Mfw nigger

How do I de-nigger myself? Is there some combination of bleach and mindset that can save me?

Try reincarnating.

Pics or gtfo

Try getting that Micheal Jackson disease.

skin bleaching is a thing, try that

Lurk Holla Forums

Become redpilled nigger

Help destroy non redpilled niggers

This seems like the most reasonable way. I hear it only takes 49 days to reincarnate.

You'll even get good karma for killing a nigger.

Drink bleach it goes right to the epidermis.

But I don't know if my karma's up to par. I might just still be a nigger or worse.

You might come back as a boong

Bleach your skin. You might as well bleach your butthole while you're at it.

You'll probably just end up as a double nigger.

I'll still be a nigger at the end of the day. To be hung on the day of rope like all the others.

Just live life to the fullest while you can then.

Snort some coke
Rob some liquor stores
Rape some white wymen

Chimp every day like it could be your last

You could move to Africa.

So offing oneself is the path for nigger redemption?

Oh yeah, anyway now. Just live your life folks, don't waste time with silly bullshit. Make money, get laid, have fun.

So just give in to my nigger instincts and revel in degeneracy? Aight. Guess I could get that vasectomy I've been considering and bone white chicks till shit fucks up.

That's actually not a bad idea, just catch all the coalburners for us

race is a born thing
its all about who wins the lottery of life, and birth-right.
no such thing as reincarnation either, so you're stuck that way.

my condolences, my nig friend

I'm really tired of niggers existing fam.

Shit sucks fam. At one point I wanted a family but then the reality of being a nigger hit me. Like, could I really do that to my potential children? The biological urge is strong but so is my disdain for negros. How can you love your children if you think them as inherently inferior in some respect?


I think stop being a wigger and love yourself.
Dont think your race is superior, dont think its inferior.
Every race has its strength and weaknesses, and is thereby different from one another, but that does not imply inferiority of one or another.
Therefore, as i said before, love yourself and think of your race as equal to the white one.
Stop falling for the "superior race" meme

but …. niggers are shit

Mmmmh, mmmmh bitch

Sorry,you can't change your mindset.
You can take the nigger out of africa but you can't upgrade it's IQ.
Srry m80….

Niggers are just a different color because of their genetics.
Their intelligence being lower is due to nurture. This has been proven for whites like myself as well.

This is of course absolutely not true

get a job and keep it. You won't not be a nigger but your refusal to nig will get you money and probably happiness.

Where are their PhD's?

Its as easy as principla algebra you wigger.

Go live with your kind at Area 51.

Sounds like you've been spending too much time on imageboards, user. If you focus on the unsavory contingent of the black population, it's only going to create an inferiority complex which will most likely prevent you from advancing in life. Instread, focus on individuals like pic-related, who are undoubtedly smarter and more accomplished than any user to ever post on this cesspool.

Please summarize, i'm not going to sit though an hour of circle-jerking.

Heh… I just realized they have the same haircut. Get that haircut, OP, it's magical.

It basically says that race is genetic and that Somalis have an average IQ of 68 while the smartest bonobo apes have have an IQ of around 80. Did the ape have a cultural advantage? Probably not.

You should know I fully buy in to the "superior race" meme. Insofar as I believe in racial realism. On an individual level I'd say I'm fine but it's the passing of my genes that makes all the difference. Can you point me to sources that might convince me niggers aren't inherently dumb because all hard evidence tells me otherwise.



I said nothing about cultural advantages

yes skin color and body shape are genetic

you forgot to consider factors like nurture vs nature. Nature would be genetic, but studies have to take in factors like nurture.

picking the smartest monkeys, and the average iq of somalis is a bit biased.
There is the fact that bonobo's have a very low rate of abuse during development.

You're obviously not an idiot. Don't procreate with an idiot and your spawn should be fine.

However, while I'm not exactly an antinatalist, I think there's a good case to be made for it. Procreation isn't necessarily a good thing… for anyone.

cry moar, nigger

I'm white you dip-shit.

