Mfw reading Rebirth

It's good, Holla Forums.

Comics are back. Superheroes are back.

Other urls found in this thread:!PYImlABQ!tSa4uUsMDyh2nOC-5Qvqsg

It's just so beautiful.

You fucking wish.

m8, read the fucking books.

Look at this page, this is a reboot made with love and respect, not contempt and embarrassment.

I know you don't understand what's so significant about this since you don't read comics


Oh yeah, also - there's fucking blue and white EVERYWHERE. You'll notice when you're reading.

The DCU is recovering, I think she went through a bit of an identity crisis no pun intended but has rediscovered herself with this period of Rebirth.

They still could fuck it up.
Hope the best but be aware!

Oh my god, Holla Forums.

I just realized what this is.

I think that after she lost her virginity to Marvel sometime in the 90s and had a baby, the DCU went through an angsty phase. This was the nu52, when the universe attempted to rebuild itself for the first time and "grow up" superficially. But now she's realized that she was really still acting immature: now the DCU has really become an adult.

I don't believe you.

After all that shit with Convergence, I don't want to.
I've made my peace with comics being shit for the most part.

They're good, user. It's superheroes, they're back. I'm not saying DC knows exactly what they're doing, but this is a good reboot.


That's not edge, user. Pic related is edge.

What you're talking about is story.


Shill, please.

Oh I'd gladly storytime it if it weren't for the fact that somebody already did.

But here, take the back issues.!PYImlABQ!tSa4uUsMDyh2nOC-5Qvqsg


You say that as if its a good thing.

Fuck off Holla Forums.


you're a cool kid

I'd read the shit out of a new Icon. It would mean that DC is finally using the black characters they already have.

Too bad it would probably be bad.

At least read Superdad user, it's 10/10.

Are they evoking this page, or just ripping it off?

Don't play with my heart user


Evoking. The bomb is an excellent touch too, because it compares Superman always saving the day to Gotham being in over his head.

She's back, and is going by the name Orphan. It's really her, and the costume is a pretty good homage to her Batgirl suit too.

Tim also gets to wear a real Robin suit, even though he's still Red Robin. It just has a double R on the badge.

I dont know how I should feel right now, what issue is she in?

She's in all of Detective as part of a team lead by Batwoman alongside Tim, Stephanie (as Spoiler) and Reformed Clayface.

Will shit actually be fun again?

It's very fun, I'm liking all of it.

I'm making my way through all the back issues. So far I've read
And it's all great. Green Arrow was the worst of the ones I've read, but it still isn't a bad book. It was the one with the infamous "Social Justice Warrior" line, but so far none of the books seem too cucked. Batman has a black kid who does things hanging around the batcave, but he doesn't do much and isn't intrusive. I don't like or hate him. He's not a Robin at least, I'd be offended if they just handed him the mantle.

Oh yeah, Real Wally is back, but Black Wally is still around, not as Kid Flash though. Although he does have powers.

Fuck you.
Superman comics are mediocre and for you the worst book is green arrow? fucking green arrow, which is the dc book with the best art?
And being fucking nitpick with lefty stuff in a FUCKING GREEN ARROW BOOK?!
Holy fucking shit, i'm mad.

I didn't say it was bad, just that the others were better. I do like the art. If you can't tell I was kind of trying to talk it up because the initial Rebirth issue with him left a bad taste in some people's mouths.

Fuck you, Superdad is great.

O-okay, superdad is great, but the other is shit.
And New Superman is mediocre so far too.

Yup…Superdad actually made Superman a bit more interesting now.

When you realized…New Superman is DC's attempt to bring back Superman Red/Blue.

From what I can tell, NONE of them are shit. I haven't read Harley Quinn yet though, that might be the only one.

This is a really good relaunch.

Justice League book was pretty bad.
Like, plot and art.

I'll read that next, I'm currently in the process of reading and enjoying an Aquaman book.

I'm just as surprised as you.


user, DC is still a mess of a broken continuity and rehashing. One good series is not fixing any of their problems or the entire problem with the big two's never ending books.

Have you not read the thread, casual? Pretty much all of the books are good.

You're going to have to start actually reading comics if you want to fit in now.

I have read them. Superman's the only one that most people on here can agree is good. The rest are just kind've mediocre.

Then you wouldn't mind telling me your thoughts on each of the books?

No blanket statements this time, casual scum.

I still have to read aquaman.

