Why is their a fixation on 'income inequality' in media and politics?


I know people love reading click bait, and coming away with 'facts' from articles like the above,

But, as Thomas Sowell's research and others has shown time and again, that 0.1% was not the top 0.1% from last year, or years before. That 0.1% are people displacing the previous 0.1%, so the issue is not growth of a stagnant group's income at all, but that those becoming the richest are doing so by increasing measure. If anything, the 0.1% income earners, as group membership goes, are the most liquid income bracket I could imagine given the data.

So is the 'income inequality' or 'rich just get richer' platitude, just envy politics that is tres chic right now for the economically ignorant?

Yes real wages adjusted for inflation to the lower brackets has frightfully stagnated for over fifty years by some measures. But cost of living (even energy, not food or health care sadly which are kept artificially high still) continues to decline at a faster rate.

The fact is, things, in a macroeconomic sense, are getting better. But our classical measures of progress seem rather outdated. And will only continue getting more out of whack with the realities.

I mean, what the fuck is gonna happen when that first resource drone sent out into space tows into stable Earth orbit a haul of more mineral wealth than has ever been mined in human history on Earth? What happens when we suddenly have four times the gold, platinum, uranium (enriched as well), lithium, etc, etc, and able to exploit if for thousands of the cost we do now? And this is in a twenty year timeline I figure at most. How can you not have ridiculous 'income inequality' when a subgroup are exploiting the resources of a solar system with automated labor, while the masses still wish to participate in the market as laborer exchanges rather than as entrepreneurs, investors, or some other role available under capitalism?

Are the poor simply being made dumber? Rather than saying, 'fuck it, let us do away with income tax and just ask for 0.5% corporate tax rate from these mega corps (more than enough to deliver comfortable guaranteed incomes when you are talking trillions and ever cheap automation, 3d printing, home aquaponics, etc, etc) and let people live as semi autonomous homesteaders of a sort, pursuing a NEET life without being a complete leech.


I mean what the fuck are the big 3 going to do when cars start flying!
You circa 1950

Flying cars for the general population, at least human piloted, are never going to happen I am sure. And believe that was also understood back then.

But comparing that to the wealthiest corporations, which are actively pursuing it (or do you think Space X, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing are all just utopianist passion projects) to the overestimating of what some had in the past is a stretch.

When we haul back an asteroid full of riches, the Jews will demand 90% of it as recompense for the Holocaust, and get it.

Because the metropolitan elite benefit from hampering the global elite.

If you go through the rich lists, most of the really, really wealthy people there have some claim to have earned it themselves. Yes there are heiresses and Rothschilds, but they are a minority.

The metropolitan elite, i.e: the people who control media, academia and government, are the real nepotists. It is they who monopolise education through tactical egalitarianism, their children who benefit most from inheritance, who support democracy because it removes their competition in placing power in the hands of the stupidest to the detriment of their intellectual betters (the practical elite).

They benefit most from the welfare state in all its forms. Whereas the super-rich have nothing to gain from free healthcare, or senior bus passes. And for the truly impoverished it will make little difference. A lifetime of free healthcare can save the average North London upper-middle class journalist enough for a nice holiday home in France.

They earn little enough to escape the brunt of 'progressive taxation', which compounded with the benefits of the welfare state makes them very well off. They have literally everything to gain from harping about 'income inequality'. That's all it is; rhetoric in the class war between the upper middle class and the superrich.

Egalitarianism in all its forms, political, educational, monetary; is the best friend of the middle class because they are by definition mediocre.

Because it gives the lefty socialists/commies more grounds to push their ideology. They frame what is a valid issue (the recession) in a way that endorses their commie egalitarian view of the world. The 'top 0.1 percent' issue is really one outcome of what is a deeper problem (an economic and political system hijacked by (((internationalists))) who pillage western nations of its wealth) and keep everyone focussed on that one truncated view. These simplifies the issue and allows them to push their Marxist dialectics of the wealthy capitalist white man class being way too rich because of capitalism.

The problem isn't that there is a wealthy class; all normal societies have people wealthier than others in some degree (I have seen the standard stats for most function societies be like the top 20% own about 80% of the wealth). The problem is that top .01% is there because the monetary system has drained the wealth from the bottom and middle class, destroyed savings, and caused the politicians to debase our currency to fund the internationalists interests. That on top of that, those business and politicians work together to outsource our manufacturing and production offshore which leaves our low class citizens without proper work. This leads to our current system of materialist consumerism and wealth stagnating service industry wage slaves. Having rich people isn't bad, having a non functioning economy is though.

But that type of thing is too complicated for the standard lefty, and also muddles the water for their ideology. So instead they just say "MUH ONE PERCENT" and demand more Bernie Sanders style programs and more taxes on the "DA RICH" (which they dodge and the regular people get hit). This is the natural progression of the yid; exploit an open neutral capitalist system to drain it of its material wealth, then when the society is spent of most of that type of wealth, slowly implement socialism in order to squeeze out the wealth gleaned from the labor its citizens in its quasi-slave state like system.

To further the meme that you have already lost, can't win, can't work hard for yourself and make a mountain from a little pile of clay. NEETs are much easier to treat like cattle than hard working Protestants who know the value of hard work (hint: it's not money).

Just more defeatist psy-ops from (((them))).

Income inequality is a way to morally justify gibsmedat by pointing out that rich people (usually (((rich people)))) have dat and welfare recipients don't. Also, fixating on it in impersonal terms stops the goyim from noticing who make up an extremely disproportionate amount of the 1%.

Antigrav exists. The problem is that Joe Sixpack will use it in ways that (((they))) don't like, like pic related.