How do you test an apes IQ? What study did this?

also, that adds nothing to the argument and, like feminists, is a device used to dodge the fact that i just proved you wrong.

mind pointing out an alternative?

Either a Jew Troll of another "high IQ" White Nationalist.

Not user, but you can go ahead and dismiss it, it's an utterly abstract study that has little basis in reality.

Yeah, I'm gonna write a summary of an hour long video for some faggot on Holla Forums

… not procreating?

The nature of life is predicated on suffering. We desire, we suffer, we die, that's it. Nothing more to it.

you are dumber than the dumbest nigger if you refuse to have a proper argument on any topic.

Plato himself, though that whites who wont argue right, are less worthwhile than the dumbest nigger.

Now learn to argue, or gtfo and go to mommy on pol you homo.

so why not procreate?

Why don't you just roll over and die


You perpetuate the cycle

Soon enough. However it's ingrained in my genes and DNA to persevere and survive, so suicide is out of the question for me.
Spend less time on chans, user.
I don't even know what that is. Seriously… spend less time on chans.
How is acknowledging reality "defeatist"?

what was that?
Couldn't hear you over the retarded sarcasm!

and eventually someone breaks free, so why not?

What do you mean?

Says the guy contemplating about the futility of procreation on a saturday night.

easy as that.

Believe it or not, this is my first time posting on Holla Forums in ~6 months. It's really sad how anons are still bitching about the same shit over and over.

I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying anything remotely original, so if you're interested, I'd recommend reading Schopenhauer and a book called Better Never to Have Been.

sorry but I'm not a nihilist.

That's ok, I shouldn't even recommend it. It's not like nihilism is going to catch on and enlighten the masses, it usually just creates depressed people.

Feelings are dumb. Even a life full of suffering is preferable to nothing.

No but bleach and oven cleaner mixed in a pot and blown into through a straw as hard as possible and with as many deep breaths as possible generates what is known as White Crystals - the stuff Yakub used to make whites in the first place. A 1:1 combination of bleach and oven cleaner totaling about one litre should be enough to denegrofy any nigger. The crystals take a long time to form but if you're committed you can do it. All you have to do is eat them after they've formed.
I'm only telling you this because you obviously want to be part of the superior race and have denounced niggers as a whole.

There's a big difference between a nigger and an African American/Black Man, thread starter.

Be a cool science black man like Neil Degrasse Tyson

niggerdom is an attitude not a physical feature you stupid nigger.
stop stealing people's bikes,eating fried chicken and speaking ebonics and you will be fine.

You shouldn't need to think very hard to understand why you feel that way. C'mon, user…

Neil Degrasse Tyson is a cerified nigger


This too

just act logical OP, nothing to it.

I'm against killing all niggers tbh. We should send them to Liberia where they can run their own nigger state and play steel drums and smoke weed all day.

Care to tell us about your accomplishments, user?

Doesn't change much.

Kek. Well, I'm glad you feel that way.

well I'm not a reddit meme science man for starters.

they said acomplishment

I fucked your mom with my BIG WHITE COCK

When you think about how fat and ugly she is that's quite an accomplishment

You're right, a bachelor's in physics from Harvard and a masters and PhD in astrophysics from Columbia and a postdoctoral at Princeton doesn't really mean much.

Hey that's really interesting, tell us more about your life

I'm not saying the guy's not smart, He just annoying and kind of a pretentious nigger.

Why should I care about a nigger's CV? I ain't hiring any.

Well, in that case, I kinda agree.

So I gathered he's saying the current broad racial groupings are too crude and that we'd do better with a society based on the real intelligence of subgroups regardless of race? And that racial realism is a screen for just being racist? Tbh, that really did make me reexamine a few viewpoints I hold. Especially regression to the mean. Though I still think common heritage and culture plays an important part. Not to mention the gap is still there and we're certainly not generally screening for smarts. Then again I'm not white and so have no special interest in believing whites are superior, so maybe I've been viewing the term racial realism differently.

