Buy a rather pricy but popular SBC/HTPC to make my own ridiculously overpowered home router with

FUCK the whole thing has been compromised now. Fuck you NSA pieces of shit, fuck. Now I have to send the fucking thing back.

Other urls found in this thread:–Moss_Warranty_Act


holy shit, I just thought this shit happened to foreign nationals or businesses, or people on secret lists. You should watch your asshole guy, be careful what you purchase and from where from now on, you might consider more subtle ways to get gear

Damn son. Get a friend to do straw sales for all your electronics now.



You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Kill yourself retard


Either build your own or make sure your public (Google) search history is full of XMBC and other terms that suggest you'll use it for Jewish Movies and media instead of networking.

Honestly, even doing this won't solve it 100% because the botnet is built into the chips, but it's better than having an additional radio transmitter because it shows you're a higher priority target.

How does it feel to have other dudes fuck your girl while you work for Israel, retard?

He's paid to do this

Just ignore him, he's likely a shill from the NSAIDF.

Open up the device and take photos.

Bet that's what happened to Jacob Appelbaum.

THIS! If it has actually been tampered with, that'd be pretty cool. Look up pictures online of it and find if there was anything changed. If you do find something interesting, we could actually have a sample of NSA implants.

I'm sure the NSA gives a shit what some autist is doing.

do you think if they actually have tampered with it they'd put that gigantic fucking sticker on it?

they would not be that dumb.
probably just flashed a rom chip with a few extra non standard instructions.

meanwhile user kills his chances of returning because he opened the hardware breaking the special little sticker.

First post reaction = Next post reaction doesn't work in anonymous IB NSA fagget.
./. :^) .\.

What if the NSA deliberately put the sticker there to lower his guard and fool him into thinking it was not them?

user, I hate to break it to you, but the NSA diverts and backdoors hardware without even notifying you. If you're getting this kind of notification, you should give up on all forms of online purchase for hardware. Only buy things at a store or craigslist.

So you're saying that having a sticker makes it extra safe?


2012 called

It doesn't work that way. From what I remember hearing in interviews long before the Snowden leaks, intelligence communities rarely actually look at the "bad guys" directly. It's often a much easier target to hit the surrounding "third ring" of people, people only loosely related to the true targets and infer what's going on inside of the organization than to actually directly target the big guys _. It's kind of like inferring what a star is made out of using spectral analysis vs sending a probe on a suicide mission into it. If user so much as weakly interacted with someone who *is* important, he could be considered a target.

The sticker makes sense, too, since there are still laws that have to be followed. Most people wouldn't care about it and rip it right off and those few who are paranoid enough are just little fish in a big pond. It's better to not risk disciplinary action and just put the sticker there than to not and get this one small fry who may or may not have some nebulous info that might be useful.


Imagine a NSA agent stationed at the post office whose job is to open electronic packages, get the case off, solder on some bug, then pack it all up again.

take your meds


OP, it'd be really interesting to use this for counter-surveillance.

That's not how it works. Besides:

at least they didn't steal your mail weed to smoke for themselves =(


fucking genius

makes sense the change is probably in the software. return immediately.

Have you thought about asking your supervisor to transfer you to the reddit shillteam? I don't think you're a good fit for this place.

OP here, there's no documentation on this thing because China. There is, however, some kind of glue painted onto every single screw holding the board in.

kill yourself, seriously.

I'm from Holland and I buy shit from chyna all the time, never had a problem. This is something for Mericans.
you're a fucking retard, and clearly uneducated on top of it, how about you go back to reddit since you're so used to believing that everything is fine and the government and corporations love you


that ain't threadlock fuckhead

Glue is sometime used to check if something's been tampered with. If the spooky men put it there and took a pic they can tell if you tampered with their shenagins.

I agree with previous user. A .45 caliber pill seems required.

Yes that clearly translates to there being an NSA agent stationed at the post office whose job is to open electronic packages, get the case off, solder on some bug, then pack it all up again.

Take your meds

He literally said "that's not how it works", fucking shill.


This is most certainly what happened to him. This is why you never capitulate to SJW types if you're a target for anyone, government or not. Doesn't matter how much of an "ally" you are, someone will leverage their naivete to frame you.

An interesting thought. However, they do certainly target big fish directly.
OP, do you hang out with anyone who would be a legitimate target of government surveillance? Blink once for yes, twice for no.

I don't have any friends and spend my free time jerking off and reading 8ch. It's probably you fuckers they're after. Someone tell cripplewheels or whoever owns the site now to look out.–Moss_Warranty_Act

I wonder how many of these threads are created by people that engage in illicit acts and are surprised they're getting extra attention.

Reminds me of the retard who did shit like look up how to make bombs and study arabic to 'protest' surveillance.

At least he regrets doing that after getting his passport application rejected.

here you go NSA

Idiots? Or shills? I can't tell anymore.

So you order some off brand shit from china and worries that the NSA has had their dirty fingers in it? The Chinese has been all over that even before it was put into production, and if the chinks have access so do the NSA.

If the NSA has done anything to that board it's to be able to track the Chinese who will be tracking you.