Dear White People

Upcoming hit Netflix original television show.

Flumpfcakes btfo

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate niggers

There's already

Check the time stamps dipshit, this thread was made first.

talking to yourself is a sign of schizophrenia


What did he mean by this?

It will crash and burn just like the movie.

he meant you should go back


Niggers and cucks are circlejerking over muh oppression and spouting "that'l teach whitey why they have to pay for my reparations" in the comments section.


Sooner, rather than later, if the niggers keep this up, they will alienate any and all support from whites and will get to feel the whip they so obviously miss.

Trump was merely a warning shot that the white majority is getting tired. It can get far worse for them.





"lolwhitepplamiright" will not carry a show.


This is why people hate niggers so much

Cumskins utterly blown the btfo. Where were you when Netflix beat alt-right?

I'll just leave this hereā€¦

Masturbating to cuck porn.

Keep fighting the good fight my friend.


We fought and killed our brothers to free you from jewish slavery. We give you land and money and even ship food to your shithole mother country. We let you pretend you invented everything and you wuz Beethoven. We take your people in while shunning whites who are being boiled alive and machete'd in South Africa by you fucking coons right now. Shut the fuck up and be good niggers, you whiny cunts.

I like this meme

the point is, self hating whites were a majority up until just a little time ago
but now times are changing


There's just one thing to do lads. #boycottnetflix !

Maybe we could get normies to desub from netflix

Those faggots only care about money anyway

When will the right learn! LOL