What is the reason of goatfuckers not attack Italy? Italy is the most representative country in the history of the West...

What is the reason of goatfuckers not attack Italy? Italy is the most representative country in the history of the West. Nevertheless, the country is quite close to Africa and the Middle East, more than Germany and France, receiving the majority of those who arrive in the Mediterranean.

Are they leaving her for a "grand finale"? A dirty bomb in the heart of Rome, for example?

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I suppose they paid them off just like they paid off the Taliban.


Italy has much fewer immigrants than any other Western European country. Partly because no one but Italians speak Italian, partly because there are no jobs there and partly because Italians are racist fuckers whose idea of helping rapefugees is to give them 50 euros and a one way train ticket to Germany.

Italy has also been largely non-interventionist so few sandniggers associate them with any of their problems.

And of course, Rome is God's permanent office on earth, sandniggers know if they piss off The Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church (outside of which there is no salvation) they risk being wiped off by a new Crusade.

The upside of having had hardly any colonies. Britain colonized half the world and so there are billions of muds who speak English.

Italians still have a sense of national pride, or at least most of them do. muslims only target the weak. They're being damn careful not to attack anybody who can, or even will, fight back.

In truth, we should be thankful they're so poorly educated. If they were to realize just how pathetic the church is these days, they'd probably attack Rome tomorrow.

Because it used to be the representative country of the west, they aren't anymore. Italy and Greece are slowly turning into the "literally who?" of Europe, most people don't give a fuck about them anymore.

Hi Tony

This would be the same reason for Spain and Portugal rather suffer with terrorism?

Because they want actual white women.
do what thou willt

Pick and choose which website you want to be on.

why would hey attack it? I went to Rome recently, they pretty much own it now, it's already overrun with darkies and shitskins

you've never been to rome

Rome is absolutely disgusting. I went when I was a kid and two years ago. I couldn't even get a fucking picture of any of the major sites without little Paki shitskins flying little light up helicopters in my shot. Dear god I can't wait for the hammer to drop hard on these people. It doesn't help my entire family are christcucks who are max pope frank supporters.

What's with all the faggots posting direct URLs to plebbit?

step 1, be attractive, step 2, don't be unattractive

They know if they start pulling shit in Italy they'll have the Mafia to deal with.

Imagine being a Muslim or group of Muslims trying to get a terror attack off the ground and suddenly every effort to smuggle explosives and munitions anywhere in the world is foiled because dockworkers are suddenly crawling up your ass with a magnifying glass. And if they find anything suspicious, they'll give you some concrete shoes, baste you in pig fat and dump you feet-first into the Puget Sound.

sorry guys, I just hadn't read shit like that in a while where no one cares about muds fucking white chicks

This is wishful thinking. The mafia has long been replaced by arab and north african gangs.

Italians are pretty negroidal, so they're probably seen as allies.


I have, even met the Pope. But I stay at better hotels than you do.

I read that as "negrocidal" and was confused for a second

I'm also sometimes consumed by wishful thinking.

Italian here. I bet it's partly because this , partly because Italy doesn't have diplomatic weight and lastly because we're an entry point for the fuckers, so they wouldn't risk we pass stricter immigration laws due to a bombing.
Also they use our country as an operating base of sorts, I remember just before the brussels bombing we had busted a rather big terror cell around here, perhaps they had connection to the belgian attackers so they had to be quick and strike just a couple days later.

Our turn is going to come regardless, no doubt about that

so you think like a liberal, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist

Actually, I was kidding. Like says it's a shithole. But not for Fr. Bob and friends.


Sounds like your government isn't doing enough to stop the jihadist invasion of Europe.

Italy doesn't have enough gibs, unlike the holy trio of France, Germany, and the UK

Italians are already not white.

They are the homeland of Beretta and Benelli and plus they are less cucked than northerners and more experienced on Islamic occupation.

Sandnings might be stupid but know not to fuck with Wogs before they vastly outnumber us.


Tip toppety kek
They're claiming all countries they ever fought with as part their rightful clay, no matter if they actually won.

Would Switzerland mobilize when the Vatican guards came under fire? I don't fully understand the politics of their relationship.

Europe-ception, nigga. They need to go deeper.
Italy is just where they land.

About one month ago I've seen a reporting of whole medieval towns in Italy being settled with mud immigrants.

Every time I see that map they take a little bit more out of the baltics.

Probably because they have the Mediterranean look. Probably have a few percentage points of Moor DNA from previous conquests and fallen empires and thus are not an immediate target like the snow bunnies up north.

Pretty much this. In Spain we are fucked too because of the EU, and the refugees don't come here because there are not enough gibs for them. Also our army is pretty based, and they have good relations with Morocco goverment and Morocco army. Morocco don't let inmigrants go to to Spain, and they do pretty well.
The only zones in Spain thar are culturally enriched is Cataluña because of the proximity with France and because they are leftist separatist cucks, and Ceuta and Melilla because they are two Spanish cities that are in the North Africa coast, and the EU don't let us shoot the niggers and muslims who pass the fence nor electrify the fence or put effective barbed wire.

Italy isn't the one destroying their countries and bombing their families

They don't attack anyone who would fight back. Italians are far more racist than other westerners, they wouldn't put up with that shit.

A few things:

Also I don't know how it is now, but last time I was in Italy there were military police and soldiers (armed with anything from pistols to submachineguns to assault rifles) all over the fucking place.

Why would they? Italy got fined repeatedly by the EU (spearheaded by Germany, Sweden, UK, etc.) for not taking in all the poor rapefugee children. Then Germany goes ahead and makes everything 100 times worse by telling them there are free gibs up north.