An argument against "diversity" and "civic nationalism"

All non-whites living in white nations are an inherent threat to Western Civilisation and the long-term integrity of the White Race. Every single non-white individual has a vested interest in continuing the ongoing flood of non-whites into our nations, as they themselves are a product of this system of mass-replacement. Non-white immigrants, even their kids who have grown up in our nations and have "integrated", so to speak, have absolutely no deeper connection to the European identity, culture and struggle that has defined our nations and people for millennia, and they thus have absolutely no capacity to preserve our civilisation, and absolutely no interest in ensuring the survival of our race. It was the white race that built Western Civilisation - our culture, our vigour, our unique drive for greatness - and it is for this reason that we are the only ones capable of maintaining it. Civilisations draw their strength and spirit from the race that produced them, not the other way around. If ones race dies out or gets replaced, so does their civilization. If these foreign races aren't passively contributing to the dilution and cheapening of our culture and the decline of our civilisation, they are actively participating in its demise by treating the majority with contempt and scorn, and campaigning to promote the interests of their particular minority group over the interests of the majority’s, which in this case, is constituted of white Europeans.

Non-whites forever remain foreigners living in nations which are part of a civilisation their people had no part in constructing or defining, and thus in order to solidify their presence and secure themselves a “right” to stay, they demand the nation be redefined in order to incorporate their non-white racial group, as to destroy what it original represented and stood for in the first place. The nature of human races and ethnicities is inherently tribal, and thus, any sizeable presence of foreign racial groups in a host nation results in these minorities promoting their own in-group interests over the majority's, which always constitutes further non-white immigration and the further deracination of our societies. As non-whites continue to form bigger swathes of the population and displace the native whites, they flex their ever-growing political muscles to put fellow non-whites into positions of power who will naturally further the interests of the growing non-white minority. Bit by bit this process will continue until entire cities and communities are unrecognizable from what they once were, and all original aspects of the host nation's cultural and racial identity presence have been completely replaced.

Another side effect of the left’s beloved “diversity” is the break down of social trust, cohesion, and overall happiness, and the complete negation of any racial identity of the host white population. Diversity both causes and exasperates the decay of our unified cultural and racial identity based around the shared history and struggle of our people over the millennia, as it turns our nations into essentially dumping grounds for people from vastly different racial groups, cultural backgrounds, and historic identities all of whom lack a deeper uniting bond with the host white population. The result is our further decline into the nihilistic, decadent, hyper-individualist and consumerist societies devoid of any true cultural expression or racial identity we see today.

This trend of non-white immigration and “integration” that is ongoing in all white nations, if left unchecked, will result in the complete eradication of all remaining vestiges of European Civilisation as our race continues to decline in population size. These foreigners will never have always hold their own in-group interests above ours, and thus they will happily put their own racial group's interests before the preservation and propagation of our unique civilisation and race.

Preaching to the choir, but well done.

it's more for people to get some better arguments to use against civcucks and libshits

You should probably post this here lad.

Brit/pol/ is running rife with Redditor Pakis and libcucks thanks to the Brexit crumb trails, they're attempting to capitalise on the current climate and turn this place into a civic nationalist board.

we've had this discussion before. stop making the fucking eagle look backward retard

Wouldn't it be advantageous for them to oppose further immigration as that way there's more gibs for them?

It's better to be a part of the Mexican minority in the US than to be part of the Mexican majority in Mexico.

when are the bongs going to fuck off and make their own board? i'm sick of seeing brit/pol/ threads every day in the catalog

More diversity = less White people. Always.

Jesus Christ brit/pol/ is a festering shithole.

What are you talking about? I didn't make the eagle. I downloaded it from here.

You're not thinking like an immigrant. Where have you ever seen an immigrant promote anti-immigration sentiment? You won't. Why? Because their very presence in a white nation is owed to this system of immigration. To be anti-immigrant would be denying their very "right" to exist in our nations. This is why they are all liabilities. They will never become European in spirit. They will never share our historic struggle. They will never share our identity as a race. They will always be a foreigner that owes their presence to immigration. Their entire identity is defined by immigration, and thus they have an interest in doing away with our racial identity and replacing it with something cheap, soulless, and "inclusive".

While I agree with your general sentiments, you fail to explain to us the "how" to achieve this necessary goal. Maybe this is because the crisis facing each white nation is unique, but there are only two options, outright civil war or a phased and deliberate to stop the flow then start an ever expanding methodology to expel these foreign colonists. I would argue that in some places, war is inevitable the simple number of immigrants or the places from which they come will foster bloodshed when the time for expulsion arrives. Other places, however, can with sufficient political will can repatriate these colonists because their numbers are small or their home nations are too weak to stop repatriation or receptive to repatriation. This is the real debate to be had:



Nation states are all built on racial homogeneity. They are built on the cultures of that people. There is no such thing as a multi-race nationalism. It's a forced lie.

As much as I'd like to avoid it, war seems like it'll be the only possible solution. Non-whites will not relinquish their presence in our nations peacefully. Especially not their shitskin spawns who feel entitled to living in the civilisation our race has produced.

Why do you want to be nice?

They are invaders. They are intentionally complicit in genocide and war on our nations.

They must by killed. All of them. Women and children included.

I don't know why everyone keeps making the eagle look backwards. the eagle should be looking over its own right shoulder, not the other way. look at every fucking emblem ever, and that's the way it is. its suspiciously fucked up

Come on, use your noggin.

