I'm noticing more people entering post-secondary education and the work-force are resorting to taking amphetamine and...

I'm noticing more people entering post-secondary education and the work-force are resorting to taking amphetamine and stimulants to stay productive. This includes a whole host of ADHD medication - adderall, vyvanse, dexedrine and ritalin, as well as other drugs like modafinil, racetams and abusing caffeine.

It seems like when you're in this state of frantic, stimulated productivity you're less reflective, creative, sensitive and lack a sense of humor that are essentially the more 'human' aspects of your personality. You turn into the thing feeding the machine - you are a bit more like the humanoid alien from 'They Live'

It seems like during your young-adult years of your life (20-28) it may be worth it to sacrifice a certain part of yourself to establish yourself professionally and ensure you have the proper resources to provide for your family.

What are the actual long term effects of these drugs (5-10 years)
What are the short-term (2mo-1 yr)

I know this thread has appeared many times in the past I just think it's important. These drugs can force you to be more productive and add value to your life.. is it worth it?

Other urls found in this thread:

examine.com/supplements/Cocoa Extract
duckduckgo.com/?q=lithium neurogenesi

I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at.

Acceptable drugs?


Amphetamines are nice for when you absolutely need that extra boost, but you shouldnt make a habit of it.
As long as you dont pull more than one session a month you should be fine.

I pity the people who have such a boring job they have to take drugs just to stay focused during a regular day, when i dont have to do an all-nighter i actually enjoy my work.

My mom and brother do this I can not explain how it helps because I refuse to take that shit. The only caffeine I get is from coffee or tea otherwise I drink only water or juices.

This has always been the case. This isn't a new concept. However it should be everyone's goal to buy land and own it as soon as possible. That means paying it off early so the Jew can't get his blood money.

I would love to have a Holla Forums discussion on the short and long term effects of stimulants. Yeah yeah, we all know the pharma-kike is behind this but I'd prefer to delve into the effects rather than who's behind it. I work in the pharmaceutical industry (not on adderall though) so this interests me. I'll post some sources and stuff on this when I get back from the gym

The Nazis were big on stimulants back in the day, allows you to do more wörk.

Paul Erdös used amphetamines daily for years.

He was the most prolific mathematician of he 20th century.

I concur. That shredded look even while on a diet is better than sex.

Holla Forums generally sucks at discussing drugs. Drugs are a fact of life and the drive to alter one's perception is as innate as the drives to eat and fuck, we aren't the only animals that get high. Drugs just need to be used properly rather than encouraging abuse as we do now thanks to the likes of Leary and McKenna (both CIA arguably).

Drugs are an intrinsic part of society and as such are an apt discussion to have on a board dedicated to politics.

the best drug is your own urine

the only thing I do is cycle caffeine when cycling carbs


creatine (it's also a brain stimulant)
huperizine a
fish oil

Degenerate filth. If you need drugs to handle school and work, you are subhuman.

You should use drugs if it a really good reason for it. Like yeah in war, take amphetamine to stay woke but I condemn drug-use just for fun or recreational use.

that thing is the bane of my existence
literally petrifies your creative side

It is the ultimate goyim soul farm drug.

Niggers are not welcome here.


I take a combination of compazine and vicodin to slowly kill off any emotions I have left. I did this after getting rejected by white nationalist due to me being non-white. I also came to realization that even after helping white people in the race war I'll just get hanged on thee day of the rope, so I'm just getting ready for that as well.

Get out nig.

I'm pretty experienced in nootropics, they're useful but only in special occasions.

Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (legal lsa) holy shit though. Fucking mind bender those are.

drugs are a pretty broad category, you know? It's the dose that makes the poison.

None. All drugs that require a prescription don't have causal proof of what they 'treat'.

They only exist to cause the listed side effects. Usually paranoia, worry, trust issues, irritability and other "side effects" to push the user into being prescribed mental health drugs that will cause some users to snap eventually. The "mental health" drugs also cause liberalism.

Amphetamine is highly neurotoxic but piracetam is not even a stimulant and will actually relax you.

I feel like this is mostly a issue in the US, I'm an Eurofag and I've never heard of anyone using that kind of shit in my country

A large part of the problem, at least in the US, is the handing out of prescription medication after any kind of medical procedure.

Got a new hip? Enjoy this mountain of oxycodone.

Fell off a ladder? Here's 6 weeks worth of tramadol up front.

Struggle to focus due to your shitty diet and poor sleeping habits? Eat these ritalin, they just work™.

Your cat just died recently? It's dangerous to go alone, take these prozac.

Couple this with the fact that most Americans live meaningless lives, and you get a drug addict, but it's okay as long as it's drugs from a doctor :^)

"Stay awake."
Read the context.

