Original video here: youtube.com/watch?v=2WuAGjBQX0A

With subtitles embed (and here):

Other urls found in this thread:





You working on a sliding bot, OP?

slide what faggot? give me the thread to what I slide and I will bump it.

That was literally more than half a year ago nigger. Slide harder


Saw it today on:

reddit. com/r/DarkEnlightenment/comments/4qmxwx/like_the_visigoths_pouring_over_the_rhine/

you keep bumping your own thread, is this a slide?
sage, there is better quality threads than this.

link to better thread pls

this is old as fuck. guy got fired iirc. worked for a trucking company based in some cuck nation.

This is really fucking old

Oh okay so you are a shitposter

do you fucking losers live on the internet? this is the first time I see this video or hear about the story.

Hungary? A cuck nation? pls.

A do hope he didn't get fired though.

this is a good thread

Stop bumping your own thread already Holla Forums

What a fucking haggard train wreck.


My eyes became Holla Forums.

often happens

Lose what? You special snowflakes? I can live with that



You get banned if you're mean to jews there.



Some what related

Y'know, I'm not opposed to newfags. That having been said, there is a limit to our abilities and resources. We can only red-pill so many newfags at a time. We're being overwhelmed. If we don't do something then our homelands will be over–run.

For "newfags" read "immigrants".

For "homelands" read "this board".

For "red-pill" read "integrate"

No, I am not trying to be sarcastic or ironic. We are literally being over–run by morons.

I miss the old Holla Forums.

maybe its time to build a wall. give current users a passcode and only share out 5 new passcodes every day.


I wish it were that simple.

Don't worry, on the day after the first Tuesday of November the board will go back to normal.

I hope.

I said I found the video here:

normal meaning what? masturbating endlessly over doing nothing?

Look at me!
I'm projecting.

sage this cancerous thread

normal meaning what?

Repost from november and multiple other times over the winter.

Don't start new threads for this shit

what the fuck? I've never seen that pic before even

you fucked up

sage, don't bump this thread, there has been multiple

You've been setup.
Enjoy prison.

He got fired. He wasn't working for a hungarian company (DABEDA sro, located in Bratislava), and the guy who fired him was austrian (Peter Gratz). The trucker's name is Jeddi Árpád Levente and he has a small fanbase over here. Some even call him the truck driver of the nation. He said in one of his comments he was in Austria when he got fired and by the time he reached the hungarian border, more than 10 companies offered him a job, so he is on the road again.

That thumbnail accurately describes the current state of Europe.

Well i missed it so i'm glad OP posted it.

More than half the catalog is Trump spam anyway so i'm happy with this.

This is old as fuck

Based bavarians.



This is a year old. Why the fuck do people waste time on le reddit? They just re-hash the same stuff over and over and they think they are on the cutting edge.


and then fuck off back to where you came from

fixed version

I have a story


It was a pedo in another thread, good thing it's just jailbait.