Ive been seeing a decent amount of jim threads lately so I think its about time to make an official jim thread...

Ive been seeing a decent amount of jim threads lately so I think its about time to make an official jim thread. Post your jims here and feel free to discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't like him, I don't trust him, I don't know who he is behind the mask. He might be a pedo killer. I don't like people who discriminate, and even go so far as to lynch pedophiles, and getting away with it. It's become such an easy target now, evil people can live out their evilnes and police offciers are too dumb to understand the conequences by accepting a lynch mob ofr a certain people.

James arthur Watkins is the founder of racequeen.ph.

Look deep enough into what he let happen over at 2ch and look deep enough into racequeen and the software he shills through them and you will find something you don't like.

Its funny the goldwater app would show up on racequeen.ph when hot wheels and jim both refer to racequeen.ph as

I agree. Jim needs to stop deleting out honey p-err Cheese pizza.

Well It's his site. If it wasn't and he was just another retarded normie guest It would have been something else.

If you like Holla Forums or any Chans, you are probably not much better. It's like taking a bath in never ending garbage.



Do you want to know where hot wheels and jim live? I even know where his pig farm is and the temple he's building

Do Jim and HW you know?


Yes. Look how feminine they move.

Accidentally cut off the last two screens

Okay, so what are you going to do? Find them and ask for an autograph?

No jim you'll see


You spy? A hobby-spy?

I do it for free and for fun

Alright. Because you love them or because you hate them?

Not sure yet

I'm not sure why they run a crazy place like this with so many crazy people and reveal pictures of themself. Becasue they are cracy?

Maybe jim is just


Why only him? I don't even know what's the point of Holla Forums. They ban pcitures of cute little girls but let the most horible and ugly pictures pass.

I wish I was able to post the entire video I made but its just too big. It explains a lot

Ah, so your are the photographer in some of the pictures. You used to be good friends but not anymore? I bet it's about money. It always is in this world.

I can't stand vids that moves so fast and I'm not gonna watch it.

What you saw was the ending. Why would I make a video with content you need to read and just flash briefly?


No thanks. I don't want to have anything to with it. It's 8han, it's just shitposting to me.

I don't know. Or I don't want to know. I don't want to be Holla Forums.

Too late I already gave you the tl;dw version

It's no use. You are all insane to me.

Your brain unconsciously adsorbed and analyzed the information.

Alright, so I know the secret already, I just don't know it?.


Is that the secret about Holla Forums shitposting? People come here and uncounsciously analyze the shitposting?

And the point is?

Yes until it becomes a part of them and one day they wake up and they may tell themselves, this is not my beautiful house! And they may tell themselves this is not my beautiful wife! And they may tell themselves this is my beautiful shitpost!

It ain't official unless you use an official Holla Forums thread seal you double fucking nigger

Okay. So you people want a world of Holla Forums junkies? You want them to divorce their wife/husband, get rid of their kids and sell their house and sit here and shitpost, happily ever after?

Yes, exactly!

Wow that's ambitious. for myself i come here because i've got too much spare time on my hands, I live a boring life becasue of health problems and Holla Forums is the worst and most disgusting place on the internet. People here are crazy and it's interesting to chat. I'm kind of a hobby-psychiatrist, I've always been.

This website is just a guise for

Jims car and license for those interested.

Alright. I bet you have achieved a lot with it. Can you give me some figures, our of curiosity?

wait what are you asking exactly?

So what are you trying to do now? Hypnotize people to go to the Philipines or just spreading misinformation?


I still don't see the point. Are you a photographer? Do you make all this shipost and post them on Holla Forums? Or is it the users?

Fuck right off
Have a vid from inside jim's suv

I made all of it.

Why are you posting it here? And why aren't moderaters reacting to it?

And Jim and the other at the cafe table, they are your sponsors?

Why? Because I can
Mods not caring? If they don't care about CP why would they care about this? Jim never wanted pedophiles gone anyway, he just accused people of pedophilia to ban them and sweep boards clean of content he didnt like

I did it for free

And the pedo conet that used to be here, what was the point of that? And why suddenly is everyhting deleted?

So you are all a bunch of drama queens for nothing. Al you really want to achieve is to waste people's time?

Im keeping tabs on the key master you idiot.


A fucking phony

So posting relevant addresses of people who run a site for lunatics is no worse than a photo of a random naked child?


I'm not half as smart as you. We both know that.


Yes we do

We are all phonys compared to you. Don't have such high expectations.

Yeah, he was born with the same glasses. So alike his dad's.


Jims horde of children. He kidnaps them to work at racequeen.ph and his temple.

I bet you are doing society a big favor by getting rid of pictures of little gilrs. It's not up to the usual standards of Holla Forums. It's much prettier now. And you guys looks like the good guys you always were.

Well I bet he is rich and famous on the Philippines. The rich American king Jim of the Phillippines.

I don't get rid of anything from this website. I wouldn't even want to be in that position. How did you reach the conclusion I am working WITH jim?

You don't even know.

I'm just saying that you seem like very nice people know that you don't approve of little girls. Not that you weren't always good guys and much better than pedophiles but now you are really beautiful. Beautiful Holla Forums.

I can't wait to visit the temple

I've seen a documentary about it. Big shots who move to places like Philippines where they are king. It's all superficial.

