SJWs were created by the U.N.?


Hi Holla Forums, I was doing some googling around and I came across a very interesting document. At first I thought this was something that Holla Forums must have known about already, but when I tried doing an archive of the page, didn't show that it had been saved before. I did some more searching and I couldn't find anything else about it, so I felt obligated to post a thread on it.

I was doing some research on the origins of the term "Social Justice Warrior" and wasn't particularly satisfied with what I was finding. There were plenty of definitions, but the origins of the term seemed a bit illusive. I went into google and searched for "social justice warrior" with the custom settings to not show any results newer than 2005. I might have added another keyword or two in there to get this result, I'm not sure what I originally searched for, but I was extremely shocked when I found this document. I'll copy and paste some interesting excerpts for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's some other interesting stuff in there if you want to take a look. While this isn't a "SJW Creation Manual", I thought that it was very interesting considering the document is hosted on, is one of the oldest places I can find the term "Social Justice Warrior" used, and (((coincidentally))) seems to be related to our current situation even though it was written well over a decade ago. Picture unrelated

Thanks for the finding, friend

Every time they say "status quo" they mean "vox populi"
The UN and the Luegenpresse are the status quo that's forced down citizen's throat.

Top Kek. Nice find.

fucking kikes man

guy graduated from the un's own indoctrination program

cant find if jew though

hes written some pretty subversive shit though

I read a post a while back that said it was likely that the SJWs were being groomed to be the next revolution such as in the 60s, but gamer gate put them in the lime light before they were ready, and that's why the establishment freaked out so much. There was more to it than that, but the concept of SJWs as an engineered revolution isn't new, but it is interesting.

I remember the early days of my redpilling back in 2012, I would always get annoyed when people would say "oh SJWs aren't important, they're just idiots on tumblr", to which I would point out how college is basically a breeding ground for them, and that they are still real people with these ideas even if you only see them on the Internet doesn't mean there isn't someone that thinks "kill all men" while babysitting your son. They'd never respond, and looking back they were likely shills.

This. It took me a long time to figure that out. When they say the "status quo" they don't really mean "the elites" like we do – they mean "middle America," "the population," or "the people." These people are disgusting

right? I didn't even include this part, its a gem.

So these rich, super left elites think "we the people" are disgusting and have to have change forced on us….. and "we the people" think these rich elites are a threat to freedom, family and prosperity….. sounds like class warfare. Not that I'm a Marxist… just the opposite in fact.

Oh there's definitely class warfare going on, it just isn't "rich vrs poor" it's "ruling class vrs serf class" similar, but an important distinction.


You keep the fire going, you are the real MVP OP.

thanks, I felt like it deserved some attention

I will start reading now, while I have to say I examed alot of evidence that SJWs where the reaction from the establishment to the occupy movement. The concepts SJWs where around for way longer, but around 2007-2012 there where major big pushes to promote SJW shit.

the UNO is too incompetent to do anything

I think this was discussed on Holla Forums some time ago because I have the document in my library.

Have a bump still.

and ironically, they themselves becomes the corrupt who shout RAAACCCEEESSST or XEEEENOOOPHHOOBIA when their opinions are disparaged or when their interest are targeted. As the saying goes: If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.

Based Yuri explains @ 10:00

yup, I've seen this document before

Still worth being discussed

I remember as well, Holla Forums has a long memory. Funny that "social justice" originally meant hatred for jews in america.

I actually made a thread about how the CIA helped create the Neo Liberal Movement.

Reminder that, for a short time in the late 80's, hugely disruptive "eco warrior" protests got big in the west, especially targeted against animal testing and nuclear power. These protests died out in the 90's, around the same time as the Soviet Union collapsed. Odd, that.
Still, they did some damage. Putin could flick a switch and huge parts of Europe would go dark. Imagine if it was still commies on the other end.

Except this is the overreach of the merchant class and its usurpation of the noble class. This is a world run by lunatic bankers and journalists, brave new world for them 1984 for us and even Orwell didn't set up a dystopia of orwell for the proles but huxley for the elites because it's fucking dumb. Pushing moral inversion on the poor tends to not end too well after a time. All of these things start unwinding.

Say what you will about Marx, but his ideas regarding class warfare are excellent. By nature, every society tends toward collapse.

and Marx's solution was to make them collapse quicker and replace them with failed states?
the class warfare shit is also bollocks its just social hierarchical d&c
it translates well to modern era republicans and their revolutionary ideals is all
but go back further in time and actually look at it, look at Rome they had two very distinct class systems but both served the other, when the Patricians got too big for their boots the Plebeians showed them how necessary they were to Rome and vice versa when the barbarians knocked at the gates and the plebs didnt know what to do

That paragraph makes my brain explode.

That's a good find OP.

you should skim read
alarm bells should sound right around the point they say that we 'need to redefine the meaning of corruption'
so that tax payer funded holidays, child prostitution rings and legal immunity dont entail corruption oh no they're just parliamentary privileges

What it means is (((let's))) redefine corruption so we can undermine the social system and when people get fed up with it they will point at the government instead of (((those))) who pulled these alien doctrines from the Talmud.

Not created, but nurtured. The zionists are behind these things. Read the learned elders of zion and you will come to know their goals. They threw it into the dirt like everything that goes against their narrative, but the facts speak a different language. If you are too stupid to recognize facts, your are already lost to the kikes. That's why we are in this shit in the first place. Never believe the jews, god will slay them for a reason, that is, they are satan's brood.
And that is the truth, by the name of KEK.

Yes. The sjw were funded by Rockefeller foundation.

Its based upon sloganeering and studies on brainwashing in communist china and russia, but applied to social media.

The "jews" are just another front, of a larger organization (banker industrialists) that wears many masks.

SJWs came out of Tavistock and Estulin institute and SRI.

It came out of research on "The New Left".

"Social Justice Warrior" was a term that came later, that was applied to the movement. The original term was "New Left" and they have been creating these groups since the 60s.

Read the books on Tavistock, to learn how the counter culture and feminist movement was created by the establishment in their brainwashing PSYOPs think tanks.

I love the fact that we subverted their "New Left" movement in its infancy. They'll never escape the SJW slur, it's too potent.


I don't fucking know! Kill them all!


They go back a lot further than 2001.

Good to know I'm not the only one aware of Jan Irvin…


Gamergate was pretty much this, OP. Seattle4Truth has some decent stuff to get you started. Check him out on jew tube

No they were created by communist kikes

Hippies and anti-war-protesters back in the days. Same shit.

Not saging for newfags.
Pic related.