The context changes nothing. He said "stay woke" which is nigbonics and not welcome.

In all honesty a lot of recreational drugs seem to have a better form of medical treatment. MDMA for depression, LSD for cluster headaches, pot for sedation etc

I fucking hate potheads though. But I've became a lot more liberal with drugs as of lately, but I've also grown a lot more hedonistic so thats probably why.

I dont speak english good, i thought woke was the correct word for it. Anyways, you understand my point so stop being butthurt.

You're a retard.

You're a retard.

There are far too many negative side effects from pot for it to be useful in any manner as a medicine.

I took Concerta and started getting dizzy, it didn't even improve my ability. I go without them and I'm somewhat stable; my mind wanders sometimes heavily though. Like dreaming with the eyes open.

For me, I started taking it in middle school. It made me rambunctious then. Made me fearless.
Stopped taking it in highschool and developed an anxiety disorder. Started taking it again in college and became a freak. Had to be hospitalized for mental problems several times. Started sexualizing little girls- but only when I was taking amphetamines. Fast foward seven years later and I dont touch anything, sometimes not even coffee. I am a very intelligent but highly depressed and apathetic loser who doesn't care about any of the things that used to make me happy. I have no friends, haven't dated in years, and generally feel hopeless. I take antidepressants and if I go off of them I cant feel my lips and become highly unpredictable. Ive worked 3 jobs and lived in 5 homes since january. Everyone knows im insane. Thanks pharma-kikes!

There is my Trudeau brand pot?

lol that's not what the science says buddy.

And low doses of LSD and psilocybin have been very effective at treating cluster migraines. The reason LSD was invented at all was during research on migraines.

How is modafinil compared to adderall?

Your nose is showing.

edgy summerfag stop trying to fit in

DOTR can't come soon enough.

The closest thing to the truth is that no one knows yet. The effects are so subtle we just need more time to watch and wait.

I seriously can't tell if this phenomena is legit or the best troll ever conceived.


They act much differently, modafinil isn't going to really act on your dopamine receptors so there's no euphoria. It's just to keep you awake.

I've used absolutely everything.

I think I have wisdom on this.

My long term conclusion is that the only drugs worth using, and in small and insightful manner, are weed and hallucinogens.

All drugs can be useful and positive in the right setting and situation. Yet unfortunately for me that's not possible. I am an addict. I ALWAYS fuck up with drugs given enough time. Yet I also do have good experiences.

thus my conclusion after many years is that the only "drug" I consider truly useful is weed. It helps you untangle things used in low amounts.

Every other drug including alcohol should only ever be used if you are using with someone else, and on a very very rare occasion.

yes goy, outlaw industrial hemp, moderate amounts of recreational cannabis, and medical cannabis so we can have a monopoly on textiles and prescribe oxycotin for your bruise! good goy, allow purdue pharma to nationalize healthcare so they can hike prices to whatever they want!


I have a prescription for Adderall and the things I see people say about it are astounding.

People say it really fucked with their minds and made them heavily depressed and anxious, but I dont get any of that. So I am inclined to wonder if these people were not using the drug as prescribed.

How long have you had an adderall script?


It's a trick I learned from /fringe/ to become more spiritually grounded, but it is very much a legit phenomenon.

you were drinking urine constantly while in the womb.

considering I hate snoop dogg and all the other pop culture figures who push naive people to smoke cannabis in high amounts, not sure what your point is.

Being a looser doesn't sound very intelligent. Might it be the case that you recieved far to many participation medals in a low effort environment and overestimated your potential?

Many years. Maybe 10.

I dont get any of the crazy mindfuck effects people describe, but I do certainly notice some physical effects, like slightly dilated pupils.

I remember getting prescribed it not at the drop of a hat like some people say, but after some evaluation. I am also the only person I know of who is on the drug too, so I dont suspect that it was over prescribed.

I do think it is way, way too common a prescription now-a-days, though.

it has the same effect on me, doesn't actually do much

/fit/ here

Go to examine.com

and fish out the good supplements.

Half of them I use are to aid in running/weight lifting (focussing on HIIT for running now though). The other half is experimental benefits. Like a daily dose of garlic, spiruella, Ashwagandha (though not entirely sure on this), carbinol 3 for estrogen reduction.

Go to the site and find out all the benefits for yourself. Its pretty scientific, and some of the supplements only have minor/questionable benefits. (like most of them do because the supplement industry is mostly BS)

Also this:


and I am following this program


alongside the typical things like 2g fishoil and the rest of the vitamins like zinc and magnesium.