My favorites of this relaunch are Green Arrow, Detective Comics and Green Lanterns. The duo of lanterns is interesting.
Flash is good too.

And I'm a little disappointed with Wonder Woman. Could be great, but i can't deal with another year one thing with another origin in some issues.

Oh yeah, I did read Wondy's Rebirth issue.

I wasn't crazy about it either, but I loved this page. I think they need some of the stuff to tie into the universe being put back together. She shows up in Action Comics actually, read that.

And make sure to give Aquaman a try, it's pretty interesting so far.


Did you not see the mega of pirated comics I linked?

You're looking more and more casual by the second.

There are no 'good comics' until you take back what we lost.

How does one good reboot wash away all the bad? How does it remove all the anti white man hate that's everywhere now. How is one reboot supposed to make everything better when there are multitudes more comics still doing it shitty?

It is pretty hasty to assume that just because some books are good now, the quality won't arbitrarily drop later down the road, especially when the next line-wide event starts. Personally I'm wondering how long they can keep up the twice-monthly and drawing the line @ $2.99! gimmicks.

It's hard to argue that some of the ongoings aren't at least worth a look though. Perpetual pessimism gets boring after a while.

I'm fine with this, just means he can really start being his own thing.

I really like the Super Dad stuff I've read.

Papa Supes and Gwenpool are the only things I like about comics nowadays.

My Hero Academia is great and I just read Ratman which came out almost ten years ago and was ching chong Capes and pretty decent.

Can someone give me a summary of what Rebirth is all about?
I read the first issue that ended with Bats finding the Comedian's badge and the first issue of Superdad. While I liked both issues Im kinda lost as to what that means in context.
Is Rebirth a reboot, a soft reboot, what does it mean for the DC Universe?

Just a relaunch of the New 52 titles but they're trying to fix some of their mistakes because of New 52 sucking so bad. Not trying hard enough but to the point that their books aren't all complete and utter shit anymore.

Eh, wake me up when they decide to do more non super hero stuff. The only stuff that caught my eye is some of the stuff they're doing in that new DC Young Animal imprint. I'm hesitant since Gerard Way is in charge of it, but Umbrella Academy wasn't terrible, so who knows.

No, it's not.

Rebirth is DC fixing the universe, basically.

I don't read comic books but the stories seem to mostly be about the continuity of comic books being changed

Rebirth is basically DC realizing that people liked the pre-New 52 material and that it was idiotic to throw all of that away and try to invent new continuity for the sake of being new. So they wrote back in the old continuity and are trying to bring back the heroes to their roots, so to say. So yeah, you can say it's a soft reboot, except it retcons the New 52 complete reboot back into the old continuity before continuing with the old elements. It'll be like if Disney said, "Whoops, Legends is canon after all" and wrote it back into the current Star Wars canon, Disney additions included.

PreFlashpointNew 52Rebirth

Time will tell if this will ultimately succeed, but so far it's working.

Superman: Basically Nu52 Supes got killed by a space fart cloud and Pre-Crisis Superman is being brought back along with Lois and his kid.

Batman + Comedian: Rebirth happened because Dr. Manhattan from WM's intervention (supposedly) into the universe took away people's memories after the Flashpoint events. Thus there are Watchmen elements in current DC continuity now.
This is perhaps the most contentious part of Rebirth to me. All of the unrelated stuff has been great, but having Dr. Manhattan be responsible for the main story arc means treading on unstable ground, especially considering Alan Moore is unhappy with how adaptations corrupt his original work.

It would be pretty sweet if the entire DC Universe has a nice chat with Manhattan and helps him reaffirm his views on humanity once more; it'll certainly be a nice change from the usual "punch the Crisis main villain" trope. Though signs also point to Manhattan unwitting causing Flashpoint through a minor action in Before Watchmen, meaning he may not get involved at all.

The Rebirth special just sows the seeds for the next big event, which is supposedly 2 years away. Most of the relaunched comics have nothing to do with it though, so it's not absolutely essential.


The real question is, who's going to die?

Is it gonna be Detective GoggleFlash?

Is it gonna be Godspeed?

Because if this is a crisis, one of them will be kill.

So I've finished all of them now, and here are my thoughts on all the books.

Definitely Read Tier

Their best book by far. Go read it. Right now.

They're jumping right into a good story, the art is good and Gotham and Gotham Girl are interesting so far.

