Strategically firebombing civilian populations


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Allied war crimes? What's that?


Ends justify the means.
Attempts to stand on higher moral standard are not just absurd but un-pragmatic.

an anti-semitic canard. everyone knows only nazis committed war crimes!

Oh wait let me laugh even harder

It was totally justified goy.
Please remember the 6 million.

Who cares. The less people in the world the better. You wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone live into their 50's.


I hope it happens again, preferably right smack in the middle of the most populated Swedish city just so I can laugh and jerk off to the collective anguish of human rights faggots.

to the gulag with you

Morality is for the weak.
Read Nietzsche like normal nazies.

That's how wars have been won for thousands of years, princess. Total war. You kill the enemy before he kills you. No mercy. The blood thirsty Japs understood that. Why don't you?


oh great. if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have a city full of boring-ass wooden temples and shit

But overall, firebombings in Japan on strategic basis were useless since form 1944 forwards 3/4ths of Japanese war industry was based on Manchuria.

Why don't you kill yourself?

Not only was sun tzu not a nip, he fiercely opposed bombing as a strategy.
"In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it."

I never said he was, dummy. Reading comprehension.

No he didn't. Because bombing wasn't invented then.

That's only the best case scenario. If only all enemies were so cooperative. The entire rest of his book is about what you do when they don't surrender without a fight.

"20. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."

Sun Tzu.

There was a clear implication

Yes it was, retard. They didn't drop bombs from airplanes but they did use powder kegs, not to mention bombardment and general fire and destruction.

I doubt you could call the civilians in Japan the "enemy." Bombing the country to ashes is hardly necessary, it's just bad tactics driven by politics and fear.

Also, I hope everyone here has watched barefoot gen.
I can't embed for some shit reason.

You are delusional. You do not need to be Chinese to study the strategy of Tzu. That was a stupid assumption you made.

I can and do. All Japanese were the enemy. That is the definition of total war.

They were excellent tactics because they worked. We won. You cannot argue against victory.

no u

no it isn't

no you didn't

The U.S. won on economic terms and with a grand slam kinda show with the two atomic bombs that frightened the emperor into submission for the protection of his people after realizing it was no longer a war in which individual skill and machinery mattered. The Japanese would have fought to the very last man should the US not drop bombs that can wipe out entire cities without even threatening the life of a single american. after the scales were bent to such a degree, the only logical thing the emperor could have decided was to put up a white flag.

The firebombs on civilian centers were designed to destroy sources of income and industry, in an attempt to economically cripple axis war efforts. Was it right? Dunno, but I like fire and I like bombs, so firebombs are A-ok in my book.

eh, well I mean if japan took over the entire ocean and china, there'd be super dank anime every year… which in my book is better than fire. fire is pretty dank too tho as long as it isn't humans burning.

As a American I'm not sorry fuck you I hope in the near future we can do it again, fuck you

stop appropriating our culture!!!

user, tell us all how the Jap Empire won WW2. We are waiting to be impressed.

Not unless the country itself is a total shithole. Checkmate.

So whats the reasoning for the firebombing of dresden? Neither an industrial center, or great source of income. The bombers didn't even receive flak fire.

Three possible reasons that I can see, and remember I'm no historian:
1) Some army guy had too much money left in the budget and he needed to spend it or he wouldn't get it renewed next year
2) memes.
3) mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Don't forget mass murdering civilians in Korea to prevent the unholy creation of socialism

In war, only the winners write history.