Helping my friend learn linux system admin from prison

Hey Holla Forums

So I've got this idea chat you might find interesting... basically, I'd like to help my friend who was just sentenced to two years in prison make use of his time by learning a good skill: linux server administration.

Here's my idea: I dedicate an extra computer I have to be my friend's server. He would install it through snail mail using me as a proxy to actually input the commands into the server. I would start by asking him all the questions that are asked during the installation of Ubuntu server, and provide him a list of commonly used commands along with their functions. At this point, he could input commands by sending me letters with what he wants me to do, line by line. There will be minimal hand-holding/interference on my part, this way he can learn on his own.

Is there anything I'm missing here? I know it will be a very slow process, but he's got nothing but time on his hands and he's very interested in learning. Let me know your thoughts/opinions.


Why he in fail? Why didn't kill the witness?

Nice idea

He was arrested stealing cars. No witnesses, just got caught red-handed on his third auto theft charge.

Sounds like you've got more time than he does.

Your friend sounds like a fucking nigger

The opposite actually. He's a white meth head who got involved with some people from the Aryan Brotherhood who used him as a crash test dummy essentially. He's trying to go legit though, which is why I think helping him learn a practical skill like sysadmin stuff would be beneficial.

This, you should automate the process somehow. Like parse the mail using OCR and input that shit automatically.

Fuck off degenerate

He's still a nigger.


I thought he got jail for CP or NSA

If that's how you feel about it. If you had been the places I've been and seen the things I've seen you wouldn't be so quick to judge. But I understand you don't get out much so I forgive you.

This is a badass idea, I have no clue where to even start though, can you explain what the process would be?


Good luck getting a job with a record as a crackhead car thief.


One man's crackhead is another man's Cripplekike.

What are restrictions on teh mail?

Not sure yet. Honestly, this thing may be dead in the water if they interpret the computer commands as coded messages. Why do you ask?

Is it paper only? Or email? How long does it take to send/receive?

If the process is too slow, it might be better to settle just with reading books. Otherwise it shouldn't be too complicated to set up an email server that pipes received emails into a vm and sends resulting output back.

OCR is not accurate enough for that, especially because the commands are not correctly spelled English words.

Paper only, 3 days process time for the mail. I could potentially use the phone occasionally too, but it would have to be a minimum amount because it's expensive. And I would send him books but they don't let you do that.

Another idea my gonna try that's less productive and more fun is setting up a text-based game for him to play. I think he'd enjoy that too.

Is there a limit to the letter length? Doing multiple things simultaneously is a good idea when letters can't be very frequent.

What? He can't get a book that would serve towards his education/rehabilitation? What sort of totalitarian state does that? Or is it just that you can't send it, but he can get it?

Niggers can't use computers the OP is wasting his time

My admin skillz came from reading books at my Uni library like this one.

An idea could be to find books like this that you can follow, and post them, maybe.

I'm guessing that Jail tech ed courses, if there is one, won't deviate from the Winders Apps shit.

Texas does not care about rehabilitation.

You can smuggle in a usb stick full of memes in a cutaway in the spine of a book.

Dont they let people read books in prison? And dont some prisons offer education to inmates?


Texas' idea of rehabilitation is minimizing the time before you're back in their "care."

So basically he waits 3 days to receive a letter from you and write back to you so you can enter an answer on a prompt and he waits another 3 days to input something for another prompt. This is going to fail