General animu/mangu v.s. superheroes thread

Hey, apart from the eternal Goku v.s. Superman v.s. One Punch Man, what are Holla Forums's thoughts on other good matchups between comic and manga characters?

And how would you rate various characters? I'd rate Hanma Yujiro at about Beast's strength, compared to Biscuit Oliva, who I'd rate Kingpin level, maybe more. Like Kingpin on Super Soldier serum. But Yujiro, with his mutant freak ogre back muscles would be like The Beast with Shang Chi's fighting ability. And Dr. Doom's temperament.
Baki could probably keep up with Spider-Man in a fight. I've remarked before that Spidey is pure ability and no training, and that only his speed and strength and reflexes make up for his horrid form. Observe what a hard time he has with Daredevil and Kingpin.

Kenshiro is hard to quantify. I know we were given rough stats for his strength and stamina, but he can basically kill anyone if he can reach their pressure points, maybe even puppet-walk them or take control of their powers, if their biology is human. In one story we even saw that he doesn't need to touch you, firing mini-hadoukens from his fingertips to hit the same dim mak points.

I've got no idea on mid-range monsters like Pickle or Riki-Oh. Does anyone recall their greatest feats, strength-wise? Pickle also seems to have a Taskmaster-like ability to mimic martial arts.

I'd love to see write-ups for Devil-Man, Guyver, Sailor Moon, Guts, Alita, Naruto etc, like the Marvel & D.C. rpg's, just to see how they'd measure up against Thor, Conan, She-Hulk, Thing, Hulk, Iron Fist, etc.

I guess one big difference is often superheroes are gifted with power, while animu heroes have to train for it. So they often have greater control of their abilities, and more power feats, but have to actually concentrate for them to work.

Alita's abilities vary wildly from body to body. Her original body wasn't designed for combat, but I think she could at least fight Ghost Rider to a standstill just from sheer martial ability. God help her if she gets a taste of the Penance Stare, though, she is literally the worst person in the Solar System, even if she doesn't remember. The Imaginos body from the first draft of the end was ridonk OP, though, she was like a human railgun bullet, like Wally West in Mary Sue mode.

Stand users are a strange one. Aren't stands invisible to normal humans? I guess you'd have to be Doctor Strange, or Rom to see them. The Hulk could probably see them just fine, it's been established that he can see ghosts.


Could she be defeated if every Marvel and DC superhero ever created teamed up against her?

No one can beat these two. The powerlevel argument is now over.

What if they fought each other?

Those aren't Superboy Prime

Who would win out of Garfield and Crayon Shin Chan?

God, I hate you, Holla Forums.

Maus vs Grave of the Fireflies, go


Grave made me cry like a bitch, Maus just made me feel really bad. Though I read them at different ages, I'll still give the win to Grave.

Who wins in a fight though.

Well, obviously 6 million mouse jews would curbstomp 2 japanese children. Even if they were mouse sized. I mean, the kids would gain some strength by eating a few of them, but it wouldn't be enough.

Sonic vs Judge Dredd

What's Sonic's motivation, and what are the charges?

The scenario is that Sonic is absolutely fucked out of his mind after snorting too many crushed rings, and he has been sodomizing animals all over the city and caused millions of dollars in property damage.

If he's not in his right mind, Dredd will eventually box him in. If he's of sound mine, and not going to an iso cube is a "win" I think Sonic would take it (assuming Dredd is satisfied with driving Sonic out of the city).

Okay then what about Knuckles vs. Dread?


they're people who happen to have such powers

thanks to identity politics being a hero means shit nowadays and it's just an archetype certain guy posseses, therefore by being easily interchangeable across several reboots and multiverses there are multiple spidermans. say your favourite character is flash? well, which one?

Stardust cannot be defeated. Stardust is so beyond our pathetic human imaginings that the very concept of besting him goes against the very laws that govern the universe, neigh, goes against existence itself. Even the idea of laying the smallest of scratch upon Stardust is arrogance not unlike an ant believing he can harm the sun. Asylums are filled with those who pose a danger to themselves and others for deluding themselves with such notions.

Stardust is absolute. We should be thankful that he chooses to lower himself to protect us.

God-Man could beat stardust


Stardust > Everything

if you're a retard who wanks about how your fictional character can beat someone else's fictiona character you should kill yourself asap

they could, if they had existed in the first place.

Any evidence, user ?

Who would win out of Pun Pun and As Told By Ginger?