No one is softer, kinder and more human than a white man


Liberals always whine and cry about "muh colonialism" and such as one of the main sources of their white guilt.
What the fuck. Don't their realize that England alone has at some point disposed of the entire world with their military might? (pics related)
If you add all the other european countries it's obvious whites have owned the world for millennia.


I don't know about you, but if i find myself a nice place to live and find it populated by unpleasant pests, i am going to exterminate said pests first thing that day.
That's what happened in the Americas. Even nature itself helped the colonists by simply comparing superior immunity between the locals and the europeans. This was not an "unfortunate tragedy", but a matter of course in the natural world.
The only reason ANY shitskin is alive today is because Europeans were TOO SOFT and TOO CONCEITED to do what had to be done. Muh (((humanists))) and all that jazz.
What has that gotten us Europeans? Nuclear-capable chinks, oil-controlling middle east (which is colonizing us in turn), various deformed half-breeds in the Americas, etc.

Shitskins are not at fault. They are just obeying the rules of nature. We are the ones in the wrong. Deportations, walls, controlled immigrations and such are completely worthless. Every non-white on the planet must be exterminated before they exterminate us. There is no better period in history to witness this ultimate truth.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lead the charge, Turner

That's why jews are so pesky.
They look (((white))), and are therefore overlooked by normies.
Der Furer knew Germany needed to be rid of them first and foremost.
Then all other problems would practically take care of themselves.

The only reason the Third Reich failed was not because of a shitskin uprising, but because they were fighting fellow whites.

Whites should NEVER have to fight each other again. I absolutely refuse to see my own kind as an enemy. If whites could just unite together, we would truly be unstoppable.

The thread is not about doing it, it's about telling leftists that whites are the most selfless beings on this planet and that's why their nigger, jewish and muslim friends are even alive today in the first place. It's an obvious counter to white guilt. We didn't ENSLAVE them, we tried to FREE them by giving them our culture and technology and letting them make their own countries with it, with disgusting results.



It's our fatal weakness, yes. Compassion and empathy.

The problem with whites is that the men let the women get away with murder, they let them act like idiots. The end result is feminism and RefugeesWelcome

Fuck off back to >>>leftypol

Fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums


I don't remember the Balkans ever being invaded or ruled over by Britain.

Those are not weaknesses in and of itself. They BECOME weakness once applied to any and all out-group people.

Frist, what are these rules of nature?

This haunts me. Chinks, pakkies, curry-nigs… and kikes, of course. All armed with super-weapons that are the end product of centuries of White ingenuity and industry. The only thing our race had going for it was our technological know-how (art is wonderful, but it doesn't win wars), and that was given away by our traitorous 'leaders'. Our only ace, just handed to racial enemies.

We're basically back in the dark ages, as far as technological equilibrium is concerned. Back when we had to fear the asiatic and middle-eastern hordes, and their incursions into our territories. Even if a God Emperor arose this very instant, cut off the flow of trade to/from non-White nations, and kicked out every jew and traitor, it would still take us DECADES to build up enough of a tech gap between us and the rest of the world to ensure our supremacy.

And with every day that goes on, our scientific victories are being hemorrhaged to those who'd erase us if they knew they could get away with it. Don't kid yourselves, even the Japs would think little of shoaing us if they had an efficient enough way of doing it, and that's saying nothing of kikes, chinks, curries, and niggers. Earth is a crucible, and only one race can claim undisputed ownership of it.

Tech has always been, and will forever remain the undisputed crown jewel of our race.

And we're giving ours away, even going so far to train foreigners in our universities!

Words alone can't convey the rage I feel when I see non-Whites at my STEM uni, stealing hard-won knowledge that took my ancestors literal centuries to amass. Watching unwashed hordes of rice goblins and ash-faced curries skittering around like roaches, while our own people are discriminated against and made to jump over obstacle after obstacle just to get into a tech program.

Chinagate was just the latest in a long string of unfathomable treachery.

I hope Trump cleans house, and hangs the traitors by their entrails.

Kill them yourself, Goldman.

