Why are there so many people saying that 2016 has been such a bad year...

Why are there so many people saying that 2016 has been such a bad year? Is it just because of Trump winning and all those celebs dying, or is there something else?

SJWs are butthurt

anything after 2014 doesnt matter

Read this post in Strong Sad's voice lol

2012 happened and all of us died.

covered bridges

it was a bad year because a lot of change happened and people hate change and label it as bad, that's why it was bad but I am glad that
1. rose came back and I can be a proud rosebud once again :)
2. and that's about it

People just jump on the bandwagon of SJWs being booty blasted

Shit year for video games, but that's no surprise.
There isn't really anything memorable about current year music or movies.

Year was pretty shit in everything that isn't politics.
In site direction Holla Forums is burning, there has been a rise in hotpocketiering on the top boards, and smaller boards becoming completely inactive.
sjws have gotten moderator status on most boards, /a/ is a prime example.
Everywhere I go I'm just reminded of how shit things are and how I will never be able to relive the good old days.

At least laughing at the butt hurt sjws on twitter was enjoyable.

tl;dr 2016 was a great year for Holla Forums

there was some decent music that came out this year. but then again, there's always some decent music that comes out every year until someone is like "Yo mothafuckas, check out this shit that'll rock ya socks off" and then everyone is like "nah ill keep listening to lil wayne, the jonas brothers, and tycho"

Idk, i thought it was a decent year.

Tor users will be indiscriminately hacked by the FBI, starting next year.

Without a warrant…

O shit nuglers, time to buy shit with bitcoin.




then start your own revolution.
Or make your masterpiece anime yourself.


Little Witch Academia (never watched it)

Krugman pls

The last decade has fucking sucked if you care about liberty with each year getting progressively worse.
From that point of view 2016 has been a terrible year and 2017 will likely be worse.

im gonna go watch little witch academia right meow. thanks :)

DouchebagChocolat personally recommended Under the Dog at the end of a his rap video.

It seems as though sjws claim that every year is the worst year toward the end of it. This seems consistent with the progressive idea that the past automatically sucks for being the past and the future ought to do a better job at catering to their whims.




The people saying that are trendy idiots that have bad memories. Life is hard, you have to deal with it. I've experienced many many years worse than 2016. We just have more people on the planet now, and far greater access to media.

Yes, certain things about 2016 were shitty, but that year for me was better than many other years I've been alive.

in 2012 we crossed paths with the hellfire reality
we are now in eternal suffering
when you "die" you just become the observer of another life in another body
there are no more new souls, some are soulless until some other one dies to experience their torment
to fix this you would have to time travel and undo major changes that allowed this warp to happen
unfortunately time is not a tape
the suffering never ends

People aren't saying it, just jew sites tbh



2016 was a great year BECAUSE trump won, a bunch of shitty celebrities died.

2016 was a bad year because I had to experience it, and it didn't end with me taking a bath with a toaster.
