Be grown ass man

Are you okay, user?

You're not wrong lol

There was a thread last night where anons were complaining anf it got deleted. Really makes you think.

problem, neo/pol/ gooncuck?

also I've never posted to sudo, love the BV (all 9000 of them), never posted dunk and I am MAGA. Look at the shrine you can even see my MAGA hat lol

Maybe you should ask your kid that instead nigger.


I've been telling you paranoid little creatures for months now…I am NOT "le sudocuck boogeyman", I don't even think he EXISTS at this point. It's just a made up title that empty minded little bigots like to throw at anybody who questions their bullshit.

It's fucking pathetic.

Jenny won, dude.

I asked her, she called me a faggot and told me to kill myself now I'm crying thanks a lot. this is on you.

Why are you so mad

What do you really think to gain by shitting up the world with your shit arguments? I should believe you because… You say so? Awesome, consider me reformed. You can return home now!




Whole site got fucked up last night, probably wasn't deleted just got fucked up.

It's actually flattering

Do you really think your autism fits go unnoticed on this slow as fuck board?

Not surprising. Whoever it is posts here literally 24/7.

Lucky the jenny threads didn't get fucked up eh?

I dunno man just a thought, I could check the mod logs to be sure but I don't know what post number it was.

I know right?

Also it's more like 16/4, I also go on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums


Looks like the BO deleted it, not sure why though

Obviously it is a conspiracy to something something margaret something something make me BO


Thread that got deleted last night had at least 3 anons in it defending Margaret. Should have archived I guess.

I don't even hate Margaret, I just don't get why you get so mad about Jenny. We're all here, we don't need to be enemies

because nobody gives a shit about that fat ugly whore

you're the only one spamming it

user, lighten up, I don't hate you


Never talk about him, his wife or his wife's boyfriend ever again.

Tyrone is basically part of the family

Because you shit up the board. Because you astroturf then laugh about it when called out. Because like any other reddit goon you're only here to exploit anonymity and this board in particular with its lack of IDs. Because the only person you're trying to entertain is yourself, see pic related. Ask me how I know you're fat: because it's only fat people who think this way. If there are 5 cupcakes and 5 anons you'll always find a way to get at least 3 of them.
Then like cancer it spreads since it lets every other autist know they can get away with it too. Just go to Holla Forums ffs. More users and nobody will expect you to be funny or original.

There are more maisie threads then jenny threads on the board right now>645565

I think he's funny sometimes
Holla Forums is actually more strict than Holla Forums now.



Yes, yes I am. Also I'd find away to get 4, because I'm a WINNER. Also I do go to Holla Forums

It's literally the opposite. IS THIS QUEENOOOO

Because you make threads all the fucking time shake and you can't stop with your trash waifu. I am sick of you. This is supposed to be a board for talking about film and discussion instead you just try to make jokes. Nice samefagging by the way YES I notice. Sorry that your waifu is a fucking redditor. You are a joke. Yes sometimes I make threads to slide the Jenny ones but I only do it because there are seven fucking threads of her every single day.It gets boring. I am laughing at you basically every day because of how pathetic you are and yet your waifu can't even win more than 10%.

That stopped a long time ago since there's nothing worth discussing anymore.

Ho ho ho

Gee I wonder whose behind these posts

All me



Bump because I like the attention

your archive doesn't contain the deleted spam user, wtf


Oh wait looks like they're gone now. Maybe the vol isn't /yourguy/ after all.


You're literally bumping every Jenny thread lmfao

Jenny won

Is this the new "Trump won"?
Jenniflets are so sad.

Jenny won

I'm trying to think of a Jenny equivalent of "humpty drumpf" but I've got nothing.
If only the real drumpfsperg were still here.

Maybe "PENNY Nicholson" since she tweeted a thing about that

I'll leave the mockery up to someone who actually knows anything about this girl then.
I don't even know where the fuck this shit came from and don't really care tbh.

It's no longer about her anyway, it's about the guy making threads like this and going full sperg. Pretty funny

I'm completely lost on this one on all levels tbh. Sounds like I missed some great funposting though.


It was fucking wild yesterday I tell you what

Anything screencap worthy happen, or was it just general insane autism?

Just a lot of spam and salt really

a lot of jenny threads and Holla Forums wasn't working and went offline for a bit.

Truly the Waifu war is a bloody one

It was just the same three autists "trolling" each other.