My gf has the cutest little tootsies

My gf has the cutest little tootsies


i dont know about her face

is this what congenital autism looks like in it's adult form?


why is her shit so uneven?

Eeiii lebb yee ahnoon



Don't talk about her like that Ill kill you


No, it's just funny that you're pretending to be the boyfriend of that friendzoned guy's grill in the other thread. *8I know I sound like an autist rn, but** she found the thread about her so it would be possible that her actual boyfriend really is here


Glad you could join us for the joke

Your 'gf' looks brain damaged

Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have explained it. now I feel really stupid.

Stanky boot feet

her face looks like an 80 yr old grandma.

OP are you autistic or something? We all know you're not the same guy.


Even conservative successful 1940s businessmen had foot fetishes. Fuck off loser.

I wish I had a cute gf that would show me her feet like that.

What is her feet size?..have you more off her feet?


yeah and they were degenerates too