This is what commies actually believe


Other urls found in this thread: russian/?sort=popular

Did somebody say Communism?

Commie scum ruined what could have been great.







The bait has worked. Caught the red commie!

If you ever want to trigger a commie(because many are really Stalinists) just ask if they think Stalin made a mistake when he killed 20,000 at Katyn or when he allied with Hitler?
They will sputter and say "muh lies" but you can really box a commie in with massacres enough so as to discredit them in front of people try are trying to convert.
Commies are a lot like scientologists. Their OT3 is mass purges. If you mention mass purges they recoil, they have been exposed.

Make yourself useful and find the Soviet loli's marching song. They're at a parade or something. Victory day.

Fuck your commie Bullshit

Katyn was done by the Nazis and there was no alliance with those, it was a non aggression pact only after the rest of europe declined any collaboration with the SU, including Poland that much earlier signed a treaty with germany too.
Get your history straight, faggot.

If you want pedo shit, go ask Holla Forumsacks.


>>>Holla Forums
Even giving you the illusion of a choice, am i not benevolent?


This can work


Cya'll later fellow Holla Forumsolshevik comrades :-)

You take the bait.

На встречах между представителями советского и польского руководства, в широких кругах общественности длительное время поднимается вопрос о выяснении обстоятельств гибели польских офицеров, интернированных в сентябре 1939 года. Историками двух стран были проведены тщательные исследования катынской трагедии, включая и поиск документов.
В самое последнее время советскими архивистами и историками обнаружены некоторые документы о польских военнослужащих, которые содержались в Козельском, Старобельском, Осташковском лагерях НКВД СССР. Из них вытекает, что в апреле — мае 1940 года из примерно 15 тысяч польских офицеров, содержавшихся в этих трех лагерях, 394 человека были переведены в Грязовецкий лагерь. Основная же часть «передана в распоряжение» управлений НКВД соответственно по Смоленской, Ворошиловградской и Калининской областям и нигде больше в статистических отчетах НКВД не упоминается.
Выявленные архивные материалы в своей совокупности позволяют сделать вывод о непосредственной ответственности за злодеяния в катынском лесу Берии, Меркулова и их подручных.
Советская сторона, выражая глубокое сожаление в связи с катынской трагедией, заявляет, что она представляет одно из тяжких преступлений сталинизма.
Копии найденных документов переданы польской стороне. Поиск архивных материалов продолжается.

So if Katyn was the Nazis then why does everyone agree, except pathetic commie worms, that it was Stalin?
The Hitler-Stalin pact included the coninvasion of Poland. There had been military colaberation since 1920 with German military and the Soviets. The Soviets helped Germany to rearm and started the Holocaust with the coinvasion of Poland. Would Hitler have invaed Poland without that alliance? Would the Holocaust have started without that Alliance?
And was the reason Poland didn't want to ally with the Soviets because they tried to invade in 1920?
How about the Holodomor? I bet you deny that genocide as well. Do you watch the Young Turks? Do you also deny the armenian genocide?
Commie scum, you'll never get another chance. You are history.

Holocaust enabler

"Where ever I go, I must purge."

Commies BTFO

Whenever commies say Capitalists and Facists are allies, i would always mention how grampa Stalin teamed up with "porky" to stop the facists.






I hate communism but love this song. The lyrics are good too if you look them up. She's telling the boy she'll marry him if he wins a metal at war.

That's the most encouraging type of song. Achieve victory and own qt.

Communism is shit, but Russians knew their music. Russian classical music is some of the best music their is, and Russian war songs were fucking great.


I didn't get a fucking word~ :3

What did Finland do wrong to deserve this, you may ask?
They refused to give up rightful Finnish land to the USSR, which would have led to the entire country being taken over by communists.
Communism, socialism, whatever you call it, is anti-humanity. At least Finland still rekt the USSR, though.

All the people that have shown up with commie arguments, aren't actually communists, they just want to make them look bad. I mean, when you prove their argument to be wrong, their arguments just turn into insults and moronic rambling.