Cut off the welfare. Stop giving them small business loans so they could open up kebab shops that close down then reopen when son's application goes through. Put limits on the amount of kids people who can't support themselves have. It can be done without violence.

Wasn't always this way. Read Might is Right for all of the proof you need for the numerous examples.

White men even in the ZOG-ified military today are the most efficient and ferocious killers. Do I have guilt over it? Do I fuck, I'm proud of it.

Yeah, because that'll somehow stop 3 billion subhumans who have nuclear ballistic warheads and the means to deliver them to any point on the globe.

Keep in mind that a nuclear power like China can exert far more leverage than it should have been able to. Just 30 years ago, they were a pissant colony of humanoid insects. India as well. Pakistan too. And Israel.

We've handed them god-weapons, and imperiled ourselves and our descendants for generations to come.

Damn, when you look at those maps it's really depressing how far bongistan has fallen, no?

this, there is no shit-skin master plan to destroy the any western race, it's just dumb, the west is having all these problems because thy encorage and subisidy that kind of criminal behaivor, and of course this action just creates more criminal behaivor.

About nuclear power, aa small informative video

Even on this board, the majority of you are far too soft..

Scenario A:

Scenario B:

Guess which one we should pursue.

The Clintons sold it. For money and sex with children. And whites aren't doing anything about it. Hillary winning is proof the white race deserves its Darwin award.

do you think technology is shared like sharing a loaf of bread whit 2 people? your vision of the civilisation is too childish that resembles almost a 4X game
no, that would be a harm for the west and everybody, many advancements in the field of astronomy, biology, robotics and more comes from other places that aren't the west, reallly, it doesnt work like a 4X game, there is no such thing as tech points

Also most of the consumer goods consumed by the west are produced on Asia, do you want to place silicon electronics factories on europe?

i dont think you know what are you talking about

Correct. There is, however, a Jewish plan to destroy the white race.

I'm a STEMtag, and you would not believe the number of White professors who willingly travel to non-White nations and hold seminars at their unis, willingly and freely disseminating the latest in tech and science. Sure, some of them get money, but most do it for social gibs like recognition and the 'spirit of cooperation' (whatever the fuck that means). It's maddening.

Tell that to any non-cucked world power. Each and every one of them jealously guarded their tech, and for good reason. For fuck's sake, we've given nuclear arsenals to people who don't deserve anything more advanced than an oil lamp.

Retarded buttmad shitskin detected. You're a chink, aren't you? I'll let you in on a little secret: 95% of all breakthrough science is done in Western unis. What little trickles from the East is either derivative, or plain ripped off. You gnats have 0 honesty in business, and your tech factor is by an order of magnitude worse.

I think I do. The only people who profit from bilateral tech-sharing are non-Whites. My own uni often hosts delegations from China, and it's always a laugh watching those chucklefucks trying to weasel their way into productive endeavors that they'd never be able to put together themselves.

TL;DR: do the world a favor, and off yourself.

There were Jews involved in the creation of fission & fusion weapons, you know Oppenheimer, Teller, etc.).

And the Jew writers of history books have been trying to claim those Jews were the sole inventors ever since.
What a…er, "surprise," huh?

Nuclear winter is bullshit, by the way.

A couple of kikes working on an A-bomb is just a drop of water in a vast ocean. All of physics, mathematics, and chemistry were codified and expanded by Whites. We spent almost 300 years figuring out the natural laws, and then another 200 building up our industrial base.

Half an eon it took. And then we gave it all away…

I just laugh when anyone tells me we need shitskins. The 3rd reich did fine enough on its own. Imagine what we'd be capable of if we truly united, and poured all our time and energy into real, quantifiable scientific progress.

We could become masters of mankind in just a hundred years.

And our descendants would be gods, soon after.

i had mostly in mind about chilena telescopes and japan robotics, also you didnt addresed what happens whit industry on you tantrum



Laughable. Just a few years ago, a White guy cracked CRISPR. Read up about that, it'll open up an entire new branch of synthetic bio-engineering. The top 3 minds in genetics are old White dudes. I can't speak for other fields because I'm not a part of them, but I suspect the situation is identical in every area of endeavor. Whites create and discover, and shitskins copy/steal.

