I have a suicidal SJW messaging me on Skype asking for easy ways to kill herself from home

I have a suicidal SJW messaging me on Skype asking for easy ways to kill herself from home

I've never needed anything from Holla Forums before, but give me as many methods as you can.

Pic unrelated

Mix bleach and ammonia then breath in the fumes

If she's a typical SJW she could start whining about the patriarchy and see if she can bore herself to death

tell her she can die by choking on your cock.

also post pics of her or gtfo


post screencaps of the conversation

Just tell her to come here and shitpost her life away. Tab between this and online games and tumblr. Guilt parents for food and living space. Just wait. Its the most painless way to go.


helium tank. breathe in the helium. they sell them at target/wallmart. painless and fairly quick, also cheap.

They started mixing those tanks with other gases so you can't do that anymore

aww bummer. now i'm monitoring the thread at least…

some relevant bits, it's mostly inane bullshit about how her boyfriend left her

Fuck off, tell the cunt to stop being a whiny bitch and at least take people she hates with her.

She's a leftist, anyone she takes out will be on our side



guess i should kill myself

suggest methods

Give her the helium tank method. It's easy and incredibly painless. It'll be just enough to push her over the edge.

Fuck off faggot. :'-(

Helium tanks contain oxygen to prevent exit bags

Bleach the toilet then piss in it. Then quickly stck your head into the bowl. Breathe in deeply…

Need some sodium hydroxide in there otherwise there's not enough free ammonia

M8, do you have the tism?

Do I have the tism?

never met the chick, she's in a different country

You're one cold mother fucker OP, I respect that.


At the risk of sounding like a leftist cuck, if she wants to do something to her body, it's her body she's ruining, so why would I stop her?


I'm applauding OP for not being a cuck and trying to deter his from her attention seeking bullshit. He shouldn't stop her.


don't care, they can't sue me for shit because I'm in the red, can't get me arrested because different country, and I go by fake details and public wifi networks so anything the media pulls out their backsides won't have my name on it until a while after the event, at which point nobody will care

Then convince her to do the helium thing, it's painless and she'll be less likely to back out.


Nice one, OP

UPDATE: She refuses to do it until her cat dies. Waste of my fucking time.

Tell her you will take care of the cat

Is she hot? The girl, not the cat.

Fuck the girl, is the cat hot?


Why not try to dick her provided she's not ugly? The cat, not the girl

attention whore she is

Can't, different country

No idea, I'm a filthy faggot

Would be, if she didn't have the herp

Still a faggot


You don't actually have to take care of the cat. Just say you will. Say you'll get a plane ticket or smth.


I'm going to her state in a couple months, so this could work


Just say you will already.

so everyone is just going to ignore the bloody noose hanging over your body?

Choke her with your dick

The old fashioned ways OP

this will kill you folks

work a job that doesn't satisfy her emotionally or spiritual for many years.

Actually, libertarianism is often associated with the right. It's the 'socialist' assholes who guilt trip you into becoming a sheep.


She said the cat has herpes, I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole.

op is such a cringeworthy retard
It's sadly too much to hope for that either of them actually killed themselves

how is this video still up? kek

can't see you doing any better, buddy

Nitrogen still works, and also very easy to get

Wouldn't that just make her dead inside?

How has no one suggested suicide by cop yet? It's perfect for a lefty.

this. Tell her to go all antitrump and shoot at some cops. she gets to die a martyr against a tyrant and gets to bite the big dick in the sky

Nah. All she has to do is go for a drive with a convincing looking toy gun, find a cop, and start weaving in and out if traffic in clear view of him. Then all that she has to do is get stopped and pull the weapon out. They're trained to empty a whole clip into the centre of mass, so your friend will more than likely die.

Why do we not have nudes of her yet?
Op, get her nudes. Give them to us.

she just wanted attention from a betafaggot and you happened to be there, o glorious cuck

thats the point. OP needs that suicidal bitch to do this - she wont even know

cuz he wrote "works better with water ice"

The original way was jumping from a one story building

Tell her to join her friends playing in traffic.

OP, she's down, she's weak; now is the perfect time to introduce her to the glories of white nationalism.

Start off with the gentle stuff, the easy stuff: talk to her about Islam and Sharia law, and how women are stoned to death for infidelity, and gays are thrown off buildings. Appease to her humanistic side. Once she agrees with you about Muslims talk about what's happening in Europe, then bring up how these Socialist policies are allowing Muslim criminals to get away with rape and murder, then start talking about how awful socialism is, expanding from your initial point. Then make a comparison to America, and how it's possible for people to get charged with rape. Then bring up the Mexican bogeyman, and how there are all of these illegal immigrant felons. Then talk about how stupid Gary Johnson is for sperging out about the word illegal being used, make it into a funny thing. Then keep talking about all of Gary's idiotic antics, while speckling in mockings of his actual policies, because despite being on the Libertarian ticket, all of his policies were very liberal, but don't bring that up until you've covered all of his views, then say something about how dumb he is because the libertarian platform is actually small government, low taxes, and all of that.


What the actual fuck, OP?

Additionally link her to BBC stories about the heroin epidemic coming from mexico

And how all that money is funding narco tanks in mexico. That an open border is BAD FOR MEXICO, not just the US. That these narcos are getting so rich from US dosh they can make goddamn TANKS.

The mexican government cannot fight the cartels until they are de-funded. The wall will help.


How can people do that?!

Deserved it

This should kill you, and if it doesn't it will leave you permanently crippled/'tarded, which might not suit your purposes but would be kind of funny for everyone else, especially when the vid is uploaded. The altitude of 100 feet is chosen as it's more likely to leave the costumed corpse intact, making this funnier when it gets reported on the news.

They pull a pin mechanism that ejects a metal projectile from the weapon

Thank you kind sir!

so what happened, OP?

btw, not all leftists are sjws, while sjws are vile, some leftists are alright.

Yeah OP what happened with her how is she and is she doing alright can we se some pics. Come on don't leave your friends hanging. Tell us.

Give her the option of a particularly sjwish death. Tell her that by painting herself in blackface, shooting up a police station, and dying in the shootout, she'll strike a deadly blow to the coprokyriarchy by making the nation mourn a white girl who died at the hands of misdirected racism.

she should just go to some muslim country and behave like she behaves in the us.

wouldn't even have to kill herself, others would do it for her. and before that, she can witness the tolerance and understanding of people in the middle east.


its a female
so dont think in terms of jumping onto a busy (not congested) freeway
think in terms of cutting wrists and pills
get her to take anti nauseant medications, then chug as much nyquil as she can followed by sips on peptobismol while she wades into the nearest deep waters, or fast moving river, that she can



Get humiliating pics as your quid pro quo

Tell her to put a firework in her vagina.

It's the most women empowering way of dieing, since no man can do it.

OP… You should be trying to tap that, not help her off herself. You are fucking cockblocking yourself.

M8, she's not worth it, and we don't even know what she looks like. She can't be that attractive.

What are you talking about, freshly-rejected girls are gr8 lays

You have no idea what she looks like, just that it has tits and a pussy, or a second mental illness.

I've said already, I'm a fucking faggot

That's disgusting!
How would you like if someone did this to your mother.

Are women really only worth something if they are attractive? Show us your face, so we can juge if you are worth something or not.

If that's how you talk about women, you deserve neither of those things.

retarded feminist detected


He might be a man in which case his facial beauty is not relevant.


sorry meant to delete your mention>>6430788


"muzzle" flash is only a name

Backflip into head

My fetish is convincing a suicidal girl to fuck me, the argument would be that since she's dying she shouldn't mind

All my keks.