Subject: Something that needs to go into our meme repertoire

I was thinking about it. Setting aside all of the more redpilled aspects of gun debate, like the manipulation of statistics and the fact that we have a nigger problem and not a gun problem, Liberals actually understand perfectly why gun control won't work, in fact, they can explain the core concepts ELOQUENTLY!

A liberal can tell you all day about how when you criminalize cannabis, you don't eliminate the demand for it, thus you create a black market and fund criminal enterprise. These are actually surprisingly advanced economic concepts for the common communist, yet they all have them memorized.

And yet, even though both guns and cannabis are a good which a certain part of the population wants, and another part of the population wags their finger at (and yes, Holla Forums's attitude towards pot is basically finger-wagging), both are still objectively less dangerous than Alcohol (~13k gun deaths to ~88k if shitlibs try to make that argument).
However, nobody has taken the time to point out that GUNS, like cannabis, would just turn into another mirror-image of alcohol prohibition in money wasted, lack of effectiveness, public corruption generated, and criminal enterprise funded.

Then, after you drop that meme, THEN you mention, "oh, and by the way, before you even START funding larger gangs with a huge black market, you'd have to take mine from my cold dead hands"

Other urls found in this thread:

Good points. Will definitely use this next time it comes up.

Also check them dubs!

What's the best counter-meme for this?

Recently I've been experimenting with

> If America bans guns, it won't be like Australia. It will be like Mexico, or Brazil

That's…. actually a great idea

Kek wills the use of this meme.

Read Scott Adam for optimum application.
This persuasive technique seems to be hypnosis based and is designed specifically to work on shitlib cognitive dissonance. (but would work just as well for less-resistant people)

Short version: When you make that really good point that they can't answer, they'll be little shitters and try to change the subject.
Repeat your final point using slightly different wording and let them deflect again.
Repeat a third time using a third, slighting different wording pattern.

If they still deflect, you've won, let them change the subject. Your words will echo in their mind hypnotically, as will their stinging inability to answer you.
They'll change their mind when you aren't around. Don't rub it in.

That America does not have a continent all to itself. The fact that we share a third (or however much) of the world's land with a slew of other countries means that any of them can become the vector to get guns into our national (((gun-free zone))).

You smoke tobacco out of a pipe? GTFO you liberal hipster faggot. You're right, but that's nothing new. Anti-funs won't buy your arguement despite the fact that it's logically sound. Anti-funs are 100% emotion-driven and they think weed is this harmless cool thing that makes you "like, totally chill" and that guns are evil black scary death machines. It just won't compute.

this idea isn't a bad one tbh.

also some people smoke pipe because they don't want to inhale that shit but still maintain a nicotine/tobacco addiction.

Took a while for the shills to arrive. Did it take you a while to develop your talking points?
Hipsters vape, you mong.
>Dives in about how we shouldn't develop better memes because… arguing is useless? Duh, Goyim.
How about you send that one back to R&D and come back when its out of alpha?

I'll remember this one OP, excellent idea.

Even though pipe tobacco doesn't have as many additives as cigarettes, it's still pretty bad for you. There's no filter so you're inhaling soot and ash and tar that builds up in the pipe.

Yeah, hipsters don't smoke pipe tobacco at all, I guess I'm just a kike shill.

Some don't, some do, you decide what you want when you're buying.

I have a Savinelli brand, which most 6mm will fit, but they actually have their own brand of filters made out of Balsa wood, which are neat.

This is what you look like, you homo.

The ad hominem and lack of coherent argument makes you a shill, Cohenburg.

You think any of those faggots would be caught dead smoking a corn pipe?

[desperate shilling intensifies]
Jesus, and you even found one with a corn pipe.

By the way, I would just like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that this shill, out of a complete lack of prepared remarks for a new argument, actually went online and frantically started downloading every picture of "Hipsters with pipes" he could find to try to drive home his ad hominem.