If we ever get the kikes off our backs, and stop spending money on feeding the third world, we'll become undisputed masters of science in just a decade. And we don't need non-White nations to do that. Europe and the US are the axis of scientific advancement. We don't even need other markets. We could trade our crumbs for the rest of the world's raw materials. Shit, even if just Russia somehow managed to fold itself into a fascimile of the 3rd reich, they'd be more than capable of eclipsing both India and China.

The only thing holding back our race is a bunch of internationalist jews and home-grown shabbos goyim.

Whites win; the rest of you lose. What's there to discuss?

As an addendum, here's some food for thought:

Imagine a 1-billion-man global 4th Reich composed of all the White nations.

Remember what Hitler's Germany accomplished in just 15 years? And with limited funds/materials?

Now multiply that by a factor of 10,000. The rate of progress would be mind-boggling.

Honestly, if I were in your place, I'd pray every night that Whites remain fragmented and divided.

it's not identical, chilean astronomic data contrubuted greatly on the dicovery of many celestial bodies and in the discovery of the expansion of the universe and the fact that is expanding at an accelerated rate, japan has made colossal contribution on roobtics that helped to shape their industry, how do you think they competed whit the USA on the car manufacturing industry?

about industry, if you want the west into complete isolationism, what do you do whit the industry that is on asia for enviormental reasons?

Remember what Hitler's Germany accomplished in just 15 years? And with limited funds/materials?

yes, he made germany to be destroyed again aside for the useless super weapons, the fact that the british secret service was completely infiltrated on the gemran command, beetwen others.

why do you think this is a competiton? modern industry makes possible to surpass the demand on our consumed resources, there is no reson to compete.

Science and STEM in general do not require whites to operate. They just require effort and attention. Even muhammad and Pancho can be "scientists" in many fields and produce results. The abyssal difference is the scope and efficiency of the effort, the amount of breakthroughs and complex new avenues discovered.

For example, you can compare research papers published by close countries, like France and Italy, or Mexico and the US and not find much difference in the amount and scope of research per scientist in the country, but you will find out that whiter countries have exponentially higher rates of citation and publishing of papers per scientist. That's because anyone can write and perform experiments according to protocol, but it all becomes play-pretend, lucky hit or actually white-inspired the moment whites are less involved.

For science to operate smoothly a high grade of civilization and culture are necessary as a background. I'm in the process of moving to Chile, for instance, and despite being a surprisingly decent country, it's still culturally primitive. You have to spend weeks of effort to find a person who can use a drill efficiently near the fucking capital, but its laws are really friendly to whites like me and the companies we work for, hence your Chilean "achievements" are easily explained.

Grats to them, I suppose. But it's nothing we can't replicate and surpass on our own. We don't the rest of the world. And you know that. I'm not going to insult you further because it's really not all that productive, but ask yourself this: if all White peoples disappeared tomorrow, how far would the rest of the world go in scientific progress? If you're honest, you'll conceded that the West truly is the driving engine of human ascension.

Rebuild the industrial base back home, that's what. Alternate approaches are being actively suppressed because jews are in bed with middle-eastern oil barons, and the two groups are stifling new developments in energy tech. We could probably launch thorium or fusion within a decade if we really put our minds to it. We don't need dirty tech, and the only reason we still rely on it is because of private interests.

Low-energy bait. I dunno if you're a summerfag, a shill, or just plain dumb, but spend some more time lurking. And to touch on the point you made (as laughable as it is), everything from helicopters to jet engines to rocketry to advanced cryptography was pioneered by NatSoc Germany. Really, lurk more.

Because Earth has finite resource and land. I'd rather both went to my people, than yours. And in your heart, you know you have no chance against us, which is why you resort to equalist pablum and humanistic pleading every chance you get (like right now). If we cut you off, even for a couple of years, you'd stagnate, regress, and fade into obscurity.

There is every reason. I want to see Whites dominate this planet, then the solar system. Countless humanoid sub-clades were wiped out through history as homo sapiens rose and cemented his supremacy. Now it's time to cleanse the planet once again, and wash away the detritus.

