I'm going vigilante probably sometime this winter, do you have any tips for me, Holla Forums?

I'm going vigilante probably sometime this winter, do you have any tips for me, Holla Forums?

I'll explain the tactics and equipment I'm planning on using, but I'd like to hear your thoughts first.

Other urls found in this thread:

nightops.net/doc/books/Street E&E - Marc "Animal" MacYoung.pdf

Reflexes, and staying alert.

You're probably gonna get your ass kicked.

Don't be afraid to mace a crowd and run away if you have to.

Depends on if you want to go Real Life Super Hero, or Bernhard Goetz.

Watch a lot of Cops.



I doubt it. I'm pretty tall (6"5) and a big guy UUUU. I'll also be covered in body armor and thanks to SAP gloves my punches will deal way more damage.

I don't really mind dying either, because reasons.

RLSH are attentionwhores, and I don't plan on killing anyone unless I really have to.

Though, as much as I wish they didn't exist, I really wish I had access to that guy who made some of their equipment. Some of modifications I'd like made to the suit I'll be wearing would be a little weird to ask someone to make.

Also I should add, I have a pretty good understanding of how criminals work. I'm not planning to take on "the mob", I don't think there are generic thugs stealing purses from old women or drug dealers on every street corner.

However, I am aware that the entire state of Missouri exists. Being a Kansas City resident, I can just make my way to fucking Troost and find crime pretty damn easily there.

If you don't know what Troost Avenue is, it's basically our crime alley. If you live there, you're either a criminal, are related to criminals, or too poor to get out.

Sounds like you should have focused on becoming a politician at an early age, so you could effect sweeping changes that reduced crime overall.

But if you really want to beat up bad guys, you'd probably do a lot more for people by actually becoming a cop. Like you said, you're not going after the mob, so you're not shooting for fish bigger than a cop can handle. You'd get any training you don't actually have, you'd be within the law, and you'd have the option of back up. If you wanted to work specifically in Troost Ave., I'm sure their precinct could use a fearless, determined new recruit.

I mean, it's your call, and I do see the appeal of it, but there is a reason people don't normally actually do it. It's just a ticket to getting arrested or dead.

Well, there's also the issue that it won't be any fun if I'm just a cop.

The police generally tend to frown on officers beating the shit out of suspects, even in Missouri.

How low-profile is the body armour? Is it ballistic, or just motocross shit?
Are you packing weapons, or are you just going to punch assholes?

I suggest an extendable baton and a first aid pouch, and steel-capped sneakers.

And do you have a ride? A motorcycle is better for evasion, and you have an excuse for wearing motocross armour or leathers with plastic inserts.

The fact that you told us already means you will fail.
You are doing this for your own ego and a chance to vent. Not for the people.
A proper real life hero will make sure he isn't known as an individual or brand himself. I'm talking about cops or soldiers but that if you really wanted to stop crime and help people you'd just fucking do it and make sure no one figures out it is one person.
Comics are fantasy and are made to be visual appealing. In fiction the totalitarian government are obviously evil and their manipulation is blindly obvious. Reality for people in those situations is much more subtle.

This is why vigilantism is illegal you sick fuck. The difference between a true vigilante and someone who just wants to beat the shit out of people is a true vigilante knows his actions are illegal and is willing to pay for the crime despite his actions being just. If you just want to beat up people you feel deserve it we have a word for that and its not vigilantism, its assault.

I'm thinking multiple suits, actually.

I was planning on getting some kind of reversible hoodie and installing pockets on the inside to hold my gloves and mask, then just wearing that with regular cargo pants. This would be for investigating, so that if any witnesses show up, I can turn it inside out to show bright colors, slouch some, and it'll help conceal my identity. I realize it's not much, but we can't all have binary gasses.

If I'm going to actually be hitting someplace, then depending on the scenario I'll wear some combination of IIA plates and motocross shit. I don't want to be slowed down, but I also don't want to get shot. The gear I use will depend on the scenario.

As for weapons, I may get a baton, but I'd hardly ever use it. No guns though, under any circumstances. I don't plan on dropping bodies, because that tends to get you labeled as a serial killer rather than a vigilante. The public tends to react better to the latter than the former. Not to mention the fact that shots fired will draw cops fast.

He's not trying to pull the fucking sword out of the stone, you chucklefucks, he just wants to go Casey Jones on some local scumfucks.


What kind of training are you doing/have done?
I could make some suggestions…


Yes, I am fucking deranged. I probably belong in some kind of mental hospital, but I haven't done anything to really warrant that yet. If I get caught I could easily plead insanity, but they won't get me. I'm not even being an edgelord here, I swear.

And people who are saying I'm just doing this to feed my ego, you're mostly right. I'm a narcissistic bastard, but it's more like guilt. I feel compelled to do this for reasons I'd rather not explain.

I have a bit of martial arts training although it's nothing major. I'd like to learn silat, but I'm also very eager to get started so that'll come later.

The "purity" of his motivations has nothing to do with his success or failure. He might do well in the sense of succeeding at his goal of beating the shit out of people. But that won't make what he does right. It just makes him another piece of shit beating up people in a neighborhood full of pieces of shit, and I hope he gets shot in the face so that other people realize this is a bad idea.

