that chick looks like puffy Ami and yumi?

OK after some searching, I found it. She is injecting liquid cherry flavored methadone. Usually they have you take methadone in front of them when going to a methadone clinic, but there are clinic that allow take home kits.

Interesting info - the reason why they moved to methadone syrup from pills is because people found a way to wash away the Naloxone from methadone pills (the anti-overdose component) and then just injected straight up methadone after processing the pill. They figured syrup would deter people from seeking the opiate rush, lol. Injecting oral syrup is the level of huffing paint "getting high" i.e. worthless and stupid. Nice tits though.

Thanks for the lookup, she has a great ass too



Hey I just watched you get elected :) wazzup

saw this from another thread. if it doesn't make you feel any better, hopefully it'll at least make you laugh.

interesting. sounds like she saved you from the bullet. it would have happened sooner or later user. Dont feel bad. You know what always cheers me up? Posting nudes. Post everything you got on her so that i can see them.

She's ugly nigga