Nature abhors the weak.

this guy gets it, it's more about development, history tells us that, this western development is something that must be spread, built, not destroyed and twisted like the liberals propourse.

China had their moment since the roman empire until the european absolutism (17 century), as an example that most of the advancements are because of a climax on a civilisation development more than race.

Silicon electronic industry is pretty dirty, really the west is alienated on how dirty the industry can be
yet, there is still enough, dont you see how the market has to compete for sales instead of production?

British were the ones leading cryptography, rocket science was before natsoc, it just got picked up whit the war mobilisation, you could compare the advancements form the allied countries too
Grow up.

He really does, conflating peer-reviewed dreck with real advancements. I don't know if you've noticed, but the entire academic systems serves to keep researchers' heads above the water with pointless funds and grants that are, for the most part, spent on useless garbage. The majority of 'researchers' today aren't worthy of the title. It's telling that neither you nor him are able or willing to seperate the jewified academic system from true progress.

You shitskins are hilarious.

That word doesn't mean what you think it does. Where are you from, anyway?

Hyper-predatory capitalism and soul-sucking merchantry are jewish inventions. I'm not saying Whites don't have their share of greedy bastards, but Uncle Adolf showed us a better way. And only a soulless non-White like yourself would argue for systems which any aryan would find deplorable. Some of us value blood and progress over shekels. It's funny that you can't see outside the box you willingly put yourself in.

This is patently false.

That's like saying the Chinese developed and perfected firearms, just because they'd managed to stumble upon gunpowder centuries ago.

It's true the Allies had their fair share of advancements. But guess what, those nations were 99% White back then. See a common theme threading its way through all this?

Thank you, based shitskin! I will certainly show you clemency and will not fight to my dying breath for my race and its supremacy, just because some random darkie on a Nepalese shadow puppetry forum shamed me into submission!

how I long for the day when we strangle all of you through economic sanctions, and then wipe your filthy nations through more direct means… global day of the rope, and soon!*

If we don't have this as our goal, then it will never be achieved
And in those centuries they never came close to what Europeans accomplished singlehandedly from the enlightenment onward. Even pre-Engligntenment Europe was still more advanced than China save for the period of decline right after the Roman Empire collapsed and during muslim invasion. China had every opportunity to outpace Europeans and yet never did. Explain that.
What's your point? Those resources are still being consumed by inferior racial groups when we had get far more use out of preserving them for ourselves
I don't really have much knowledge on the individual regime that pioneered these inventions, but what's known for sure is that they were all whites

Their hypocrisy is disgusting. Every other racial group is fighting for their own with tooth and nail, yet each time Whites raise their heads even a bit, we're pounded into the ground with hostile verbiage. Even here, on this very board, shills and shitskins will try to shame us for impulses which are completely natural and acceptable among all peoples except Whites. If it weren't for us, they'd still be smoke-signaling each other. Instead, they use computers and the internet to shill and shitpost.

Personally, I've grown immune to it. And watching them squirm brings a smile to my face.

They know it's game over the second Whites' berserk switch goes off, and our people finally awaken.

I wonder if Day of the Rope will become a global White holiday after the wars are done, and we clean the planet?

I've noticed this too. It's why any faggot white civcuck "nationalist" that says the "good minorities" can stay infuriates me beyond belief. These cucked egalitarian-lite morons don't realise that there are no "good minorities" in the context of evolutionary competition. Racial relations will always be zero-sum, because that's how people evolved. We evolved to live in homogeneous societies and look out only for the interests of thise in-group. The only race that has had this natural inclination towards self-propagation disabled is whites. EVERY SINGLE non-white, and I say that with conviction, not generalisation, has a vested interest in ensuring that our race remains in a pacified state of decay, and that this process of non-white immigration continues. Any supposed "good minority" is just a wolf in sheep's clothing who'd turn against us the moment we even hinted at self-determination and independence for our people. They can't allow it because they know that we'd tear their throats out the moment we gained some perspective and self-awareness. Honestly every fucking entitled minority that feels like they have a right to our nations and living in our civilisation just showcases why we need a good purging. They can pretend to be "pro-nationalism", but only ever in the soulless "hoorah" patriotism sense without any deeper racial meaning - the real kind of nationalism that defines a civilisation, and that is why they all must go. They have made an immediate enemy of my people the moment they decided that their presence in my nation is more important than the survival of my race and our self-determination.