The point:

dude guns lmao

This precisely. I have told my pot smoking associates who want gun control "How is weed being illegal going?" For a follow-up bonus, tell them that even if every gun in America were taken away, Shrillary wants to leave the American southern border open for 100 days, so imagine how many guns could get in from ISIS if that happened? It would be a constant congo line of trucks packed with guns.

witness dubs

There are many people who want to to see free guns like free weed. (((Over regulation))) is the enemy.

I cannot say that I've ever heard of that.

But yeah, obviously when somebody argues that they "aren't trying to steal your guns", you cite Europe, where over-regulation just went on and on until spoons became contraband.

Eh weed isn't really a good example since it's one of the easiest crops to grow (especially hemp)… the US at least is in the beginning of a meth and opiate epidemic, both drugs that are pretty hard to make (just like guns)… use those two examples instead.

t. washington user

A gun can be made out of two pipes, a pipe cap, and a thumbtack.


user, I…

Won't work. Shitlibs are totally mind controlled, they have no trouble at all holding completely contradictory views. It's a point of pride for them that they stand firm against facts and can't be fooled with trickster logic.

Hipsters also breathe air.

Better stop breathing air, lest you catch Hipster!

Damn, you're right. No point in thinking of memes and being persuasive. Might as well be as lazy as shitlibs.

I mean after all, everyone who isn't one of us is a fully pozzed brainwashee.

Australia had very low crime to begin with, and while gun murders fell dramatically after the 1996 law passed, murders in total did not. The major part of Australia's falling homicide rate began 5 or so years after the law passed, and paralleled a drop in violent crime throughout the civilized world which has been widely credited to other factors.

I'm going from memory so check my facts before using them.

No, but you have to break them out of the programming, you can't just pretend to be a shitlib overlord and reprogram them. You don't even have a TV show.


Second "dude weed lmao" thread. Fuck off to your 4cuck containment chamber, you fucking faggots.

Counter-sage for the shill who's pretending he can't even read.

B-but muh degeneracy! Muh puritanism! M-Mr. Kellogg said–! But Allied progpaganda said dah natzhees were hardass fun-haters!

Authoritarian autists are another side of the coin of authoritarian libtards. Both lack pragmatism and don't fit in the societies that they pretend to. They're idealist loose cannons who can't contemplate the wider effects and implentations for more than a few seconds before the emotion take hold and instantly revert to gas the [things i'm conditioned to not like] now.

t. not a libertardian/kike/shill

Get rid of the jew, the shitskins, your border problem, and your private bank, and everything else will fall in place. Prove me wrong. in b4 the gay swedish bog man, sorely misinterpretated as being gay instead of a coward or perhaps a cryptokike, by etymology

C'mon, man. Really?

However, it should be noted that use of this argument doesn't require acquiescence of the point that cannabis is degenerate.
All it requires is an implicit acknowledgement of similarity between right-wing finger-wagging over cannabis and left-wing finger-wagging and fretting over guns, which is distinct from the "two sides; same coin" argument in that it centers around a single similarity on one issue rather than suggesting complete ideological equivalence.

In fact, promoting the position that cannabis is degenerate sorta helps the argument along, especially in text, since then you can strive for an end-point in which both sides share mutual contempt and finger-wagging yet acknowledge each other's rights. (if you can stomach conceding pot legalization, your mileage may vary on that.)

According to my data, pot is "degenerate" in that chronic long-term use does negatively impact psychological functioning (particularly psychosis). So are alcohol and tobacco, in their own qualities and magnitudes. In fact, alcohol is much worse than pot or tobacco or many "hard" drugs (particularly psychosis). A bunch of white dudeweedlmaos are much less a public problem than a bunch of white dudealcohollmaos. Do you argue against alcohol or not?

I get your point. I think drugs and guns should be legal, and neither will be a problem without shitskins. You see, shitskins are the real problems. But goddamn, do you now know that alcohol, benzo, hypnotic, other GABA antagonists are the only drugs that can kill you from withdrawal?

I don't argue against either, personally. However, in designing this argument for use, I'm well aware that I'm designing for Holla Forumsacks, and I've kept that in mind.

Suffice to say, there are certain aspects of persuasion that become easier if you and the person you're speaking to are on the same page regarding cannabis policy and the only disagreement is on firearms.

also, scoping your sweet trips.