I still don't understand how you are assuming I'm part of the administration of this website.
Mate I don't care if people post CP, what I care about is jim saying he's banning CP but in reality just using that as a guise to delete content he doesn't personally like. For example criticizing the way he runs 8ch or how he was so against TOR

And why a temple? Because it's impressing or because he as an extremely spiritual person?

Its the place to be if you want to buy a group of kids and build a temple for them to worship your penis in.

I'm not assuming anyhting. I'm asking questions. But I would assume that you work together on Holla Forums.

Nope, im a complete outsider with no affiliation. I found jim and think he is interesting to watch progress in his life. I want to see his end game with his current projects

But why are you revealing stuff like this on his website? And why aren't he here to argue with you?

You want photograph his penis in the temple with all the kids?

He knows ill be back. He bans people for CP when they talk about him or goldwater or race queen shilling

He does not approve of cp on Holla Forums but approve of a temple with kids he builds for his own satifaction?

I don't know what goldwater or race queen shilling are. But I've notied he ban LauraB. She's not sexy enough for his temple maybe.

Jim isn't anti pedophile. Thats just the term jim uses when he wants to burn a witch. Jim can ban anyone he wants for any reason but will always say its because CP

In the video I created a good portion of it directly talks about how jim bans people for CP when he actually bans them for making him mad or stepping on his toes.

Is it so lucrative to run Chans that he can build temples on the Phillipines?

He sells user data

He's an anti-pedophile. All people who build a temple for children to worship a penis is.

Alright, how much is our chat worth? Should I demand a brick in the temple?

That's very hateful and nasty towards pedophiles who come here to meet other pedos. It's not so many other places.

8ch is social analytics
Everything from race queen and NT tech is user data

So who are the social analytics. Scientists? doctors?.. And what results do they get form Holla Forums?



He's around but I honestly thing he just assumes no one on Holla Forums will listen because its all shitposting here. Other boards however…..

Alright, I'm not inot things like that. I don't know what it means. What I know is that8 Chan is a shitplace on the internet full of wicked people. It can't be many users becaseu t is so extreme. It's only lunatics like me who bother to sit here and talk with you. And there's not been one single perosn interferring while we've been talking.

But why all the shitposting? It scare al the people away.

What that means is that they use this place as well as Facebook and twitter to gauge societies reaction to ideas and shit. In the end it makes the powers that be able to reason with society at whole as if they were one person. A hive mind. Its learning to understand the hive mind in order to be able to control it.

What shitposting?

Jim literally has a hand in creating our cyber rulers

But if they want to understand pedophiles why don't you create a more pedo firnedly atmosphere instead of chasing them away with all the mean crap in between?

You read all posts on Holla Forums and take it seriously?

People need food and money to pay the rent. It's the only you need to control a society.

I would like to see the analytic of the constant chasing of pedophiles off Holla Forums.You treat them like scum.

Why are you trolling? I told you multiple times I play no part in the way this website is ran. This is the last reply to posts implying I have the power to enforce rules here.

do you have any financial info on racequeen, inc?
or on NTT? or 2ch or on Jim himself?

e.g. annual accounts, tax status anything that would give a lead on his financial situation.


user you don't post that kind of shit here if you do. THAT would bring down the hammer.

Well either way it doesn't matter. You guys are total scumbags. And you are proud of it.

Here is a name for you

Wanna give jim a call?

[email protected]/* */

Not for me thank you. Maybe if there is one anohter Holla Forums user in the world maybe he/she want to.

Racequeen is hosted on nt tech servers so is 8ch. Jim just uses cloudflare to cover up 8ch being on NT tech servers because of the fact jim offered hot wheels free server space when the gamer gate drama created a spike in 8ch traffic and hot wheels couldn't keep up. Jim took advantage of that situation to take control of the website from behind and start implementing racequeen software like soft serve and phasing out content he didnt approve of. (like people talking about him shilling his products)

Now Jim is in complete control and even created /newsplus/ to control what appears on the front page

Control. hahaha I laugh so hard. It's like controlling poop.

No its like controlling the largest image board in western culture. Its a funny coincidence that James watkins and Hiroyuki Nishimura came to own the two largest western image boards respectively after what they did together on 2ch



what do you mean by that? Racequeen is a holding company not a website. it doesn't need hosting.
Also, i think you'll find NT Tech hires rackspace in Reno, rather than owning the hosting service domiciled there.

So exciting. At least you guys think so yourself. Good for you.

much too vague to be useful
do you mean the dead one?

the website, they have a website.





standing on the edge of his world


here's his sister
do u have pics of Tom Riedel?

Nt tech secretary? Nah i don't but I'm sure i could find it. Is that really his sister?

Is her name Karen Sansaver?

Disregard that post

Karen Sansaver ided here fusion.net/story/286750/jim-watkins-Holla Forums-4chan-2channel/

What????? How have i never seen this article?

All the work i did is for nothing. this article has me BTFO.

sage negated, I'm not letting jim slide the thread




Are these real people?

I believe it was someone named Kessler who had died.

This guy is called Tomcat.

Half sister.

the german software guy? what relation to Jim? don't just make it up.

I saw them mention his death somewhere while researching this whole thing months back. I don't remember any relation to the funeral or whatever that is but I have a feeling it's related. I have no documentation. I just remember the last name and I don't know who Martin Kessler is.

I think Jim is too fat for yoga.

I feel bad Jim's son looks like him - bad genetics are terrible.

But he's a nigger and his mustache ain't working.



