Didn't you UK fags use to boast about how your police don't need to carry guns and shit because it's so peaceful...

Didn't you UK fags use to boast about how your police don't need to carry guns and shit because it's so peaceful because you idiot put cameras everywhere and got rid of guns? How's that going now that Muslims have invaded and raped all of your daughters?

Pic is of a beautiful white woman in case you've forgotten what they look like.



Northern irish cops carry guns so you didn't do any research on that claim.


this is why no one takes you seriously.

beside, you're the only one obsessed with race, everyone else doesn't give a fuck about it.

Found the muslim/cuck.


Can we see the rest of her breasts?

Take that back I hope shes at least 18

what breasts?

Who is this semen demon?

We already see the whole thing. Only the nipple is hided, so who cares.

British subjects always try to brag about their cops not killing knife wielding maniacs. As if that's suppose to be a good thing. If you can't put down knife wielding maniacs, then who can you put down?

That is just pathetic, no wonder bongland is so fucked.

In a few years porn will be forbidden in the UK

How's the Sharia going fellow lads?

But don't worry, by the time they ban porn you will be able to rape women in the street, so it kinda cancels out, right?

dog sabe the queern


Who are these semen demons?

She's done modeling for American Apparel you fucking overly paranoid dingbat. Jeeze fuck you and everyone like you.

is that a fucking nokia on his vest

Fuck off TruthSeeker


hot af tbh




It's the reward you get for not slaughtering every jew to be honest.

you expected a fucking iPhone ?

Holy fuck, like a dozen or more cops dicking around with this faggot when there ARE people in dire need of help. They should at the very least carry bean bag guns.

Meanwhile brit/pol/ complains about muhh poles coming in to clean their toilets


That's not how it works, brings manual labour price down. Meaning your average manual labourer would have less money and be able to buy less shit whilst the richy fucker makes money of the cheaper labour and gets richer.

I'm only seeing vague lines between your post and mine. Care to highlight those lines? That was a mannerism.


Thank you.

This is why I think Brit/pol/ is at least partially retarded, they complain about a non-hostile force being passive over a hostile force being hostile and wanting to enforce Sharia.
Also, notice that Poles are White, unlike the sandniggers. Do you Brits like interracial porn? Is that why you prefer the niggers over the whites?

Can you not prioritize? I can see why you would be upset over the Poles coming in, but deal with the big issue that actually threatens you, not a bunch of fucktards squatting in an alley.

There's a big problem with everyone, but they're all coming because of the jews so they for sure need to go die

Why is my thread still here? You people bump and converse in the stupidest threads.

Probably because of the hot girl you used for the OP image. By the way, please tell her name.