If they told people about the real problems (debt-based currency, central banking) and people actually understood it, there'd be lots of dead banker Jews.

Because everyone is getting poorer.
You can say what ever you want, but if the middle-class wasn't trespassing, there would be no Trump, no Brexit and no nationalist parties in Europe.
If you want a proof of that, just get out of your room.

What kind of fucking question is that?

are people this stupid? The moment space travel, let alone asteroid mining, becomes economically practical and safe enough, the people with the means will be leaving this planet in droves, to get *away* from the niggers and jews. You've got to understand how much opportunity is deliberately squandered and flushed away as a form of population control, to prevent little people from gaining too much power over themselves, and also to deny them any means of escape. It would make so much more sense for an insular group of people, let's say Mormons, to get together and fly as far and fast as is possible away from this doomed world, than to stick around and be devoured by yawning Humanity.

We have flying cars, and have had since the Korean War. They're called helicopters.


Food tickets.

This nigger knows.

No we don't you double-nigger. Archive you fucking faggot.

Income inequality is inevitable in a situation where resources are scarce and require considerable effort to be exploited.

Think about land in the early days of Rome. At first expansion is cheap, any farmer could grab as much land as he could work. It's very cheap to become a landowner, consequently income inequality is low. Things change once most of the available land is occupied. The price of land surges and is out of reach for the new entrants to the market. New land has to be obtained either through conquest, or expensive projects like forest clearing. Old land could be redistributed again, either gently by an educated (and well-paid) class of mathematicians and lawyers, or rapidly, through violence and uprisings. To prevent the latter from happening, the current landowners pay for security by hiring soldiers and policemen. Scarcity forced the simple, income equal, agrarian society become a stratified, unequal, complex one.

Whenever resources become available, either through discovery, technology breakthroughs or a large portion of the population suddenly dying, income inequality decreases. The Great Plague, Columbus discovering America, the oil-driven economic boom of the 50s, have this in common.

not just stagnated, but actually dropped a by a good bit.

[citation needed]

you realize Henry Ford said

complete shit to back a currency with. This meme that a lump of metal is "real" money needs to die

and go where, exactly?

fucking commies, man.

Elysium, until some Mary Sue'ish type that serves as a fantasy fulfillment vehicle for virtue signal wanking, shows up to fuck it all to Hell.

What exactly are we seeing there?

People finding better seats, and not paying kike prices for their kosher sausages made with the futures of Aryan children.

Fuck off kike.

The issue is that income inequality accompanies a number of other problems.
Political corruption, political instability, higher crime, mass unemployment, low levels of home ownership, etc.

Back in the USA's so called "golden age" income ratios were in the region of 16 to 1 as I recall.
Remember this was a time when unemployment was low and a man could support a family on his income. Whereas now it's hard for two people working full time to support a family.

They are, in fact, just this.

Actually no.
They're not allowed to be. Except Space X not sure if they've ever issued shares or not.
But Northrop and Boeing have. As such they are legally required to be focused on ensuring maximum return for their stock holders.

Pretty funny, isn't it? You can always tell some retard from reddit who doesn't know anything about technology. Muh space X muh asteroids. Kek

Which is not difficult because they are handed free money on a silver platter by the government.


wtf are you talking about, christcuck?


Reported for intl.


Strictly speaking any serious space resource push would cause massive economic disruption.
The sheer quantities available would quickly result in such diminishing returns that it would become economically unviable but still highly desirable on practical terms.


I'm strictly speaking logistics

The logistics aren't insurmountable.
The issue is getting the right nations to work together on it.

the logistics of space mining are like the logistics of building a bridge across the atlantic. It will be feasible some day, but at this point in our technological development and for some considerable time past where we are now, it is an impossibility

Not really.

The primary problem would be building up the orbital infrastructure for it.
But even then that's not a massive problem. There's even ways around it if we're prepared to put some more effort in.

Namely developing the moon. If we could create an industrial base there to produce the required orbital infrastructure for Earth then asteroid mining becomes a lot easier overall as instead of it being from earth to the asteroid belt its from earth orbit to the asteroid belt.

does being retarded hurt?

Distance isn't the issue numbnuts.
The issue is gravity. It takes more energy to get something off the earth into space than it does off the moon into space. And it takes even less to move something out of earth orbit.

And besides your logic is retarded. Since the position of the moon constantly changes as it orbits the earth it may add distance sometimes rather than decrease it.

Because income inequality is a yuuuuuuge problem. Holla Forums thinks "income inequality" means "dat honkey be gettin' mo money den me" but what it really means is "GTK–RWN"

Once you replace "the 1%" with "the kikes" the whole thing makes more sense. (PS. it's might even be more like the 0.1%)

proof again the first post is always a shill

Don't listen to this shill.


To get people angry and turn them away from legitimate complaints that can be addressed.

It is manipulation and should surprise no one that it is working because the media are experts at this kind of thing.

Because the middle class is being smothered by kikes who take our treasure out of the country.

Fuel is not free.
But there's options. And the amount of fuel actually needed is miniscule compared to what is needed to escape the earth.

just admit you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about

Using the moon is fucking stupid.

It would make more sense to just have asteroid refineries in a L2/L3 orbit and drop the refined materials to earth.

I'm not saying bring back a gold or silver standard, but currency must be backed by value, preferably tangible value, not debt to a cabal of unaccountable, globalist bankers with no loyalty to your nation.


How about YOU admit that? Escape velocity barely affects the amount of Δv you need to get orbital. The miles of pea soup you have to fly through on Earth to get to orbit uses up nearly as much Δv as it takes to get from orbit to a solar escape trajectory.

I'm more talking about using the moon as a starting point for building up that infrastructure in earth orbit and the lagrange points.