When they're raised right they're still dumber on average. Upbringing helps, but only by 3 to 5 IQ points. Black culture is fucked up, but it's more likely that it's a reflection of low IQ than the primary cause.


Why does this shit bait have over 80 replies?

Checked. Because this is Holla Forums so shit bait is supposed to get the most replies.

pissing in an ocean of piss.

It's a shame really, you obviously have enough self awareness to recognise that niggers are garbage and that immediately puts you above the majority of nigs. If you were in Africa not only could you help your less intelligent people, you also wouldn't have to feel inferior.

Multiculturalism is terrible for every race.


Mein nigger. I too am also nigger. De-nigger yourself by stepping away from the self destructive culture that is black culture. Realize you have agency and that there isn't some grand conspiracy to keep us niggers down. When you realize this you're already on the way to bettering yourself. I have a white waifu irl and she laughs because she sees herself more than black than I. Hearkening back to my younger days I refer to myself as a wee lad and this just tickles her but i digress. Adhere to the first things I said then welcome aboard my guy.

This worked for me except I'm a spic and still a virgin
If the de niggerization is too strong for you just channel your autism to autistic hobbies like vidya or animu, though you'll have to drop them once you're used to not chimping out on a weekly basis I'm still a huge weeb by choice

The majority are from one solitary nihilistfag who read a couple of Kierkegaard quotes and thinks he's ascended to a higher echelon of profound knowledge.

Many others are from OP.

MJ did it; just fake vitiligo, get skin bleach and wear a wig

my proof of not being the kierkegaard nihilist goyim. though ill say i am enjoying the meditations of marcus aurelius. kierkegaard i havent even touched yet. im not op either though he didnt even post proof so i get if you doubt im not op.

the fuck are you doing?

Eh. It's what I wear to work. My wardrobe consists of steel toe boots and cargo pants.

Get a legally obtained gun and the confederate flag. Wear a MAGA hat. Not only will you piss off niggers, People will not consider you a run-of-the-mill nigger when they talk to you.
Also find a white hobby, fishing, computer electronics, chess, skiing, non-sport vidya, occultism, model tanks and airplanes, hokey and range shooting all works. Learn how to swim and lose the nigger dialect.

Niggers have an average IQ of 70

I've noticed that nogs like to wear those timberlands work boots, but uh… I never see them working. Why dont they just stick to jordans instead of trying to pretend to work

Just better yourself and those around you.

Don't sulk in anger and sadness because of the state of your people, better them.

What is today called "black culture" is nothing but irreverent consumerism, and base instinct. This is not some inherit quality of being black, but rather a mode of being exhibited by the majority of blacks. Today you have nearly all of human knowledge at your fingertips, use it. While you yourself (much like everyone else) is unlikely to make a groundbreaking contribution to their people, and in turn the world we can better all of our posterity through consistent action in the present.

Hating your own people simply for their race is disgusting cuckold behavior, instead hate them for being stupid, having low impulse control, and generally behaving like apes. Then use this anger to better future blacks.

Although it may seem beneficial to race mix - you gain some immediate benefits to your child's appearance, social standing, and intelligence, and you get to dick qts it, race mixing will also make your child incompatible with just about anyone for many medical procedures, and in one short generation you will have done nearly all you can to killing off your own people while simultaneously cutting your child off from any tradition whatsoever, robbing them of any place in the world - a bastard with no gods, and no true community. Not only will you being ruining your child's life, and the lives of all your successors, but the intimidate effects are off putting as well - your wife (if she even would want to marry) will see you at best as an accessory to signal her virtue, or some sort of ethnically masochistic fetish object. Your relationship will be devoid of love very quickly if it was indeed ever their, as your natural tendencies will be incompatible.