White supremacy is not a concept that can be torn down. It's an eternal fact that must be realised.

Not really. 95% of the drop in Amerind population was due to disease. Of the remainder, the whites were happy to accept natives who wanted to assimilate to white society (most, although a tiny number in relation to the colonists) or who were willing to live within fixed boundaries proportionate to the population of the tribe. Peace was only unstable where either (a) the Amerinds simply would never agree to any boundaries, so the whites would push them back to create a buffer zone and then new atrocities would occur in the buffer zone, or (b) in a few cases, the Amerinds were living in territories totally out of proportion to their population (like the Cherokees in Georgia, who were 1% of the population but had 1/4 of the state's land).

In the US, the end result was that the white settlers vastly outnumbered those willing to assimilate, who disappeared, except for some high cheekbones here and there. In the Spanish colonies, the Amerinds were lightened up a good bit, but their descendants are still a majority of the population.

Isn't it funny how Slavs are the niggers of the white race, yet liberals don't say a peep about the still extant Russian Empire because "gobbudism has never been tried :DDD"?

When you're raising your based grand kids, remember to point out the gigantic blob that stretches across two continents and say, "This could have been you."

Why not? They could be like mitochondria. Evolutionary symbioses do sometimes exist. (And if you say that taking the evolutionary metaphor takes it a little far, well… quod erat demonstrandum.)

Don't be dense, you have this backwards. Whites are TOO universalist because they DID evolve, over the last 1000+ years, in fairly homogenous environments. Those who recently evolved in mixed-race environments have been selected for more ethnocentrism.

Dubious. Wild empirical claims like this are easy to make, but rarely actually borne out by events. Some? Of course. Most? Probably. EVERY SINGLE one? No, that's extremely improbably. White societies are superior in many ways, and different in many other ways, and some people will just be happy to live in them.

I hope to God you are not holding out the original mongrel empire as a model for Americans to follow.

dude, i am talking that WE PRODUCE MORE THAN WHAT WE CONSUME, there is no need for competition when the resorcess are plentifull, you should know how the system limits production to not surpass the market demand.

The only race war is on your mind, even if you remove all the races, those wil lbe fomed again form whit adapting to their local biome (ignoring all the inbreeding issues)

Because any minority will naturally have the interests of their own race biologically ingrained into them, and will NEVER be able to integrate into the European civilisation we have produced without degrading it and cheapening it into the very racially-blind cuckfest we have today. Shitskins did not build or define this civilisation in any capacity. They do not have the ability to maintain it, and their presence ensures that our people are forever held back from reaching our full potential as a race. I don't really care whether there are actual model minorities that are capable of putting their evolutionary instinct of self-preservation behind them and supporting white causes, because they do not belong in our nations. They have no connection to our history or struggle as a people throughout the ages, and are unable to truly unify with us on a deeper racial level. They are foreigners and will forever be foreigners, and they have to go.
No I don't, you fucking autist. Humans evolved specifically in homogeneous societies because we are a tribal species and that's what maximises trust and social cohesion.
No. We evolved more empathy and alutrism because of the nature of our environment being cold and hostile, requiring more community engagement and unity. This natural inclination towards in-group altruism was hijacked by (((them))) with the purpose of destroying us. Whites are not naturally overly-altruisic to foreign races.
Complete fucking bollox. The chinese live in one of the most homogeneous places on Earth and still have incredibly high in-group preference. Whites have also had tonnes of interaction with shitskins over the years in the form of arab invasion and conquest. You're talking out of your ass
Not at all. It is in the most basic survival strategy of non-whites to ensure that mass-immigration continues into our lands. Why would a non-white ever speak out against immigration when they themselves owe their presence in our nations to this system? This assumption should be made for 99% of all non-whites currently residing in our nations, and at that point, it might as well be considered "every single one". Any non-white that espouses racial nationalism for all while residing in a white nation is a hypocrite and an enemy to my people.
Yes, and how about you go up to some non-whites who are just "living in" (i.e. reaping the benefits of without having contributed to the creation of) our civilisation and ask them what their opinions are of non-white immigration? They will answer, and I guarantee you 100% of the time, that they either advocate it or see no problem with it. They cannot be opposed to non-white immigration because it would mean they are relinquishing their very "right" to exist here. They cannot be against it, because their very identity in regards to white nations is built off of non-white immigration. Their presence is wholly degenerative to our national character and resolve.

