
Can someone ID this cutie patootie? Did she do any porn? I want to fuck her while my dick is covered in dorito crust

Dude this pic is fucking disgusting and it is making me uncomfortable. I hope she took a bath after that.

its doritos and they didnt do any porn

She's already bathing. Y would u take bath twice?


Now that's a real girl, bathing in real potato chips. Pringles > Doritos. Sorry, Op, but looks like no one cares about your disgusting Dorito girl.


we can have a doritos bits shower afterward

fuck off you homosexuals

doritos is not a person, it's a company
I'm hoping she did some herself

cheetos are top tier tho


She looks at least half curry flavoured


Please tell me they pun captioned this
Bombay Minx


MY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!


they're doritos

you can find them in any convenience store

That's even more disgusting than doritos.

You jealous you cant enjoy the best potato chips on the market, poorfag?


i remember commercials showing off pringles stain your fingers less


Duritos taste better.

Just like consoles are way more fun than PC gayming.

fucking peasant

… it's been done…

bump because no info

wtf?! thats disgusting