I was just diagnosed as a physcopath. Ask me anything

I was just diagnosed as a physcopath. Ask me anything.

Do you feel edgy?

Yep. My doctor assured me im high functioning and not a risk to anyone or myself. But when in the same class of people as Patrick Bateman, your probably gonna feel like an edgy person just a little.

Why should we care?
Give us a good reason.

You shouldnt im some user on the internet

Are you a nigger?

Thankfully no.

Good point.
OP is a faggot.
Fuck off.my board and all that good shit.

Yeah yeah killing myself and all that jazz

Aye u still wet the bed

Only when I goto bed really drunk but dont tell anyone ok?

you aren't a psychopath. you are an edgelord. real psychopaths blend in and don't go to some shrink to learn about jewish brain "science"

Are you bored in general? What prospects do you have in life?

Psychology is not a pseudo-science, you fucking dumbass.

Hey man you could be right. But at the same time a physcopath would explain a lot about me and the things I do.

Yeah, I went back to college and I got a full time job not for money but for something to do. Lot of my life ive been bored as hell, since I was but a wee lad, but its that big feeling of bordedom that pushed me to actually do the things that I now consider accomplishments in my life.

Yes it is you fucking retard.

Nice try, OP. If you really are a psychopath, then you're just saying you're a psychopath to fuck with me. So you're not a psychopath at all.

Psychiatry is bullshit, not to mention fucking "profiling," psychology isn't.

Youd have a point if we were talking in person. If im talking to someone in person I cant help but lie. I dont even realize I lie most of the time. But I cant manipulate over the internet as well as I can in person, some people are really good at that but its not my shtick. And I have no incentive to manipulate some jack offs on an animie image board in this context. Just bored since I took today off work to goto the doctor. Or maybe this is a masterful ruse…who knows ;)

How many dead kittens is enough?

Are you a psychopath or a sociopath? There is a difference.


All of them

You don't seriously believe that. You don't value anything I say.

You lie online just as easily.

Yes you do.

You're doing it now.

But you don't need an incentive.

None of that happened today.

Pshycopath. Ive been seeing this doctor for a couple months and he came to this conclusion because of what ive told him about my relationships with women. I can tell what theyre feeling but I lack the ability to feel what they feel. I feign emotion most of the time because I know its the polite response. For example, my last girlfriend, shes crying about someone dying so I cry too because its rude to just sit like you dont care (because you dont). Its not that I didnt care about her its just I didnt remotley feel the things she felt.

Do you pity yourself for not being normal? More specifically; do you suffer under the realisation that you are a freak of nature, unable to behave like a sane human being?

Hey man im flattered you wanna try to pick me apart like this but its just a shitty AMA thread. Believe me or not I couldnt care less since, were all just anonamoose faggots here (including yourself, faggot) ;*

When I was younger I could tell I was strange and different and I did kind of resent "being weird" and I resented that I rapid fire lied because it cost me a lot of friendships growing up. At this point im like "oh ok that explains some things…"

No-one cares, asshole.

Are you sure it's not your everyday autism?
What's the difference, really?

Psy co bath?

Is lying your only problem?
It's possible to be a pathological lier without being a psychopath

Refer to sweety

That's the good stuff, almost came.

I mean my everyday autism may be being just a physcopath. I have no clue on how to tell. I just take what my doctor says, think about it, and make up my own mind about it.

No but its a big thing. Ive been lying since I could form sentences. But it also comes down to how I view partners in relationships and and overall lack of caring about other peoples feelings. Like I said its not that I dont know what people feel, I just cant help not caring.

I feel bad for psychopaths you guys are very pathetic.

Hello pot. My name is kettle. :)

Why do you feel that way? We can literally turn ourselves off and are immune to the shittyness of this world. I personaly don't give a shit about the faggots, SJWs, niggers, sandniggers etc.

You are sounding more like a scoiopath to me and I am graduating with pukka PhD in psycoanalysis from top notch university of Bangalore theek hai. Not char sau bis in any way, I am telling you.

My MO when it comes to lying is a little different. I lure people in the false sense of security by telling the truth all the time when a lie is not needed and thanks to that I can get away with the lies that are absolutely necessary to save my (or someone else's when it's profitable enough) ass. Good shit, people think you can't lie while you do it without thinking. I sometimes don't know if I'm a psychopath or just a twisted motherfucker.

Nigger, sociopathy is very closely related to psychopathy, even some actual doctors (MDs not PhDs) find it difficult to differentiate the two.

