I know there was a thread on this before but I am pretty sure it's one of the most relevant topics right now for the EU


I know there was a thread on this before but I am pretty sure it's one of the most relevant topics right now for the EU.

Isn't this the worst possible move, now that the euro is less stable around brexit ?
This should up to the countries to decide.

Isn't such a rapid push for currency change a recipe for disaster?
Give me some info, I'm retard economically.

Which countries have fully adopted the euro anyway ?

Or you know, just using the good old OPEN SOURCE MONEY
-No registration
-No Government oversight/control
-Separation of money and state
-No email required
-No ID required
-No checks needed
-100 % Voluntary

none - they still allow other currencies (For Now…)

Italy and Greece's economies are a wreck, if not because of adopting that currency then because they're locked into it and don't control it. (See Puerto Rico.)

The bigger it gets the more likely it is to tear itself apart. This will only make the recent wave of globalism even less likely to repeat itself.

Crofag here, we're fucked if this goes through.

Then again, we're fucked either way…

What the bloody hell are you talking about mate.

To be fair let's not forget that both nations had leaderships that have been incredibly incompetent or corrupt.
Aside from the fact that Greece's economy was already in shambles before they even joined the EU, they had to cook their books to get into the union.

there was only one country (according to EU regulations/laws) that was allowed to be part of the EU..
that was (and still is!) the only one that should be allowed in, based on economic performance indicators.

I expected the EU to be much more "locked in" as to speak, didn't know so many countries had such light ties with it

So what do we do now? We know for a fact that we're fighting on three different terrains:

Which country do you think we can meme/convince into getting away safely?

Shit nigger just buy gold it has all the perks of bitcoin only you can actually use it.

Reported for kike shill.

Nice jugs.

Finland and Netherlands have been fucked by the Euro even though they did everything right.

Sweden will not abide by this. The referendum for wether to include us in the Euro failed, and the support for it is far lower today. As a small, export dependent economy no politicians dares breathe a word of including Sweden in the Euro.

Say what you want about SJW problems in Sweden but everyone has some level of awareness regarding how dependent we are on our currency being under our control, because we had a huge banking crisis in the 90s.

nah nigger, Soros makes me pay the ultimate price man bro dude..

Thanks, they were in an old folder - thought i'd keep you posted with some ACTUAL content (ie. Titties)

Funny how the EU thinks it can impose even more regulations now that it is in rapid decline. Talk about delusional.

Yes but that doesn't stop the kikes. They'll force this to be passed at a future date. Then before the future date they'll dump all of their Euros. Then when it is forced and the Euro drops in value they'll buy the Euros back up for a massive profit.

The ECB needs to pump and print more money to keep the whole Eurozone afloat till the jews give a green light for collapse.

Including new Euro countries is a good way to expand Euro supply.
Nevermind that this is not possible in this political climate since no one even trusts EUSSR anymore and many are on verge of leaving it.
Globalists are really scared.

Do you think they'll ever try and get a referendum going?

It's no different than a child throwing tantrums when losing at a game and trying to destroy or take with him whatever's left on the playground. The problem here is that while the UK has dealt it a catastrophic blow and signing off its death, it still isn't dying fast enough. We need another country to drop out, or a dramatic economical event that cements the EU's death in everyone's minds to the point that even if it somehow survives the impending American election, every country under it will just act independently of it. Poland and Hungary were pretty good at doing that, but we need more countries that would not rule out the possibility of ruling themselves.

That's ingenious, but that's supposing that the Chinese or other kikes don't make bank on THEM doing exactly that and ruining Eurokikes forever.

They're adopting the insane monetary policy of the Japs - because it's been working so well for them - buying up government debt and corporoate bonds, negative interest rates. Fucking insane, especially when pic related, how does anyone have confidence in this shit currency.

Amazing tits.

We need to stop whining about our own growth or lack thereof (GDP, population, etc) and start worrying about stifling others'. Starve these fucking muds and gooks off the fucking planet.