Since in terms of total energy costs it'll probably be cheaper to develop the industrial and mining capacity on the moon to do it.

You do realise that during the journey to and from the asteroid belt you're not under constant thrust. The majority of the time the thrusters are inactive. Only used when you need to change your momentum.

Neat someone a tad more knowledgeable on the specifics.


except for the fact that any station you build in a lagrange point will need every bit of the station hauled to that spot from earth, whereas a moonbase will have some materials needed for the construction of the station if not a majority of the materials needed will be provided by the moon and won't need hauling from earth.

You just described what will happen if someone has monopoly.
But if for example few countries unite and bring asteroid and then auction rights for exploitation of its resources to private companies then cost of resources will most likely plummet.

Also, this picture that I stole from Wikipedia could help anons in delta V debate.

what is "tangible value"? No currency has inherent value. All currency is, is a medium of exchange. What we need is a government-backed, interest-free fiat currency issued for the benefit of the nation, not gold-backed or debt-backed kikery

Even in a monopoly situation it's unlikely the price of the resource would climb or remain stable. It'd inevitably plummet.

Fuel costs more than raw materials.

Over a 50+ year period the cost of using the moon instead of a lagrange point would be magnitutes.

I agree wholeheartedly.
Private banks should not hold any fractional reserve capability! Fractional reserve is an invisible tax on the nation.
If more money needs to circulate the government should issue it, not a private bank.

tangible = something you can touch. One backed by something where you can actually trade it in for that something, is tangible. Gold, bushel of wheat, pork bellies, whatever.

Depends what you mean by inherent. You can smash gold or silver up, people will still want it, private currency based on a commodity may not be worth shit, but there is always some value, something based on nothing but the government's promise that 'YOU CAN TRADE THIS' leaves you with a rather poor piece of asswipe.

There is no need for the government to create fiat currency.

fractional reserve is literally fraud. No banks should have that power.

This. Once you get a moon base on one of the peaks of eternal light on the moon you can start setting up small mostly self-sustained colonies that mine what they need, including things like rocket fuel and water.

From there you can basically do whatever the hell you want. Things manufactured on the moon are WAY easier to get to basically anywhere. You can use Earth as a gravity slingshot and getting off the moon is cheap and easy. With multi-pass aerobraking getting from the moon to earth is damn near free.

Fuel can be manufactured from the moon and if the process is solar-powered it's nearly free. All you need is hydrogen, oxygen, and the ability to make engines.

if you have infinite resources available at the start of this program you are correct.
But since you don't have infinite resources available, bootstrapping this by building a moonbase is the minimum cost method.

gold is just as much a "fiat" currency as anything the government produces, in that the "value" of gold and the "value" of paper money respectively only exist because people believe it does. The only genuine value gold has is its minor use in electronics. Simply because gold is scarce does not mean it's "valuable" or even favourable to back a currency with.

The problem with gold-backed currency is that the economy can literally not grow larger than the amount of physical gold backing it, and (((wealthy individuals))) who already have the most ownership of gold can manipulate the markets by injecting or withdrawing supplies. You force your economy into completely unnecessary parameters and stagnation for no reason whatsoever.

Currency is just a medium of exchange. Whether it's government issued or a lump of metal it doesn't matter. The value is not inherent to the medium of exchange, but the item being purchased.

all fiat money is based on fractional reserve.
ONLY the government deserves that income and if we had a system of government issued money those profits would eliminate the need for most taxation of the working population.

when the wages of money are held superior to the wages of men the nation will suffer

Once asteroid mining actually becomes feasible and profitable, what's to stop the companies pulling a scam like they've done with diamonds?

If they restrict the number of resources and just stockpile loads of them in moonbase warehouses and release them to the general market in controlled amounts over time, they could keep market prices artificially high by controlling the rate of supply. Of course this wouldn't happen if multiple companies were setting up infrastructure. However they could collude together to keep prices high to keep profits high like the Internet providers in the US do.

If the Jews take space, we're fucked. What's to stop them using kinetic missiles to wipe out huge chunks of goyim with no fallout?

Also, moon does not have atmosphere like Earth has so you can use cannons (like mass driver) to launch things from it.

Primarily because they can't raise prices too high or else earth minerals will fill the void.

That's complete bullshit. People only use fiat currency because they aren't allowed to use anything else. If the government collapses, a dollar will be worth nothing, gold, even if no one has a use for it, will be worth something.

The entire history of mankind has had people using gold for jewelry where available. It may seem frivolous, but it is still valuable as such.

Scarcity is also important, whether it is gold, silver, something that has to be produced, bitcoin… even dollars if there was any guarantee that the scarcity could be maintained. But every fiat currency gets inflated.

Why not? What's stopping people from trading with other means?

I'll stick by what I said. Also, not sure if you know what fractional reserve is.

Gold is frequently used for jewellry because its shiny. That's it. We like shiny things.

Gold does possess a number of properties that make it a useful medium of exchange though.
It's rare but not too rare, not prone to sudden shifts in supply, doesn't corrode in any relevant manner, has a low melting point, is easily worked, doesn't have any other uses (though thats changed in the modern era) and due to the amount available you can carry enough on your person to be able to engage in basic commercial transactions.

The key for gold though is that it has few uses.
Past cultures have used copper, salt, rice and iron alongside gold as a currency. The problem with these though is they're all very immediately useful or in the case of rice they decay and must be used quickly. So they weren't traded in coinage but in universally accepted quantities.
But since gold and silver were good long term stores of wealth due to them having no other uses, they were often stamped as coins and the like. Helping give them an extra allure in modernity.

The same thing that's stopping them from doing it now.