Hey op, I've got a copy of the DSM IV Text Revision, do you want to hear some more about yourself and maybe similar disorders?

Where is it best to store the bones?

Possible. From what I know a pshycopath doesnt have as much of a concious if not any concious at all. I think what puts me in the psycopath category is that I lie for self gain and if I feel bad about lying not because I lied but because I got found out. Losing all those friends sucks but I dont mind that I lied to them. I was thinking about getting some other opinions about this diagnosis from other doctors ive met with before but a psycopath diagnosis explains a lot of things about me personally that ive wrestled with for a long time.

Don't store them, dissolve them in sodium or potassium hydroxide, flush down the bath, do it russian mafia style.

Go for it nigger.

Does it cost more to be diagnosed as a psycopath instead of as a sociopath who's just in it for teh lulz?

Sounds neat

If you store the bones youre more likely to get caught, cmon user just get rid of them…

Also, not every psychopath/sociopath/fuckhead in general is the same. For example, one might be absent of all feelings where I feel happiness (usually weed/booze induced, sometimes it's because I do what I like to do), anger, self-hatred and sexual tension, not really love, but busting a nut fixes it. It really depends on how many levels are you fucked up.
(I am NOT the OP).

Also, same here on the lying to gain shit here, whether it's contacts, actual goods or information, when there's a profit involved I'm just bound to use it.

But if I get rid of the bones, then what was the point of all the dead kittens? I really need the bones.

What do you mean does it cost more? It depends on the shrink's hourly fees and how good they are, some will actually want to help you and diagnose you in the least ammount of time needed, some are fucked up themselves and will wait you out to get more dough as long as possible. Hey, can't blaime them, a man gotta eat.

For what, are you gonna make a shrine or something? Grow the fuck up, it would have no artistic value, just would be edgy as fuck. /summer/ is long over kiddo, go back to reddit.

DSM user here, I can't seem to actually find it. It might still be in here, but it's a massive book with many sections. Did the doctor use any term other than psychopathy?

He asked me (the not-op) about suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts, self hatred. Denied everything but self-hatred, as it's pretty obvious (busted knuckles from wall punching, etc, the shrink bought it), asked me about depression, couldn't deny that as sometimes it gets me and about my gender identity, basically laughed him off by saying something like 'hey, if I was born as a guy why would I want to change that'.

what are the things that you do that are labeled as psychopathic?

Alright, it looks like it isn't in the book under the name psychopathy, or any derivitive therof.
It's probably in here under a different name, so let's narrow it down.
Would you say that you're particularly sensitive to negative evaluation?

Wait, nevermind, I'm dumb.
It's listed under Antisocial Personality Disorder
Should've figured

Still, the question was good. I honestly don't care about what others think. And everyone who knows me knows that, it's one of the few things I never lie about. Every insult whatsoever just bouncess off of me everytime, same with disrespect. I just have my own ways and follow them no matter what the society thinks, one of those ways is lying to get what I need. I'd truly be a great politician or an undercover agent but I hate politics and don't really care about them that much, as it's mainly bullshit and I also for some reason just hate snitches, even though I was never imprisoned. They just feel too righteous to me, risking their life to make things 'better'. I'd really feel the best in a postapocalyptic world, whether it be Mad Max or The Walking Dead shit, as it would be a world where noone would judge my actions and I wouldn't even have to care about not caring about this shit.

That question was actually relating to a different personality disorder, which you don't seem to fit into.
If you want, I can list off all the diagnostic criteria necessary for a diagnosis of APD, and we can see how many you fit into.

why didn't you catch on sooner? Surely you thought something was off when you mimicked emotions rather than experiencing them first hand. Were you really that vain to think you just didn't have that weakness?

Would be nice, although it's getting kinda late around my part of the globe, so I'm going to sleep. You might as well do it and if the thread is still here I'll reply tomorrow morning.

Any decent way to self diagnose?

no, not a one. Society is really desensitized nowadays anyway, so it's hard to take conscienceless behavior seriously. Probably why 'edgy' became a thing

This isn't OP, btw

Since this thread took off I gotta ask
It felt so good to coach my friend to beat up this dude or to egg my mom on to further beat my sister when sge'd get angry. My brain felt so good and happy.

Still that mental orgasm from that isn't my favorite. Being drawn is the best feeling ever, and I don't know why.

Why do you think people emotionally abuse others in relationships?

