Felicia Day

Can't think of a better example of why something good should stay dead.

Don't pretend you have standards now, you kike.

At least we can finally settle the debate. Mike > Joel


Don't you put that evil on them.

He's right, untalented dweebs who couldn't hack it in the publishing world, in Hollywood, or anywhere else, all resort to "criticism" and "comedy" to mask the fact that they're talentless losers.


They also had to jew for more money from Netlix. Comes out April 14th. Can't wait for this train wreck.

I wonder what the ratio of movie jokes to social commentary jokes will be.


Only if you always had shit taste and were into dumb nerd shit.


just watch rifftrax
problem solved

Forgot how furious that had me.

Well, at least it will lead to possibility of Patton murdering Felicia Day.

What's his name again? Patton 'Unlike OJ, I didn't need to hire a Dream Team to get away with murder' Oswalt?

It's been 308 days since Patton Oswalt poisoned his wife.

Hypothetically speaking, if some physical disaster were to occur in the studio while they were recording, the world would be rid of multiple odious persons. God forbid.

Patton "Pillow over the head in my marital bed" Oswalt


When = Whedon

Why would he poison his wife?



I thought it was Patton 'Wife getting fat? Make her OD on smack' Oswalt.

Cause she wanted to vote for Trump.

I didn't really pay attention when this was going on, is there any evidence to support that he killed his wife or is it just a meme?

Pretty sure it was just a meme to try to get him to freak out more than he already was.

She overdosed on a mixture of drugs. But he probably was the cause of her depression and drug use. Just look at him.

What is wrong with him? He is the perfect liberal nu-male in all its glory. It's what women crave.
In Soviet Russia
The American version
It's always the same with the left and ((( them )))

Do they really want that?




She worked on the new ghostbusters.

She knew what she was doing….

MST3K fan since the 90s.

10 months ago I was looking forward to shitting on this when it bombs. With what's happened to the culture, what happened to Oswalt.. the disconnect he has with youth culture.

I think this will just be loved by a small, unsustainable minority and will be shit on and outright ignored by the majority of what would be their audience if they didn't POZ it the fuck up beyond recognition

Never post again, thank you.

When will they ever learn

I was around during the start of 4chan too. I'm not even that old, around moot and WT Snacks age.

Face it, you can keep coming for another 20 years, but a part of you will know you will always be a newcomer.

The die hard MSTies wI'll try to love it. For a while. But I can tell right now, they only want it for a soapbox. With that lineup? The jokes will be 20% relevant to the movie, 80% using it to pot shoot wrong thinkers. The audience will drift away, and the inevitable collapse will be blamed on toxic fans, and not the unbearable cast.


Die hard MSTie here.

Fuck this bullshit. I ain't watching it.

t. guy who's seen every episode.

As far as I'm concerned, MST3K ended at season 10. I don't think any TV show should go beyond 10 seasons. Shows that do usually end up turning into shit. There are rare exceptions to this rule though like with South Park.

No I won't.


Don't forget, she just gave birth almost a month ago, hahahaha.

Oh God.


the baby is bound to be retarded

Top fucking kek, those desperate Fellatio Day lovers btfo!



This. Every episode will be dated 2 months out. It will have its fans, but none of it will have the staying power that the original had.


She was a journalist who worked on Golden State Killer case. Little she knew, he was her husband all along. Once she started getting close to cracking the thing, she dies.

There is just too much weird stuff in this case, and Patton should be put under scrutiny. Besides, being married to person who works on the Golde State Killer case would allow killer to keep track on their progress, throw them off, and tamper with evidences and records. Being a comedian is also a good job for a killer - you travel a lot, spend a lot of time alone, make public appearances, work odd hours - often night.


Wasn't he cracking jokes like a day afterwards?

His wife was a brain-dead cuck? Weird.

i have no hope for this reboot (why not just watch rifftrax?) but the original show was god-tier and everyone knows it. posting some redditpol trash like "kike" makes it clear how young, naive, & new you are.

Cuckphobic bigot get out.


Damn, I thought it was just a joke.

most of the shitposters here were born in 97-98, do you honestly even expect them to remember why the show was good? it was ending as they were two years old.

My friends always told me I was stupid for thinking Mike was better than Joel. Looks like I finally get the last laugh, despite a portion of my childhood I really enjoyed being killed before my eyes.


Have you ever seen joel's Cinematic Titanic. I got about three minutes in before I had to turn it off. Constant politics unrelated to anything going on in the movie.