Mfw something disturbing happens

>mfw my fingers very slightly start shaking from rage

help me Holla Forums

tits or gtfo!


no tits.

then why are you acting like a girl

I meant that I;m not going to show them or click a photo.

How do I calm down?


Stop giving that attention seeking faggot attention, please.

by posting tits

here you go

Go work to an abstract singleton factory

Learn to use proper video codecs, dumbass

Those are not nice tits. :(

fuck off

What could have possibly happened that led to this trainwreck of a thread?
Calm down and install gentoo.
Well shit.
Then stop typing gibberish, you fucking nigger.
Well, what was it? Kill them.
See above.

My sister died

If it's true then I'm sorry to hear it. Right now you really need to calm down and take some time to get your shit together, if you have code that's due pressuring you then talk to your professor/boss and they will give you an extension. If you need something more to take your mind off it in the meantime, installing gentoo is a perfectly valid option.

Thank you for calling the Holla Forums psychiatric hotline this has been Ramjesh speaking.

I don't have to code, I just can't think of anythign else ot do which can divert my attention.

Read SICP.

Could work.


sup reddit
where's that from though??

Meditation and/or stoic study.

I'm sorry for you? Holla Forums isn't for blogging.