You could, yeah. If you were willing to design entirely new launch systems and vehicles for these new launch system you could start approaching the most efficient launches possible.

They can flood market at first to force earth mines to close and later cut amount that they supply when there is no competition.

Uh oh, looks like a head on collision between an incomplete notion of intrinsic value theory and subjective value reality. Scarcity matters as user said, fuck, all economics is… is the study of human choices under scarcity of resources.

As for gold backed currency limiting the economy…? Were their no futures and forwards contracts before a FIAT USD? No derivatives? That is how traders, banks, and many others have always stepped outside the bounds of limiting monetary policy on a currency.

Aye but that won't end well since things like steel are regarded as relevant to national security. So if that shit does happen they'll either face various national militaries turning their weapons on them or financing the resumption of operations at existing earth mines.

The issue with gold is that the money supply can not be expanded as needed.
If the money supply can not expand then it limits the quantity of commercial activity your currency can be used for thus limiting the growth of the national economy.

The US Dollar could never have achieved its modern global relevance if it was backed by gold as there wouldn't be enouh gold to cover even a fraction of the total quantity of commercial activity it is used for.

fractional reserve is the policy of lending out more than you actually hold.

But user, fractional reserve banking existed way before Nixon closed the gold window, Breton Woods tied the USD to a certain amount of gold, before the Federal Reserve became a reality, etc. So if you have fractional reserve banking at play, yet also a currency backed by a commodity, you have no magical breaks on the total money supply. All going FIAT did was enable the legislative to sell the people serfdom under debt, and for the plebs to thank them for it as they got their bread and circus.

Economies grow as needed, as do money supplies, or at least market participants will adjust their perception of one currency to another at least. The idea of expanding money supply by printing press is a political invention, meant to defraud a people's descendents of their nations wealth and inheritance in the future, and just for a few fucking votes.

Envy politics. Socialism. "Basic income"

the problem is that it's a lot easier to take a rocket, tether it in some way with the asteroid and push it back to an earthly orbit than it is to make space-habitats, both financially and scientifically.


The major problem is that the media doesn't really want to tackle the root causes (globalisation, immigration, etc) because it goes against their own beliefs and because their paymasters benefit from the way things are. And the only solution provided by the political "Left" mostly comes down to "the poor need more government handouts financed by more taxes on the ultra-wealthy"

Fractional reserve banking under a gold standard is still essentially fiat currency.
They're just relying on not everyone wanting to redeem their money for gold at once.

And the main issue of trying to expand the money supply massively under a gold standard is that it what is referred to as "debasing" the currency. Which is a reference to times when gold would have other metals mixed in with it to stretch the amount of gold they had across more coins.
When this is discovered it leads to a decline in the per unit value of the currency.

So deliberate debasement would be saying "Prior the value of one dollar was 1 gram of gold. Now one dollar is worth 0.5 grams of gold. We are also doubling the number of dollars in circulation."

Because it's all about fooling the people into fake struggles they have no control over.

And in this case, fooling women into being pitted against the men, in something that's not really an injustice but it's presented as that.

And in the end it also fools the women into caring about their jobs. They gain the same amount of money all of a sudden. Instead of caring about what matters in life, children, family, the well-being of the husband and "tribe".

That has been lost.


Yes the currency has been debased repeatedly to allow for increasing commercial activity and debased further for political and corruption purposes.

Lmao these kikes are trying to steer away Holla Forumsacks from the only real measure of wealth outside of land and business holdings which is precious metals.

Fucking shills.


precious metals have no inherent value other than their limited use in electronics, you fucking autist.

You goldbug faggots have no idea what you're talking about. A gold standard would be disastrous for the nation's economy and just help kikes maintain control

Kill yourself, shlomo.

not an argument. Fuck off

Debasing currency to account for increasing commercial activity is like the Fed decreasing the purchasing power of your dollars every time you get a raise (and giving the created dollars to niggers and warmongers).

Like, it's literally exactly that, except applied to the entire economy.

Precious metals have been the foundation of all economics since time fucking began. Holy shit fuck off with your retarded opinion.

Here are your arguments:

I want your head on a fucking pike and the people you love made to watch it happen before they are also executed. You are either a kike or a kikelover and there is no fucking future for you.

Gas is $2/gallon
Milk is $3/gallon

Fucking outdated

It's more they give it to the groups using it for international trade in commodities.
The oil industry alone has been sucking up most new dollars generated for decades.


No shit, fuckface.

Precious metals were used as a medium of exchange in times past because they were easily divisible/malleable, relatively rare (and thus easily controlled), and incredibly hard to "destroy", but there has NEVER been any inherent value to gold itself except for maybe its very recent use in electronics. Gold it just a lump of fucking metal, not some magic store of magic value that exists outside of what humans attribute to it. Currency has always been merely a medium of exchange. The medium itself is largely irrelevant, it's the good being traded that has value. A currency is merely meant to facilitate the transfer of valuable items, not hold inherent value in and of itself. Gold might have been a good currency for a primitive society who's economy is small and who's technology is undeveloped, but in a modern industrial and technological society where gold relative to the size of the economy is in short supply, is a shitty means of backing a currency. It unnecessarily limits and pegs the economy to a commodity that is naturally in short supply, preventing development and growth, and allows for certain (((individuals))) to consolidate control over that commodity, which in turn gives them the ability to manipulate the economy through the expansion and contraction of the gold supply in circulation.

Pic related

Aaand that's where I stopped reading. If there's an intrinsic value of precious metals in humans then it's good enough to base our economy on, and we have. For thousands of years.

Damn you're dumber than a sack of rocks dude.

how about you make an actual fucking argument instead of acting like a spergy little shitstain of a child? You didn't even refute anything I said or the screenshot. You just insulted me like the shit-for-brains room-temperature iq nigger you are

You do realise that the value of a fiat currency is also what humans attribute it, right? There's no inherent value to the paper we trade than there is the gold we trade. The value is in the item being purchased/the labour that went into producing that item

There's no inherent value to fucking anything without humans you dumb nigger. That's what you don't seem to understand. And your arguing against precious metals is even the more hilarious considering that fact combined with the historical record of precious metals in a "shtf" scenario. You literally don't know what you're talking about. At fucking all. And it's hilarious that you keep on going and spouting bullshit.

Please continue. I'm having a great time here.

Still no refutation to anything I've said.
come on now mate
Funny how you keep saying that yet can't refute anything I've said.
Okay. Refute it then :^)
Oh right. This is one of those "internet battles" where you want to feel all warm and fuzzy about "winning" by insulting your opponent instead of arguing with them. How does the old saying go? To argue with a man who has renounced the use of reason, is like administering medicine to the dead.

That's my entire fucking argument, you inbred sack of festering dog shit. You just refuted your entire shitfest of an "argument" on your own. If we accept that gold has no inherent value of its own, then we have to ask why the hell should we use it as a currency when we take into account all the other problems associated with a gold standard? It makes no fucking sense.

come on now mate

Funny how you keep saying that yet can't refute anything I've said.

Yeah and here you are calling people who invest in precious metals retards, yet you can't come up with any argument to refute those who advocate it today.

Like nigger, do you even try to sound the least bit intelligent before you post anything?

such lovely sentiments user, you are demonstrating the lack of regard for anyone besides yourself that is the true hallmark of the jew.

jewish greed is acceptable by most these days, they'll defend it saying things like

I'm still waiting for some fucking refutation to you mong. Keep being an obtuse faggot and deflecting and trying to "beat" me in some shitflinging context instead of making any real arguments. It's not doing you any favours.

Where did I say this? Fuck off with your strawman. I said we shouldn't back a currency with gold, not that no one should invest in it.

I'm not beating you in shit you dumb kike.

I just couldn't be bothered with your whole dissertation on economics when you refuse to believe that the human invested value in "things" = inherent value.

you got that right. You're just embarrassing yourself by refusing to refute a single point I've made.
gold is no more valuable to humans in terms of its use than paper money is. Gold is no more a valid means of exchange than paper is. The value associated with a currency is never inherent to the currency itself, but inherent to the item being traded, which itself is based on the labour put into that item and its potential uses by the purchaser. Based on this fact, and acknowledging all the negative things associated with a gold-backed currency (such as an artificially limited economy and manipulation by kikes who control the majority of that commodity through injecting/retracting supplies), it makes no sense why we should ever consider returning to a gold standard

What we need is a debt-free, interest-free government-issued fiat currency similar to Lincoln's Greenbacks.

Im refuting every point you make by the basic fact that humans weather today, or 6000 years ago, want precious metals and base their economies after that.

You can talk about "gold and silver has no intrinsic value blah blah blah" like dude we're all older that 12. We can rationally think and agree with you but no. Precious metals have an intriinsic value and will keep having such as long as humans exist.

It's like you don't understand this basic principle and it's kind of embarrassing tbh dude.


Because it keeps the plebs brains occupied on useless shit while the kikes assfuck them.

Gold is valued because it's shiny and it's culturally assumed to be valuable. That doesn't make it any better to back an economy with or make it any more "real" than any other currency as I've already explained as nauseam.

Keep being an obtuse and mindless faggot, though. The more you go on pussyfooting around my argument without ever actually refuting each point individually, the more sure I become about my beliefs.

Lol you just ignore precious metals because they've been used for so long.

Your opinion is literally worth less than shit. You have no arguement lmao and you're painting me in some way to attack everything else but your agrument except you have none.

Lol yeah you're a dedicated shill but a good one. I hope the kikes put a couple shekels in your account(hope they're not backed by gold though!)

Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations

so tell us again about
and remember that aluminum was once more precious than gold

Like I'm going to read all that lmao

I hear
I can't refute that so I'll just deflect
such a weak argument user, surely you can do better

No I ignore them because they're a shitty commodity to back an economy with as I explained here
Funny how you still can't prove me wrong, though.
Except I've made multiple arguments and points backed up by facts. You know you can't refute any of them, so you've just resorted to pretending I haven't made any. Keep embarrassing yourself. Anyone who's lurking this thread can see you're a bumbling and evasive idiot.
Ah yes. The old "if you're losing an argument, call your opponent a shill" strategy. Pretty predictable, mate. You low-iq nigger-tier retards always resort to calling your opponents shills eventually. I suppose it helps you justify your lack of valid arguments.
hurr hurr ur jew
grow up.

if this thread is any indication, he clearly can't.

I concur

I've been trying to make a point lately that jewish greed and lack of concern for others has become socially acceptable in non-jews. This insidious brainwashing is part of the problem with the modern world.
Basing an economy on labor backed currency has been done before, and it worked quite well until the kikes destroyed it.
Labor is a national resource that grows with the population. Labor's output grows with technology. The modern level of productive output per hour of labor is astounding and the only reason there isn't universal prosperity is jewish greed and lack of concern for others

Malleable and lustrous, too! *rubbeti rub*

I'll admit that I don't know formal arguments or terms, I think that ALL things only have the value that people put on them, but that certain qualities are regularly valued above others. The only quality of a dollar, for instance, is that the supply is not totally infinite, and the government tells you that you must use it for certain things. Gold has huge liabilities from the government and is very hard to trade with in Current Year, yet the value compared to dollars continually climbs.

And I called that fraud. How can the government do that and get away with it if they are the only ones doing it? Wouldn't everyone notice and go to a different currency?