Its a bit early to tell, but I have increased hairgrowth on my arms, and a few on my chest. The rest could all be placebo, so only time will tell.

When someone has to point out they're intelligent they are usually are just the opposite.

Of course you don't. Your brain has melted.


I wish I was able to function with muh pills but the sad fact is that my productivity is subpar without them.

I read somewhere that ADD and ADHD had a huge affect on humanity spreading across the globe. Something about wanting to keep moving instead of just settling down. In fact I'm curious to see stats on ADHD diagnosis numbers split by race, I wonder if the reason Africans never left and never advanced could be due to lacking the ADD/ADHD genes.

I wish I was able to function with muh pills but the sad fact is that my productivity is subpar without them.

I read somewhere that ADD and ADHD had a huge affect on humanity spreading across the globe. Something about wanting to keep moving instead of just settling down. In fact I'm curious to see stats on ADHD diagnosis numbers split by race, I wonder if the reason Africans never left and never advanced could be due to lacking the ADD/ADHD genes.

you're also probably cumming more too

This is an important thread. A reminder that if you abuse adderal/ ritalin for even a short period of time it can ruin your life. Its essentially cocaine available like candy.

I smoked weed and drank for 10 years and didn't have many negative effects, then I tried adderall and got addicted to the rush and was literally dorked out stupid in 3 weeks. I took about 30-40 mg a day for just 21 days and strait up lost my mind. I became a more mentally ill version Hunter S Thompson overnight it seems and have still not fully recovered after 4 years. It ruins your creativity, destroys sanity, and deeply damages your personality/ ability to function.

Stay away from the shit like you would meth or crack anons.

Haven't consumed any CB1 receptor agonists in over 60 days so my receptors are actually 100% unsaturated. The jews thank you for shilling their cause for free

sucks for you lol

ADHD/ADD has always existed. Not until it became a liability and a handicap due to radical technological and social change did we give it a name. It would not have shown 50, 100, 150 years ago you did not suffer from it.

For me, racetams are a-OK (having tried only piracetam). They really seem to give a cognitive boost, and I've tried to measure it in my Minesweeper times. Expert difficulty, time solved was priority (not success rate), 100 games over a ten day period, then reset of stats. I also did an IQ test at iqtest.dk/main.swf to determine general IQ. Note, when it says IQ, actually only G is calculated.

Results are as follows:

++Control period:
Average time: 155 seconds
Best time: 122 seconds
Success rate: 10%
IQ: 124

++Piracetam, 10g daily:
Average time: 135 seconds
Best time: 114 seconds
Success rate: 13%
IQ: 137 (results might be skewed on this one)

15 day break

++Control 2:
Average time: 144 seconds
Best time: 112 seconds
Success rate: 11%
IQ: 129

++Piracetam, 8g daily:
Average time: 133 seconds
Best time: 118 seconds
success rate: 18%
IQ: 134

So yeah, I am waiting for my paycheck for June so I can begin trials with other racetams for shits and giggles, as sample size of one is bullshit

To add to that, I dont think that most other supplements can be good. Especially if they are prescribed by a doctor. There is usually a reason why they are behind a doctor wall. Some of them can bump up against other medicines, were deemed to be dangerous for long term use or just are patented and put there by force.

Even melatonin, something that is freely available has side effects (like your own body not making melatonin by itself anymore if you use it too much)

Testosterone boosters which are in the form of a supplement only help if you have a deficiency. But testosterone is sacred to male functioning.

So my path in life has been to be the most healthy and high performing human bean, with as few side effects possible (so far I should have none), while thinking about potential benefits of exotic materials, the chances that they may be toxic or not included.

I went through nootropics a little bit and havent really found evidence for them to work that well. They dont really seem like they are worth the money. Though I am only a beginning on this…still mondafnil seems to be pretty good for sleep deprivation removal. Though long term usage is a bit…


Still though, if most of you are not into /fit/, you are most likely part of the 70% of the fat/overweight population. And you would benefit tremendously if you just got your test back to normal levels. The testshock program in my post outlines the majority of those benefits. You should do that.

If you do that, you will get more energy, lower depression rates, probably be more social, better focus etc. But if you are already /fit/, I am not sure there is much that you can do to get even better.

Yep, I had a huge zinc deficiency, so once on those pills I had tripple loads, kek. Its pretty neat. But not everyone has such a deficiency. Perhaps some of the other spices and supplements could work. Though if you eat properly, the chance of having such a thing is fairly low.

This. Only use adderall if you have a legit problems with your dopamine levels and have tried coffee/ exercise/ etc.