I don't know, I'm not the one who's a diagnosed psychopath in this thread. All I wanted to know was how many kittens was enough.

Everything below is exactly as it was typed in the book, except for page references. Though it will look different formatted to the page of an imageboard. Also keep in mind that in order to meet the diagnostic criteria, you have to match ALL four major criteria, as listed alphabetically, but you don't have to meet all of the numbered criteria, only three or more.

Diagnostic criteria for 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder

A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for anf of the rights of others occuring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
(1) failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
(2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
(3) impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
(4) irratibility and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
(5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others
(6) constant irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistant work behavior or honor financial obligations
(7) lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

B. The individual is at leasst age 18 years.

C. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15 years.

D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.

Oh shit, those typos weren't in the book, I promise.

Gi do a rape of yourself .

Why were you tested? Why did you allow it?

Are you saying you're a psychopath to make us think you're not a psychopath saying you're a psychopath, but you're actually a psychopath?

Yup, have done some vandalism, never felt guilty even after caught (never by the actual authorities), last time was like, eh, last summer I believe, parents pissed me off with their bullshit so I punched our own post box so hard I almost completely crushed it.
Yup, lying for profit is a definite check. And it feels good as shit.
I am impulsive. I do try to plan ahead some things but mostly the plan doesn't work at all and I end up improvising.
In the past it was a little harder to control myself, so I had gotten into way more fights. First ones were in primary school, wasn't as strong then, was a pussy to be honest so I didn't win many. Then, shit like slight bullying happened, I was both the bullied and the bully. I didn't bully decent kids though, only stupid assholes, like that one idiot (we were 14 or 15 back then, something like that). He did everything to piss off anyone, one day when we had PE in the swimming pool, after the actual lessons he tried to insult me, I told him to fuck off but he just wouldn't listen. I had this rubber swimming cap, filled it with water from the shower head, it was good 3 liters of it, smacked him over the back with it like with a bludgeon. He tried to fight back but I just pushed him so he fell down, it was wet, and started crying. The fat bitch of a teacher tried to scare me with the 'I should call the police right now' cliche, on the outside I was all apologetic ('sorry ma'am, it won't happen again ma'am, yes I will apologise to the kid ma'am'), on the inside I felt like everything was just bullshit. Why do I have to be punished because someone can't fend for themself? My natural selection ideology started to form then.
The above paragraph counts. To add to that, I do some self-harming, as said before.
I was always honest when it comes to cash, also pretty resourceful when it came to obtaining it (made some trades with over 200% profit). I am, however, lazy as fuck and I get easily bored with menial jobs.
Yup. When someone is getting hurt, I only react when they are my friends, and that's the only reason. I don't feel bad for them getting hurt, I perceive it as an opportunity to suck even more profits out of them (saving someone's ass over and over again will do that).
Yup, 19, still young as shit compared to most over-18 anons here.
As said in A.(4), it would've gotten on record if not for me lying my way out of it.
Nah. I lie all the fucking time. There rarely are days without me lying. I only sometimes lose self-control (only parents can make me do it, they know where the fuses are and yet proceed to cut the wrong cables when trying to argue with me) and this is when all hell breaks loose (imagine a 6 feet tall, 170 pounds heavy almost square slab of meat rushing at you. I have some fat on my muscles, it helps though, as it softens the punches I take).
Woo-wee, wallposting

Of course. Acquiring shit by deceiving people, catfishing them (once catfished a bitch into thinking I'll do a murder suicide with her… in 20 years, planted the fascination with Columbine in her mind, bitch even bought me vidya on birthday, got rid of her when I got bored with manipulating her, she was into me, like hardcore into me, I could tell by the way she spoke, wrote, how she reacted to other women around me, as soon as I noticed it I knew she's right in my grasp, released her by making her think she's the one who does the escape and she isn't just being played again… Shit psychopaths are just basically vampires minus bloodsucking, aren't we? That bitch was pathetic, she is 3 years younger than me and I made her want to try booze, weed and cigarettes but she was too big of a pussy to try them, because she was scared her parents found out, what a shitlord), doing baits and switches etc. just feels so gratifying. It just is amazing of a feeling. Lying to someone with the most serious facial expression on just to grin maniacally whenever there is noone around is the best feeling ever.

Not op, but in my case it were the parents, they made me see a shrink before I was 18, when they could still control me. It was a good shrink unfortunately, so lying to him wasn't of great success, only made him think I'm not dangerous to the society or myself, so my records aren't that fucked up.

Bawmp for interest