Alright Holla Forums, you are now god. With your omnipotence you can create or destroy anything you ever wanted...

Alright Holla Forums, you are now god. With your omnipotence you can create or destroy anything you ever wanted. No catches, no tricks.
What do you use it for?

I would also make a few video games that I have always wanted

Abandon this universe and make a new one for myself.

destroy humanity in the most painful and lasting way then go to next similar species/universe/dimension/brane/simulation layer

destroy the humanity in slow painful and fun way. Rewind time and do it again and again.

if its not permanent is pointless

Ban all the spammers from Holla Forums

give everyone a little universe of their own and make a reality where there is a web of people and existences where we can freely walk through the doors of anyone's existence unless you get banned. no one can be killed and everyone's reality has it's own rules determined by the owner.

there'd be a bunch of universes where some people were good at being god and universes where people just sucked at it so inevitably the creme of the crop would kinda just rise up, BUT with unlimited time granted to everyone eventually the multiverse would just get Reaaallly dank.

Destroy the jews of course


i also agree with this dude.

Make my waifu a companion and travel the world, fixing a few problems along the way

Live a comfortable life. If I got bored I would take away something I have to give myself something to work towards.

I'd leave things mostly as they are, but occasionally use my powers to do something that leaves humans wondering how it might have happened. I'd live for a very long time and see all there is to see, I'd watch over humanity till the bitter end and then plant the seeds for a new humanity, maybe on another planet. I'd keep repeating until I get bored and turn myself into something different, maybe into a mindless cosmic entity that ensures the eternal cycle of life by simply existing.

Restore the natural order. Put all the races in their natural homes.

I forgot:
I'd ofcourse destroy the jews, so they wouldn't fuck everything up again.

They don't have a natural place in this world, they are unnatural leeches.

so this is

Can't get much better than that.

I create a rock i cannot lift or destroy.

I would literally no joke erase mankind from the face of the earth and create a new species to take it's place. Then observe and guide them as they grow and make sure a species as cancerous as humans will never happen again.

so everyone gets to be a mini god?

I would remove all unhappiness and turn the universe into an eternal blissful paradise like what should have been done if god existed

This is the only sensible answer, besides maybe fucking with your enemies in a really subdued way.



I'd play real life plague inc.

Vampirism would start in India, a waterborn disease. I'd put the first contaminated fish in the ganges and wait until some poor bastard hooks his line in the water, I'd make the fish bite it and mentally suggest for him to go to any populated towns.

Symptoms include pale skin, craving for undercooked meats, the sun causes severe skin rashes, increased hostility and insomnia.

I think it would be fun to watch Vampirism spread.

nah, full ass god. Complete reality of their own.

it'd be cool as a concept. I don't know what god was thinking when he made this reality. maybe we're just a doodle in his notebook.


make anime real

animu has always been real.

That would be pretty sweet.

It's hard to change something in our world having the knowledge that everything fits in this world being good or not. The universe has its own situations and rules that generate equilibrium and evolution.

Knowing this, all my suggestions are going to be selfish and not well thought out.

But if I could be selfish in my way and make decisions, I would make people no so interested in technology. Things that way would be more enjoyable because people would be going to interact more and simple moments would become special.

so has autism

Smite every tranny, gay, fat person, retard, literal autist, race mixer, and anyone who even thinks about becoming/doing any of the above.

it's a good thing I don't have autism and just like to be weird cuz Fuck you.

btw anime is usually a collection of metaphors and similes compiled into a beautiful story-line. if you understand the metaphor behind the story you can pursue your favorite anime.

so this doesn't convince you god is a social construct and doesn't exist?

Give myself superpowers I always dreamed about. Kill wrongdoers as a superhero. Become famous, hated and loved, forever.

Nigger you're omnipotent, you don't need to "give" yourself anything.

I said that in a way that I'd still keep a physical form. Give that body of mine superpowers if you like.

I've fantasized about this to a ridiculous degree. I have an extremely longwinded and incredibly autistic plan I'd enact should I have the power. A lot of it is /tg/ tier, it's not intended to be, but there's a lot of death so I suppose it comes off a big edgy. I feel silly posting it if no one wants to read something that long, though. I'd hate to write a bunch of long-ass posts and then see the thread die immediately with them not getting a single reply. e.e

Would love to read them
If you post them, I'll post mine

post it, faggot

I would love to attach my seeing holes upon your morsel of a plan

do it faggot

if it's really autistic i'll sticky the thread

Well. First I would try to undestand my powers and how to use them, I need to know how I can create shit and stuff. Once done I would try to master every craft, every art and language as to be prepared to make a home/headquarter. Finally I would make a database that contains everything made by humanity (games, structures, cars, artwork.. As long as it good of course) After collecting everything I can from humanity I would start with animals, rocks, minerals, biomes, etc… and then other planets, races and so on. I guess I would interact with humanity whenever things got bad if of course being god doesn't affect the way I am.

make it real

I would try to find a way to live forever without it becoming hell

You could always find a way to essentially create mental usbs to dump your memories onto, then halt the aging of the cells?

