Trump Brexit Press Conference

Good Q&A here for anyone who missed it. Nimbly navigates away from answering whether Scotland should secede early on but finally gets pinned down around 9:00, basically says "no comment".

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I can't blame him for not wanting to stick his nose in a foreign land's internal struggles with its own people.
He's not president yet, so sticking his nose in the Brexit situation is a bit premature and can do nothing but make him look bad internationally. This whole thing is an experiment and it's something America should keep an eye on from afar. This is a U.K./Scot issue and nobody knows enough about what's going to happen to have a Burger presidential candidate stick his nose in it and tell the Scots what to do just yet.
First, let him dissolve our shitty agreements an unions before he starts telling people what to do across the pond.

By the way, who gives a shit? It's not our business. I'm glad they left, but we have an election to focus on - like NAFTA, TPP, a second amendment that is under constant threat every minute of the day, nigger terrorists, snackbar terrorists and Hillary fucking Clinton to worry about.

Let Scotland do Scotland and let Americans worry about America.

You're a smart guy

for you

Will America ever open the political landscape for more than just (((democrats))) and (((republicans)))? They're both retarded

Agreed. I'm glad Trump is continuing to exemplify Washington's words on foreign policy at the end of his days. America doesn't need to dip its fingers in every pot of honey.

Did the madman hint at WW2?

Does it really matter?

Right now, if you think about it, they are just names. In this cycle, a fucking socialist ran in the DNC and a populist/nationalist is running as a Republican.

I care not what they call themselves, but the ideas are definitely evolving and non-traditional candidates are making bids. Isn't that more important than creating some other bullshit "alternative" to the two parties? The important thing is that we are getting candidates that could run on different platforms if they existed, yet are winning with the traditional party system. Two sides of the same coin, really.

I was wondering what he meant by that, but couldn't he be referring to any number of other wars? Iraq is probably the first to come to mind.

Man I stayed up all night waiting for this event, sat through the entire speech about the golf course, his lighthouse, and all his kids speaking. Right when he got to the Q&A section I fell asleep.

Sad. Low energy.

Iraq actually makes the most sense, since it's still fresh in the world's mind. Plus, Trump repeats frequently what a mistake Iraq was - probably in at least half of his rallies.

He has dogwhistled us before, but this isn't one of those times.

Double dubs confirmed

I think Globalization in general may be the mutual mistake

Good point. Either works perfectly and is easily understood by the recent events that are now unfolding.

He didn't tell anyone what to do. He has explicitly stated, multiple times, that it's up to them.

In an earlier interview, when asked about the EU referendum, Trump said that the decision was up to Brits, and, even though he himself predicted and preferred the UK leaving the EU, that he didn't want to influence or pressure anyone.

At this recent press conference, he was asked repeatedly about the possibility of Scottish independence. He said it's up to them, multiple times.

He was also asked about a potential breakup of the EU. He simply said that it looks like it might go that way, and refrained from stating whatever his preference might be about the matter.

Yeah… that's exactly what he should have said.

Expecting him to weigh in on it in any other manner than what he did would be foolish. He played it smart.

Pride in London is tomorrow, so a bit of positivity in such a shocking time. Though, as a volunteer, I am slightly afraid of tensions. But we will stand in solidarity, we will not go down without a fight..

Your loss. The QA was quite high energy (though es the stuff about the lighthouse was dull as fuck).

There will be no Trump president. Your warmongering Niggerking did his part, and fulfilled the next step of the Prophecy.

US is now at war with Russia & China, soon to be nuked out of existence, You won't even see it coming, lol.

Bye bye, freaks.



He was signaling to us guys. He said "we're very nimble", and then repeated it.

I think its an obvious reference to the can't stump the Trump memes, I haven't heard the word "nimble" in my life before I saw the centipede intro, meaning its not a common word.


He also says things like "The real Rome is Rome, N.Y." when the Roman Catholics (like Speaker Ryan) and his Polish-Catholic campaign manager Lewandowski are dragging their feet.

If Scotland leaves the UK, THAT ALSO MEANS THEY'RE NOT INSTANTLY PART OF NATO. We need to remember this and force awareness thereof.

On a side note, it was enjoyable to see King Nigger get shit on by the Brits after sticking his beak into the debate.

Everyone from London who voted remain (so basically Muslims and lefties) should move to Scotland, then we should build a wall, and make them pay for it. We have been losing out to Scotland badly for years, they send us drunks and heroin addicts and we give them money, and it's going to stop, I'm telling you, I'm serious. Their universities are breeding grounds for radical communism. They have infiltrated our parliament and we have to stop them, have to. They want to destroy our country like they tried in the past, not all of them, presumably there are some good among them, and they will be welcome, as long as they come legally, and don't try to bring haggis or other entrail based contraband with them. And they must speak English. We're going to make Britain Great again, folks, maybe even greater than it was.

lol, reported for shitposting