Get the fuck off Holla Forums you rat-faced anti-white kike. Slavs have contributed enormously to white civilisation in both arts and science.

Because of OP, this is a real niggardly thread. Your energy is directed in to anger. Direct it in to something constructive with respect to your values.

That explains a lot.

And the prize for the edgyest post of the year goes to…

Yeah okdokey, let's ignore the subversion and American military bases.

Implying I'm not in post-grad atm. Kek.

You led with the claim, so it's on you to provide evidence. Burden of proof, friendo.

Sure. But I'd rather give each of my hypothetical 5 kids their own home, a car, and a motorboat, than having those resources diverted to a village of niggers in Africa. I don't give a shit 'humanity', you're all irrelevant. I want Whites to prosper and dominate. And I don't want to share Earth with the coloreds. What's so hard to understand?

We still can't get off this rock, or build extra-terrestrial habitats. Until such a time comes about, Earth is all we have. And I don't want to share. Ideally, you'd all gas yourselves, and spare us the trouble of doing it.

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Agreed 100%. Our primacy should be our only concern. If we're not dominating the planet, we're slacking off and should get to it ASAP.

cucks like you will either join us or hang with the rest.

Retard, genetic drift occurs under selection pressures in span of thousands of years. Pressures we mostly conquered already or will in the next 100-200 years. High mobility also hinders drift. You're a bioilliterate.

Lol no. In areas where there are different phenotypes of humans, ethnocentrism is MUCH stronger, because the strange phenotype is a uniform for an enemy army. No strange phenotype to react to, it's a useless adaptation and it starts to fade.

Unlikely. Altruism isn't a universal feature of cold societies. More likely high levels of European altruism are a result of the bizarre marriage policy of the Catholic church, which forbade marrying first- second- or third-cousins.

This is nig-tier reasoning. Why would a thief ever defend property laws? Because he wants to keep his loot, of course. Once you've immigrated, you don't gain anything from a law that lets you immigrate a second time.

Thank fucking god. If we didn't have such a law we'd be like the inbred goatfuckers in the Middle East. Are you seriously implying this is a fault?
No it's not, you fucking faggot. It's logical reasoning.
Not all immigrants are thieves or criminals, you dumb shit. Not even a sizeable percentage of them. The majority are just workers, not leeches wanting to skim off the system. Due to the circumstances of their arrival, being against non-white immigration would be enormously hypocritical, but also self-defeating, since opposing non-white immigration implies racial awareness in the host white population, which implies they will want you to GTFO anyway. Non-white immigration essentially defines their entire existence in our nations, and is based on racially-blind egalitarianism in the first place. A non-white to speak out against non-white immigration would mean he's speaking out against racially-blind egalitarianism, which means he's speaking out in favour of white reawakening, which means he's speaking out in favour of his own inevitable deportation. This runs completely counter to the non-white survival strategy within our borders.
What the fuck are you even talking about? For one, a non-white benefits from more non-white immigration because it destroys the host-nations racial identity, which is their defense against infiltration from foreign ethnic groups. An Asian will never be opposed to more asian immigration, and an African never opposed to more African immigration, because races naturally want to surround themselves with people most similar to them. No non-white would want to live in a racially-aware society of whites where everyone recognises the inherent superiority of their people and would have no reason to want the foreigners there in the first place. It would thus be in the foreigners best interests to ensure that this racial identity is torn down completely.