Consider Reading Tier

Not as good as Superdad or Batman but still enjoyable. They're both doing some fun things and are worth checking out. Action Comics has Superdad doing stuff with Superlex right now, and Detective has this vigilante team doing things.

Detective gets bonus points for bringing back Cass and Steph, as well as restoring Stephanie's relationship with Tim, who's Robin again.

Actually pretty good so far, the Rebirth issue focuses on Jason's relationship with Batman. We'll have to see what happens when Bizarro and Amazon Grill show up, but they might be focusing more on the "Rogue Robin who plays by his own rules" angle. Jason isn't Deadpool.

The story is decent, and the book is worth reading for the art at least. Ollie and Dinah seem to be back as their normal sleves. GA has the goatee back.

Also it has Diggle from the TV show, but he's not exactly like he is on Arrow

It's good. They're doing more with the "King of Atlantis" thing, he's trying to have a good relationship between the surface world and Atlantis, but various things keep if from happening. It's interesting, and he has the normal costume. No hook-hand.

Also good, they're introducing a new evil speedster called "Godspeed", along with a lightning storm that creates a bunch of other speedsters in central city. Barry is also helping this detective who got speed after being struck by lightning, and they're partners.

Time will tell, but so far it seems fun. So far DC is also doing minority characters much better than marvel. Chink-El has a decent character from the start. The setting should be interesting for sure.

It hasn't come out yet, but the Rebirth issue shows Waller being fat again, and Flag is back in charge of the Squad. Harley Quinn is a member of the team, but Jim Lee is drawing it. It's worth picking up.

It combines the spy adventures he was having with superhero stuff. He has a new partner/mentor in this "Raptor" guy, who's kind of cool so far. His costume is blue again, thank god.

Maybe Read Tier

The partner thing is interesting. The current story is kind of okay, and the art isn't great in some places. Read it if you really want to.

I have no idea what's going on. I think Sinestro took over the universe in the future or something? I don't know. Read it if you really like Hal.

Worth reading for fun teenage superhero hijinx. They're friends, it's enjoyable. However the story is tied into the main Rebirth event.

I Recommend Against Reading Tier

It just kind of falls flat all around. I didn't care for it.

Conner and Palmiotti kind of fail to deliver here. It's essentially Amanda Conner doing art of Harley with some text bubbles added in.

It's just not good. None of the books are unbearable, but don't read this one. It's not interesting and just features babs dicking around in the shitty purple costume in china or something.

I didn't like the art and I'm really not familiar with Constantine. I'll defer to the experts of the character on this one, but I'm not gonna be reading it.

And no matter what, you should give them a try. I'm particularly excited for All-Star Batman, which actually comes out tomorrow.

With how central Batgirl is being so far in Nightwing, I don't even know why the chick has her own comic.

Personally I hope she stops showing up. I'm tired of looking at her stupid-ass redesign.

There's also this part, where she says she's "picking up something on her cowl scanner". Where exactly is this scanner located in her uber-practical, oh-so-realistic costume?

The thing about Wonder Woman is that, because it a twice monthly title, Rucka's trying to tell two different story arcs that apparently tie into each other. Meaning the book is a slow burn so far, which isn't going to thrill everybody.

It would've been better if that was a younger inexperienced Barbara Gordon wearing that costume so the homemade look could at least make sense.

I heard his nu52 wondy was good, I'm surprised the rebirth one was like it is.

Maybe it'll get better, we'll see.

Better yeah, but it's still retarded. The "practical and realistic" look kind of clashes with the core idea of the relaunch. These are superheroes, you can't sacrifice the design looking good for "practicality".

Yeah I can see about the costume. I've read the first issue of rebirth wonder woman and I'm liking it so far. Then again I'm not a big WW fan so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Thanks for the link, been wanting to grab the Superdad comics.

I don't like the Watchmen tie, since I think Watchmen works better as its own thing rather than being integrated into the greater DC universe.

I would like the Watchmen thing to not happen, but if we get the real DCU back, it's a small price to pay.

Yeah, it's better than the alternative for sure.



Watchmen will always be its own thing regardless. Like how Alice in Wonderland is its own thing but that doesn't mean it's wrong to make a porn comic out of it.

Between this and the shows, it looks like everything's coming up DC for once.

I guess the colossal failure of BvS was what they needed to get their heads out of their asses and make good comics again.

Interesting theory, lets wait till the marvel movies start to die in popularity with normies then will we see marvel start to make good comics again.

No, I think Marvel's lost it. They seem to have forgotten how to write good comics.

