Speaking loudly



How do I stop being an autist that can't control his voice

Use fewer words. Not only will you overcome the initial problem, but sound wiser, you will.

couldn't be more right

practice in with a mirror, if you don't have one then fill a bowl with water :)

I pretty much don't talk though

(not me)
No. Think. user.
Bigger words usually mean more than smaller words, that's why not everyone uses big words frequently. Unless you know it's pointless, talk. And unless you're yelling most of the time, you don't have autism.

peaople need to hear me
they deserve it
busy guy
like the sidewalk?
don't you ask for diretions?
I do this tho


Why do I do all there things?

I'm on to you bois


Hot boy zone! This is the hot boy zone. Hot boys only!


just lurk irl fam

Dont talk like Yoda though


cuck spotted


Did she heil back at you?

well, if she didn't she wouldn't be my crush now would she?

you lucky bastard

