Does anyone else feel like public schooling needs a complete, top to bottom revamp...

Does anyone else feel like public schooling needs a complete, top to bottom revamp ? The whole kindergarten to graduation system I believe there could be so much potential. I feel the purpose of going to grade school is learning how to learn essentially. It's important that kids learn mathematics, science and the such, but what's also important is that kids learn how to grow a garden, how to make wholesome healthy meals, how to take care of their bodies, children, how to change a car tire, how to shoot a gun, discipline, taxes, life advice, i feel like a big change in the public schooling sector could be the introduction to a ton or more work placements. Have teens introduced, study, and observe everything from carpentry, IT, health to graphic design, to policing, that they can learn about all the fields and make a more educated and smart choice about a route for secondary education instead of hoping that by taking this program that they'll enjoy it and have a good career, and get shafted by the government when they decide it's not for them. There's such an opportunity to grow a non degenerate society along with this aswell. What do you guys think? How could the public schooling sector change?

Also, what do you guys think of mandatory government service for 2 years where you're trained thoroughly in first aid, gun safety, military tactics, possibly even go to war for your country with the bonus of free education. Government service meaning from military, to charity events, etc. How could we make the American schooling system great again?

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What you're suggesting could only be implemented with an academia revamp, which would first require a purge of Marxist ideology from schools. One step at a time, brother.


Here in America the Prussian education model was forced on the whole population. It was designed to make people into over socialized, meat puppets by extending childhood. It's turned this country into sadistic, fat, football worshipers. The people behind the K-12 program are demons and traitors. All of America's problems can be traced back to them.

Also now the lefties have infected the system, and are using it to their advantage.

We need to abolish public education. All the studies show homeschooling is better. Children need to be taught the Trivium.

Guess you're right. That's where liberal indoctrination begins so I think it should be a priority as soon as zog is removed.

Not a slide thought it would be a good discussion

Mollymeme has done some great presentations on this.

The western world is defnitley being left behind when you look at Asian countries.

Imagine if we had a school system that was from 9 to 9.

I swear the marginally higher IQ's of Asians is because of this

You're probably right. I'd like to see a study of white people born in China vs Chinese born in china

It's about who controls the school system. The point of our system is to socialize, not to give skills. It's there for obedience training before anything.

Being a statist bootlicker, and locking up kids in govt propaganda mills their whole life is the wrong answer. The problem is that football is the most important subject in America. People have been infantalized by the Prussian system.

What exactly does this entail? Am retarded, sorry.

This whould be very interesting to see, lets see if we can dig somethings related for the thread?

I understand sport, competed at very high levels, but I can't understand how it predominates peoples mind like it does.

Replace shitty elementary school PE where you do nothing but play badminton and soccer with Boy Scout level stuff (hiking, first aid, wilderness survival, etc)

Introduce computer science earlier so we don't have all the fucking Pajeets coming in on H1Bs taking all our tech jobs

Begin grading motivation and performance separately in order to better identify why and how students are underperforming and the best steps to remedy it

From the article posted,

A strategy was devised in which the Prussian government would set up a forced government educational system which would turn out well disciplined students who would follow orders without questioning authority. To accomplish this feat, the goal of educating children became a national priority permeated with strategies adapted to turn out a national work force rather then an educated citizenry. Every step in the education process was calculated to offer authority figures the least amount of trouble and consequently train a well disciplined albeit docile citizen.

Mandatory kindergarten was necessary because it served to break the influence of the mother over the child thus making the child more responsive to government influence.

In 1852, with the support of Horace Mann, another strong advocate of the Prussian model, Everett made the decision to adopt the Prussian system of education in Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the children and poor Irish Catholics of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the system produced a willing, cheap labor force with minimal reading and numbers skills. The Everetts of the world understood that people who could read and understand are dangerous because they are intellectually equipped to find out things for themselves, thus becoming a threat to already established power elites.