Maybe if somebody kills Bendis we'll finally be free, but remember that Disney still has them by the balls. I'd like to see some good Marvel stuff, I don't remember Spidey being any good since SSM. They just need to drop all this diversity shit.

Does anyone know if Rebirth user will make another thread? Old one is ded, but I'm glad someone made a MEGA like I suggested in the first thread though it still pains me anons didn't know what a cbr was.

And whoever is putting those on the MEGA, thanks so much, it's great to be able to give the link to my mates who aren't into torrenting much.

maybe he can storytime deathstroke rebirth when it comes out.

Hello, I am rebirth user, after the first thread went dead I made a second one
,also it was me who put them up on mega but as far as storytiming more I cannot because I am currently visiting family for the next couple of weeks, which sucks because I cannot do it there, so I am making a request to some cool user out there to do it for me before I get back, also on I side not I am really happy that people on this board are actually talking about comics again and on top of that good ones and I am stoked people are really enjoying my threads after being a long time lurker, its encouraging seeing people talk about it and use images that come out of my thread, also on another side note I am going to story time Annihilation-Annihilators once I get back home so watch out or that

That's the one by the writer that has a whole document about how he's going to handle the book, right? I'm pretty interested, so I might actually start picking that up once it's out.

I was thinking about not buying it but what document, this has piqued my interest

It's by Christopher Priest. I think you can check it out on his website. In fact I think we had a thread on this subject before.

I'm not crazy about another de-aging, but it does look good.

top wew


Rucka wrote Wondy before Flashpoint/New 52. Brian Azzarello is the guy you're thinking about.

dem goalposts tho
Also reminder than one out of every four critics liked it.

I like how she's pressing a button that's apparently under her skin because the artist couldn't be bothered

The movie's gross dropped greatly after its premieres though. WB was expecting it to break past 1 billion and it didn't. Certainly not a "success" compared to its competition at the time.

WB genuinely believed that Batman v Superman was going to become the highest grossing superhero film of 2016 and completely demolish their competition, Captain America: Civil War.

Batman v Superman vastly under-performed and Captain America: Civil War is currently the highest grossing film of 2016.

As for the gross, Batman v Superman 's gross dropped 70 fucking percent between the first and second weekends.

I mean, I started with a relatively generic statement. That's not moving the goalposts.

You're right, thanks m8

the goalposts were moved much closer to eachother

This is how the exchange went. The movie is bad. Stop bitching.


Say, if I wants to actually make sense of the Dr. Manhattan bullshit,which issues should I read,and in which order?

He hasn't really shown up yet.

So they make a big fucking deal outta nothing?

Reminder that the first nudity DC shows in a mainstream comic book is a big blue penis.

They'll obviously expand more on it. We might even see the JLA fight the Watchmen. I mean, I hope that doesn't happen, but it is a possibility.

How the fuck would that even work?
You've got Dr Manhattan and his nonpowered,neurotic friends versus the fucking justice league.

Newfag alert

They said Rebirth won't finish, and by finish I mean introuce the whole Manhattan angle, for at least a year, likely two.

I assume this is so they can retcon EVERYTHING to preflashpoint or near abouts, then have a giant 3 month event clash of DC vs Manhattan.

Blue penis is shown. Never erect.

On the plus-side, at least it's moderately funny, as opposed to Marvel, who would just straight up fucking say IT'S TRUMP! and show a picture mocking him.

Vertigo =/= mainstream

Can Manhattan even get boners anymore?

He said it was a colossal failure. It's nearly universally panned, had an enormous drop-off of ticket sales after first week due to very poor word of mouth, didn't meet WB's revenue expectations, and failed to be the big summer hit WB wanted. I'd say that's a pretty big failure.


Right back at (You)

DC started having infinite universes. This was because DC's basically tons of different publishers that merged as the years went on. So the concept basically gave them the opportunity to have various different lines of comics that could stand on their own.

For example universe Earth-1 were the DC characters, Earth-2 was were the All-American Comics, Earth-3 were the villain version of the DC characters, Earth-4 were the Charlton Comics characters, Earth-5 were the Fawcett Comics characters and so on.

In 1986 DC destroyed all their universes in a huge cross-over called CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS where a new enemy was shown devouring all these universes. The idea was to end the cross-over with the few remaining surviving universes merging thus creating a new universe that mixed bits and pieces of the best universes the company had.

