Government is a cancer

government is a cancer




The belief that the produce of your labour is your own.
The knowledge that the state reduces efficiency of every sector it gains significant control over.
The awareness that bureaucrats otherwise known as paper pushers all make big promises and deliver small and often counter productive results.






But the 'feudal baron' got his land from the king, whereas capital is created by human beings' investment

And you anarchists do realize that siding with the communists you are a statist right? And besides that… you do realize that being an anarchists doesn't actually make you apart of the "left" right? Because lack of government/no government is not what either the left or the right stands for. The fact of the matter is the more far left or far right you go; the more fascist the government is going to be. Despite everyone saying that "hur dur it's a left concept", it isn't. Not associate yourselves with the communists just to have an ally.

Being far right doesn't mean you have big government…

If the government only protects property it is undeniably smaller than a Marxist government taking up 60% of the economy

Unless you mean far right as in physically removing kikes and homosexuals

What I'm basically saying is anarchism is a fork in the road between the left and the right.

Actually that's wrong. Marxist/communist governments usually have a very large federal government with virtually no state governments. But do you agree with me that anarchism is not a left concept nor is it a right concept? After all. No government is no government.

Fuck off back to lainchan

Sounds like something straight out of tumblr


no you.

ITT: 15 year olds

Good caption

Actually my point was is that there are no reliable methods of calculating an economy of a communist government. If you look at the statistics, they are usually all over the place.



This is retarded. True capitalism supports a free market. It's not tyrannical in any way.

A group of people with a chain of command and a leader on top will wipe the floor with a group of people without organized structure. Do you want to be a loser?

but in a free market, someone might make more money than me, and that wouldn't be fair

Life isn't fair, the best we can do is embrace fascism.

I hope this is b8. I'll respond anyways:

It's called competition. The best companies rise to the top and leave the shitty ones in the dust. That's the beauty of a free market. Companies aren't bound by the government and are free to do what they please. It's basically an economic version of natural selection.

The problem with capitalism is that once corporations establish their dominance they can stifle competition and remain in position of power even if what they offer to the public is not in its best interests. Corporations influence governments without receiving a mandate from people. This could be solved by introducing fascism, but that would limit individual freadoms and in circles we go.

there's your problem

I disagree. If you don't like your government you should go into politics and make it better.

That's corporatism, not capitalism.


except that any place that calls itself capitalism is not free market
the few exceptions that remain in this day and age that are truly free market are actually autonomous zones within states, states that are not free market

I'll have to educate myself on the distinction.

I've seen that image before, i find its message infantile and i doubt it ever convinced anyone.

yet you used the exact line from the second square from the left, top row

Protip: it hasn't.
Our form of capitalism is little more than slavery. That you don't think of yourself as a wage slave does not make you any less of one. It just makes you fuckerdumb.

there's that word again

Yes i did. Read my previous post again. Your reading comprehension fails you.

Maybe you might want to educate yourself on how fiat currency works. Do you even know you live in a corporate oligarchy ruled by the rich and powerful elite? Or do you just choose to not pay attention to anything like that, just go to work, keep your head down, collect your paycheck, play vidya, shitpost online about how great capitalism is, get drunk, fap, go to bed, get up, do it all over again…
Hate to break it to you Holla Forumsro: