Gimmie a Break

Was this nigger able to fly? Who the fuck would believe this was all the work of one person?

Not to mention:

Poof. They never existed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off journojew

It's easier to pin it on the dead guy and let the other ones go free.

You need to remember that the police are owned by the government.

The government supports BLM.

You'd be fucking shocked to realize how cucked police are today. I'm not trying to be a dick. I absolutely hate all the racist shit that gets said here.

That said, realistically if you think the police are "angry" about this, you're wrong. They're slaves and they know either consciously or subconsciously that they have absolutely zero power. They bow to Obama and his ideological positions. Most of them don't even realize it.

Put a guy like Trump in charge and these useful morons all change their attitudes overnight.

Most people just do what those in power tell them to do, and they don't even see it as slavery.

Just like with Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, the government is more concerned with its image/sending a message than actually dishing out justice. Having one guy to hang all this shit on is good enough in their eyes. It would probably be too hard to catch the others.

I'm having a hard time believing it.

In other words, most cops today just think "oh boy! that was wild! I'm gonna go home and eat a sandwich and watch Big Bang Theory with my wife and then go into work tomorrow and bow"

The old culture of the police form as a sort of free energy has been restrained and controlled. The police are useful little cuck bitch slaves for Obama and the Marxists who have slowly worked toward total control over their frail brains

And of course the exact same is true of the FBI and just about everything else in society today

leave faggot

Yep, all according to ZOG plans.

Your racism is just giving into the fucking narrative that (((they))) are writing.

You hate people who could be your allies. You are giving into division.

The truth is that this battle goes beyond fucking skin color and race. It's not about that. It's not but it does have a role, it's not HATE though.

It's just the fact that these people in power use race as a way to make everyone hate one another. And political correctness is the way that they DESTROY THE HUMAN SPIRIT. It's not about progress. It's just an easy way that they can make people bend over. The elites don't give a fuck about race or anything else. They see it as a huge joke. You're all falling for it.

Only a few nutjobs on the far left actually buy into the "plan." Everyone else in the media and Hillary and the whole charade just sees it as a method for taking total control over other people who aren't themselves. It's a strategy.

You are right that it's wrong to focus on niggers and muslims instead of the Jews running the show, but you're wrong that we need them as allies or that they would even be useful.

Found the normie.

Just because (((they))) use divide and conquer tactics doesn't mean we all have to get along and hold hands to beat them. They do use our racism against us but that doesn't make racism wrong per say. I honestly don't hate all black people but I do think White people are generally more intelligent, trustworthy, and civil than our 'groid counterparts. Hell, I have black friends. Some of them are actually pretty smart. I just don't think you can deny that whites are, on average, better than blacks.


This shooter runs like a woman.

get out. go read r/worldnews. we don't want you.

it's called ==politically incorrect==

go back to sesame street and let the men protect you, as usual.

Please tell me someone archived those articles

Meme this as the
at every opportunity. Don't call it the Dallas shooting or the protest shooting, make the BLM own it.

No. That's combat gliding, running a j-sweep, and flanking. That's no female and those are all moderately advanced infantry tactics.

Fuck off, retard.

Your post would have been great if not for this.

I've been noticing a lot of cuckservatives on here in the wake of these chimpenings. I like how they flood in at certain times, and complain about how mean and wicked we evil racists are. I mean, if we're so stupid, go elsewhere for your news discussions.

okay, Snake…

He was a veteran.

People with very low IQs are not able to join the armed forces.


And then there's this. Not saying it's related, but very weird you have to admit. But again, maybe unrelated.

It was up all last night but got taken down 8 hours ago.

I was under the impression that the armed forces administer a type of IQ test which prevents those with very low IQs from joining.

That isn't correct?

They make you take this test called the ASVAB. It's basically a placement test. Score very high and they might consider you for officer training or some technical job or something. I don't think they wouldn't let you join unless you were like seriously retarded. I know some very smart people who have been on the military and I know some ex-military guys who are dumb as bricks.

Well user suggested that this was some sort of false flag because:

So that's not a compelling argument.

I think they are saying the number of shooters is lower than it actually is in order to prevent people from thinking that these events are big.

If it's just "one lone gunman", it makes it seem like it's not a part of a group, like BLM or ISIS. Why would one lone gunman do something for BLM or ISIS? They always work together.

That's what they want people to think. If the headlines were saying that a group of shooters at the BLM march opened fire, it sounds more like BLM did it.

But, if you say it's only one lone gunman, it makes it sound more isolated from BLM (or other groups).