Also, most of the way it works is that a string of banks can loan it to each other, each with a fractional reserve.

A lot of the people defending gold/silver actually have the right idea in their heads. Tying money creation to the presence of actual, impossible-to-print metal ensures that the government can't simply print money whenever they want (like they're doing now with quantitative easing). This puts a real limitation on their power and ability to surreptitiously extract wealth from the populace (the general population is far more willing to put up with theft if it isn't overt - cut someone's wage by five dollars an hour and they get upset, give them a raise and then jack up prices so that they have the exact same purchasing power and they don't).

Precious metals as the base of a currency is a system that can work - but the problem is that almost all of the precious metal in the world today is in the hands of (((them))), and they have enough control over the markets to do whatever they want with the price.

Ultimately I think the best solution is for countries to issue their own paper currencies with the best interests of the people in mind, with gold used in international trade and as a way to protect oneself from a rapidly devaluing currency.

you are conflating the government with the FED

by using a currency based upon labor

Colonial Scrip
Lincoln's Greenbacks
Germany's Labor Treasury Certificates

When I refer to the US government I'm talking about Zog, and the Fed is definitely a part of Zog.

woof! not sure how that happened but it was supposed to be

you are conflating the government with the FED

by using a currency based upon labor

So something still not tangible or redeemable.

So failures? I haven't looked into germany, but give me commodity money over paper money any day.



Rich people make for an easy scapegoat. The "logic" goes: "LOOK! He has money and you DON'T! He's so rich he doesn't have to work hard, and you work every day, so he is OBVIOUSLY STEALING from YOU!"

It makes for an easy boogieman that power-hungry nuts use to scare people into voting their freedom and culture away, which makes it easier to control them.

So, basically,

That's the case with everything, at least they would have to actually control something other then 1 bank or government to get their way.

please explain how a CEO earning 1000 times the lowest paid worker isn't pure greed.
I just posted the top paid CEOs and #10 makes 54 million a year the rest make more.
Its not what you know it's who you blow.

Okay, so put the power of money creation in the hands of the government and kick out all the kikes

Therefore we can create a system that isn't unnecessarily reliant on a scarce commodity, meaning our economy is not stuck in parameters it does not need to be.

It's easy, safe as as well since they won't do anything about it. If there was a real movement against the super-rich there would be some fear and they'd shut up the media.

As it works, it's a convenient target that's too far out of reach to be in any danger. So politicians can say they're against the super-rich and do some token actions for equality while being in their pocket.

Yeah, and it will be delivered from space to Tel Aviv in a single lump at about 10000 miles per hour.

You think a small group of people in government won't jew you? And why would the government do any better then the fed?

There is no reason that it would be limited to ONE commodity, that's like telling people they can only pay in gold, not silver or platinum or bitcoin or barter.

I don't have a problem with money not backed by anything, just that it shouldn't be forced on people and they should still have other legal options.

Greed on who's part?

A CEO doesn't hire themselves, set their own wages and compensation. They negotiate, and shareholders in some cases, a board in others, etc, approve that.

Is it greed by shareholders to pay an individual what they feel they are worth, regardless how ridiculous it looks to outsiders? Afterall, it is their money. And as part of paying that CEO, they lay out how they are incentivized to carry out their work, what results are expected of them.

On the other end, I am guessing the person paid lowest, if they are not disabled, is just someone in a 'warm body' position. They really have no stake in the company, other than continued employment, at a minimum wage for a minimum effort requiring position. Yes, it is wise to grant even the lowest employee some sort of career progression path in the company they can work their way up. But that is not tied to the CEO's compensation.

yes, they have distorted the wage ratios because of the jewish meme that the managerial class is special and without them everything would fall apart
no, it isn't it's money generated by production of the workers and the equipment that the company owns and who give the wages of money priority over the wages of men???

is not a corporation a team effort? all rowing in unison towards the same goal? how can the lowest workers performance have no effect on the companies viability and profits? even a janitor can make a simple error due to lack of training or poor judgement that can cost the company millions.

all will agree that the apprentice doesn't deserve the same rates as a master but when the rate of compensation is very large it is pure merchant greed that drives the difference.

So how do you determine what the ceo makes compared to a janitor?

another reason for the focus on income inequality OP is the general realization that greed at the top is going to ruin it for us all.
By causing an over-supply of cheap labor the elites have almost eliminated discretionary spending by the lower class. This is the largest consumer group. By eliminating almost all non essential purchasing by the largest consumer group they've cut their own throat and caused a death spiral. Fewer consumers buying means less demand for products means fewer jobs making products means fewer consumers buying…

We all see it.

that is the $64 question user

That pick

If you don't know then how do you know it's distorted?

I know the answer user, but it's very important that you realize the importance of asking

you need to realize it's importance in the grand scheme of the economy, and the level at which we've all been brainwashed into thinking it's acceptable for a special person to be that greedy. The extent to which this practice is defended is proof enough of the near complete acceptance of this jewish meme

This thread has a lot of replies, but this is my $0.02. Median household income in 1990 was 50kish. Median household income today is 52kish. With inflation and cost of living increases, the worker's income is significantly lower today than it was 25 years ago. At the same time this is going on dynastic families, hedge fund managers, and bankers are pulling in several times their adjusted income from 25 years ago while simultaneously trying to undercut the working class by making trade deals and importing cheap labor. You or your parents are effectively doing more work for less money than 25 years ago because people who have more than they could possibly spend in a lifetime are undercutting their market value want even more. No shit that's going to cause some resentment.

Because they know that people will continue to try cure the poison with more poison. The more socialized, welfare addled, and regulated the economy is, the worse it will get and the more people will keep clamoring for more of the very same things that are ruining it.