Is there more?

Ah shit, sticky here we come.

For the first phase I exit this reality. I enter a pocket dimension where time effectively stops. The first thing I would do is reshape myself, grant myself all the abilities a god would have. Immortality, super strength, control of the elements, super intelligence, etc. All the usual stuff. I could reshape myself at will, but I'd settle into a specific preferred form. 8 feet tall, extremely pale and muscular. My hair could be dark, my eyes red. I'd craft for myself a suit of red, living armor sort of like nanotech that I could reshape to my needs and further augment my abilities. I'd carry a ridiculously oversized axe which responded to my thoughts. While my physiology would be altered so very little could harm me, I'd still be a very paranoid god and the suit would have layer after layer of automated defenses to prevent my death. Force fields which stop anything traveling over a certain velocity or temperature, extensive use of portal technology which automatically redirects projectiles fired at me to the sender, various orbs which act as floating cameras, drones and computers recording all data around me both for broadcast as propaganda and for my final "dead man's switch" defense. If I die, the switch would effectively rewind time from my perspective to an hour prior immediately relaying whatever the cause of death was and my last moments.

Myself properly augmented, I'd begin work on my army, and my fortress. I'd build for myself a sprawling kingdom within this dimension, a base of operations. I would create monoliths. Each would be like a mobile, floating tank/troop carrier. Through use of portals I could effectively appear in any of them at a time. I could use the portals to instantly travel anywhere, but the monoliths are about demonstrating a physical presence.

The next step would be creating my army. An assortment of fantasy races and cosmic horrors reshaped to suit my purposes. I would find an empty corner of space outside of the sight of Earth -or simply create one- and shape a new solar system with a series of planets, each for one of the new cultures I was creating. Not each would require their own planet, several would co-exist.

that's all I can think, well maybe give Holla Forums better servers or whatever other shit ot need to make it good. I'm not the /tg/ autism if you are thinking that.

-First would be the Goblins. Not dissimilar from the sort you usually see in Magic: The Gathering. They make burrows underground, and build cities there. They would be born with four arms, and a special joint which would allow them to rotate their configuration (so for instance they can have one set above the other, or rotate the joint to have the arms side by side.) Naturally they'd be a warrior race, and their scars would be badges of pride. They have access to regeneration takes and various other preservation technology, but while designed to adapt to various medical treatment, the regeneration does not occur naturally within them, so that when they've earned death, they can die naturally, but be revived as combat requires. If they defeat another in combat, they take one of their limbs as a trophy, and can replace their own with it. The loser must regrow the limb and retrain it from scratch, so they're frequently fighting over parts they perceive as particularly attractive, useful or strong. Contrary to pretty much every other race, their mating habits are degenerate by design, they reproduce via gangbang, and children are raised communally. Why? This is two-fold, the first is that it prevents the society from advancing beyond the level they started at and the technology they're given -though they're quick learners and adapt to new technology they're given. The second is another form of propaganda. If your country is invaded by them, your women will be gangraped by goblins.

-Next would be the Flayers, the lovecraftian cephelapods from D&D. In practice, they're interrogators, judge, and inquisition. They're there to determine how corrupt the place being taken over is, and how much of the population can be spared. They have the usual suit of psychic powers. Mind reading, mind control, force fields, telekinesis, etc. They're quite handy in combat, as a result. They live on an aquatic planet, and as you'd imagine their diet consists of all manner of sealife and brains. They have a servant race of crab people they live in a sort of symbiosis with, but the servant race is only present on their planet.

-Then there would be the Minotaurs. Effectively the tanks of this military. Highly loyal, ten feet tall on the short side, incredibly physically strong. Their females resemble "holstauresses" and are largely humanoid other than horns and tails, they mate for life, and always have two children at a time. Their bodies are designed to wear heavy suits of mech armor, and in combat they appear to be large horned robots with massive axes, maces and gatling guns of various exotic designs.

-Next would be the Avians, effectively the air force of this society. Their world is covered in canyons, they build their cities along the walls of these canyons, and within great trees dotting the landscape. They're an extremely conservative, puritcanical people instilled with religious faith, mate for life as many species of bird do, but are at the same time very vain and materialistic taking great pride in their appearance. This extends to the mech armor they wear in combat, which they intricately paint and design. They're very showy in their style of combat, and like all of the races are instilled with a deep loyalty to their creator.