Working against the concepts and principles the Founding Fathers provided in the Constitution, the Prussian system has produced a gradual but statistically provable decline in literacy and intellectual capability of typical Americans. We can track the five different stages that American education has gone through: 1750-1852—The idea of government controlled schools was conceived; 1852-1900—It was politically debated in state legislatures; 1900-1920—We had government controlled industrialized factory modeled schooling; 1920-1960—Schools changed from being academically focused to becoming socialized; and 1960 to the Present—Schools became psychological experimental labs.

This. The inflatable ball worship is pure autism.

It's common for homeschoolers to finish the curriculum at around 14. The public school drags out your childhood phase, via high school, to infantalize you.

Holy shit I tought dystopian government control only became a thing after the first world war, apparently it has been practiced even before the kikes controlled the west

Oh, I can already see this as a good start. Not.

Sounds familiar…

Maybe that was why I subconsciously stopped basketball in tenth grade. My dad wanted me to be active (which is great) but for whatever reason I couldn't understand why I didn't want to play this sport anymore. It just didn't appeal to me and all of these people asking me "Why aren't you playing?" or saying "You're tall! You should play!" just pissed me off. Motherfucker, I don't want to play it for you.

Yes, it does. Actual algebra and discrete math should be taught younger. English is tough to reform since young shits aren't going to fully appreciate literature without wisdom of the world. Theory of knowledge is imperative to laying the foundations for knowing and not being an uninformed cunt, read blue pilled. History itself is a given on what needs to happen. Also tighten standards, if niggers can't write a cohesive essay by graduation then they don't deserve jobs or government hand outs to go to college. College needs that administration bloat taken out as well as subsets of sociology as majors, no more specific majors actually. Like bachelor's in accounting, give me a fucking break, teach a bitch fam, that shit is certification or on the job training.

I'm going to take a look

Holy shit, are we essentially defects of the Prussian education model?

Public education has been blacked, whites need to advocate the abolition of taxpayer-funded education and use the savings for private and homeschooling.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's working as intended.

This reminds me of GATE for some reason.

Yes, but not just reforming. The whole concept of what is a school or what should it teach must be re-evaluated.
Today's standards and guidelines of what is a school have been perverted enormously.

The Ultimate History Lesson

It tells the history of Western Educational system.

If you find a strand connecting the people behind the Prussian model to any of the groups they talk about in those threads before the shills show up then you might be on to something


I've heard form many teachers to teach the Trivium. Logic is what's withheld from students in the Prussian model. They're taught to feel, not to think.

Students should be divided into classes which increase their talents.
For example: Billy is really good at math and is interested in astronauts, then we should be teaching him physics and mathematics.
Also there needs to be seperate classes for higher or lower levels of performance.

But this would only work if we were living in a 100% White society.

And what you said in

I feel like on Holla Forums we question everything that effects us on a societal level. This system was set up by zog, and most of us opppse zog and fight it. By saying we're defects I mean that we're the opposite of what was intended to be churned out by the government

I've heard good things about Siegfried Engelmann - Theory of Instruction Principles and Applications as far as educational models go but don't have much first-hand knowledge on it myself

The Romans taught the plebs Roman numerals to make complex mathematics impossible. It was then easy to swindle them at the bargaining table.


Agreed. StateEd only serves to indoctrinate people, and alienate them from tradition.

We have to go back to mentorship.

Feels weird man. You know society is fucked when Holla Forums who basically want a degeneracy free society, good women and families and careers are underground, on the "deep web" and the norm is going out on weekends and getting slammed and having sex with whores.

I wonder how many of our racial stereotypes are actually us unknowingly commenting on these intentionally poorly taught people?

If you send your children to State ran schools you're fucking stupid and harming your children's future.

It will literally never happen until it crashes, the leftist teacher unions are completely entrenched. Also, leftists keep people ignorant by design, so from a leftist's perspective the system right now is fucking fantastic.

As someone who got entirely fucked by the public schooling system I can firmly say, yes.


Because the ones who drift through the system without friction at school act like adult babies in college and beyond.

Just no public schooling will do the job.

We all did user, we all did.


The last thing the elite want is a generation of polymaths. The wider ones knowledge is, the more likely they are to realize they are being exploited by the system.

