How to smoke hash

i got a brick of hash. i dont mean a kilo, i mean a rock hard piece of dirt hash.
im going over the girls this weekend and i dont wanna bring my bong, and i dont have any actual weed to roll up a hash joint with. dont do spliffs.

is there any good way i can smoke this shit?

Other urls found in this thread: to smoke hash to roll a hash joint

eat it you feckless dreg

is that a brakepad? you don't want to smoke that, op. oral or suppository and even then, you'll just fart asbestos fumes at the morgue.

Nigger-Tier: Put it in a bowl with a screen over top of bud or a bed of ash- hold the lighter far enough away from the hash so that it boils, rather than burning.

Human-Tier: Buy an oil rig and a blowtorch. Heat the nail on the rig with the torch and then, using a metal rod, place a tiny ball of hash into the hot nail and inhale the vapor- keep the ball of hash moving in the nail by pushing it with the rod so it vaporizes completely.

That stuff doesn't really do much without some weed to go with it

Heat it so it melts and mix it with tobacco in a joint

why haven't you bought hash pills? to smoke hash

Shove it up your butt, dummy!

It's the only way to do it.

1) start a small fire in your room
2) allow it to burn down to coals
3) place the entire brick on top of said embers
4) meditate on your favorite color and why
5) remove the brick from the heat when it has started to brown
6) return it to your dealer and explain that it was broken

light it on fire you fucking retard

you mix it with tobacco without nicotine in it, put the tobacco in a pot and heat the nicotine out of it while shaking and mixing the pot frequently, youtube how to roll a joint, and use our danish people's way. trust me we know what we are doing.

1 = put your tobacco in a pot, heat the tobacco on medium and shake it rabidly, mix the tobacco. do this till you think your done :-) and until there are no more nicotine in it.
2 = take your hash and make it to tiny bits of small balls (kek), like crumbs
3 = take a little bit of the crumbs (0.5 - 1g) and mix it with the amount of 1 - 2 cigarets of tobacco.
4 = use a pre-rolled cone and put your "mix" into the cone using a folded printer paper/postcard, then make a nuke top (like in the video i shared)
5 = light the edges off using a ligther, and pull the top off (when the edges are burned) then hold it vertical, and light it while smoking it easily
6 = smoke it, and enjoy it

Cheers æøå

If you don't want to use a pot then just:
1 = lick the end of the cigerat, and heat it with a lighter moving the cigerat fastly/rabidly forward and back, keep this motion going till smoke comes, then blow the smoke
2 = repeat step 1 till the cigerat is either black or close to black or no smoke is coming out of the cigerat
3 = you can also hear when the cigerat is done, when it sounds cracky when you touch it with your fingertips and gives it a little press it. some just prefer it to be black or no smoke coming out of it, but press it and it will be fine for you.

Hash is so shit sell it and save up for a gram of actual weed.

Hash is legit, its just because this faggot don't know how to roll a dane

I agree with
That looks like industrial additives tier hash i'd just fucking sell it to some high school dweebs and maybe buy some top quality gooey stuff or just get some green.

Lold at work, explained cooworker, did not understand. Lold again

Don't listen to any of these fags or you'll just ruin your brick or inhale plastics and shit.

Okay, so you don't do spliffs, you don't want to bring your bong and basically you're a stingy piece of shit garbage human being. Am I correct?

Okay, here we go:
Step 3. You are taking fucking drugs, not making a five course gourmet dinner. Yeah I guess even pieces of shit garbage like you have standards these days but come on. What you're saying is basically "I have this car and a place to go but I don't want to bring the keys." to roll a hash joint

fuck off communist

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Do not reply to Danish posters

please explain

source on that smoking elf?

i did




just brake of a small piece and crumble. if it wont crumble then just warm it up roll it in a little snake coil and this makes enuff surface area to get a proper hit. once its lit your good cup the bowl and take small draws to concentrate the smoke more. I smoke hash only! very convient to take out and get ripped.Never mix with tabacoo anymore but used to pack my cigs tight and top em off with crumbled hash. the only reason tabaco works is that it allows the hash (oil) to get to temp and actually burn.

enjoy the nice high from solventless concetrates!!!!
