Official Holla Forums thread


Communism is by definition a successful system therefore every unsuccessful implementation is not real communism irrespective of how closely it adheres to its other tenets.


what's the proper leftist ideology then?

China. It is by far the most successful socialist country in the world. Strive for shit that works, not for stuff that fails should be the credo. I don't see the right denying that Hitler and Germany was a right wing ideology, so why the left always says that whenever a socialist country that fails isn't real socialism, is simply just a scapegoat.




Pretty much this. However, since being successful is chief among requirements for a system to be considered communism, strength with respect to that criterion can overpower deficiencies in other areas, such as adherence to any particular ideology. Therefore, strictly speaking, the United States is actually the closest country to true Communism.

Dropping redpills



TruthSeeker you have to be the most obnoxious namefag to have graced this site.
I sincerely hope you're just imitating Quentin for a laugh and aren't actually autistic enough to make what are pretty much political versions of his shitty comics.

Sorry, I get like this when I don't take my meds for a while.

Libtards make me sick.

Go back to your hugbox >>>/leftyb/


Hitler did nothing wrong.


I dare you to sit through it OP.


And that's just in addition. It's so cute to see you pretending to be any better than them. You're merely mirroring their retarded shit and pretend the opposite is the good stuff.

go away you fucking cancer.


There's not a "real" socialism, there are socialisms, plural.
Explain, why'd a Marxist Leninist stand for the stupid shit Anarchists do, which they call them out for themself constantly?
"America is awesome, but Obama, it's not real Americanism."
Still don't see the problem? The only way is because you're ignoring it intentionally to just shitpost away.
The question should rather be: "How is X great when there is Y?" That's how you concretely adress an issue.

How was the Soviet Union, how is Marxism Leninism, how was Stalin right, if it ended in the restauration of capitalism in the 90s?
A concrete question, that can be given a concrete answer and analysis.
And there's plenty of it. So, why shitposting your "th-they say it's not really socialism, lololol!" instead?
There is only one honest answer. You have no idea what you're talking about and have no interest in looking into these questions but rather need a shitty strawman to justify for yourself to say anything and ignore the voice in your head that is telling you that you don't know shit and are a scared little faggot shying genuine debate.

It's called the no true scotsman fallacy, something you communists love using.

god i love swallowing cum



Autism 101.

We won't be going to war under Trump you idiot.


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Jokes on you, I'm not scottish.



You faggots have your own fucking board gtfo



i'm gay AMA

i agree with the stormnigger


Communist theory question: If everyone is the same but discrimination happens between the racial groups, then wouldn't it make sense to just avoid that problem entirely by having one race? It seems obvious when you think about it leftypol. The only thing you lose by having one racial group is the break in national cohesion it causes. Surely, since everyone is the same it would be worth it to avoid any potential problems that come from toxic elitism by just making everyone appear the same as possible. The sacrifice of the niggers spics and kikes will be a hard decision to make, but ultimately worth it as it will create a more unified country.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

Can we remove china? they fucking suck dick with their shitty plastic fake legos that break after you build them!!!


redoing the Reich would be far more successful than redoing communism


Get back to you containment board.

This is why communists should be shot on sight

Oh… a real-life liberal crime squad

they're every bit as fearsome as you imagine

Sounds about right

Take your socialist shit to another board or another site

I agree with this actual nigger

Jump off a cliff Holla Forums

Pretty sure op was being ironic.