This new universe became known as New Earth. In this new universe the DC characters lived alongside with the All-American, Charlton, Fawcett, etc, characters. No more infinite universes bullshit. It was like some Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne shit.

In 2006, though, DC decided to kind of undo some of that with INFINITE CRISIS. A story where characters that had died in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS came back trying to bring back the older universes that were erased. They failed, but managed to create new 51 universes. These new 51 universes stood alongside New Earth and served as new lines that the writers could explore. It wasn't explored, but whatever.

Then in 2011 DC decided to reboot EVERYTHING. All their current 52 universes. They used the Flash for that showing him changing the past thus changing everything somehow. This story was FLASHPOINT. Thanks to this we gained the NEW 52 landscape.

REBIRTH is basically DC way of going and saying, yeah, changing the continuity was stupid, so Flash's nephew now, Kid Flash, will undo the changes Flash did.

You forgot Convergence, where DC COMPLETELY retconned COIE with a shitty hand wave.

Yeah, but all the other writers are ignoring it too.

yeah, it's like a character from a comic aimed at 10-year-old Japanese girls got trapped in the DC Universe.



Hellblazer first issue was shit. Very, very mediocre.

This week had all the cool jobber villains make appearances, it's great

Yes it is

Soon we may even get Captain Cold as a non-meta again.

Oh shit, what comic?

Anyone read Christopher Priest's Deathstroke yet?

Which Clock King? Temple Fugit?

Nope. Is it good?

Not yet, I'm planning on purchasing it tomorrow.

Oh I don't know, I like it. This is coming from someone who hasn't ever read dc comics except for a few arcs of green lantern and red lantern but I have read watchmen. It's been fun for me reading these books and getting familiar with characters. For instance I love the new Detective Comics and what they've done with Clayface. the fact that he can stabilize his form a bit and he is reformed is great. He was always my favorite rogue from the animated series days.

If you want an outsider's opinion this is it, this plotline with Dr Manhattan was the window dressing that got me to look into this and find some neat things to follow.

Wow. You have a shit load of hope.

I do user, it's been so long since I had a pull list.

Or any hope at all.

Any place i can torrent DC rebirth comics so i can make my own opinion if i want to get reinvolved somewhat in big 2 comics?


you can go read them online at

Goddamn his head is GIGANTIC in that second panel.

Or his body is just really really small.

You are like little baby.

You are like faggot redditor

What is your major malfunction?

Tell me Jojo is shit.

so that's where the pic for that meme originated.

Jojo is shit.
There, you happy?

Question…why do you brought JoJo up? Especially when no one else brought it up but you?

The costume redesign for Batgirl was their first bad decision with her.

Fuck, I wanna see a Batman Beyond-style suit for her. Make a fuck load more sense than that abomination.

And this is coming from a guy who loves Babs.

Not quite, their first mistake was restoring the use of her legs.

Not to mention the fact that they literally said it was a "miracle" that did it.

Nope, now go find me a picture of Jojo and write "THIS IS FOR MANCHILDREN. I AM A MANCHILD BECAUSE I ENJOY THIS" on it. Put a picture of your face in the bottom left corner too, and write "MANCHILD" with an arrow pointing to your face. Then I think I'll be able to take you seriously.

Seriously…who pissed in your coffee? And who brought JoJo up in this thread except for you?

I gave you a very simple request, why are you too retarded to carry it out?

I ask you a simple question…are you that brain dead to answer?

Jojo is still bad m8.

Nobody cares about that trash, now shut up and stop derailing the thread. Grown-ups are talking.

I didn't derail the thread. I was asking why do you (or if it's not you, ) kept bringing it up when no one ever did brought it up in the first place. It's a dirt simple question and I don't see you answering it but rather deflecting the question.

Holy shit bud, calm down.

this is some serous autism

Yes, asking someone is autism apparently. Glad to know it's OK to be brain dead sheep here, huh?




Where? Tell me where…because I don't see any JoJo reaction images, I don't see anyone coming to its defence. Just one guy who kept bringing JoJo up for no damn reason.





How new does someone have to be to not know how to:
1) Read the OP
2) Use an online comic site
3) Use a torrent site that isn't kickass

Also, good work to the two faggots posting shitty posts to win internet points.

What was the explanation again?
Something about her going to another country and getting surgery that somehow miraculously gave her the ability to walk again?

No, from what I recall it was literally a miracle.

That's even worse.

Yeah, that's actually pretty lazy. And really, why are they putting Babs as Batgirl again? Kinda preferred her as Oracle to be quite honest.