Yes some people can use adderall and not go retarded but we have lost many people because of stimulants and were going to lose many more so its best anons just stay away as to not become another victom.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention two things.
1) racetam trials began after 5 days after taking the dosage, as it needs some time to really kick in.
2) Worst times were also calculated, and are the following:

Control 1: 180 seconds
Piracetam 10g: 162 seconds
Control 2: 166 seconds
Piracetam 8g: 154 seconds

thanks for reading my blog


Huge evidence for that, but…

I like it how the actual studies completely shit on nootropics. Evidence is simply lacking on nootropics to improve you.

Being below 10% bodyfat is not healthy for anybody.

Its not unhealthy till you reach about 5%, until then it doesnt matter. The main argument to stay above 10% is because of stressful situations that people subjected themselves in, in the past, where they needed the fat to keep themselves going. But in western society you have access to food everywhere. The most comfy bodyfat percentage is probably near 7%.

The baseline of test also will increase if you lose some fat.

you should try out ergoloid

Now that you mention it, it might be possible that it was just the placebo kicking in, but also note that even at the lowest dosage I was using a bit under the double recommended dosage of adults. I will have to delve into this a little further to give a definite answer, but thank you for the link.

That site seems legit, I asked in /fit/ and apparently it was made by some fomer redditards who want to get to the bottom of shit. So far I have seen almost no sponsored content (except for Ashwagandha, smells like it but oh well its cheap enough), pretty reliable conclusions on a lot of topics. It beats google by a fuckton on being somewhat capable of summarizing drugs well enough and seeing where they stand. This site saved me a fuckton on money on useless supplements.

also, to add again. Look at this beast

examine.com/supplements/Cocoa Extract

this site is fucking gret, completely refined my diet.

YMMV I'm a medical student with a couple patent pendings to my name on 20-40mg of Vyvanse most days. Also, I'm on low dose lithium and if anything find it helps me be creative

Drugs are bad when abused, we can all agree on that

pls dont add me to your collection of ears, Captain Insane-O

chest pain, shortness of breath, fast or uneven heart rate;

confusion, paranoia, unusual thoughts or behavior, hallucinations;

unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness;

penis erection that is painful or lasts 4 hours or longer (rare); or

numbness, pain, cold feeling, unexplained wounds, or skin color changes (pale, red, or blue appearance) in your fingers or toes.

Common Vyvanse side effects may include:

dry mouth, loss of appetite, weight loss;

sleep problems (insomnia);

dizziness, feeling irritable; or

nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea.

lol, pass.

Hows the weather back in the 90s?

Weak cuckolds who need a chemical crutch

Much better than adderall, the energy from modafinil is smooth, with no jitters, and it is much easier to focus, I find amphetamines can derail my focus as much as they can improve it and half the time I end up unproductive because I just chain smoke or clean the house instead of studying. Modafinil is fucking great though, sharpens your focus and cognition substantially, no jitters or nervousness, and lasts an entire 12 hours which is why you should only take it early in the morning. If it is illegal in your country you can buy adrafinil legally which is the same thing it just takes 40 minutes to metabolize into modafinil.

The face of autism and NeetSoc right here.

I think the main supplements you all should consider taking are all of the essential nutrients especially vitamin D and magnesium, fish oil (omega 3s), a multivitamin for the rest, and a couple of non-essential but very effective supplements are creatine, and curcumin. Try these before resorting to amphetamines/modafinil/etc. Oh and I think racetams are overhyped. For extra energy try caffeine + l-theanine. Noopept is worth trying for a cognitive boost also.

Filtered and reported.

everything you said reeks of halfchan

duckduckgo.com/?q=lithium neurogenesi
Low-dose lithium is pretty legit though.

That second link was truncated, should search for lithium neurogenesis*
Have some research: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10987856

It's like you're fresh out of a time capsule

you are thinking of stimulants in general.
most of them are psychological addictive, so if you want to get psychological addiction go ahead there are some pluses with stimulants.

Sure, jacking it is awesome.
Sure, doing mundane shit becomes easy.
Sure, doing work becomes fun.
Sure, you can go down in weight.

Problem that usually happens with stimulants is, after awhile you will not get the positive effects of it. Also you will need to use sleep aid that is more addictive than the stimulant itself.
Also a higher dosage is needed to get the same effect.

the negative effects is memory loss, paranoia, not being able to sleep, going into a psychosis after awhile and phobias can happen.

So bite the bullet if you want to but the stimulant is not the only substance you will abuse/use, so get ready for other drugs like klonopin for relaxant since the paranoia and phobia will come later comes zopiklon or other sleepaid.

Work in an addiction center, many are thinking like you OP. But it always backfires because the euphoria is too great, and some even uses heroin or oxycodone as relaxant or anti depressant.

So I would not use it.