Marx had it wrong. It doesnt go
Feudalism > Capitalism > Socialism > Communism
It goes
Feudalism > Capitalism > Socialism > back to feudalism

Because that is what communism always becomes. Communism is just Feudalism in drag. Its just Feudalism with modern industrialism and modern propaganda (rather than medieval agriculture and the church).

I have to agree with this.

The worst part of it all is that the 1% are the ones that promote this multikulti bs the most.

It was only recently I realised and woke up from their multikulti agenda they only did it for cheap slave labour. Anyone who supporters multikulti is an enemy of the working class.

op is a faggot

It is what I always harp on whenever someone posts a subject about income, money, the economy etc.
Fix the money and a fuck share full of problems will evaporate.

is that the entirety of your answer? Because that didn't seem like an answer.

What does that have to with anti-gravity?

Wrigley field chicago where the cubs play

This post has me laughing way harder than it should. Is aquaponics now degeneracy or too kike like?

I dunno user, what do you think a fair ratio should be? I just think it's very important that you should ask that question.

Here's something

AND it is not about using precious metals or any other fucking thing.
It is about the fact that the govt borrows all its money to expand the currency == AT FUCKING INTEREST AND THE INTEREST IS NEVER CREATED ==
Hence it is mathematically impossible to ever pay off the debt.
Hence the normies always wonder why there is always deficit spending?
No one ever tells anyone if all the debt is payed off all money will disappear into the bank vaults.
And oddly enough almost all the worlds govts use the same fucked up scheme.

A sense of moral superiority on a societal level is sometimes a weakness. This is one of those scenarios.

I DID ask that question. I don't get your point. I know what my answer would be, but you are the one saying it is unfair, greedy, etc. without backing it up or saying what qualifies.

As for the quote, WJP was pretty much like a modern Democrat. Also, he is mischaracterising Jefferson, Jefferson was against the National Bank and the government getting involved with paper money.

Regardless without usury money itself can be a limited commodity. The can still be rich and the poor still poor but that gap would decrease because endless growth if income for (((Elites))) at the expense of usurious exploitation is blasphemy and will always create faulty economics

Correction: the rich can still be rich.

It's simple. The value of physical labour has dropped since machines can do more of what used to require humans. A CEO of a technology company has a real economic value thousands of times of what a worker has to the company, since creation of software has no real cost.

The upside is that the quality of goods available has been increasing at an accelerated rate. TVs, computers, phones etc stands out, but building good houses is cheaper, 3D printing is now available for the public with no real restrictions, cars continue improving at same/similar pricepoints etc.

Food, atleast if you are in the US, is obviously not the same. Some aspects of life have become incredibly much easier thanks to the endless supply of free information provided by the Internet. Growing your own food, building stuff at home, investing your money and so on. Access to knowledge makes life improvement cheap and easily attainable.

The only remaining problem is that the underclasses do not grasp the advantages available to them in the current world. If you invest 75% of your income, and manage to live on that 25% thanks to cheap housing, cooking own food, biking everywhere, you are financially set for life after 7 years.

People need to wake up the the opportunities afforded to them.

I can tell
you also seem to have a problem with historical facts, here's Jefferson't famous quote

btw I think anything over a 10:1 ratio between CEO's pay and the janitor's pay is obscene. those CEOs making obscene money don't work 10 times harder, they aren't 10 times smarter, what they are is 10 times luckier, 10 times more connected.

you've just shown how delusional you are.
you do realize you are defending the jewish merchant's greed
>mfw user expects people to house themselves, clothe themselves and feed themselves on $250 per month total while the special people live in luxury for reasons
you've fallen for the greed meme, you think poor people are poor because of a moral failing on their part and not the failings of the nations leadership

Trust fund baby detected.

You fucking faggots. I'm from a blue collar family, I have educated myself in an employable career, and investing is fucking babby-tier mathematics.

The only way you can lose money on index-funds is if your balls are not hard enough and you sell in the decline. Individual stocks fail but the market as a whole always rises.

Besides, that is just one area of efficiency. Never before has it been as simple as it is today to aquire tools and instruction to build, weld and construct your own shit.

Don't the kind of faggot whining on how "it's the system maaaan" when it's your fucking responsibility to utilize the opportunities available to you.

Okay, so put the power of money creation in the hands of the government and kick out all the kikes

Therefore we can create a system that isn't unnecessarily reliant on a scarce commodity, meaning our economy is not stuck in parameters it does not need to be.>>6550734
fuck off back to Holla Forums with your marxist drivel

Nope. I reserve such statements for jews and their sympathizers. Everyone else can live as long as they like.

Reported for still not having an argument.

Guy 1: Spic
Guy 2: Millennial man-child who has never worked a day in his life because he thinks that playing video games and getting retards to give him money via Patreon is an actual job OR a woman doing the same thing except instead of video games she shows her tits
Guy 3: Jews

Flying cars are the worst idea ever. Imagine if every idiot with a drivers license was allowed to have their own helicopter. Imagine if every minor traffic accident came with the added bonus of chunks of metal falling out of the sky, possibly landing on you or your house.

Because income inequality can only be achieved by dragging down the productive people in society.
Shiftless losers and lazy bums are not going to all of a sudden hit the books and study or apply themselves in their job.

Once "income inequality" is seen as a problem, communism & wealth confiscation become the solution


I'm not saying jefferson is wrong, I am saying you don't understand what he meant.

Thanks for an answer. I disagree, but I don't think there is any fair answer. Let's say the janitor makes 10 dollars an hour, and any more then that and he is costing a business money. Then there is the guy who owns the business, and he set up the business, working from his garage and only breaking even for years, works twice as many hours, worries over it constantly, can get called out at any time, day or night, has to have a plane available to get him from one branch to another to fix things, etc.

