Virtue Dingaling

Storytime of

Sam Wilson: Captain America #12

Nick Spencer is a hero and a champion of diversity if Marvel ever had one. Sam Wilson carrying the mantle of Captain America has been a controversial subject since there's never been a black Captain America before. You might say there has and you have examples, but you're not a gladiator of equality like Nick Spencer is so your opinion is not worth as much.

In the last issue of Sam Wilson: Captain America, the entire nation's police has been replaced with AmeriCops, a faceless merciless police force hellbent on terrorizing minorities, yes I am serious. It's gotten to a boiling point as Sam Wilson now finds himself trying to defuse a hostile situation between the Jerkops AmeriCops and the liaison of the black community, Rage!

Considering the destruction of Milwaukee that happened just a few days ago (the police set fire to the town CNN told me), it's a very good time for this issue to come out and so we can address the problems of how the police are bad and how evil white politicians hate Sam Wilson because he's black.

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But first a flashback! Did you know that The Falcon was wrongfully imprisoned because the police mistook him for a criminal? This was based on his race, because the actual criminal in question was white.

You might say something to the effect of "Wouldn't the police know who's an active Avenger and who a repeat offending criminal is?" but have you considered you might be a racist?

Oh wow. Evil cops. Like I haven't seen this a million times.

Bravo Spencer.

It looks like the All-White All-Male Americops are just too concentrated on violence to work with the All-New All-Diverse Captain America!

It's nice that they completely brushed over what would certainly have been an interesting situation, considering how completely incompetent the Harlem police appear to be.

You know, earlier this week I was calling Gail Simone a hack for discussing police brutality by just having police brutality in THE MOVEMENT, without any attempt to make the situation work for a superhero book.

This book might be awful, but I at least appreciate that they bothered to use some kind of metaphor to discuss their issues.

Did you know that The Falcon was also a pimp once?

why do these cops wear cobra commanders face mask?

Meanwhile the evil white male politicians are trying to convince USAgent to forcibly remove the shield from Sam Wilson!

Yes, of course! I'm glad Marvel's diversity has reached you too! I'm tired of people saying Holla Forums isn't pro-quality when we have upstanding youngsters like yourself around to defend this great comic book!

Because having them all look like Willard would've have cost too much.

why do these white male politicians look like they're dressed from the 70's?

Captain America tries to calm down the situation but Rage attacks one of the AmeriCops!

maybe this could be good but based on nick spencers previous work i doubt it. He actually could make something with meaningful social commentary but he just fucks it up all the time. His Sam Wilson Captain America reads like a lesser version of the Gruenwald run.

Oh man. If you think this is aggravating, you haven't seen shit. It's like this, but unbelievably worse.

With Rage out of the picture, things could calm down, but the white male AmeriCops capture Sam Wilson in a net like some type of gorilla!

Brought to you by another self-hating cumskin looking to be accepted by niggers.

But aren't we supposed to think that both sides are fucking retards? Was he being sarcastic or are we actually expected to think Rage is somehow a good guy?

USAgent suggests that Steve Rogers can ask for the shield back if he wants to, but the evil white male politicians say that the liberal media will have a field day if a white Cap asks a black Cap to stand down.

We all know this isn't true and is just the prattling of old racist conservatives. Liberals wouldn't take a complex issue and then dumb it down in the most ham handed comic book ever

Sam realizes the best situation is to leave, but he's stopped by USAgent! Uh oh!

I'm defending the use of metaphor in cape books, not Captain Nigger of Niggerland whatever shit.

It's like defending being lethally poisoned versus getting your head smashed in with a concrete block. You're going to die either way, so I'd prefer to die in the least painful way possible.

I agree with your defense!

The police force being faceless nameless stormtroopers that beat up minorities and the symbol of America has to stop them is a great, subtle, and cleverly written metaphor and I'm glad this book has it!

they are genuinely making strawman comics about twitter drama and current events…. this is just embarrassing to read. I can't even finish it.

But I didn't say any of those….

Waaait a minute, you're from Holla Forums aren't you.

would this be a cliche way to handle a subject like this?
government oppressing people and using useful idiots to stir racial hatred on both sides so when violence happens people run to the government for more protection as it gives itself more authoritarian power and Captain America has to stop this.