That's why they want people to go through schooling and come out being experts in one highly specialized subject, but idiots at everything else.

In other words, they want a drone that will do his one job on the conveyor belt line, without understanding anything why he does it, or anything about the wider system around him.

The current education is set up deliberately for this purpose. Luckily most people here learned at a young age their real education would occur outside of their schooling.

Jesus dude this fucking system went to shit decades ago. Where have you been?

I agree with this fellow:

The government controlling education is not an expressed power in the Constitution. There should be no department of education. Education should be a private affair. There should be no private schools, no standardization, no standardized testing, none of that.

Without public schools, education will necessarily become a private affair. Instead of having to pay the government to provide us with inferior schools, we would use the money we would otherwise be paying in the form of taxes as the money we directly give to a private school. With everyone going to private schools, necessarily schools will be in intense competition to earn your decision, and prices will remain low. There will be a great variety of schools too, technical, classical, Christian, whatever you want.

However, given that taxes are taken out of our paycheck and that they do go to a public education system and that this is what the majority of people go through, socially, it is important for a child to experience it, if only to have the experience that will allow them to speak out against the public education system, intelligently speak of its ills as a primary witness, and learn how to deal with the stupidity of their peers.

I will send my children through public schools, in short. But you better bet I'm going to have that rest on a bedrock of a good education at home too.

Hey retard, read some philosophy, education paid for and established by the state is NEVER a good idea.

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

I taught English at a hagwon (cram school) in Worst Korea. Their school system is brutal. If you count hagwons, which aren't mandatory but the majority of kids do them, then 9 to 9 is about right, with homework after that.

The results are… not bad. They learn more stuff, and sooner than Americans do, especially math. But their system is even more of a soul-crushing conformity factory than ours. Is it worth it? I don't think so.

They're a little better educated than we are, but so what - if you're not an idiot you can self-educate in whatever subject you find you need, and if you are an idiot, no amount of education can change that. Also, the top American students that I went to school with when I was a kid compare pretty well against the top Korean kids I saw.

As for the down side, it's expensive, and it's really hard on the kids. They're always sleeping in class, and it's pretty accepted that they're going to. A lot of kids decide it's not for them in high school and basically drop out, spending all their time in PC rooms, smoking and playing vidya. Cheating is much more accepted than in the US; it's kind of a white lie thing. One of the teachers at my school was taking a university English course - she had an online test after class one day, and all the staff, including me and the other native English speaker, gathered around and helped her with it, and nobody thought it was unethical at all. Worst of all is the "socialization" aspect of it. It "institutionalizes" the kids, like Brooks from the Shawshank Redemption, teaching them conformity and unquestioned obedience to authority. It's got all the flaws of our Prussian system, but turned way up.

The reason why Asian schooling systems are like that is China's history of bureaucrat schools. The tl;dr is the only way for a peasant to have a chance at not being a peasant then, and arguably today, was to get perfect scores on what were basically pure memorization tests. Those who could memorize the best became imperial bureaucrats and the rest blamed themselves for not being able to recite Confucius on demand.

Whether the Chinese knew what they were doing or it developed completely by accident, those exams were a very good pacifying force for people who could be a problem, smart poor people.

It also explains the Chinese ability to cheat without moral qualms which bleeds into every aspect of society.

Why. Why even trying?

not an argument

This take a look at that teacher's union protest that happened in Strongsville Ohio and couple years back. There was a teacher ramming substitute teachers off of the road to keep them from teaching the kids. The teachers union fought for him to keep his gym teaching job after that and he is still teaching children in Strongsville. There is plenty of of terrible shit from that protest too.

With the
school is both redundant and degenerate.

Same goes for you and your Luther, Shlomo.
Luther was a tool.

Yes education is shit. ZOG's goal is to brainwash us and keep us stupid and dependent. Public school is behavior modification and conditioning. There's so much wasted potential and so much practical stuff kids could be learning during those years.

(((leftists))) not that they aren't but you know.

Why would any jewish person like Luther?

pretty much my earliest red pill was public education