Now I don't know the value of what that brings to the business, but I would bet that if his salary is capped at say, 200 thousand a year, he may just say fuck it and quit.

Are there owners/bosses who exploit things and only care about what they make? I'm sure. But I don't think there is any fair way to decide except what the market decides.

Also, it's not a matter of being 10x smarter, it's an on/off switch of whether someone is capable. There is no amount of training and prep that will ever make me an opera singer.

Quite often people are poor simply because they are less capable, can't plan ahead, or are degenerate. A better economy will help most, so you can blame people manipulating the economy, but not amount of fixing it will just make poor people not be poor.

In some ways I agree, it's not far from what I do, but it's not possible usually with taxes and mandatory licenses and insurance sucking up more and more of your income.

Cars are mostly getting shittier, what you get is more bloat at the same price.

replied to wrong person

People wouldn't because there's no easy way to walk away from a wreck, but what people don't understand is just how much space there is in the air. It's almost 1d vs 3d. Cars shooting around at 140 mph relative to each other, only feet away, scares the crap out of me. I've flown 50 hours or so this year and not been within a mile of anyone else.

I'll agree that it has never been easier to acquire information, but the tools still cost money and the poor still don't have any of that to spare. Please examine the definition of the term discretionary spending

so… you think poor people have the same opportunities?

another user who has swallowed the jewish merchant's greed meme hook line and sinker and is now defending it.

I bet none of you could milk a whole gallon out of a cow in just half an hour.

I'm not sure there is a fair answer either.
In typical fashion you've applied greedy principles here
why do you immediately jump to a salary cap? why would it not be just as simple as the company makes more money to give all employees of that company a raise? so that the income ratio remains intact?
do you see how that would be equitable where the salary cap isn't. Look inward and try to determine why you chose to cap the boss instead of sharing the increase in income caused by the whole team effort with the whole team?
This whole thing is about what is fair and we've all been contaminated by this insidious meme of jewish merchant greed.
tradesmen and workers understand the difference in wages but only the merchant believes it is his right to charge whatever the market will withstand and damn the consequences to anyone else.

been there, done that, of course it was 50yr ago. I'm sitting here laughing thinking about the cramps in the forearms of people attempting this.

The price of everything is what you are willing to pay for it.
You are not owed any type of wage, if your labour can make someone else money, and you accept a salary that they offer, that's what you should be paid.

please define

I was making the simplest application of your 10:1 ratio.

I expect they would, it doesn't solve anything though.

sort of. Except that since your 10:1 is arbitrary, some commie fags working there will complain that the boss is getting 10x their own raise.

None of us are arguing that though, you are just saying things aren't fair. Which is quite similar to social justice.

You have zero grasp on reality if you believe their is anywhere in the universe more comfortable for human beings than planet Earth. It will be the lower class which are sent to space, not the rich.

I don't see a problem with your pic related. Were my jimmies supposed to get rustled?

greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs.

by capping the top instead of allowing all to rise… I'm sure you did see that as the simplest solution

seriously? how often does that happen when a company makes a record profit for the year and none but the top few get any
it would help to drive the consumerist economy we live in by giving more people more money to spend. If it's all concentrated at the top the economy fails because few have money to purchase anything beyond the necessities and too many need assistance to afford those simple necessities necessities include housing, clothing, medical care and food

I agree, it is a conundrum.
In simplest terms I see it as follows
We live in a consumer driven economy
If the consumers have no money to spend the economy fails.
Keeping the majority of the profits concentrated at the top is not good for the economy.

The wages of money have been given priority over the wages of men.

the blue collar master / apprentice wage ratio thinking is subtly different than the merchant's all the traffic will bear philosophy and I'm not quite sure how best to show the differences and the consequences of each.






This is lefty and faggy as shit. Besides the 'inordinate' qualifier, I need a rifle, a knife, an axe, and a white woman to bear my sons. I could make do with less, but those are pretty basic. I have no other needs.

please edify me with your wisdom, o sage

you're supercilious implications can fuck right off.

No it's not. You are a marxist. You will get purged.

I at least thought you were an honest tard before this.




Your silver spoon is showing.

you are exhibiting capture-bonding stockholm syndrome and defending a jewish merchant meme.

your 1st inclination was to offer the least equitable solution.

Fitlered that guy in anothher thread he's a shill.

Because that's what the people who own the media want the media talking about.

It is an excuse to take wealth from productive people who manage their wealth carefully, and give it to unproductive people who spend it recklessly.
(((They))) weaken the productive and careful and get ahold of their wealth via tax and redistribution to the careless automatons who spend it all with businesses owned by the multinational, non tax paying corporations, whose major shareholders tend to be (((banks)))

Dont forget the fact that they can always move the goalpost and (((they))) use it as controlled opposition .
you cant fix the inherenrt hierarchical nature of human .no matter how much they push the egalitarian narrative it always fails. but they always get richer.

that's right go-guys, nothing to see here. the insidious and corrosive merchant's greed is only a myth. there's nothing you can really do about it, so smile and enjoy your life as a wage slave productive member of society

It's 1:30AM here so I may have mis-interpreted what you were saying.

How do you go about becoming an entrepeneur in an economy where mining and manufacturing become completely automated? As you said, the poor trade labor for money, yet, how can they get money if they can no longer labor? Not many people are born into wealth, and to accrue wealth, you need to start somewhere.


Holy shit this thread is full of shills

my first inclination was that, since I am neither one of them, that it is not up to me to tell them what to do.

you sound like a commie fag tbh

holy fug :DDDD
