An important life lesson for the jaded intellectual

Things are looking up for me, Holla Forums. If I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll have a pretty good life ahead of me. Things weren't always this way though. 5 years ago I was getting expelled from my second high school and had many close calls with the law. I feel many of you are a lot like I was so I'm going to tell you about the discussion I had with the vice principal the day I was getting kicked out:
At first, it was the usual "what the fuck is wrong with you?" type of lecture that I've heard a million times before, but then it moved on to politics, philosophy, and life in general. I have had many similar discussions online and he didn't really seem to be the rhetorical type so I was eventually able to back him into an intellectual corner. He was clearly frustrated. He was about to lose an argument with a delinquent teenager, so he switched tactics.

It was at this point things got a bit more personal. I don't know how true what he said from here on was, but it was a lesson I will never forget.
He told me about his brother:

On that note, he sent me out the door and I never saw him again. It took me a long time for what he said to truly sink in. I mean, fuck him, right? He's just another disposable bureaucrat who makes a living filling out paperwork and scolding kids when they do something one of the faculty members doesn't like.
Well, take this post for what it is. Take this to heart or just laugh it off as an autistic work of fiction and falsehood. All I really ask of you is to live a good life. That's what I'm trying to do.

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Ok, but how?

Got it, everybody should read it andfukkin try to understand, but whatever, answer this

I would suggest for someone of your assumed stature, purchase a Hi-Point C-9 just like Dylan as I am sure you don't know how to make your own AR which would b ea much better approach and than just mod an AK into a RPK for your freind. A bit of shopping at your local gun fair or some shopping online and :)

Oh! Make sure to buy ballastic plates and make a few ieds if you want to last long at all. They are pretty cheap online and a retard could make an ied.


Obviously, it somewhat depends on your circumstances.
I'm about to graduate college in a high demand, low saturation field among the top few in my class. I don't have a job lined up yet but given the current economic trends, demand is only likely to go up from here.

I found something I was passionate about, and I'm on track to being able to do it for a living. I would suggest you do the same.

How do you find such a thing without trial and error? How are you sure if you have gound such a thing?

Well, what are you interested in now? I know you're a deep thinker, what do you tend to think about? I'm sure there's tons of scientific fields that you spend many long hours mentally masturbating over. I'm certain there's problems in the world that you would like to see fixed, or at least mitigated.

Take the time to evaluate which areas you are most fascinated by, compare that to what people are looking to hire (or you think will in demand in the near future), and then look into what fields you think yourself to be able to meet the requirements for.
Hopefully, you'll find something that overlaps in the three lists you just made.

The skillset I have chosen is industrial automation, if that's something you're interested in. Believe it or not, employers can't find enough people with the knowledge I have around here. And I'm a stone's throw away from silicon valley.

Actually, that is what I am headed for currently. Please elaborate on what the work in industrial automation/robotics is like for a person just starting out and what i need to do in order to find fulfilling employment.

Holy shit you sound like a faggot. One of the dumber reads I've had on Holla Forums, and that's quite an achievement considering 95% of the posts are shitposts.

fukkin saged lol

there are VERY broad applications at a diversity of companies. It really depends where you go and what exactly it is you're doing. If you're going all out and looking for an engineering job, be prepared for a lot of math, a lot of memorization, and for half of the people you go into the program with to drop.

I'm springing for technician/maintenance work. The program I'm just about to finish is a two year one with more of a focus on application rather than theoretical expertise. I wasn't taught how a microcontroller works down to the internal structure. That's JFM to me. But I can hook up, program, and optimize the shit out of one if you put it in front of me.

ill wrek ur shit m8. cum @ me

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>>>Holla Forums
Faggot and don't come back.

To be fair, those were his words.
And intellect is relative. Compare yourself to those around you. You're probably not a moron who tries endlessly to act like a "real nigga," I doubt you gain your political opinions by regurgitating the catchphrases you see on TV, my guess is you spend a lot of time thinking abut very deep subjects, I wouldn't doubt you had an easy time in class while everyone around you was either struggling or fucking off. If my estimation is right, how do you not consider yourself a bit of an intellectual?
Obviously most people aren't as moronic as they first appear from their posturing, but in a society filled with useless fucks who spend most of their time worrying about their social stature, do you really not see yourself as being a bit ahead of the curve?

"Donkeys live a long time, None of you has ever seen a dead donkey." -Benjamin, Animal Farm

You've already lost my friend, you're playing a game who's rules you will never control nor begin to understand. Sure, things might be better for you in the short term, but what change could you hope to enact long term? Or do you even care to enact said change? In which place, I hate to break it to you, you're just like everyone else. Albeit wise enough to see how things move, just not why.