Once more, Marvel managed to write a villain that has a point handed over to them in a silver platter imean god dammit is the hacker thing some Snowden expy? Its the only way I can see this working.

Love the "I'm conservative scum but I have standards" moment here.

It's not just any writer, but consistently the only well written characters in Nick Spencer's work are the ones who are stand ins for his real life political foes.

The man is the best speechwriter the right wing could hope for.

It's fun how reddit and SJWs try to make cumskin something even when Shitskin is still a much better insult.

Better be a bukkaked fag than a scat lover.

Let's be honest. Everyone in here is infected by Holla Forums in some way or another.

standards that he breaks because he's a conservative. Funny how, like you said, all the characters they write to be evil end up so much more compelling and likable than the ones they write to be the good guys.

I don't even hate them, but I find antisemitic jokes absolutely fucking hilarious. Whenever bad things happen to them, I just laugh at it. It's horrible.

I'm kinda in the same ship even if I don't believe in the whole racewar crap, I just feel like black people are violent idiots because they never had a culture and all muslims should be executed just to prevent an outbreak.

For fuck's sake, I'm a fedora tipper and I'm finding myself defending the church against muslim crap.

There'd be no right way to handle it considering it's a real situation and it's being handled by funny books. It's as tasteless as Hulk punching Hurricane Katrina.

Where was Storm when Hurricane Katrina happened?
Where is she right now?

Somewhere were she won't give Fox any stories to use on their movies.

Are you trying to say Egypt wasn't a culture?

Standards that he breaks because Captain America going against the police trying to stop a riot? Take in account what has just been broadcast to the entire nation.

He's trying to say Egypt as a culture ended with the Stone Age where it resided.

I am pretty confident that my wizardry makes me immune to Holla Forums cancer.

If you are not a SJW faggot you are ok in my book.


There is no point in american history where this would have happened. Liberals are incapable of seeing pre-90s america as anything but "That time when bad things happened to black people all the time always".

Fuck you. They had television, even back then. The entire Avengers roster should have been burned into every single person's memory.

Rage dindu nuffin. He a good boy.

Oh hey, all the white guys are from Texas! You remember Texas, right? That's where all the racist white people live when they're not at tehir summer plantations in Alabama.

Don't let the fact that the Bush presidency has been over for eight years now stop you from demonizing those whacky Texas politicians!

How much nuffin can a dindu du if a dindu dindu nuffin?

I sure am glad that Captain Cotton is standing up for the gentle giant who clearly was not being detained for any good reason.

Seriously, if you're doing a propaganda piece on how da po-lease is ray-ciss, why would you choose to have the most violent, belligerent nigger in the Marvel "hero" roster be the one you use as your "good boy?"

I love how in these books the strawman always makes more sense than the hero.

Friendly reminder that those people who are dressed as obvious gangsters, thugs, wellfare queens, and druggies are actually upstanding members of society who are just as valuable as you and me in every way and so we should never enforce any law and order in their neighborhoods.

user, are you from Texas or something?

I'm not, it's just that that's the most stereotypical pick that could have been made for the racist white politicians.

It's one racist politician and a prominent business executive. Two very Texan archetypes, I tell you hwat.

The X-men are off fighting Apocalypse in a pocket universe he created or something like that. All except for most of the 60s X-men, who are traveling around the world in a van with Kid Apocalypse, Idie Okonkwo and the All-New Wolverine, fighting crime like some sort of superhero equivalent to those kids from Scooby-Doo.

…This is all building up to Sam getting fed up with repeatedly failing to find a peaceful solution and joining in with the rioters, isn't it? And if it is, it'll be portrayed as a good thing, I'm sure.

I really hope it doesn't go there but you're right it probably might. This is portrayed in a very black n white side right here with cops being bad and the minority community as good. If it was a better writing then Sam would probably do something that would make both sides get the fuck out and strike a neutral approach to this.

As a Texan I'd like to say, fuck you Nick Spencer you filthy Yankee. I bet he goes to sleep every night CONVINECED Texas is the most Evil place in the world.



Honestly if Spencer had any self-awareness, he would actually tackle the question of whether there can and should be one Captain America, especially considering the mantle's history (and Marvel's current proclivities). Instead we get another ham-fisted hero vs. hero situation dressed up with political overtones.

Turning Rick Jones into a hacker is just another attempt to keep the boy who helped assemble the Avengers relevant. Until recently he had Hulk-like powers.

You're telling me the cops didn't know who PASTE POT PETE was? Fucking bullshit!

How's your government fiscal solvency.

I will now judge this entire story entirely on how John reacts to this. Because considering he knows just how heavy a burden that shield is, I don't think he'd ever agree to try to take it from a man that Steve Roger's has entrusted it to. John Walker is a harsh, but stand up man.

Interesting that they actually acknowledge the original Americop, though I hope there is more to it than just a cheap name drop.

If he joins the rioters that would piss me off so much. Riots don't help the poor oppressed minorities they hurt them. They hurt min. wage workers and small businesses just trying to get by. Nick's hipster progressive bullshit is starting to get on my nerves. In his writing he acts like he understands the oppressed when he doesn't and just sits in his gentrified hipster ivory tower.

wait Rick Jones is still relevant? Last I've heard of him he was with the Hulk, that or they let him be come the new Captain Marvel.

Original Americop was from Texas. Don't throw a bitch fit white knighting a state you're NOT EVEN FROM.

And 8 years is not that long a time. Bush was such a shit president that the Rep nomination was taken with ease by an outsider. Because even Reps don't want another Bush in office.

Honestly I thought it would be much worse than that. Still depresses me though.

I love the sarcasm of these threads. Current Marvel is good only for this.

The only thing I like at all is the clear love of Gruenwald's run. If he was a better writer, with that love, I'd probably love the book. But he's just so fucking preachy, and every time he does what make sense, he just seems to go a bit further and it feels forced.

Like John here ending the issue taking down Sam. It made sense that he would say "I don't really agree with Sam (and he wouldn't because John is conservative as fuck), but if Steve wants the shield back, that's his call". Then he should have left. Because John knows EXACTLY what it's like to be manipulated by some rich fuck with an agenda. The Red Skull played him like a damn fiddle during his entire time as Captain America, he'd NEVER fall back into the same thing with such little provocation.

It's like he CAN be a good writer, but he political agenda specifically stops him. He's the perfect example of why ideologues don't make good storytellers.

The thing is, cumskin doesn't even make sense. It doesn't roll off the tongue and it isn't witty or funny in and of itself. If they had to keep the fixation with cum, cumstain would've been better. Or they could've gone full over the top… "Chalky, translucent, transparent white bastards. You can see right through them!"… Might've been enough for a giggle.

The main problem with trying to collectively insult white people though is that whites just don't give a fuck.

This is so cringe.

Don't ya know me, officer? I'm one of dem Avengers!

I swear to god working at Marvel must be a requirement to have some bullshit agenda or PC ideals in your fuckin head. I recently lost contact with a guy I knew who worked at Marvel (what he worked on, I didn't fuckin know as we weren't that close and I met him at a social event). I remember key things about talking to him the first time when the discussion went to comic companies. We brought up how DC wasn't doing so hot (this was while Nu52 was still going on) and he pointed out that DC wasn't doing so hot because of 'sexist behavior'. Now during this time I wasn't so much willing to pick fights over shit and also I was just getting into comics at that time so I let it slide, didn't engage him on it.

You wanna know what made him stop talking to me?

Because I told him that his opinions about Suicide Squad (the movie) were bullshit. He hopped on the bandwagon of 'it's a sexist, racist movie' and when I engaged him on it I told him to point out to me how it was that. He proceeded to tell me that Batman using CPR and then choking out Harley was some form of autoerotic asphyxiation. That how DC was treating Harley as an object and not a character. Basically all the cookie-cutter buzz word bullshit you'd see from the typical SJW crowd.

I called out each of his claims and provided examples to show they were bullshit. The end of it? Oh he goes and blocks then removes me from his friends list.

That just makes me wonder….is this the type of people that are working at Marvel? What the all natural fuck happened?

You and I have very different ideas about what constitutes a "bitch fit"

Egypt was never black. That being said, what's the last picture you got there of?

Average, apparently.

Why is it that you Jew Yorkers constantly have to project your own insecurities and self loathing onto the Greatest State in the union? Is it because you live in the Sodom of our age?

Man, wouldn't it be great if they crack open the Cobra Commander faceplates on half a dozen Americops, and it's 2 whites and 4 blacks. And then one gives Rage a Chris Rock style venting on Blacks vs. Niggers?

that would be funny.