-Then there's the Hunters, exceedingly simple in design. I'd simply take cats of various species, but housecats especially, and combine the dna with that of spiders and put them in a vaguely humanoid shape. They are effectively a terror weapon. Read up on what happens when housecats are left on islands. They behave much like felines, but have four additional limbs, much sharper claws, can create intricate webs for various purposes, and release poison from both their fangs and their claws. Their personalities are very child-like and capricious. Their minds are geared towards trap-building and torture. When not in combat they live very pampered lives in captivity very similar to housecats, with all the toys you'd expect. Left to their own devices or given their own planet they'd simply devastate whatever other species were there. The easiest way I can think to describe how they'd look are like slender Predators.

-The Cyclopeans are builders, gifted with incredible artistic talent and mechanical genius, they come up with all manner of weapon, vehicle and technology for the army to use, and pilot the monoliths. Physically they stand around 8 feet tall and are well-muscled and as their name suggests have one large eye, which would be engineered to emit a number of different sorts of beams. They wear various sorts of refracting lenses to enhance, alter and augment these beams for a number of effects. When a city is conquered or destroyed, they are tasked with rebuilding a new beautiful, futuristic structure in it's place.

-There's a more automated variant of this though, which is essentially two races. The Builders are essentially sentient floating slabs of technology, pillars of nanites which can reshape into any form of machine or device as needed, creating walls, weapons, vehicles, or anything else as needed. They serve as automated drones and tools, but each carries a separate civilization within them, Digital Elves. Beings of sentient electricity powering the technology. They invade the technological structures of cities controlling their power, hacking any computer systems and so on.

-The Dreamers are another race I'd create, but largely wouldn't be used militarily. Just an idealized race of people created on a protected planet, extremely beautiful and designed to look as I find ideal. Their lives are similar to that of characters in fantasy settings, and their entire world is crafted to reflect the work of the likes of Frank Frazetta and Boris Valejo. They'd be extremely pale skinned, with eyes and hair of every unnatural color you could imagine, but most commonly defaulting to black hair and red eyes. The women would be voluptuous, extremely busty, feminine and submissive. They would emit a red electricity which was like their lifeblood, which when they die would exit their body and enter a large stormcloud which hangs over the entire planet. Their cities would have crystal balls which interacted with great towers which contacted the cloud, and could summon the memories and consciousness of those who had passed on. A punishment for the greatest criminals of the other races would be exile to this planet, where they would be hunted down by adventurers among the dreamers.

-The final main race would be the Olympians, a race of artificially created gods. They'd essentially grow up in a large military academy, and exposed to various disciplines and philosophies, all manner of idea, culture, history and fiction, and from that they would compete to figure out what discipline they might be the god of. There would be one god of each thing, but there may be multiple similar gods covering different disciplines. For example, there may be a god of fire, in addition to a god of heat, a god of lava, a god of microwaves, a god of nuclear explosions, and so on. Again, they're propaganda, as they would be little more than generals in the army, achieving their positions through intense competition with one another.

With the army created, I'd march on Earth, announce my presence to every television and computer screen receiving any sort of signal, and give the planet a day to agree to submit to my control. After 24 hours I would return brutally dismantle every government on Earth I wasn't fond of, simultaneously, horrifically, and raze a few cities as examples, the entire thing broadcast live as it happened. The governments of Cuba, North Korea, China, Sweden, Germany and Canada would be utterly obliterated in varying ways depending the specific location, level of corruption, evil of those in control. Mind you, the countries wouldn't be destroyed, but their governments and possibly militaries in some cases. Similar treatment to the middle east, and a few places in Africa. Austin, San Francisco and Amsterdam would be utterly wiped from the planet, each walled off and turned into hell on Earth. That would be day one.

After another 24 hours had passed, any nations that had agreed to submit to my rule would find portals opening over their cities, monoliths pouring out, Builders spreading throughout orchestrated by Cyclopeans and Flayers following to judge the population. The rest of my army would still not yet be unleashed, as I intended to have more fun and at this point it's all theatrics. Every refugee camp and sanctuary city on Earth would suddenly find itself cut off from the rest of the world by portals surrounding the entire city. Walking through the portal would just see whoever did it coming out the opposite point. One by one, I appear in each location brandishing instead of my usual axe, an energy blade. I'd then provoke the refugees and illegals, and when struck with the sword they'd seemingly disintegrate. In reality, the blade would simply teleport each to their nation of origin unharmed other than their ego. The entire exercise would be recruitment as again, this is all being broadcast. I'd say I was now speaking directly to the men of the world who still care about their homelands, and invite them to join my army, that they'd each get a sword just like the one I used, along with a number of other gadgets, and a suit of knight's armor, offering them all the oppurtunity to become knights templar. Mechanized suits of nights armor equipped with portal and teleportation technology and access to a slew of weapons beamed in to them from base by a room of controllers. Giant mech suits with cloaking technology and interchangable limbs.

