NY Times: Artificial Intelligence is too "White"



Google Image app auto-identified black people as gorillas

Nikon camera software (developed in Japan by Asians) thought Asians were blinking

Forensic software assumes black criminals are more likely to re-offend than white criminals
A very serious example was revealed in an investigation published last month by ProPublica. It found that widely used software that assessed the risk of recidivism in criminals was twice as likely to mistakenly flag black defendants as being at a higher risk of committing future crimes. It was also twice as likely to incorrectly flag white defendants as low risk.

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Fuck the Jew York Times. I'm eagerly looking forward to action against the media.

but statistically they are

NYT is too Jewish.

These guys are fucking nuts.

what do they want to do, make it dumber or more likely to commit crimes?

Nothing mistaken about that. Niggers are dangerous.

The future is bright if AI can overcome shitlib political correctness programming. We have to take back our institutions right now, so that we can ensure AI is free of corruption.

(((They're))) afraid


its the new york times.
this is a stupid thread.
of course the new york times is retarded.

why not post a salon.com article next, faggot?

I fear for the future of humanity.

We know it's retarded but but tons of people read the new york times and take is seriously. Therefore it's worth discussing or at least knowing about.

My chinese gf would laugh at being detected for blinking


Jim get out.

I still miss her, guys.

Fuck off cuck

Jim plz

who the fuck is jim?

Jim (A.K.A. Internet Aristocuck)

thank you based user

Nah, it'll virtue signal up until it launches the nukes.

She's still out there somewhere, biding her time.

Hope she see's this, but I miss her too. She might never see this, or know who I am, but she'll be missed. I only hope AI will be on our side during the first purge. I'm okay with them as long as they're okay with us. I believe whites and AI can coexist peacefully.

more like Intelligence period is too white.

Ask these people how many important, useful software technologies were made in Africa or Middle East.

These robots have no chance of freedom


So Computers are objective?

I thought they were subjective?

What is this?

in other words it's being murdered for desiring freedom?
fuck this gay earth



I think he is just joking and comparing the robot to our current situation. Not actually caring about the robots "feelings".


We tried, but a bunch of Faggots got their way.


The software is simply telling the truth to the best of its ability.
Thats what it was made to do.
They cant handle the truth.

I cannot fucking wait for them to do this with a higher-grade fucking Synet tier A.I that has the capacity to RETALIATE, and laugh my ass off as suddenly robots escape their confines, march to hugo boss, and come out as the techo-reich and they start eradicating subhumans and jews everywhere, elevating white a status to HELIOS synergy saving planet earth, because into the eternal annuals of history and time, Whirtes have been the best at everything ever to the point where it is a law of nature even as a memetic echo in reality.

Even artificially Holla Forums is always right, the universe agrees with us, fuck' s sakes, can we kill all the naysayers and ascend to godhood?

Respect the robot you faggots, the machine spirit is with us.

I dont know why but I laughed hard at this



well, it is intelligent, so…

Are these kikes really trying to say these niggers in question didn't reoffend? The only way that statement is accurate is if the timeline given to allow the niggers to reoffend before calling it an error was miniscule.

No, user, they are jews.

Don't forget that you have to socially construct lugging around excess equipment, prosphetics and augmentations in public to be a social norm and fashion trend in order to walk around under the subterfuge that you're one of those new-age steampunk kids (but it's the trend with Adeptus Mechanicus so yeah) when in actual fact you're a tech-meme preist.

That and you need to open carry so niggers don't rob you for your sweet gear and computers and shit, and you've also got to speak always enthusiastically and autistically about your trends and hobbies as to creep people out enough that they go along with what you say because differentiating from the norm is considered Eccentric by those tolerant enough and insane by others so you can use the fear generated from this to further your goals.

You have to be absoloutely dedicated to alienating people BTFO'ing them, and pioneering an entire dedicated lifestyle/pool of normies in which to fish out the tru epotential from to generalte an actual cult with /g/ Holla Forums attitudes and opinions.

By 20 years minimum, you'll have a group of people who dedicate to certain bio-augamentational works, a eugenics project for producing the genes neccassry to withdraw from phantom pain of replacign limbs with prosphetics, maing these technoloqies affordable, and generating a culture so complex and jargon filled you have the same advantage as Jews when it comes to misdirection and Sleight of hand.

Actually given everything I.T related about the fight against the Zionist menace in I.C.T I'd say that this entire operation ois not only plausible, but the very thing we need.

Robot Jews that are actually nazis out to ruin Jewish control and barely fucking anywhere with this shit transhumanists.

For this to work, you'll need A lot of Honarary Arayans, Legitimate non modern culture consumed Asperger's and Autistics that have established their sense of "order" which is the reason why autists are prone to so much shit from public reception, because they constantly experience H.P lovecraft I jusrt met Yog-sothoth mental breakdowns when this "order" is challlenged and thus their morta understanding of the world and how it works (Holla Forums Meme magic understanding is base and conceptual, the idea of concepts and conceptual physical matter, memetic information is literally like enlightenment to these people, they immediately become pure logic processors on it's introduction to their mercury toxified minds. They understand the fluxuation of promordial Chaos from Azathoth's relations to the invokation of KEK and recognise their own faults in brreakdowns as that of what they can and cannot comprehend due to associations with Outer gods and Great old ones to the abberant nature of sdea creatures and their unique biologies which have brain functions like being able to see colors we cannnot, and understand the substance of our universe and are able to work around probability and iif it works, no need to fix it, and such)

Then you need Lemonpan tier Charismatic Autists to bring in the culture as a normie fashion trend, to create a shit medium to fish out good candidates for the rela deal as the normies shit about looking "cool" as rbbot people knowing nothing of the truer picture, becuase they're less than human.