Sounds too fun, sadly.

the title of this post is funny I know its supposed to parody virtue singaling but when I read it out loud I keep saying it as Virtue Ding- a-ling.

Wow, different times.

Did you know Beast Boy was an African prince?


Niggers only still exist because white guilt is a thing. If the whites go, niggers will go the next day. Because without whitey how will they get gibs? And without whitey (libtards specifically) to protect them, the chinks and dunecoons will send them to monkey hell. Whites are the only ones who tolerate these walking tragedies

Marvel was infiltrated by Skrulls and got more of their kind when they reached power.

Shut the fuck up cuck

Stop white knighting Spencers shitty writing like they pay you

Maybe you're right. Because this: is a bitch fit.

Why are people so fucking defensive about Texas? Who gives a fuck?

I'm irked @ nick spencer idiot

It's funny, I think they are trying to make Walker unlikable… yet he is the coolest character throughout this event so far. Because they tried to paint him in the wrong it just shows he has strong ideals and beliefs and is willing to do what he believes is the right thing. More villains in the Marvel Universe are becoming this where the good guys are now beating up RAYCIS police.

Then complain about shit other than someone being from your precious statefu.

It's weird because it actually DOESN'T portray him as wrong at all, until he changes his mind. Like he knows Walker wouldn't do this shit, but he needed it to happen for the story. Which is shit storytelling. If you know John Walker won't do this contrived shit, he won't do it, that's the story. I mean, if he was going to look more into it, and there was more set up to push him against Sam, fine. But he wouldn't just trust the fucking news and physically attack an Avenger over it. They even show his old black partner, so it's not like John is racist either. He just wrote him properly, and then said "but it's more interesting if he's tricked" and in doing so makes the entire story trash.

They needed a white cap to fight a black cap but didn't want to use Steve due to his popularity. Also, it's going to be cringe tier if they make Walker see the "error" of his right wing beliefs.

I live in Dallas you dumb hicks, you're why this state is so awful, with your stupid big dick cowboy pride.

Fucck off Khan

Nah bitching about it being stereotype is my point idiot

Weak ass arguments like that are what people use to dismiss the real complaints. You come off as a dumb fucking hick, because that's all you aspire to be.

How about either you both calm down? Insulting each other is completely pointless.

Oh, fuck me. I should have verified when the post were made, why can't i stop making things worse?

I got an idea for a captain america story dealing with modern social issues. There's this domestic terrorist dude who leads an attack on a government building and Captain America has to stop him. Captain America stops him but it turns out to be a decoy so he can talk to the Captain. The domestic terrorist dude is kinda like a cross between Cobra Comander and Zero from Code Geass in terms of design. The domestic terrorist is a fan of Captain America and wants him to join his crusade to destroy the corrupt American government but Cap disagrees with him because of his extreme methods and thinks reforming the government would be better. The domestic terrorist is disappointed and leaves Cap. Cap isn't affiliated with the government but the domestic terrorist sees him as a government agent for disagreeing with him. The government wants Cap to deal with this terrorist but they distrust him because he met with him and he doesn't go brutal enough in dealing with this guy. Soon Cap gets caught in the middle between the government and the terrorist as things escalate. Cap is at a moral quandry since he doesn't know who to side with now and how to deal with this situation. This story could deal with government corruption, abuse of emminent domain, military industrial complex, prison complex and stuff like that in general.

Also, the terrorist dude doesn't have any powers but is a good fighter and a very skilled strategist who plans things for the long term.

I got an idea but it might be too cliche: What about a character that becomes an a villain that's evil because he target the heroes that acted like bad guys during the Civil II but it's revealed that outside of that he's a genuine nice person to everyone that aren't those heroes
and the reason he went bad was because he was delusioned by seeing heroes acting pretty evil?

Like i said i know it's cliched as fuck but i think with some rewriting and effort it could provide a story that end up with a group of heroes realizing their choices can affect other for the worse and they become wiser and more careful in how they act.

Sorry if this is stupid and cringey, i have not slept either at all or so little the last 4 nights that i ended writing this idea when i thought it up

sounds like it could work. I'm surprised they didn't do something like this with the 1st Civil War since Tony imprisoned so many people and how fucked up things got in that story.