The next day every place which had submitted to my rule would have walls temporarily erected around them. Everything outside of these walls would be invaded by the combined forces of my entire army. From there the rest of the world would be conquered, and I'd relax myself by using this time to dramatically reduce the population by using the data collected by my builders, flayers and drones to hunt down and kill every rapist, pedophile, serial killer, and animal torturer on Earth. I wouldn't stop there, though. This would then extend to those who self-identify as feminists, progressives, communists, socialists, trans, lgbtq+ whatever, vegans and so on. I'd get increasingly petty with it until I felt mankind was cleansed.

The world effectively conquered, the next task would be rebuilding and reshaping humanity into a true utopia. All manner of extinct species would be reseeded on Earth. From among the dead I would revive numerous historical figures and dead celebrities and philosophers to form a council. They would be allowed to return to death if they wished, but offered immortal life as one of my advisors, and governors. Retaining their memories but cleansed of the vices that haunted them in their previous lives. They would serve as military and cultural advisors, but also offered governorship of city-states all over the world. You could live in a city shaped by Diogenese or David Bowie, Sam Houston or Dio, Rod Serling or Patrice O'Neal, and so on. The new civilization I would build for man would be based on strength and competition. Your wealth determined by the amount of offspring you were permitted to have, with a strong encouragement of voluntary eugenics, and genetic engineering to fill in the gaps. Our flag would have a wolf on it, and humanity would become a strong, beautiful, creative people.

Then naturally, I'd want to build my harem. I'd invite to my palace all of my exes, and every girl on Earth I fancied, and I'd make them a simple, honest offer. They would not be my one and only queen, but they could be one of many, and if they agreed they would be granted immortality, live in opulent splendor, guarantee protection for their family, have bodies which would remain young and beautiful for eternity and give birth to gods. If they refused, there would be no hard feelings, but they'd be introduced to two women. One, an exact duplicate of her identical in every way, and the next also a clone, but with her body and featured altered to my ideals of perfection. She'd be informed her DNA was used to fashion clones, and returned to her home to live out the remainder of her life normally, with the only caveat being informing her she would not be allowed to change her mind on her deathbed. The clones would serve my desires of course, but never reproduced with. I wouldn't be too greedy, only around 300 wives, and then I'd build a city-sized spaceship and embark on a journey through the universe, connecting the stars, conquering all other planets, and seeding uninhabited ones to be ruled over by my sons.

you have been thinking about this for a long time, right user?

Years. Though in my defense, much of that is strung together from thought experiments, "what ifs" story ideas, and race ideas for D&D campaigns.

Dunno man, i could destroy everything i dislike and rule with an iron fist.
or build my little personal paradise away from everybody eyes and stay there forever.
Maybe i would change my appereance, i would disguise myself as a hobo or a frail old person to fool around. or maybe something like ShyGuy and those weird cartoony characters and appear only in front of kids of mentally ill people.
Maybe perform odd miracles and cure the sick just for the kicks.
Maybe build a massive Golden fortress in the sky and fuck shit up and challange every goverment and armed group to come after me just to crush em on world wide TV.
i wanted to make cartoons, toys, stuff like tha, but i dont have the skills or resources, so maybe i would do that, create a fake factory and make my toys and sell em super cheap just because.

that question is always a good time waster

Turkey club sandwich

no, why the fuck would i deny myself the hope that there is Ever-fucking-lasting bliss after all this shit and a dude just rooting for me to do my best hiding in the cosmos?

holy shit, dude went Au in the mother fucking tism.


I would construct a base of sorts in another plane(Which would be illogical and mindfucky) I would then create demons to do my bidding, and they'd round up everyone involved with the current world issues I see fit. Then I would make some kind of mind control parasite that forces their minds to relive their crimes from the perspective of their victims (IE: Every person that was beaten up by BLM, Soros would live it) 1000 times, while it also keeps them alive for a ridiculously wrong time and makes their bodies subservient to me, after all just killing them would be too easy/pointless, who would tend to cleaning the castle/mansion/ bunker/ whatever form I decide my base to have at the time. Then I would carefully create more servants, experimenting with my powers until I perfected the abilities of body creation and separating one soul from another. Then I would turn this power on myself to save my waifu. Then we'd live happily ever after

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so in order of events

I'm not saying to stop, but oh know that's fucking ridiculous

id kill those, who looked at me wrong, id present myself before every1 as a true god, id become all-knowing, id let every1 know what rules to follow if they want to gain my favour and id take what i want, when i want without asking

i think what i wrote is less detailed, but more to the point


First thing I'd do is create a stone so heavy that I can't lift it with my infinite strength.