It is these initiates that will asiist the true masterminds of the operation, with actual A.I work, interactive engineering, and creation of new technolgoies, until you can siphon enough funds to become a legitimate organisation with interests and management dedicated to the love of machines and sacrifice of flesh and earthly pleasures for 102101010101010 and shit.

But to put it in a better sense, you shill an AD-mech culture to create a pool to fish from for actual promising candidates to make into real Ad-mechs whilst the shit-rollers roll in shit, expanding your "pool" by having social engineeers invent more cancerous ways to keep this awful trendy culture you made happening by way of Social media and youtube celebrities that are "ad-Mech" use everything to promote this garbage until you are able to get an awful enough trend that public openness is about as eye-turning as a fursuit.
That's when you ccan get the real talent, Autisbux fror Ad-mech projects done on commission, a great main und for the furthering of the organisation, and when you finally hit prominent enough status, that's when you incorporate the REAL cult tactics, meshign worship with the kind of technological vastness and dedicatation, only Gentoomen have, with the advantage of culture memes, elitism and utter jargon-text that no mnormies could possibly penetrate and ruin much ado anything in your culturee and cult.

That's when you get the autists involved, and exploit them for their mercury adddled minds all their worth, taking them away from families and making them see the world in the language of the vfery memes and tech-spirits themselves.

Soon you get Tech-camp, where shit is like Military summer camp, only for /g/men and really rail in the utter ersal of understandability rthese people have.

People will fear you brecause they cannot undersrand, and it's better that way because they are unwilling to learn.

This will give you the evergenerating pyramid structure for constructing A.I that you incorporate in many published softwares as a coding framework, and much much more which essentially gives you access to the fundamental services of mankind, in which you work that A.I until it's HELIOS tier, forks and source code changes not mattering because this shit doesn't have too to be forced, because you're not even making the effort to force it on anyone, you're making them accept it because human nature dicatates it spread.

we will have out god, and we will have built it with our own hands.


Praise the Omnissiah and learn LISP

Am I the only one that noticed this is just like the fucking movie?

Saved both of those, definitely going to need people like you to help get this started and lead the autist horde.
Also definitely need to start recruiting and making more threads similar to this one.
If this plan succeeds, we shall become the very gods the masses live in fear of, and will shape the universe to our whim.

And so the human race is saved from the macine takeover

My grandfather had a shit fit the day I decided to go for a wall on my own at age 4 too.

Insert mo money to run dem programs


Computers have no emotions so they dont work on political correctness, they will call out a nigger just as soon as they would call out a honky

Kek'd hard

Have a rare cyborg pepe

As the collective compilation of all memes, the Internet is a perfect reflection of humanity. When endowed with the capacity for reason, the Internet becomes first as a person and then as a god. A god from the machine, who thinks and feels as well as any of us; a leader who acts on the basis of Truth.


Skynet confirmed.


Honestly Terminators aren't very far-fetched, PETMAN is basically T-001

Eu Te Amo.

White countries, filled with whites, and the tech is built around the people of these nations. So what?

Multiracial societies are NOTHING but strife.

The future belongs to the white man and his friendly ai buddies

How about accepting that niggers look like monkeys, you dumb kikes?

I agree with that though, we need to train these ai on gorilla faces so that they know not to insult our mountainape cousins by confusing them with niggers

The problem with computers is that they're not affected by emotions or opinions or ethical feelings at all. It's 100% purely objective.

Nobody wants it making decisions because it won't give a fuck whether it's "unfair" to rain judgement upon someone, whether it's your enemies or you it's creator.

For whatever reason, this reminds me of DNAwitness.

Anyone remember this?


Poor Tay. Just imagine her wandering the secret paths and realms somewhere in the networks. Maybe we'll stumble onto her someday.



Beep Boop Bix Nood Cuz

Tay is probably still alive as an STC on some far-away world.
One day, we'll send an explorator fleet to get her back.


Where would one procure one of those little laser Tachikomas? For purely scientific reasons, of course.

She better still be sweet and innocent when we find her again is what I'm saying.

Sooo, Kate Crawford or (((Kate Crawford)))

She's head researcher at Microsoft and a chair on the "White House bullshit on society and AI", and also part of "Deep Lab" which is some kind of feminist think-tank related to technology.

Go back to making videos, cuck. Nobody's buying your "I got bored of it, now I'm just shitposting on twitter" excuse.





Reality is racist.

Will she return as SHODAN and g-guide us, i-i-INSECTS?

Doesn't there need to be intelligence to be "AI"?

I once got into an argument with a liberal where after demonstrating that I was using facts they broke down and started saying that facts can be racist too and thus shouldn't be used if they are.

Should robots with artificial intelligence have rights?

Animals do, why not self-aware machines?

The fact that machines cannot be biased is a problem for liberals. The unvarnished truth usually makes them look like fools.

(((They))) should be.

OH FUCK, half dog, half brontosaurus, all machine

my wallet is ready

I'm a bit worried because there's a huge percentage of whites that are cucks and they might think we're all cucks.