German ministry claims to be against radical leftis too, but when asked for a prove they can't come up with anything

German ministry claims to be against radical leftis too, but when asked for a prove they can't come up with anything.

Could you translate that gibberish for us?

Translation for non-German speakers:
Justin Time

Familienministerium = Family ministry

Ulf Thomas


Ulf Thomas

There aren't any actions against left wing extremism because left wing extremism is a spook.

To be fair that link he was referring to seems to be some kind of statefunded umbella foundation for literally everything.
They seem to fund anything.

It's funding initiatives against

So, your government instead of getting rid of thiefs and false beggars that are enslaved by gypsy mafia - promote them?

I'm not german, i just took that text from the page and ran it through the translator.

What's funny though is that i found an article from 2015 about the effectiveness of these programms.

It's just like the anti-defamation league. They only concern themselves with defamation coming from one direction, targeting one group.

The left is a spook.

You really should pick it up. It's your duty as a Holla Forumsack, even.

Burger, Europeans have nations of their own, no need to suck up to another because of the lack of one.

If they were, communist symbols and gestures would be punishable by imprisonment like it is in many ex-Soviet nations as much as Nazi ones are. Do not believe their lies.

You don't say

Since we're supposed to be all nationalists I think speaking our own native tongue is much more important. I actually had to learn German back in high school but hated it, it's just not for me.

You're obviously a burger.

I speak 5 languages, 3 fluently. There's nothing wrong with having a large repertoire of languages, especially for a self-confessed nationalist.

It's like i'm surrounded by children and retards, goddamn.

Also, this is exactly how muslims and many russians think. Learning other languages is not a bad thing. You don't betray your nation by speaking other languages.

Is your government also anti-chemo?

Fuck off shill.

The very thought that a Nationalist can't speak other languages is fucking retarded. How are you going to intercept messages from the enemy if you don't speak their language?

Jesus Christ how this board has fallen. Cancerous dumb shill scum everywhere.

Okay? Am I supposed to be impressed?

You clearly didn't get the point

No you slipped up and outed yourself, dumb shit.

What's funniest is that they're trying to defend violent xenophobes (Muslims) from less violent xenophobes, while at the same time fighting the most violent xenophobes (Salafists).

Speaking English is what got us all here in the first place. Had I not been able to speak it as a second language, I'd be a bluepilled idiot. Thanks, videogames!

What pushed me to learn english was that germans are totally retarded on the internet. It is slightly better today than it was back then but it is still crap.

For example tutorials, everything in Germany is fucking sold to you. You want a script that teaches you how to use photoshop? Well better pay 40€ for that shit. Now that I speak english I don't rely on their crappy books anymore.

Also german forums… You always have either crappy moderators that randomly delete shit or a crappy community that has no idea how to discuss something.

The History of our Family Ministry can be summed up in its name:

Bundesministerium für Familienfragen (Federal ministry for Family questions) 1953-1957
Bundesministerium für Familien- und Jugendfragen (Federal ministry for Family- and Youth Questions) 1957-1962
Bundesministerium für Familie and Jugend(Federal ministry for Families and the Youth) 1962-1969

In 1969 our Federal ministry for public health swallowed the Federal ministry for Families and the Youth and radical changed Family politics in favor of the view of the 68 Generation and became the Bundesministerium für Jugend, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit(Federal ministry for Youths, Families, Women and Health).

Only in 1991 did Germany regain a new Family ministry in the Bundesministerium für Familie und Senioren(Federal ministry for Families and the Elderly), but the damage was done and it became later the Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend(Federal ministry for Families, the Elderly, Women and the Youth) in 1998.

Notice the name: Federal ministry for Families, the Elderly, Women and the Youth

Everyone is in it, children, old people, women. Only men are missing. The ministry for Families, doesn't care about men and doesn't seem to think they are part of a Family.

I mean, the German government couldn't be more conspicuous with their biases. It's perfectly legal to wave around a DDR or USSR flag, and they have fucking 100-foot monuments to Soviet rapists.

The current German government is an illegitimate occupational authority and I hope in the very new future Germany can take back their country. With Brexit the whole EU should implode and grant Germany their sovereignty as a result (there's still NATO but leaving the EU would be an improvement)