Gotta figure out who wins between me and logic before I can do anything else.

I want to hug a Hunter

I would conquer Holla Forums and institute bullet bans. You shitpost wrong, you get IP banned. Ban evade and continue shitposting and a bullet flies out of your screen. It would clean up the site overnight

You are a great and loving god

2/10 for your in-depth of everything but the best part

i restart

yeah, it's like having an ant farm, watching them is interesting,

Half-Life 3?

Love it.

Sounds fun.

Create an unlimited supply of cute 9-13yo lolis who look up to me and worship me and want to have sex whenever

8/10 would 'row row fight the powa.'

fuck off into my own pocket dimension and shitpost for eternity.
however one caveat would be that all civilizations would realize that the universe will not end, and that there is a afterlife that I would personally create.
on the universe will not end, it would technically end, but it'd be the bigbang loop model. (universe flatlines and another big bang is created.)
I would create a artificial submissive intelligence that cannot gain sentience, and that AI will then perfectly document history in every aspect, down to the individual movements of atoms. A easy to use interface and efficient and fast search functions would also be present. This database would be open to myself and the people in the Afterlife.

Also, the above considers that there is no afterlife. All dead beings before the creation of the afterlife would then be recreated and placed inside the afterlife I create. Every person would wake up in a apartment complex in a 'block' near the people they lived with. These apartment complexes are infinite in size, after all this afterlife is for the entire multiverse and the infinite looping universes inside them. Outside every apartment is a 'search terminal' linking everything together.
You could, theoretically, search for your female clone whose DTF and go to that block, and your home block is automatically favorited.
Additionally, for disfigured and disabled folk, there are options to change one's appearance, abilities, and social functions. Autistic people will suddenly turn into their 'ideal' selves. There is one gimmick with this, and that is you will be instantly aware of everything that would've happened had you not changed into your ideal self. Not only that, but all those using the machine will be stricken with literally unforgettable humbleness for 5 hours.
Inside these apartments are a wish granting device. People in the apartment are practically gods in their own apartment. Other people, however, are subject to the person's 'godhood', and cannot use the device, so as such pain and conflict can be created. This is easily escape-able by various functions the user is informed about upon arrival.
It would be common for various people to set up 'shops' and 'areas' where one can live out in infinite time.
Shops would get customers to pay buy a special 'favor' currency. Favors are literally just that, favors.
Despite being practically god, wish devices cannot create sentient life. As such, if you want a harem, you have to settle for fake robotic people.
However, this favor system allows one to make others do their bidding. There are various restrictions on the favor system to disallow abuse from both parties.
In a nutshell, while you could try to find 12 female clones of yourself with various appearances in the multiverse who are DTF, you could instead bang that chick who lived next door to you but died before you actually got her in bed for a 'favor'. In exchange, if the chick wanted to roleplay a cruel god fantasy or a badass fantasy, you'd be required to play the villain or be a regular person running in 'terror' from whatever shit she does.
This means she could do NTR fetish shit with you, and you wouldn't be in legal reason to complain.
Speaking of laws, obviously a force of angels with a objective sense of good/evil would be employed. The punishment for misbehavior (which is basically being extremely noisy or intruding on someone's fantasy.) is just a 10 hr grounding in a empty room except for the person only has a toaster labtop and DSL tier internet to browse the DeadNet along with typical household appliances, with no wish granting device either.
The DeadNet would have -NO- restrictions. Users are reliant on themselves to regulate shit. The DeadNet, being literally infinity squared in size, would have several robust search engines and functions to make browsing easy. There would be very little ways to hide shit from the afterlife's equivalent of the 'clearnet'.
People can link up with the DeadNet in various ways, and the typical computer is completely configurable. VR shit and AR shit are common in the Afterlife, as advanced technologies can think up weird shit for cavemen to enjoy.
There's more, but basically I meant what I meant when I'd fuck off from reality. I'd do my best to create a perfect world where everyone can coexist or fuck with each other as long as it's still fun and games. In that way, the Afterlife would truly be a haven for those who had suffered in life.
And of course, every user would gain benefits for being /redpill/'d as fuck, and anyone who likes skyrim will have a permanent micropenis.
