
can anyone help me identify this shit growing on my nose ? thx

I bet you are barely 18 faggot

As someone who frequently impersonates doctors online for fun, I can tell you that what you've got there is a rare and rather dangerous type of fungi



I take it this guy is just gonna peddle his gay male grooming products?

Could be this actually, a late stage of it at least since it's all dry and peeling. Do you have any pets?

Dude, that's just dry skin. That's what happens what with the dryness of the air indoors and the cold outside. Have you never fucking experienced winter?

basement syndrome, op.
eat more healthily, wash your face and go outside

I'm a doctor, that's obviously herpes.

Wash your face, drink water and no fap.

He should actually fap more to get that shit fixed.

only if he get the jizz on his face..

stage 1 skin cancer

It's dead skin and maybe some pus. Get yourself a comedown extractor.

I think he's got that one covered…

Dried cum.


You've had a cold and constantly rubbing your face with a tissue has caused your skin to dry out.

also you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself


It dried nigger jizz

Thise little worms are blaccheads.
Those blacc holes you see perforating peoples noses are just blaccheads. They can be removed. Buy blacchead removal strips that pull them all out when you yank it off.
The reason why your blaccheads popped out in that specific place on your nose is because that are of the nose crinkles and flexes and moves more. Like when you flare your nostrils.
There's nothing wrong with you aside from excess oils that have nestled in your skin. Three minutes and you can completely clean it all and remove them.




Yes, it is called "your face". Cut it off immediately, and everything will be fine.