Remember there are others like you, even if they are few and far between, and you cannot see them. Think on the situation of this image board - if there we had contact with our fellows in real life would we be here? And yet even though we may never see our fellows with our own eyes we are still together fighting a nonsensical war of memes with the help of a chaos god. You may very well never find a compatible mate, nor even a friend of your own kind with similar convection, but if you fail you will at least have the consolation that you died fighting for your the betterment of not just yourself but your people.

Become a republican and start making anti-nigger videos on Jewtube. You'll still be a nigger but at least you will have whites on your side who respect you.

Tbh I don't get it either. Why wear the work boots if you're not even putting in the 9-5. I got a warehouse job so Dexter steel toe boots are the only thing I wear since all my jobs have been strictly warehouse. I get what you mean though. It's like when I see some of them with belts on yet somehow still their pants sag.

Nigs were raised in the south with no culture of their own, so they created one which subsisted of how poor and uneducated they were.
Then a couple generations later black parents raised their kids the way their parents raised them and the cycle continues.

That's why a lot of black people don't know how to swim. They were never taught by their parents. It wasn't that long ago slavery and segregation was abolished.

You have to set the standard for your fellow negroes, or at least your children. Whether or not they escape their cycles of guilt is unforeseen.

I essentially tell my mom the same thing as to how we can actually succeed and stop being shit citizens in the land but it always devolves to her questioning if I know im black and telling me that issues that other black people deal with are mine as well. Which is all bullshit. I don't think anything can fix the problem. Not unless people come out on tv and tell them to pic themselves up and stop blaming everyone for their problems. I remember watching Dave Chapelle joke about it telling us to stop blaming our problems on the white man which was going good till he made it all shit by saying we gotta go out and learn how to playbasketball and dance since we're trapped. Telling us we're trapped is just gonna put so many people into the mindset of no matter what they do theyll always be down in life. It's kinda why I am ok with how trump does have a group of people boasting of our european values because theyre the best we've got currently. All the bitching about white people is basically just other races that didn't do what they did first and now theyre pissy that another people beat them to the punch and is in history as getting the most shit done. And this is abit weird but I am becoming abit extreme in terms of how I think and talk to other black people because of how extreme some of us have gotten to where there is a borderline black supremacy movement openly displayed. Plus I don't jive to well with other black people once we start talking about oppression and the whole marginalization bullshit.

But niggers



There are blacks (the not chimp sjw types, pretty cool people) but there are also niggers (the sjw, whores, criminals, etc).

The niggers should be made extinct so that the non-chimp blacks can breed together without niggeryfying their genes. (Racemixing is out of the question)

Become pic related


is shopenhauer nihilist?

skin bleaching only works on caucasians and Asians.
being black isn't just about skin color, its also about facial features.
doesn't matter how pawerful your bleaching cream is, you'll look like a bleach nigger.

the guy had multiple surgery on his nose, chin, and lips to remove his facial features.

this is what a bleach nigger looks like

dat inferiority complex.

you can't
once a nog, always a nog
t. nog-related things knower

Is it me, or does skin usually look a little off after a person bleaches it? Maybe her lipstick is hiding strange looking skin.
I know in one show, from France or Canada, if I remember correctly, two families, one white, one mulatto with mostly negroid genes, were given makeovers in order to drastically change there appearance. The white family became darker (I did not see the results, they were probably given wigs too), and the mulatto family became lighter and wore wigs. The mulatto father looked strange, but had always looked strange; he seemed to be entertained by this event. The mulatto daughter looked almost completely white, suggesting she has inherited most her genes from her white ancestry. She wore a ginger wig and had ginger eyebrows, and if you see the look on her face, she was very shocked. You can guess she probably loved her new appearance; she loved being white. As much as she seemed to like this newound beauty, I think she may have hidden how much she loved it. The mother seemed to be pleased with her new appearance, but she looked like she did not to care too much for it, and she appeared slightly agitated.
From what I have heard, the white family ended up looking like one of the north Africans, or like some Indian people.

