A new batch of pilots has been released by Adult Swim this week

A new batch of pilots has been released by Adult Swim this week.

Thoughts Holla Forums ? Any of these have a shot at becoming a show?


Better save these AS pilots become balls hard to find after they air them


Not one of those shows seemed remotely original.


The first one is that special kind of garbage animation and writing that most have come to expect from Adult Swim shows, edgy and stupid to a fault.
I see it as a pisspoor version of Mike Tyson Mysteries.

The 2nd one is a worse version of The Venture Brothers in a lot of respects and the voice of reason is a pair of problem glasses.
I do like the animation compared to the others.
I liked a lot of the voice actors.
Don't like annoying blackguy cobra-commander.

The 3rd one was the least offensive, but to a fault, is pretty bland.
I'd describe it as a lower budget and lower rated version of Korgoth of Barbaria.

The 4th pilot was a series of C-list celebrities in what felt like something the writers of Danger 5 tossed into a trashcan.

Can someone mirror these?

I can't watch them. Region lock I think.

What the hell is this? You know, when shows were first getting aired on Adult Swim, I remember that the animations had at least some talent behind them. Superjail, Metalocalypse, Venture Brothers, hell, even fucking 12 Oz. Mouse and Squidbillies were unique and decently animated enough to make it feel like the people behind them actually gave a shit about their cartoons.

But these pilots? Not a single one has any kind of unique quality to them, and the animations are abhorrently stiff and abnormal, like the characters are all puppets or something. And this isn't even getting into the premise for each, which (like said) have already been done before, and better.

You know, at this point I'd honestly prefer if Adult Swim stopped fucking lying to its audience and just became "edgy Nick at Nite", because it's obvious they couldn't care less about their animations.

All about that Loiter Squad and Eric Andre cash now

Eric Andre just being Filthy Frank the TV show

Well, has anybody saved them yet?

why do all animated shows still look like animated in flash or goanimate? that was accteptable like 10 years ago

None of them held my interest, and I'm a stoner. That's just sad, not even a fucking stoner wants to watch these.

I liked the second one, only because I'm kinda of a sucker for GI Joe. The rest were just terrible.


garbage, garbage, garbage and garbage.

this was really depressing. granted I wasn't really expecting anything great, but each seemed to disappoint me in increasingly predictable ways

sub par all around

did it get better?, I stopped watching after he killed the assistant.

I didn't finish a single one


Didn't want to make a new thread just for this, so here's a stream of Rick and Morty being animated:

This shit was never acceptable


They're all terrible. I couldn't even finish any of them. If you had to point a gun at me though, I'd say the second one was… the most tolerable.

That's because it was basically the Frisky Dingo pilot. But not as funny.


you people are fucking disgusting. AS doesn't need any more shitty live action shows on their lineup.

They're ALL shit, but the second one is the worst.

oh and the last one is the best

Nice find, user.