How do I prove my psychiatric nurse wrong? She claims cannabis causes and worsens depression and anxiety

How do I prove my psychiatric nurse wrong? She claims cannabis causes and worsens depression and anxiety.

Other urls found in this thread: mass grave found

Tell her to show some evidence for the claims she have put forth.

Who ares about cannabis?
Ask her about the tooth fairy.

Average teeth per jew = 32
Jews = 6million
Teeth in total: 192 million

Where did they go?

Of course it does, don't be naive. I have been a smoker for nearly ten years. Every cheap thrill has a cost.

this guy has a few videos on it

I'd imagine most are still in their skulls in mass graves. pic related

tell her it doesn't make you sad and worried -unzip- but horny and violent.

I'm diagnosed schizophrenic and cannabis makes me extremely paranoid. I literally can't smoke one joint.

show studies that support your claim

Might wanna point to these massgraves they didn't find yet.
Those pictures are very none telling lad, could be dead Germans.

Teeth survive to hardest conditions for ages and should still be retrievable

Could be dead German Jews mass grave found

You can't. She is right, and you are just a deeply depressed and deeply retarded stoner.
The fact that have to have psychiatric care in the first place is a pretty clear sign you shouldnt be smoking the herbal jew

There really were mass graves, but it wasn't an extermination, it was the pragmatic thing to do. Detainees were dropping dead so quickly from starvation and typhus in the camps due to Allied bombings that they couldn't dispose of the bodies properly.

Stop trying to prove to someone with medical experience that you're correct. herbal jew has gotten to you OP

But it does. Any substance that causes you to dump neuro transmitters does this. Same reason masterbation makes you anxious and depressed. Not saying you should be a prude but don't be a retard.


For most depression drugs, one of the potential side effects is that it can make you more depressed to the point where you kill yourself.
Where as for some people it makes them better.

Nobody has really tested cannabis but its probably the same deal.
It works great for some people and badly for others.

hang yourself. that'll show her

She's right, the only people that believe weed has no negative effects are the same people that think it's fine to not wash for weeks.


suppose you drop the weed for a while, op.
a month without would show your psy you are serious about feeling happier and would demonstrate to both of you the effects getting stoned all day long can have on a vulnerable, depressed youngster. as a bonus to you, who will go into this period of abstinence convinced you'll lose your mind, the less often you smoke, the more you appreciate it. you'll have that to look forward to. give it a try. what you gain from weed may well be less useful to you right now than what you lose.

Short answer?
Longer answer?
Depends on the balance of cannabinoids in your strain. Too much THC without the CBD to balance it out will make you paranoid and depressed. Find a higher CBD strain, it'll help you think better anyways…

Most people in the world hate potheads, america right now is just a shadow and yurop is a joke, my point? eventually you will be another thirdworlder and docs wouldnt give a fuck about you being a pothead.



Chronic use can

Smoke her out and give her the D

Psychiatrists don't know shit. I visited one because I suspected I was bipolar, and I came home with three diagnoses and a Ritalin prescription that I'm now addicted to, an addiction which will probably kill me within 10 years, regardless of whether or not I get clean. Weed is the only thing that temporarily cures my addiction (until I run out), but because it's illegal, hard to find and expensive where I live, heavy drugs are easier to get. I just need to go to the store. I don't even pay for it. It's free. Wanna trade?

party van is a waiting ayyyyyyyyy?

The party van has been here a couple of times already for unrelated causes. Weed actually. Taking my Ritalin would have been the first good thing they'd done in a while.