Also, the mother mostly had Nergoid genes.

are u kiddin?
being black has never been something bad.
you're being accepted by society.
this place is full of racists.. why do you even come here?

its not just you, but thats not actually caused only by bleach.
they also use sunscreen and avoid the sun. they look like vampire who never saw daylight
also their skin is simply different. thicker.
white people aren't exactly white, they're pinkish/orange.
while bleachers end up with white skin which is unnatural.

there is also the high contrast effect, the darker your original skin color is the more contrast you'll have.
some products work faster than others, but fast isn't necessary a good thing. the skin will not be even.

the chans were not like this before we got infiltrated by stormfront feds and their useful idiots.
we need to purge our ranks and reclaim our culture.

also OP stop being an insecurefag if you are black.

All this shit about nature vs nurture. You think it hasn't been covered by everyone? By adulthood, those differences nearly disappear.

Then abused people in a white society would also get stucc in a cycle of low IQ and high violence. I'm sure you can find an example where their IQs are also averaging around retardation.

That wasn't in the interview.

Go get the audio of it and listen to it while you are working on something else (that doesn't involve reading)

I'm old fashioned. I believe there is a difference between a blacc person and a nigger. It's a cultural thing. Do you act like a fuccing chimp? No? Then there's no problem. Just make sure to stay with your kid if you knocc a girl up because 70% fatherless rate is pathetic and makes the other races look down on yours.

Despite being a massive racist, I still agree with
They may not be as smart but if thet're decent people I don't mind them since I don't have any daughters

I see blacc people.

One way would be to stop fantasizing and go bacc to Holla Forums

Wear a white sheet.



they did measure the IQ of all the nazis judged after ww2 and they had IQs varying from "well above average" to "minor genius". But take that as you wish since IQ doesn't mean much

Is nigger cum blacc?

Only Marxism Leninism can make you become a super human, a Soviet Man


Can't hear you over the sound of superior man marching down the Red Square, saluting their genuise and wise leader and comrade, Josef Vissarionovich Stalin!

but those are ww2 germans
the hitler youth

commie BTFO'd

Get the fucc out commie, your "new man" bullshit has been disproved. Your stupid ass economic system has been disproved. You are a sad autistic fuccwit that everyone is laughing at

See, that's the problem.
The fact that you want to de-nigger yourself.
What's wrong with being a nigger?
You know the true problem that niggers and all other shitskins have?
That they want to be white.
Stop wanting to be what you fuccing aren't, stop going after white women, stop going to white countries.
Sticc to your own race, your own country, your own culture, be a fuccing revolutionary in your own birthplace or ancestral home or whatever the fucc else.

Be a proud nigger, a nigger that is a fuccing nigger, that works for his niggers that push his nigger culture in his nigger country.
And I'm not talking about making wells in the fuccing desert or doing charity, fucc that sound.
Go to fuccing Africa, start a revolution, a real one, become leader and steer everything the right way.
This applies for everyone, jews, turks and all the rest of the vermin races of the world.
You want to be better?
Fuccing steer your race the right direction.
You can't seriously believe that washing your teeth, cleaning your hands and donating twenty buccs a year for charity will wash away the sins of your race.

Fuccing be yourself, stop relying on white people for everything, sacrifice yourself for a higher purpose otherwise you'll remain forever enslaved by your own mortal body.

Thanks for your reply. It was an interesting read.

Is it the dark skin genes that make the skin thiccer? or is the thiccness separate?

Light Asians are not exactly white too, but with less redness (aside from cheeks in some) and a hint of yellowness due to the deeper blood vessels, I heard.

What skin condition to you have? And what product(s) do you use?

I find nothing wrong with a "nigger being a nigger", but it is a bit different for those that are mixed.
A lot want this, but not all. Many of the clothes, and architecture (among other things) used world wide are Western, but aside from that, there are some people that want to distance, or are distanced from the West. Hopefully, it will happen (probably subconsiously) so they evolve naturally, not with lowering there current tech-tier though.


interesting topic

So offing oneself is the path for nigger redemption?