Reminder that Griffith fucked up by being captured

Reminder that Griffith fucked up by being captured

other than that, he did absolutely nothing wrong.

also, i finally just finished watching the old 97 anime, even though i had already seen the movies. gonna watch the newer anime and then read the manga in time for the game.

He was a massive gayass that wanted to get fucked by Guts and fucked his way to power. Yeah he did do wrong. And he's a massive bitch too.

Tbh this is such a lame meme, this nigga cries and bitches when Guts leaves, goes on a rampage and rapes the kings daughter.
He then abandon his unit twice, knowing they would be killed for the 5 mins of enjoyment. So after getting saved by Guts, he goes and kills his band of the hawk not once but TWICE. Then years later after some shit he gets slapped by one of the last few surviving members of the band, gets so mad that he decides to try and assassinate him and fails to do so.

Hes a gayass whiny little bitch that rages every time something does no go his way.

It's canon.

Griffith is insta wrong just because of that. Guts is wrong too because is is a cuck.


You fucked up.

Anyone with any sense of taste always reads the manga first, especially if it's Berserk of all things.

Negative, user. I'm watching the animated shit first since I know it cuts out all sorts of shit from the manga, so I can get the best version of the story for last.

Quite perverse.

Seems like a cool guy who's totally not gay.

Everyone knows that Guts and Griffith are counterparts of one another; Guts is aimless, masculine, dark featured, brutish and coarse and pragmatic, whilst Griffith is ambitious, effeminate, idealistic, with a clear dream in mind. In the story, numerous characters note the closeness of the two men, and it's an entire plot point that Griffith resorts to male prostitution to climb up the ladder of feudal politics. When he meets his rapist again in battle, who is enamoured with him (apparently Griffith was so good at gay sex he wanted him to be spared in battle to be a fucktoy again), Griffith merely says that he was a stepping stone to a greater path, and kills him.

In this way, there may be a hidden dimension to the story here; the Ying/Yang aspect of the two men may again be a contrast in sexualities; Guts is very straightforward in his advances to Casca over the course of the story, developing feelings for her the way the archetypal hero does, and doesn't feel the need to repress that part of himself during the Golden Age arc, whilst Griffith uses his sexuality as a stepping stone to his dream, making it loveless, aromatic and inorganic. It's left up to the viewer/reader to decide if Griffith's courtesy toward the Princess of Midland is out of genuine affection, or if he is using her too (the latter is much more likely).

Yet the genuine feelings over the course of the story expressed by Griffith are towards Guts. They are on the surface platonic, but if, hypothetically, there were homosexual repression there because of Griffith's prior experiences as a concubine, it would contrast Guts' sexuality, contrasting him in yet another way, and giving the rest of the story an interesting angle; one thematically of unrequited, repressed love. Griffith raping Casca as Femto would be a supplanted representation of this; his feelings quite literally corrupting Guts' union and offspring. The rest of the series would then be something of a Greek tragedy; Guts is now forced to swear revenge on the man who, at some point, may have had unrequited feelings for him - another contrast, a spurned friend (in his point of view) on a quest to kill an unleashed, uninhibited and sexually depraved demon who used to be sexually repressed; making the story's romantic arc be about platonic love, versus repressed romantic love turned misplaced lust and perversion

all he had to do was calm his dick and not rape the princess, he wouldve married her in a few years and become king and had everything he ever wanted,

Think about it this way

If I chew the shit sandwich and get through it, just imagine how great it is to eat the real food.

Yeah but he was too upset about Guts leaving him to think straight. It's like if you just have to work for a little bit more to get your dream job and your wife suddenly leaves you, it could lead to irrational actions. Besides, he only ever truly wanted Guts in his boyhole, his desire for conquest was born out of a wish to legalise fag marriage.

why didnt he just directly ask "guts pleass fuck me" instead of doing all that weird courting shit and sending mixed signals.

He actually wouldn't have; the King had incestuous desires for Charlotte and was extremely sadistic and possessive. One way or another, Griffith would not have become King.

It's crazy that so many people who watched/read Berserk don't understand it.
You guys are plebeians and Berserk is clearly out of your league.

Are you trying to tell me that getting caught was part of griffith's plan?

A guy with a big sword fights dragons and shit. Who are you trying to kid?

Even if the king tried to act on his desire for the princess, there was no legal or political, he could get away with fucking his daughter. Unless he went full tyrant mode, in which case, Griffiths could play the hero by putting him down.

No, if Griffiths hadn't literally fucked up, the king would eventually be forced to marry off the princess to somebody and Griffiths was up to that point was slowly but surely making himself the best choice.