There are some crimes, some situations, some things so awful and the perpetrators so untouchable that I can empathize with vigilantism. I can understand why someone might, pushed into that corner, act out against the omnipresent sense of powerlessness. But a person who then hides it, who turns around and tries to justify it, who acts out of their own gratification, isn't a vigilante, they're just another criminal.

You cannot act in the name of justice and doing the right thing while doing the wrong thing. If you do act outside the law, then if one is just one must by definition turn themselves in and put trust in the system - the judge or a jury of their peers - to know right when they see it. Anything else is an indictment of the fundamental concept of a modern society and we might as well go back to tribal murder and ritual cannibalism.

I'm not saying it should be LEGAL or anything, but if we're arguing practicality, do you know how much crime the police simply never hear about?

If I don't act, those crimes will continue to occur. They probably will regardless, but I can at least stop some of them.

But that isn't your responsibility. That's why time and again in media someone always points out that vigilantes are not empowered to be judge, jury, or executioner.

To use your own example of Toost. So it's crime alley. Fine. If you see a criminal in the commission of a crime you can affect a citizens arrest. If they attempt to assault you, you can defend yourself. If you summon the police you can testify for the state as to what you saw. On the other hand, being family to a criminal isn't a crime. Being poor and living in a shit neighborhood isn't a crime. And because you are outside of due process, because you do not observe Miranda or Escobedo, nor proper evidence handling, there is no oversight for who or what you declare on your own recognizance is a crime or who is a criminal.

By your actions you presume yourself the better of everyone else in your community, your state, and your country. You supersede the very same litigation process that when caught you will hide behind to plead your insanity defense - which in general does not work mind you despite what the media would tell you - to declare someone a criminal, proclaim the sentence of their beating, and then execute that sentence. And since I sorely doubt you're a doctor as well, its only a matter of time before you fuck someone up enough they die or their lives are permanently harmed, which will deny them franchise or the opportunity for reform.

You won't just be hurting people physically, you will be damaging them socially, again for your own gratification.

If you know you're sick and if you know you have this drive, then you should turn yourself over to the medical profession and seek help. Otherwise you will be responsible for everything that happens as a result of your actions, and those results will be far worse than whatever jimmy the house thief happened to be doing the day you caught up to him.

Completely missing the point. His effort will be on getting noticed rather than doing any good. It's just neighborhood in cosplay.

It's like the edgy thread is spilling into real life!

Nigga, you are GOING TO DIE. 99% likely on the first night.

I mean, I get it, I'm Catholic, too. I know what it's like to dream that one day, God will tell me to smite the evil ones, and I'll be justified to fucking bash the faces of evil people in. But that's never going to happen, that's never been a good deal, and if you don't even have police training, you will be FUCKING MURDERED by the first person you run into who is an actual threat at all (which should be the only type of person you could justify beating up).

I mean if you want to be an edgelord criminal, don't pretend you're better than the trash you dream of fighting. Join the marines, get some focus in your life, or just start writing edgy furry comics. Any of that would be more actually useful and likely of success than this.






nightops.net/doc/books/Street E&E - Marc "Animal" MacYoung.pdf

There you go, you cheeky little scamp. Now run along, and remember, when you're smashing the state, keep a smile on your lips and a song in your heart!

I see it is that time of the year again.

Just become a Lucha/Masked Fighter instead, should give you the same "thrills" that you are looking for.

Don't. Leave. Any. Evidence.

Too late, he posted this thread, Mr.Trips.

Can't wait to read the obituaries and say I told ya so.

Here's something I learned when I got into /fit/ and wrestling in high school. There's always someone bigger, tougher, and more desperate to win than you.

Don't do it, OP.

Unless you have a 100% fatal disease - in that case do whatever you want with the time you have left.

This guy is a retarded edgelord from /r9k/, he's been sperging about being a superhero for months.

If you really want to be a vigilante just go out and try to beat up a pack of niggers.

You should get the word 'damaged' tattooed across your forehead so people know how messed up you are.

Listen, man. Just do the homework. I know 500 words seems like a lot, but it's not really all that difficult. Your English teacher isn't evil and this isn't the way to stand against her.

My sides have left the European Union

But anyway, OP, have you seen what the average Holla Forumsfag looks like? We can advise you on costumes and maybe gadgets, but for real advice on fitness and fighting you probably want /k/ and /fit/.
A LOT of martial arts training will be essential, I'd recommend parkour, too. Oh, and remember you'll more than likely be doing it in the dark.


And don't forget to have a cool mask. That's the difference with petty thieves, which mostly have cheap masks to conceal themselves, while true heroes have awesome masks to look impressive and intimidating.

I HIGHLY suggest you get some martial art skills first At least Judo/Brazilian + Boxing/Muay Thai just the basics. Also learn a Systematic Martial art as well its will teach you how to disarm people with guns and other weapon. Now what you should be really caution of is knife fights. They are way more dangerous than a guns in a close range situation.

Also you said that you will be wear amour as well. You might want to get a lot stamina because fights take a lot energy. Plus be careful for when someone tries to go for you legs since you are so tall. If you fall to the ground and you're fight a gang well then good luck. And you might want to carry some pepper spray.

Other than that, Good luck out there Kick-Ass

How will you deal with guns? How will you deal with knives? What about more than 2 people? Who have knives and guns?

Just buy a gun and shoot some niggas
If you try some kung fu shit they'll just shoot you first dumbfuck

Sir, this is Holla Forums, where some of us like our heroes heroic.