It's basic propaganda. You are on the wrong path thinking it's a false flag. They just lie and say it's only one gunman to make it seem like it's unaffiliated with any other groups.

Not to mention in the main thread, they're using the justification it was a lone gunman to not have to declare this a hate crime, for some bizarre reason.

why are you here normalfag

We white men need to do something to STOP the murder of white women by nigger and spic police:

Nigger internet defense force please go.


So uh, with the Dallas shooting, what exactly happened to all of the other accomplices? Like the two people who loaded a
camoflauged bag into a car and got chased by the police? The woman they found in a parking structure? The second shooter?

Those bits were all over the news, and now they're claiming Micah Johnson acted alone and wasn't tied to any group. What the fuck happened to all of the other suspects?

Yeah well that's how you jog or glide when you want to move relatively quickly while putting down relatively accurate fire. If it looks stupid but it works then it's obviously not stupid.




reminds me of this
clearly LEOs are not infantry combat trained
and we're facing military false flag agents

I love our boys in blue, but bless their hearts, they're not soldiers, and shouldn't be required to act as such.
Not to mention they have to put a lot of focus on helping civilians. That's got to detract from their combat effectiveness.
Mad props on the snackbar robot, though, mad props.

Huh, I never knew there was a word for that.

I believe the govt is actively hiding how bad it really is right now for obvious reasons. Definitely more than 1.

Yet they started with the "muh blacks" "muh racisms pigs" "kill all whites". We didnt start it, niggers want to destroy themselves when they are not controlled by a better race, its in their nature.

is that the actual video of a cop being shot?


niggers are filthy animals.

I really don't understand black power. How do the explain the world they live in? Do they really believe they were this master race living in a utopia until they let whites in and whites took over?

No, it's pretty much all about race, ethnicity, or however else you want to group people biologically. Just like it has been since the beginning of time. People are just complex animals.

"Those were echoes! You heard echoes!"

They don't believe anything. Almost every "black" movement is organized and funded by others.

I've heard those (((echoes))) before… in Dallas, no less


Leave, you astroturfing little faggot. 98% of niggers are lower than animals.

I was watching the Dallas march when the shooting started, and stayed up until 1:00 AM listening to two different police scanners and multiple live streams.

Nothing I've heard or read officially since the next morning jives with what I saw and watched that night.

It's possible they were foreign agents, and have been blackbagged by the CIA. Possibly executed and disposed of, or possibly in some black site prison in eastern europe.

It's also possible they were simply killed and disposed of by the local cops.

Or they let them go, and representatives of the Obama administration told them to stay quiet.

OR it was just the cia, period.

Underrated post.


This vid still trips me out. Makes me realize how most people stand no chance against someone who is trained. At first glance it just looks like a gun battle but analyzing that flanking maneuver you realize the cop was toast the instant they engaged each other.

Arrest != Guilt

I wouldn't say niggers are lower than animals.
Niggers are like goats.

There was obviously more than one shooter but if you think the Dallas PD is participating in the cover-up you're crazy.

Then get the fuck out faggot

Yeah it's not that you're a kike shill or anything.

Probably on a flight with Mateen's wife


The blacks believe a lot of stupid wuz kangs bullshit. It's fed to them so they get uppity and kill people, and also continue to vote democrat.

Gas yourself immediately.



If there was one guy, where is the parking garage related to this video? This guy was fucking around in the open like this?

The police are nothing more than a branch of government that enforces the will of the government upon the people. Thinking otherwise is foolish.

Kek. Niggers are like these fuckers, pic(s) related.

Wait what? They're pinning it all on the one guy now, what the fuck?

Literally on every news station they were talking about 3 snipers who were also there with the guy (the anchors even addressing that he claims himself to be alone despite proof otherwise and speculating why he was doing that). They were talking about snipers even after the guy got ackbard by the cops, and I thought that they were still firing while he was barricaded/dead. Not to mention they said they were questioning the snipers on Fox.

I honestly thought this was 100% legit because it was in a public place, but if they're trying to pin it on only that one dude I'm suspicious as fuck.

Not trying to jump the gun here, but it does seem fishy that all this stuff is happening right before the RNC and DNC

Remember when deray got his account hacked and they found messages about Loretta Lynch and using them and their riots to get martial law instated? This is to prevent trump from winning and yes he is winning, no one supports Hillary, it's all fake like everything else on the electric Jew.

Why else would they attacks police directly, because if the cops can't do their job they have to send in the feds, for your protection

Was that leak confirmed to be real?

wuts going on here boys