Because user, why would you let characters develop? That would sure be silly!


Do you read comics yet?


You read JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. That shit's for like 9 year olds. I strongly recommend you grow the fuck up ASAP, your mother's probably worried about you.

Did you run to this thread after getting BTFO in that other one?

Ok…now i see the derailer…my bad.

That's ok if you don't have anymore. I've got plenty for you.

Do you prefer Rival, Professor Zoom, or are you one of those faggots that likes Hunter Zolomon?

And yet another thread that's devolved into pointless bickering. Really wish we had IDs here because I'm certain there's at least one samefag here.

While DC seems to get some things more or less right, others are just handled badly. Constantine being forced back into DC mainstream continuity is one such thing, and shoehorning in Dr. Manhattain is another.

What's wrong with buying good comics? Major problem are faggots that buy shit only because it has Batman or Spider-Man in it, regardless of books quality. Another one are people who swallow controversy bait.
If anything will save American comic industry, it's people buying good comics, especially creator owned ones.

This fall looks pretty interesting. Frank Cho and Remender are starting their new creator owned books, DC is putting out new imprint, and Dark Horse is publishing Moebius' stuff in English.

Blame the fourth exodus, user. Lots of DC fags got bullied off of cuck/co/, so it's going to be MARVELDRONE and DCASUAL for awhile until we get them into shape.

4th? When was the 2nd and 3rd?

m8 you're not helping your cause. If enough people get pissed at your antics you're liable to lose your precious general.

Even Holla Forums doesn't partake in this shit anymore.

I think it's important to make people seriously consider if purchasing a comic is worth it when one can and should pirate it, especially if it's big two shit.

I want buying comics to be seen a serious moral and financial decision. Do you really, really want to buy thirty pages of ads and bad art when a gallon of gas is cheaper?

Your casual is showing.

You know the joke is that they're all DC comics, right? Are you admitting to being a marvelfag?


Oh yeah, Spawn is there. My bad.

Regardless, you have admitted to being a marvelfag.

You don't read a lot of comics, do you son?

You clearly are one since you trust the word of Stan "The Supreme Jew" Lee.

First was Holla Forums, second was gamergate, third was moot selling out, I think.

Anyway, the fourth, at least as far as full/co/ is concerned, is that a bunch of fags got buttfrustrated that cuck/co/ finally stopped taking DC cock and universally despised Suicide Squad, so now they've decided to shack up here.

You know, here, in full/co/, where both Marvel and DC are considered shit.

That's a funny way of spelling Jack Liebowitz.

but this very thread was created as a positive response to rebirth.

Is that you, Stan? Shouldn't you be off somewhere taking read: stealing credit for CREATING THE ENTIRE MARVEL UNIVERSE?

This thread not only doesn't story-time, but actually distracts from the thread with the actual story-time in it

Now I can't speak for my fellow Holla Forumsfags, but the way faggot OP formatted his first post reminds me a lot of how cuck/co/ starts their threads. Namely by laying bait and waiting for others to take it.

So, in my opinion, this thread was started by some cuck/co/ newfag wanting to start a fight instead of wanting to discuss the quality of Rebirth.

That's pretty clearly the case. If someone wanted to talk about a comic, they'd post it so the rest of us can talk about it.

The first time I laughed reading a cape comic in years…

Is this it Holla Forums? Is that what fun feels like?

That moment made the comic for me

I'm going to miss the New 52 Outlaws, I actually liked their dynamic. I am hoping Red Hood and Arsenal will be good.

We've made it user. Comics are back.

buy from creators who you like. support the people who's message you want supported.
Only let the shit ones burn

That settles it! This is now a JoJo thread.

Can I finally look into the future without feeling utter contempt or disgust ?
Fucking finally, now 2000AD won't be the only one who gives me hopes

Wish I could say the same for western animation… or Marvel for that matter…



So is the DC multiverse back to its original form from before the crisis bullshit and tumblrfication or is this just a shill thread?

It was back to the pre-crisis status after Convergence. This is just fixing up to end Nu52.

Also, DC was never really tumblrfied, except maybe Black Canary and Batgirl, rather, they just went full fucking edge mode.

Either your memory is doing tricks to you, or you're retarded.

Just a shill thread. DC is trying to unfuck itself by making the New 52 canon less retarded but that just means more retcons and adding shit that makes no sense in context of everything that's happened. But at least they're trying to appease people.