A final quote from Benjamin.
"Windmill or no Windmill, life will go on as it always had-badly."

Maybe, but I can squeeze much more enjoyment out of it now than I would have ever hoped just 2 years ago. That's good enough for me.

Whatever it is I end up actually doing; the better I do, the better the product. And since I'm mostly trained to work on machines which produce or treat products which are then marketed elsewhere and eventually to the consumer, exceptional performance from me has the end result of either a higher quality product or a cheaper product of the same quality. This makes the life of the consumer just a little bit better.

Even if I end up working at a dildo factory or some shit, I want them to be the best damn dildos ever to hit the market. Though the most attractive prospects to me are food treatment/sorting as there are a few companies hiring around here and they have good benefits.

If that's good enough for you, then I won't pursue this line of questioning further. I've ruined enough happiness already. But remember these words.

You can be one of two things. You can be wise, or you can be happy. You can't be both. If picking out pig assholes out of hams is good enough for you and you can be happy doing it. Then go for it.

But if you want to be wise, then you must travel a long and difficult road. It will suck beyond your worst nightmares, and beyond superficial pleasures your life will be void of happiness.

Choose your path wisely user.

Sounds like a rather unwise aspiration to me.
I wish to use the knowledge and skills I have acquired precisely to obtain an enjoyable life for myself and as many others as possible.

Jaded nihilism is often among the first steps an intellectual takes on the path to enlightenment. This only lasts as long as they fail to acquire a passion. But when your calling arrives, you will then learn how great a thing it is just to be alive.

I would postulate this then,

As I have stated before, wisdom comes from trying and failing, followed by learning from it. To learn everything possible from your failings, you must examine it to a point where it becomes an obsession. I have never met a person strong enough to not become jaded and increasingly bitter from watching and analyzing both their own failings as well as others.

I see the simple joys and beauties of life, I understand them on many different levels but that is all they are. Simple joys and beauties. To seek a deeper knowledge or understanding is something that you really have to accept on a base level.

I have always been hungry for knowledge, to understand and be understood. To obtain knowledge that I found fascinating, I had to forsake many things. Do I regret doing it? I suppose it could be argued I do, but that's only because I have seen how things will play out and wish for a baser level of understanding.

What I'm saying is this. If you are happy, do not chase the same rabbit that I and many other anons are chasing for it will only lead you to ruin.

Tell me, what is it about wisdom that is jading to you? Is the sunrise any less beautiful after learning that it's light emitted from a giant fusion reactor diffusing through our atmosphere? Does knowing how your timed coffee pot works spoil the convenience of having some brewed fresh for you while you enjoy that sunrise? Does understanding the chemical composition of this coffee make the aroma any less transfixing? Do you have a car for that matter? Does knowing how it works at all diminish its value?

I would say the opposite. Knowing and understanding the world around you means even something as simple as a dried, keratinized leaf on the ground is capable of sparking hours of mental stimulation.
So what if you fail every now and again? That just makes victory all the sweeter.

Find something to live for, man. It's for your own good.

How about the knowledge that you will never make a lasting impact. That we are nothing more than near-hairless apes spinning around a slowly dying fusion reactor on a rock whizzing through space. That all of your accumulated knowledge and those of your forefathers matters for naught. It's not necessarily a fatalistic viewpoint so much as a realistic one.

I have accepted that any contribution I can make is negligible, so living for something is essentially asinine.

As I said before, if you can gain enjoyment, go for it. But as for me, I don't think I'll ever find it.

Also, wisdom is not simply the knowledge you have. It's all about implementation. A child could memorize and regurgitate shit from a book. What wisdom is really about is the ability to USE that knowledge, not just sit on it. Hoarding anything is unwise behavior, especially knowledge.

If it provides no benefit, it is useless and better off thrown away and forgotten.

Again, this jaded nihilism you're espousing is the same shadow under which many on the path to enlightenment must tread.
The whole universe seems meaningless and random at first glance. There is no free will, there is no morality, there is nothing but a brief electro-chemical anomaly to tell yourself that you or anything else exists (at least for however long your life lasts). Believe me, none of this is news to me.

But is this useful to you? Why carry the burden of such a worthless bit of knowledge? Why not seek to eradicate this self-destructive notion and steer your life in a positive direction?
Ask not "what is this knowledge?" Instead ask "what does this knowledge do?"