I guess. I mean I understand your point. I don't think it's good for any side to resort to retarded false equivalencies, because it encourages retardation instead of the actual complexity of reality. But I guess the average person, including whites, isn't very bright. But at the same time, the polarisation that we see in society is based on exploiting this. The same how so-called leftists and rights is a caricature of actual liberal and authoritarian and capitalist and socialist ideas, chosen to swing back and forth lock-step in each swing of election pendulum's tighter grip on true freedoms of thought and ownership.

Notice how neither libtards nor conservatards mention the privately-owned, unnacountable foreign bank. Only libertardians, who think niggers and spics can uphold Murrikan values. Libtards hate free speech and guns and property and employment harmed by beaners (totally un-liberal, in the true sense), while conservatards love free market fat cat rape and exploitation and authoritarian religiosity and hate modern medicine.

Amerika is fucking weird as fuck in their pseudo left-right dichotomy. It's almost like the political spectrum is dipole, instead of encompassing dozens of different aspects. And fuck everyone who doesn't fit one or the other. Either you wanna gas gays and love guns, or love gays and hate guns. It's fucked up beyond belief.

I don't really see where the "false" equivalence is. Its simply that this conversation looks at the issue from a practical perspective and the argument SEEKS common ground, even if that common ground is, as I said before, mutual contempt with mutual respect for rights. That is acceptable.

The equivalence being established here is that you have these two sides of society (called "left and right", with all the attached baggage), and each have a product that they want open, legal access to, which the other side feels is a vice.

It would be "fair" if both were illegal (if we ignore the constitution), but that would only create black markets, as the left is well aware from experience. (This experience is what allows this argument to be made)
Solution: both should be legal.
Yeah, well pot isn't in the constitution.

Easy, peasy.

Which is what I said regarding the so-called left and so-called right.

So where is the legal basis for banning it? The Bill of Rights mentions right of the people to keep and bear arms, something something militia (which SCOTUS has further refined to restrict gun rights), but says not shit about drugs. Unless you wanna get into 4th amendment right to privacy used to legalise abortion, which I think is a completely bullshit legal argument that opens up a huge superhighway to all sorts of things. Then the 18th banned alcohol for no reason but congressional vote and angry divorcees.

It would be fair if everyone were fucking adults and could respect eachother. The US has a massive hyperreligious puritan problem it never escaped (all must be watched, UK-style huehue), in addition to the jewish subversion of being the melting pot to inferiors like the Irish and Italians, and allowing blacks to stay instead of being forcibly deported to Liberia. And further jewish subversion.

Such that USA is half-judaised and half-negrified these days. How many otherwise normal white motherfuckers do you know who "bump it" to jungle music?

Jewish will-to-power?

I'm not sure that legal arguments actually have the effect of persuading people, especially when the media can swoop in and declare, "NOPE, this is how the law ACTSHULLY works" with an army of (((lawyer pundits))). That's why I kinda focus on the practical and normative aspects of the discussion.

God knows the constitution isn't held as a sacred protection anymore (not with even "freeze peach" being derided by these fucking cancers), so arguing the legal minutia of the document is just asking for the person your talking to to conclude, "Well it doesn't matter, its a piece of paper anyway!"

This user
has your answer.

It really took 10 years after the gun ban for any statistically significant level of homicide reduction. Anyone who knows anything about statistics can't point to this and say that the buyback actually had no quantifiable effect on violence because there is no correlation. Some other factors doubtlessly led to the decrease.

fuck, *can point to this



weed in my free time gives me the energy i need to work 60-90 hours a week
its a great refresh button

That's nice and all, but there's already a thread about legalization.
This thread is about using what cannabis-users understand FROM the pot debate and applying it to guns.

We are currently hijacking the #worldrefugeeday hashtag. Help us out.

4/pol/ thread


I just noticed that you faggots flailed around with fucking RACH on the subject of gun control at the same time that this thread was up.

So I'm giving it another bump.

Bumping for importance

acording to those dubs, Kek seems to agree

But seriously.
dat get
Kek is definetly saying this tread is important