Or he mentally tuned that out because we all agree, we don't want to remember that.

What about Harley Quinn? Didn't she become a stronk independent anti-hero who fights Popeye the Manly Sexist Icon and permanently broke up with mean old and sexist Mr. J to live permanently with Ivy? And what about Earth 2 going from being the 1950s style Justice Society of America to diversity team starring black Superman, gay Green Lantern, edgier Bat Hombre and motorcycle helmet Flash? And what about all those cringeworthy Wonder Woman comics? And let's not forget Batgirl vs GG.

Also I'm not sure if pic-related is fanmade or not since this seems too straightforward to be DC.

I expected as much considering the lack of a storytime.

Eh, at least it's not as rampant as Marvel, and inside every single issue.

DC's problem was and has always been their attempts to ride the wave of TDKR to make more money.

Considering they've done almost nothing in terms of crisis-level retcons, you're being a bit hasty.
Anyways, if you went into the Rebirth Storytime threads, you'd know how good these new issues are.

I can respect this and I can appreciate the effort they are making to get back to the shit that matters.

DC never took a hard detour into SJWland, like Marvel, but they can definitely tell that if they want to remain relevant they need to be timeless and universal, instead of constantly harping on the current hot button issues, trends, and social commentary.

Fair enough. I just wish they'd know better than to pander to a crowd that doesn't give two shits about capes while basically alienating long time and loyal fans like Marvel has. But yeah, I guess in the end they're better than Marvel but not by much. I still don't want to get invested in this since it might still lead to disappointment. We're basically at the breaking point of comics. Nothing short of a complete breakdown/revival would sort this shit out.

You said it way better than I did.

Doesnt mean they didnt pander to Tumblr. Which they did, but with slightly less volume and effort.

If one from two piles of shit is smaller than the other, doesnt somehow negate the fact its still a pile of shit.

Show me the times they pandered to Tumblr.

Number one: SENSATIONAL COMICS FEATURING WONDER WOMAN was a digital comic handled by another office that invited freelancers to reinvent Wonder Woman for an arc. These stories were not canon and the freelancers writers/artists invited were free to do anything they wanted. Such as showing Wonder Woman fucking Batman or Wonder Woman acting as a major SJW.

Number two: HARLEY QUINN is written by Jimmy Palmiotti and his wife Amanda Conner, and is a spin-off of Adam Glass run on SUICIDE SQUAD, where the Joker tried to kill Harley after he found out that she had fuck Deadshot during a time she thought the Joker was dead. So the Joker revealed to her that he had created and killed several other "Joker Girls" before her, something that "broke" her.
Despite her trying to move past the Joker she still need a strong man in her life to give her purpose, which came in the form of Mason, the OC Palmiotti and Conner created.
Poison Ivy's in the comic mainly for lesbian bait and fan-service, and in the comic is shown that Harley constantly use Ivy infatuation for her to manipulate Ivy into helping her out.

Number three: EARTH 2 started as a new take on the Earth-2 universe concept. James Robinson, the guy who brought back the Justice Society of America in the 90's and did most of the critical acclaimed stories, including STARMAN, wanted to have a new take where the Justice Society characters were all new heroes that took the mantle of the trinity: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, after their death.
The problem was that after he left the comic and Tom Tayler, the guy who wrote INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, came on-board, Taylor decided to reintroduce new a new Superman and Batman, along with bringing back Power Girl and Huntress to the universe. The comic then became kinda of like DC's Ultimate Universe.

Number four: BATGIRL fucking sucks. That's it.

Wait, is Wonder Woman an Ordained Minister? It's pretty easy to become one, even I'm one. Anyone here wanted to get married, I can handle it.

That's out of continuity.

jewish race-mixing agenda again? is white woman - nigger ape the only wank material these kikes fap to?

The guy's Italian. Are you saying that Italians aren't white?

He's not black user, he's just got short hair

Now that the Joker tried to kill this Mason dude and the character had to be written out of the comic, Palmiotti and Conner promised that the new guy Harley will latch onto will be the none other BATMAN.

There are already a bunch of Batfags crying over this.


Are you trying to say they are?

last picture looked like a white guy to you?

Probably just shaded him like that to show it was a dark room, but due to Harley having actual WHITE white skin, he looks like he's just a darker guy. But you still had the other pages to reference.

See .

The guy's your average movie American Italians.

He only looks black because Harley's fucking albino in the new comics.