This is not about being nice, fuck stick, it is about avoiding the death of another 30-60 million whites in another world war! When and where possible, repatriation/expulsion should be done by not provoking a war, especially if that war that will take place largely in our white homelands.

never said all bongs were civic nationalist trap fapping cucks on here m8
just sick of country generals on this board

No one mentioned Trump this whole thread but you.

It's a well known fact that brit/pol/ threads are cuckold ground zero.


embed related

also, needs more pictures.

Explain the video. I don't have time to watch an hour of that guy talking

I sure hope he's not going to start cucking about "not all minorities are bad!!" and how we can "ally with teh good minorities!!!" because that's blatantly bullshit

Yes. I stand by my use of "all" and "every single" Explain why I'm wrong

To be a citizen of a state is not the same as being part of a nation.

You and your own can live in a country all your lives and you'll NEVER be part of that nation. Perhaps legal citizens of the state that runs the nation, but not part of the nation.

So long as that number doesn't pass acceptable levels and they don't fuck shit up, and the clear distinction between citizenship and blood is kept, that's the only logical way you should accept the argument of civic nationalism.

They're residents. They're guests. They're not part of the nation.


Stop trying to argue what should be personal dogma. There's no "argument" that whites need our own white-only homelands. It just has to be that way because it does.

When you need to argue for your own existence, you've already lost.

The goal has always been to break down communities and isolate people so they can't organize politically or otherwise. Globalism is ultimately a banking cabal conspiring to take control of all governments and exploit the people.

The same guy who says to not name the Jew, kill yourself

Reminder the people posting civ nat shit in brit/pol/ are meming

They all need to leave but your never going to do it with violence.

Technology will be such in 15-30 years, that you can build a city with 3-D printers.

We can just move them back to their home country, and it will be cheaper than war.

OP is the propaganda that we need

OP should be in charge of or in an important position

Have you named the jew in public? In real life? Or even on social media? See how your opinion is immediately discarded?

Naming the jew means nothing to them.

Attack the mechanisms of the jews.

Find the time to watch it. He's straightforward. Hardly any time wasted. Points are concise.

Never have I seen a complaint that would have been easier to just fix yourself than this. Literally 30 seconds in


But what are his points? Why should I watch it? What is he refuting? I need a bit of context before I dive in

Attacking the mechanism of the Jew without naming the Jew is attacking the symptom and not the disease.

As a matter of fact, I have named the Jew and converted people to our side. Why? Because the evidence is all there. Those willing to accept evidence and facts will come to your side. Those who aren't were not worth saving in the first place.

Anyone who refuses to name the Jew is shooting themselves in the foot, because Jews have a knack for infiltrating groups or pretending to be on your side until the dust settles and they can begin their subversion again


brilliant summation, friend. please, tell us more!

That argument is not going to convince anyone to your side if they've already accepted that "every1s equal :DD" already. You need solid irrefutable arguments from a nationalist perspective to justify why exactly you think the way you do. If you can't even do that, then people will just dismiss you as an "ignorant neo-nazi"


you're better posting this in the brit/pol/ threads tbh

Great post, but its only the britkike retards who believe in "civic nationalism"

Great post. Although (hopefully) most people on Holla Forums already know this stuff, considering the fact that we are in election season, Brexit just won, and cuckchan is occasionally shitting itself and dumping their refugees onto us, there is good reason to bump this and make sure others see it.

Also, have a screencap in case they get into a debate with some newfag somewhere arguing in favor of shitskins.

thanks matey

Civic Nationalism is a meme you dip

You're an idiot. I've had many arguments with cucked faggots who are willing to "let in the good minorities". This is directed at them

The business world learned decades ago that conglomerates don't work well. That's why big companies spin off divisions. (Exceptions exist, like GE) Companies that focus on one thing do better.

Same thing applies to countries. Having more than one people in the country means the "CEO" is always getting pulled in conflicting directions.

but user, CEOs are patriarchal and racist

I don't mind seeing people push the civic nationalism meme as long as we're all aware it's a stepping stone to real nationalism.

I don't shill for it myself because I don't support >muh PR, but I don't think it's bad to have another vector of attack. It could redpill some people on nationalism and prep them to be redpilled on race.

Oakley Made a similar style that was called "deviation." These are the Oakley "Plantiff Squared" for anyone curious.

As well, poster is correct. Look at the case of Upjohn vs Abbot, or Wallgreens vs their competition. Read "Good to Great" if you're looking for an interesting take on American owned businesses exceeding the growth of the stock market.

Do note that there are some exceptions such as Circut City or Fannie May

The biggest problem with "civic nationalism" is that it makes idiots think that allying with non-whites is a good idea, or even feasible in the long run. It's based on racial egalitarianism and the assumption that a united national identity and culture can exist in a multiracial environment, which is both idiotic and wrong. The problem I see with civic "nationalism" is that it could trap potential racial nationalists in a good-goy brand of "nationalism" that is still equally destructive to our race and people.

"A word in conclusion about the relations between the whites and blacks. What must be the general character of the intercourse between them? Am I to treat the black man as my equal or my inferior? I must show him that I can respect the dignity of human personality in every one, and this attitude in me he must be able to see for himself; but the essential thing is that there shall be a real feeling of brotherliness. How far this is to find complete expression in the sayings and doings of daily life must be settled by circumstances. The negro is a child, and with children nothing can be done without the use of authority. We must, therefore, so arrange the circumstances of daily life that my natural authority can find expression. With regard to the negroes, then, I have coined the formula: "I am your brother, it is true, but your elder brother.""

~ Albert Schweitzer ~

Civic Nationalism should boil down to something like this. We shut down welfare, we shut down the horde.

Forgot pic

do you think so