Daredevil called Tony Judas. I found that funny

are you trying to say Egyptians were niggers?
Because the pharoah mummies with red hair would disagree. They used niggers as farm equipment, like we used to.

The problem is that Marvel has a very childish take on what a corrupt government is. They honestly believe it's a bunch of old conservative white dudes who are causing all the problems.. when our fucking president is a black liberal. They live in la la land when it comes to politics and social issues.

That's a shame. How did Marvel go form the social commentary of Gruenwald's Captain America and Christopher Priest's Black Panther to this crap?

wasn't it iron fist posing as daredevil while daredevil was off doing some shit?

I stopped reading comics basically 2 years ago since I could not take this SJW shit fest any longer

it really does amaze me that Nick spencer wrote one of my favorite comics shortly before I stopped reading and the next thing he writes is this utter garbage
guy is a massive tool cock sucking leftie retard polluting the entire industry with his dumb ass backwards thinking ideals

but god damn superior foes was a good book

Matt Murdoch laying low because muh lawsuit against him being Daredevil, so he asked Iron Fist to fill up for him for awhile to avoid suspicion.

thanks user.

maybe we can storytime superior foes?

People get old and start fucking up. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens enough that you can't expect people to be decent writers as they get older, especially if they have life changing things like having a kid/parents dying/freaking out over 9/11, whatever. I don't know how old Spencer is, but if he was a better writer before, he probably just drank the koolaid in some desperate attempt to be 'socially conscious', and now can't reconcile his new cult mentality with writing a story. That's why you still see some interesting dialog at times from his conservative bad guys, but in the end they're still just the bad guys, and the good guys come off as pure preachy.

No one else brought this up, but I have to ask: is this "summon a shitton of birds and they build me a giant nest" something Sam has been able to do before? It's so specifically absurd it feels like a direct callback to something older. As shit of a writer as this guy is now, I know he read Gruenwald's run and probably a lot of older stuff, so if this was done before, I have to see it.


Wrong thread. There is a thread about this exact subject.

It's funny how people have forgotten what good casting is. It's not only finding a person who can act the part, but actually looks like the character they are trying to portray. By casting these characters as people of races that don't match the character you are doing a huge disservice to the fans of these characters who want to see them realized in live action… but I'm probably just preaching to the choir here.

Trust me, most people do that.
It's way easier to play pretend that everything is fine and you do your best already, than to admit that shit's about to blow in your afce and you have nobody else to blame but yourself.
So they will keep on continuing to live in their own special bubble until they either grow up and take a good fucking look in the mirror or get a brain aneurysm should Trump become president.

I am just as excited as you are to see the collective liberal empire collapse from the sheer butthurt that will occur when Trump is elected.

Have we ever had a draft dodger for president before?

Bill Clinton dodged the draft.

Dubya didn't have to go because of daddy's power

No people from Austin and the ilk it draws is what's ruining Texas. Pride or no the two things Texans believe in is that your word is your bond and stand for what you believe in. They cry that Texas is the most racist backwoods or we have too much pride like you do but ask them to actually stand with any minority or even own up to any statement and they cower like the limp wristed sacks of shit they are.

So you're helping your fellow Californian migrants turn Dallas into another Austin?

Joke's on you, I'm from Louisiana

Obama isn't exactly a liberal any more. observe his drift to the right since being elected.

Didn't you get the memo? Now the blacks were the Hebrews.


Political compass grades left v right on economics and isn't the best at that either. But it is correct that Obama and Romney are very close economically.

Oh you're from Dallas? That explains you insatiable hunger for cocks.

That's so illegal, it's comical.

Isn't Rage, like, 12 years old?

He's been allowed to age up to 15, now.



Not to mention that White people, even the palest gingers, don't have a skin color that resembles semen. Shitskins, on the other hand, actually do come in every nuance of shit.

Besides, racial slurs have to hit a nerve–specifically a deep-seated sense of inferiority–to actually hurt. That doesn't work on Whites, who, even in their current, degenerate state, remain the unquestioned apex of Man.

Fucking Hell, it gets better every time.

Is that The Zodiac?


Go back to Holla Forums, retard.

Seriously? This thread hasn't had a good post in hours, yet people like you keep bumping it.

To think people were angry about who they cast as Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3, not to say they weren't justified in that, but wow. Things have changed.