Post 10/10 movies from the 80s, no fucking action movie shlock

Post 10/10 movies from the 80s, no fucking action movie shlock.

Wings of Desire (Wenders, 1987)

Walter Hill's most underrated kino and that's saying a lot.

I tried watching that movie, it was progressive propaganda, not even Marxist propaganda which I can stand, just progressive, the cinematography is good and the themes are also good, but once I saw another muslim woman and heard "MUH HOLCAUST" for the 15th time I dropped it.

You're an idiot.

No I'm a bigot.
There's a difference.


Good thing I've got action Kino.
"The brutality and low acting skills are unfortunateā€¦ But as a vision of the future and the relation between man and his destiny, the film is pushing the frontier of cinema as an art." - t. Anderi Tarkovsky

Easily most underrated OST



I haven't watched it in a few years, what was kino about it.

Falling Down came out in '93

Not the poster, but this scene is great.

I love this one too.

The only thing that would really age this movie is the soundtrack, and funnily enough a somewhat recent revival of synthwave fixes the problem.


she looks hot. I'll check this movie out.

Higher resolution.

In other words, 100% of the technical merit of the movie sucks.

Jewlywood can't be kino.