I agree that it's about implementation, as stored knowledge is simply that, stored. I will however disagree that wisdom is how to use knowledge. Wisdom is garnished from life itself, from seeing and interpreting situations and problems. It's knowing the likely outcomes of a certain scenario from having experienced it/see it repeat itself in the past. "Those that will forget history are doomed to repeat it." That quote does not necessarily mean what the black and white letters represent.

It does not mean that a new Adolf Hitler will step into place in 2032 as World Chancellor if the mass collective of humanity forgets the failings of the Weimar Republic,the Leauge of Nations as well as the Treaty of Versailles.

Rather it means that if you see the roots of the same unpleasant scenario begin again, quietly counteract it with what means you have available. If this does not work, it means it's time to go quiet. Orwell was quite right with Benjamin. "Donkeys live a long time, None of you has ever seen a dead donkey." The reasoning why (Atleast in the allegorical level portrayed in Animal Farm) is simple. They learn, they remember, and they are silent when their voices no longer matter and are unable to be swept up in popularity changes due to their cynicism.

In context, I suppose my own cynicism is both my best and worst asset. It allows me an unhindered look as life passes before me, and also draws me back from potentially life altering experiences due to others misfortune.

The combined knowledge of the human race only serves to propagate the human race itself.Which then in turn brings us back around to several more theistic questions all of which have several answers based more on faith than fact.

I would consider that a use of knowledge, so it seems we're on the same page there.

So your cynicism makes it easier to acquire knowledge which you consider meaningless anyway. How is that a benefit? Why do you choose not to go about life as a mindless drone? It's all trivial anyway, isn't it?

Why not make that something to strive for? If it's all trivial and you truly are unhindered, you can literally choose whatever you want as the basis of your existence. It's not gonna matter after you're dead anyway.
It's not about faith, my lad. It's about observing the world around you and finding a satisfying place in which to live out your days. If there is no God or soul or anything of that sort, that doesn't make your experience any less real.
This life is all you will ever come to know. It's a damn shame you choose to squander it away with such a negative outlook.


Enjoy mediocrity, pleb.

Enjoy the illusion of control, fucknuts.

I'm quite genuinely enjoying it, actually.
Are you enjoying yours?



fug :(

"We will do this and many other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard."

Man asks himself to perform many Sisyphean tasks, so what's one more man pushing the boulder of his consciousness up a theoretical hill?

Because I imagine there's more to life than just consume, reproduce, die. What that is, I have not yet found, and If I die trying to find it then so be it. At least I lost myself in pursuit.

I don't think I will ever find anything that perfectly fits that gap inside of me, it gnaws at me night and day. There is nothing on this earth that I feel will fill this gap, cynicism helps me cope with this. If I do find something that will fill that spot, I will recant my previous statements willfully.

Absolutely nothing, supposing you're correct.

There is. There is much, much more. For example, there's discussions like these. You enjoy this, do you not? Far more mentally stimulating than arguing with yourself, I'm sure.
If it is physically possible, it is potentially a part of your life.

What exactly is it you're looking for? Do you want God himself to come from the sky and provide detailed instructions on how to live your life? What kind of existence would that be? To follow a provided path with a clear goal, that's so limiting.

You can live however you want to live. There's much to experience, much to explore. Some are great and others are terrible. Make an effort to relish in the great, but do what you can to avoid the terrible.

I bet you're an atheist, a libertarian/liberal, and a self-identified INTJ.

don't preach to me nigger

definitely an individualist, but I'm not retarded about it anymore I used to be an anarchist, pls no bully ;_;
Nah. Took the official test at 16 and scored ISTP. Took a handful of online versions more recently and they tend to give me INTP. Looking at the descriptions of the two, INTP better describes how I am and ISTP is who I would ideally like to be.

Who you calling "nigger," kike?

ISTPs say nah a lot so you probably are one

That's nice, ISTP is master race after all.


No, because your parents aren't as rich as them or don't have the same connections or you aren't as good looking or in as high a social class as them.

This is the mindset of niggers. Since you're here I assume you're white. So stop being a nigger.

Mots keep delleting this. Hurry, save this.

If you're in the bay area, then you in the general proximity to the central valley. There should be literally thousands of fruit/veggie packers in the region.

I am, but not bay area. One company that seems particularly desperate for workers is one called Tomra, if you've heard of it. They're in the sorting business. They went to a job fair at my school a few weeks ago and are already offering jobs to some of the students that actually brought resumes (I didn't, long story as to why).

They're among the top of my list when I actually do go on the job hunt.