Soviets put forth their best, but it turns out their best was still shit.
34 times as many aircraft
But look at Soviet vs. Finnish casualties. Embarrassing.

The power of horde….

Historic necessity.

except thats wrong retard, not denigrating the finns by any means, they btfo a massive invasion army, but the often unmentioned caveat is that crazy ass fucking stalin had just purged the entire officer corps because he was fucking convinced they were going to coup him out. The red army going into finland was completely headless, they had no fuckihg idea what they were doing past noncom level, and even nonccoms were purged by fuckin stalin.

They might have still lost, because the fucking snow mongols do not fuck around, but its still a huge factor

there are three major tells that someone doesnt realy know much about ww2, one of them is banging on about finland without mentioning this, the other one is babbling about how winter defeated the nazis, and the biggest one is claiming Stalingrad was the turning point of the war

anons that cant into reading a fucking book and like to larp as nazis love to go on about how the soviets fielded a peasant army, this is only half true, the red army was dishevelled and underequipped until about 42 when it started to drastically turn around, by the time of kursk or at the very latest the belarussian offensive the soviets had transformed their entire military into a well oiled machine that was both technologically and strategically tactically superior to every other military in the world

they learned from the best after all, the fiercest foe humanity has ever faced


How was Stalingrad not the turning point of the war?

It did not mark an end to German offensives, but after kursk axsis forces were completely on defensive on eastern front.

hue, im sure thats not entirely wrong, the finns went hard as fuck, that disaster was probably burned into the combat DNA of the men that actually made it out. The "battle of the wurstsuppe" comes to mind, jesus K. christ on a stick.

Allow me to make another little point on all the rampant revisionism that surrounds the world war(because there really was only one, with a long ceasefire inbetween hostilities). It also involves finnlandia:

Limpdicked western liberal relativists love to intellectually masturbate on comparing hitler and stalin, they try to make the point that they are both equally insane/evil/psychopathic etc. and that you can barely tell them apartwhich i suspect is subconsciously an attempt to claim that liberalism is the only answer

Obviously they both were pretty batshit, but there are still fundamental differences in their personalities and you can very definitively say which one is/was/would have been "worse" without resorting to ideology or any of that shit

When the moscow peace treaty between finland and russia was signed(which actually ended up being kind of a shit deal for the finns, they lost more territory to the ceasefire agreement than to russian troops directly) stalin raised a fucking toast to the finns and said pic related.

This is a very telling anecdote, hitler would have been fucking incabale of doing such a thing, he had neither the style nor the empathy. Dont get me wrong, stalin was a murderous paranoid psychopathic lunatic but his type of crazy was more…stable if you will, as horrible as that sounds, despite the fact that he killed way more fucking people than hitler.

Hitler was a murderous suicidal power hungry lunatic and stalin was just a murderous power hungry lunatic, but he was also made more capable by the fact that he was far shrewder than hitler, he had a certain kind of peasant smarts that you will often find with pimps organized crime bosses and similar Untermenschen whose profession has a lot to do with manipulation

Another interesting thing about stalin/hitler which kind of goes against what im saying here is that Iosef really liked hitler, like almost bromance levels, he would talk about how great he was to others. When addi stabbed him in the back and invaded, stalin went into a complete funk for weeks; he didnt react to calls, he locked himself in his office, didnt shave or wash, it took someone with some serious balls to go in there and give him a metaphorical slap to the face.

a lot of polacks will claim russia was about to invade themselves but this is bogative, any kind of russian invasion would have been years away if at all, alone because of the aforementioned purging of the the officer corps, the german Stab was more than aware of this, a few hours before barbarossa kicked off a russian train with supplies unloaded in germany, thats how "ready" the russians were to invade

A russian invasion is almost always "years away if at all" it seems, the russians only really seem to get their shit together when someone is trying to invade them, and the bolsheviks were despised by so many slavs and others at the time, had hitler not been so autistically brutal in the invasion he would have been seen as a liberator by many, instead he solidified russian resolve and is actually in many ways responsible for "Russia" as the entity it is today.

ultimately the invasion of russia played right into the hands of the anglos however, it was the only way they could win, a solid russian-german alliance would have spelled the end of anglo-american hegemony, thinktank scum like RAND actually goes so far as to claim that it is still the only confligration capable of posing a serious threat to this very day. When you start to look at history through this lens things get a lot more interesting to say the least, it really comes down to land empires vs mercantile sea empires and how they are fundamentally different in my humble opinion

ok im done sperging out, if you are interested in actual history that tries not to be liberal revisionist or rightist revisionist then stop on over at /his, its a bit dead lately but there are some smart anons there on a variety of topics. dont shit the place up though, faggots, these are a few of the monks of this dark yet interesting age we live in

oh god sorry for the insane amount of leddit spacing, small device

also this is completely accurate, i could sperg out about kursk for another two pages, the biggest fucking battle of history that was fucking hollywood levels of telling about so many things, this was the moment when the tide turned in almost all things, and the student truly became the master

That face though

Communist russia was responsible for ww2 and hitler.
Having influence over the communist parties of the other European states they strictly didn't want the communist parties to align with anarchists and social Democrats, this divide in power left a weak left unable to stop the rise of hitler and the greatest ideology ever known.
Good job you commie bastards


yes hitler was very good with children, he was a decent human being after all



He was a good human with excellent taste in life.

I found this difficult to masturbate to but then i remembered to take off my pants.


would buy an icecream/10



so are these guys terrorists or what?


I'm going to start today infact. Torrented language packs and ready to study! I'm planning on visiting Moscow, Belarus and Ukraine.

Good luck user, try duolingo as well, I found it useful when I was starting out before I started learning it in a class.

No, they were Serbian patriots defending against Muslim invasion. Unfortunately the Jews couldn't have that and declared it "ethnic cleansing" and sent in NATO and Clinton bombed the shit out of them to force diversity and multiculturalism.

The hohols are anything BUT Russian. The only Russian parts of Ukraine is Novorossiya. Yebaniy hoholskiy pidirast, yebat' Banderu, yebat' Ukrainu. Slava Uryniye, Uryniye Slava. Sala heroyam, heroyam sala… And so on.

and crimea russian/?sort=popular

Best history listen from Dr Willaim Pierce.

So what? I heard Russian language is similar to Ukrainian and even native Belarussian (most speak russian anyway), so you can understand enough of what they're saying atleast.


Lol Ive been listening to his archive and towards the end of one episode he screamed something about kikes. I need to go back and make a webm or something.

iPhone posting fgt
To a similar extent that the Scandinavian languages are mutually inteligable I'd imagine, or if you only speak English, that Scots and English are mutually intelligable, e.g.
Aa this happent at the wurd spokken bi the Lord throu the Prophet micht be fulfilled: Behaud, the virgin wil bouk an beir a son, an they will caa his name Immanuel – that is, “God wi us”.
Whan he hed waukit frae his sleep, Joseph did as the angel hed bidden him, an tuik his trystit wife hame wi him. But he bedditna wi her or she buir a son; an he caa’d the bairn Jesus.

Yeah, and Jewkrainians will be plotting to kill you most likely. Main differences between Russian and Ukrainian are some words and a couple of letters (for example, the letter I in Ukrainian is, well, in fact I (that's capital i) and in Russian it's И). Belarus is way better than Ukraine, as they were in fact smart enough to use what the Soviet Union left them (territory, factories, farms on rich , fertile soil) to build a better future for themselves. And hohols, well, being hohols decided to fuck it and become Merkel's dogs.
There actually was a realistic theory as to what would happen if a Second Disaster in ChNPP happened (STALKER universe, obviously), read about it in a novel set in the universe. After 2006 (Second Disaster), Belarus allied with Russia to contain the Zone and Ukraine was immeadiatly approved as a member of EU, UN and NATO as the counterweight. Never once trust a hohol, they will betray you at the first opportunity.

слава украине
