I just resetted from a blue screen crash

I just resetted from a blue screen crash.

Golly gosh! Are you OK?

install gentoo

I am fine, it's the computer that I am worried about.

What os do you have?

A 7 year old Windows 7. To be honest I am surprised it lasted this long. I even still can run pre 2010s games at 90 FPS. I'm transferring all my HD to pendrives as we speak.

Thankfully all those gigabytes of Vietnamese cartoons, reaction images & torrented pornography will be saved from a fatal computer crash! Praise Kek!

Why don't you have multiple hard drives installed?

120 minutes left for complete transfer.
I am in suspense.

Reminds me I have to buy a hard drive too. Last time my hard drive failed I lost half my stuff.

Fingers crossed, user.

Well fuck..your faggy ass is back




I wanna fuck that anime girl



So did you recover it?

Computer trying to tell you your anime shit is out of control and you need to stop.
