What is the best ideology?

And why is it Militant Centrist Action?

Good luck faggot. I'm behind 7,000 Bosnian child soldiers I bought off the deepweb.



Finally, an ideology for me!

I like where this is going.


here we go again!

this better?



literally cuck: the ideology


top kek

hey i found the original


When i made up centrist as a kid i called it conflictionism because i could see the logic behind all sides of an argument and could never make a decision. Now I'm right leaning with a sprinkle of left

You act like being on the fence is new

Centrism =/= moderation
Centrism =/= no position

Most centrists might also be wishy washy moderates who don't want to impose their own vision on society, but that's because they're liberal democratic centrists, who should be gassed.


This is pretty autistic tbh

Pretty much.


this is pretty amazing.

the only people who don't want to impose anything on others are ancaps



You need to define your theory of justice if you're going to keep talking about it, otherwise it's just a meme.

His entire ideology is a meme.

0/10 Not true centrist. Try harder newfag


Life without intelligence is just animated meat.
Life is worth nothing in of itself.
It is intelligence that makes life valuable.
Increasing intelligence should be the spiritual goal of society.
Therefore justice should be defined as the defense of a society that maximizes this intelligence.

This goal requires fending off ideologies based on other things like liberty, equality, religion, class, or race. Race comes the closest to being near to intelligence, but it will hold it back because Nazis only care about whites ultimately, and they are too traditionalist to transcend whiteness. If something is Jewish like relativity is automatically a hoax. If something deviates from National Socialism and the way of doing things in the 30s, it is wrong. National Socialism also confines itself to the nation-state, whereas intelligence maximization must have no boundaries, so we are globalists, just against lassez faire capitalist globalists, and communist globalists. The traditionalists will not except extreme genetic engineering or forms of artificial intelligence that could transcend their race, so we must be against them too.

Therefore we need to be centrist in that we don't follow a far-left, or far-right ideology, but neither are we libertarians. We also need to be militant and aggressive since the majority of the populace don't want this. We need to either subvert existing states from the inside, or wait until drones become a thing and use means to launch a revolution that do not require the masses, but only an elite cadre backed up with high technology.

Only then can we seize the state and stop things degenerating. We must put everything into advancement and achieving global governance, the culling of low IQ populaces that are a worthless drag, and the fostering of high IQ, first through eugenic breeding, then through genetic manipulation when we have that, and finally through cybernetics and AI.

Then we can spread out and bring justice to the Universe.


So you ARE in favor of killing niggers?


I'm sure that will work out great when there is a real war instead of just slapping down 3rd world shitholes.

Yes, but not the ones with IQs above 100. Just most of them.

I'm in favor of killing everyone with an IQ below 100 as soon as we can phase them out as necessary labor.

An entire ideology founded on b8?


I get to piss everyone off.

You piss me off the most because you entire ideology is built around the flawed one dimensional left / right model.

Hurry up and write a book about it so you can get a job at Google.*

* Offer only good for provable tribesman.

The two dimensional axes still has left and right.


Maybe I should reconsider National Socialism…

why not?

Because you end up with the current situation in the US.
The private military contractors have all the skilled workers and specialized tools to produce and maintain a modern military, if they go bankrupt the nations military is weakened.

Instead you have the state own the military contractor and they get everything cheaper because they aren't providing profit for an outside entity and they never need to bail out a for-profit to maintain military strength.

it's not like the workers and tools disappear when a company goes bankrupt


True but it's also not like it's business as usual. The skilled workers quickly find other jobs and spread over various industries, it could take months to get people with the right skills together again and even then it'll never be as good as having the same people that designed and built a product maintaining it.

Barth2032ing so I can see this later.



If I save that image will I be able to read the text?




my ideology is quite the similar to MCA

But it's not, it's Anarchy but the "edge" meme made this impossible to suggest.

I consider myself a national anarchist, I'm against the state fucking my wife while I watch but I don't want a paki doing it either. I'm also very much on the individualist side, I believe that collective thought leads to delusion, hierarchy and irrational thinking. I believe that you should embrace who you are (and I don't mean in the dumb tranny way) but looking deep within yourself and taking pride in who you are, free thought cannot be achieved through collective thinking.

You mean to control everything? do you not think that advanced AI technology will be abused?
So all creative minded people who are wired for artistic talent rather than math and english skill will be disallowed by the state to procreate because they are not considered smart by an old and unreliable test? Don't get me wrong genuinely stupid people do exist but I do not think IQ accounts for every type of intelligence, just those who are more intellectually wired (who ironically are those who generally lack common sense, Apprentice contestants are living proof of this).
If Orwell was still alive he'd kick your deserving ass.
So machines made to mimic intelligence are going to decide what's intelligent and what's not? That sounds like a awful idea.
People will never have the motivation to improve if those above them are always bringing them down. It's like that cruel american style program where they tell certain kids that they're "gifted" while the others are left with a demotivational scar on their psyche for life that tells them that they can't be good enough.

Also intellectual hierarchy will undoubtedly lead to institutional arrogance. The more special and gifted you are according to the state the more big headed a cruel and uncaring you will become towards your fellow man. Such a system will create a rise in an absolute mass of douchebaggery and circlejerking.

Capital in the hands of the state isn't Capitalism you fucking retard


ITT: we make our own meme ideologies

b-but muh state capitalism

Epic troll thread

Ahh yes the power bottoms of political ideology.

I’m a giver not a taker

I am genuinely interested now. Do you really believe that if a government was given complete control of the economy wouldn't lead to wide spread corruption, considering no government in the history of recorded time has not become tyrannical when given ultimate power?

Do you believe this can be kept in check some way or do you think somehow the state will always just act morally for some reason?

No & no.

Reminder that systems are never the problem. They can all work given the right people in charge.

Anything where people rule is ruined by the fact that the vast majority will always be fucking retards and/or easily manipulated emotional subhumans.

Anything where power comes from authority can be taken over by immoral jewish piece of shits. Good people generally just want to live a good life, evil people are much more likely to seek authoritative positions and abuse other people. But if the power is given to someone good, it can lead to paradise, until the inevitable subversion of power by someone evil anyway.

you fucked up right there