OP here. A lot of great discussion in this thread, i'm impressed. It still proves my point: whites are just chronically soft.
Mental hoops are by Holla Forumslacks made to circumvent the simplest of truths that even newborns know: if another creature of your approximate size is in your general area it presents a potential danger to you, and the more it looks different from you the bigger the potential danger and more unpredictable its behavior.

One morning a chink or an ahmed will wake up and press the button on the hypersonic nuclear missile for which there is no counter, and those of us who die of the explosion and radiation will be the lucky ones, who will not have to look at the hordes pouring through the caucasus and the mediterranean into europe. Smart enough to use our weapons, but not enough to prevent their civilization from sliding into stagnation and abandonment.

How is that a bad thing, Abdul?

On the contrary, you gain everything. Further immigration dilutes Whites' majority statues, and elevates your own group's power and influence. We're seeing this at work in the USA, where the left has formed into an unholy alliance of kvetching jews, dindu dindus, oppressed wymyn, and smirking capitalists who want cheaper workers and lower wages. These groups may seem to be after disparate and diametrically opposed aims (ex: capitalists' suppression of wages against socialists' opposition to such), but they're all on the same team, even if the dumber among them don't realize it. And they have only one overarching goal: the total and utter dissolution of White hegemony. When Whites cease to be a single, unified, homogeneous majority, then the Left has won, and nations turn either into gulag funparks or cannibalistic mad max deserts (depending whether kikes or shitskins grab the reins of power).

In a nutshell, they all have to go. Every. Single. God damned. Last. One. Of. Them. No exception!

That's the crux of it. They're all racially aware, while our own people are asleep. We're essentially trying to run a 100m dash while our limbs are tethered and our body is asleep. Meanwhile, the other races are happily skipping along, laughing their asses off at the idiotic White man (guess who sold the White moron the rope he used to bind himself?).

The majority of responses in this thread are by darkies and/or shills/trolls.

Honestly, this is another false dichotomy. Even racially-aware Whites like we here on Holla Forums often fall into this mental trap by espousing the worth of our civilization, like that somehow gives it the right to exist. This is wrong. Even if Whites were the dumbest fuckers on the face of the planet, and were inferior to all other races, I'd still support them because they're MY people, MY tribe, MY extended family.

We don't deserve to exist because we're BETTER, but because we WANT TO. That's the gist of it. Survive and thrive, or be swept aside, like all the other species who lost the evolutionary race.

Deep down I actually agree with most of this.

"Foreign aid", uplifting the turd world, dressing and arming the subaltern… these are all insanities, our descendants will look back on us with utter hatred and incomprehension at what we did.

If we had any common sense we would tell Africa and China to go fuck themselves and *stop* with the uplifting, *stop* with the foreign aid, *stop* with the "friendship" and tolerance and whatever else

Genie is out of the bottle now unfortunately.


The ebola epidemic in Africa was compounded by many locals refusing to be medicated by white volunteers. They were convinced Ebola was being spread by said volunteers to kill all blacks.
This means the niggers in africa literally cannot understand why the whites wouldn't want to kill them all and colonize their land with whites. Meanwhile the best we can contemplate is leaving them be and integrating them. How long until a nigger warlord has his hand on nuclear weapons? 10 years? 50? Just like they don't understand how a white man wouldn't want to just summarily trash them all, they won't understand why they shouldn't trash us. The chinks will do it first, though.

I only meant bizarre, in historical context. In most societies you marry within your clan or village, in one way or another. That means that whether first-cousin marriage is preferred, shunned, or neutral, second-cousin and third-cousin marriages are pretty normal… indeed, in pre-modern societies finding someone to marry who isn't a third-cousin is pretty damn hard.

And the medieval policy, where the church had the power to enforce it fully, was even more expansive than that. They didn't even want you to marry your SIXTH cousin. Why? Because the Roman aristocracy followed the rule that third-cousins were incest, but they calculated degrees of consanguinity by counting steps in a family tree. So me > dad > grandfather > great-grandfather > great-uncle > second-cousin once-removed > third cousin is "sixth degree consanguinity". Medieval canon law kept the "sixth degree" but used our more familiar measuring system. So where they had their way, the church made Europeans unprecedently outbred.

How could this be bad? Again, remember what I said: this is a great policy IF you want highly altruistic societies. Slight inbreeding increases clannish behavior (siding with your ingroup against an outgroup) because when you are inbred, you (a) share more genes with your clan than you normally would, and (b) share more genes with your clan, relative to strangers, than you normally would. So if someone has a gene that causes him to favor members of his ingroup, and he lives in a St. Augustine-approved society where everyone in his clan is very outbred, chances are the kinsmen he is helping don't have the same gene, and he will hurt his chances of spreading the clannish gene to help his kin spread non-clannish genes. But if a clan mostly arranges second- and third-cousin marriages, then chances are good that if you have a clannishness gene, a lot of your kinsmen have it too, and you can get the gene to spread by favoring them over outsiders.

So the net result of a thousand years of warfare against the clan-organization of society is a population that functions amazingly well in every aspect EXCEPT willingness to band together against outsiders.

And that's a POSSIBLE motive, but not a necessary one. If you escaped China because you think the Chinese have made a hellish society for themselves, you don't want to import more Chinese to make a second hellish society here.

I agree with you that jews want to dilute the white majority. But why? First, because jews call the shots already, so US society is close to their ideal and the more power they have, the closer it will come. Second, because many jews don't believe in HBD, or don't believe strongly enough. Where they have experience of Arab/Paki immigration, like in Britain, suddenly kikes become MORE in favor of keeping a white majority than the whites themselves (see Brexit vote totals).

Keep in mind I'm not agreeing with the general idea that foreign races' interests aren't wholly aligned with ours. But there are different pressures pointing in different directions.

That's absolutely fine, but you need to grow up and think politically. I want white people to survive because they're me. I want white people to survive because I prefer how they look. I want white people to survive because a non-white majority won't be as kind to my kids as we whites are to non-whites. I want white people to survive because I want to see more good things like calculus, the 9th Symphony, and the rule of law.

Four reasons are stronger than one. And more importantly, not everyone sees them as equally strong. You clearly don't care too much about the quality of human civilization, and maybe you don't care about the other two reasons, either; but at least you care about your folk, so you're still on our team. There are other people who are much, much more altruistic than you and I, who don't find "OUR people" to be a very strong reason, but who are on our team for one of the other three reasons.

And because I never shut up, let me add that having people who originally came to the fight for different reasons isn't a weakness, it's the nature of politics. You don't win by having tantrums and going off to play in a corner. You win by recognizing that a huge number of motivations that seem to divide people into different factions actually all point to the same political goals. Then you fuse those factions, not just into an alliance, but into a movement by pooling ideas and principles and getting each other to appreciate all the different reasons to fight for the cause. Then those many previously-divided threads become woven together into one stout rope, which won't snap under tension.

Good points. I personally have no racial pride. Despite being white, i was born and raised in multiple countries, so i have no allegiance, but white civilization shines with a distinct flicker from the age of the ancients. It's not flawless, but if not for white civilization there would not be any real civilization. It would have take thousands of years of stagnation for every achievement instead of centuries and decades.

White civilization has to fight and reinvent itself, because when it does so it reaches heights incomprehensible and unimaginable for other cultures. With white civilization flourishing we CAN, no, we WILL reach the stars, like we reached the shores of the new world before, despite dogma and superstition.
As it stands, neoliberals are trying to drag white culture down to the placid, crossbred stagnation of failed cultures, like the ones of central and southern america. I will fight to prevent it until i live, declaring my allegiance not to the white race, but to the white civilization as a whole, as only whites can create.

Time will come for us to build castles on distant stars.

Racial pride has no bearing on which country you're born in. My blood defines me more than the dirt I was born on.

I absolutely agree with this.

Jews need to be outed, shipped to israel and there by removed from their host nations. once all the parasites are in israel build a WALL AROUND IT

It's a French Colony you dolt.

There is an issue with your third map, considering that it includes territory colonized by the brits and then fill entire space of the current country that contains the spot.

Screw that. Why should they have the Holy Land? Ship them off to Birobidjan. Make Jerusalem Christian Again.